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does waxing the bottom of a boat make it go faster

by Stella Osinski III Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

It’s most important to wax the sides and deck to protect them from hazing, color fading and chalking from the sun. Some people think waxing the bottom makes it go faster, but experienced performance boaters know a waxed bottom makes surface tension greater and increases drag.

Some people think waxing the bottom makes it go faster, but experienced performance boaters know a waxed bottom makes surface tension greater and increases drag.Jun 25, 2009

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How to test if a boat is gel coated?

Why does water go under the hull?

What is the difference between smooth bottom and scuffed bottom?

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Is wax faster on a boat?

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Does waxing the bottom of a boat help?

Waxing your boat helps reduce drag and improve your glide in the water.

Does waxing the bottom of a boat slow it down?

Guy, it won't hurt anything and waxing will help make dirt come off easier, however, it will make your boat slower. The reduction in speed is why most advise against waxing the bottom.

What does waxing a boat do?

Waxing your boat is essential to maintaining the color, shine, and integrity of a gel coat finish. Marine waxes are very durable in order to stand up salt water, algae, and the sun. Boat wax also makes regular cleaning easier and can make it harder for grime to stick to waxed surfaces.

Is it better to polish or wax a boat?

Boat polish vs wax have their differences. But they also share a common goal: maintain your boat in good condition. Polishing comes before waxing. But polishing is only for aesthetic effect while waxing can deliver long-term protection from harsh elements.

How long does wax last on a boat?

However, most experts will recommend that most boats should be waxed every three or four months. This is generally for people who use their boats more often and keep them outside where they might get damaged by the Sun.

Can car wax be used on boats?

You can apply car wax to a boat, but it doesn't last as long nor does it offer as much protection as boat wax, and requires more frequent re-application. Fun Fact: Because boats and RV's are often constructed from similar materials, some boat wax is marketed as boat/RV wax.

Can you put too much wax on a boat?

More isn't better when it comes to boat soap, no matter the brand. “You've got to use the right amount,” Morales says. “If you use too much, it can actually wear down the wax and dull the finish.”

When should I wax my boat?

As a general rule, you should plan to wax your boat at least once every three or four months. This will keep your boat looking great and working as it should for years to come.

How often should you wax a fiberglass boat?

2 times a yearHowever, the rule of thumb is that you need to carry out boat waxing at least 2 times a year. In case you'd like to protect your boat against chalking, fading, or hazing due to constant exposure to sunlight, there are 3 important steps you must take here.

How many coats of wax should I put on my boat?

To keep a boat in show-room condition your boat needs 2 coats of wax throughout the year to keep the shine you can brag about. Darker colored hulls tend to need much more attention then a white fiberglass hull. Dark hulls could need anywhere from 2-4 coats of wax a year in order to keep them in good condition.

Should I wax my fiberglass boat?

if you want to make sure that your vessel will continue to work well for the rest of its lifespan. To really get the most out of the your boat and to showcase its curvaceous shiny lines, you should also think about applying wax on the deck, the fiberglass hull, and the superstructure regularly.

Can you use Turtle Wax on a boat?

Your boat is exposed to the very same environmental elements as your car. And even though the materials in your boat are different, Turtle Wax products work safely to restore and protect those materials as well.

Does waxing a kayak make it faster?

Speed. It is thought that waxing your kayak may improve speed. This is because the wax could help to create a smoother surface that may be better able to glide through the water more efficiently. However, the difference in speed may not always be noticeable.

Can I wax a boat?

A proper waxing not only keeps a boat looking sharp, but it's also part of the routine cleaning process that helps prevent dirt and grime from permanently abrading or staining visible surfaces. Most boaters only wax their entire boat at the beginning and/or end of the season.

How do you polish the bottom of a boat?

All you need to do is keep on reading for a quick guide on how to clean your boat's bottom.Step 1: Remove Your Boat From the Water. ... Step 2: Gather Your Cleaning Supplies. ... Step 3: Wet the Boat Bottom. ... Step 4: Apply a Hull Cleaner. ... Step 5: Dry the Boat. ... Step 6: Apply Boat Polish.

How much does waxing a hull effect speed? : sailing - reddit

Arguably, waxing makes a boat SLOWER. After you wax, do you notice how water beads on the surface, rather than slipping off? When it's in the water, the same thing happens.

Waxing the hull...does this increase speed or slow PWC/ down

I am curious to know what everyone is using to wax boat hull (bottom side mainly).....I was looking for a wax or friction reducing agent to apply to the hull to reduce drag. I have optimized the prop for best speed but I still think the boat would run faster if I reduce drag. The boat is a 18 ft. 135 hp Mercruiser (chapperal)and tops out @ 42 mph. Im not saying this is not inadequate speed for ...

Does Waxing Bottom of Boat really help Performance???

Re: Does Waxing Bottom of Boat really help Performance??? Hi, Jason.

I know from my own experience that a dirty/mossy bottom reduces speed, but have only cleaned and buffed it, no wax.

I have been told by guys who race their boats or struggle to get every last foot per minute of top end that wax slows the boat.

dirty hull performance | Boating Forum - iboats Boating Forums

Re: dirty hull performance I would think just a rough feel to it may drop you a couple MPH. Mine has the same feel to it on the rear half of the hull.The previous owner let it set in the water for 2 years.The Starbrite hull cleaner took most of it off except the rough feel.

Bottom growth and its effects on speed | SailNet Community

Hi everyone, I know I'm supposed to have the bottom of my sailboat scrubbed every so often to prevent the growth of barnacles and slime. I'm also supposed to defragment my hard drive, go to the dentist every 6 months, eat broccoli, and do all kinds of short term pain / long term benefit activities.

will a severely barnacled hull prevent engine from reving up to full ...

In summer we scraped off from waterline about a foot down. And that did help a little. With winter coming up so plan to haul it next spring. I envy those of you with large tides.

How to test if a boat is gel coated?

Do this test, take your hull with fresh gel coat and or wax, put your finger in water and slide it across the surface. Then scuff it w some 300-400 grit and do the same thing w your finger, you will be surprised to see the gel coated/waxed surface your finger will stick to, the sanded surface your finger will slide over with very little resistance.

Why does water go under the hull?

When you have that surface of water sticking to the bottom the hull, the water passing underneath the hull can actually do so easier because water-to-water friction is less than water-to-hull friction no matter how smooth or well waxed the bottom is.

What is the difference between smooth bottom and scuffed bottom?

Theoretically the smooth bottom boat (not even considering wax here) has more flat surface area on the bottom, while the scuffed bottom has more total surface area. The idea with the scuffed bottom is that air will hopefully get trapped in between the scratches and net a lower total surface area that contacts water.

Why are shark skin suits used?

The proof is in the "shark skin" suits that swimmers used to use before they were banned for being too fast. Essentially, they provided a rough surface for air bubbles to form in and reduce drag in the water.

What pads do you need to buff the last steps in a bike?

You only have to Buff the last steps in the ride pads. You can even use the red Scotch-Brite pads

Does a LSO boat run faster?

It's not just speed, its also amp draw and the boats run more consistently too. I had a LSO boat that kept overheating and slowing in the corners and just not running right, I sanded the bottom and the boat was a completely different animal.

Is wax faster on a boat?

The "proof" is in what successful full scale racers do. On fast boats wax is slower, period. I tested a smooth versus sanded bottom at a SAWs race through timing lights (not a flakey GPS) and recorded a real difference. While a SAW rigger literally floats over the water with little sponson/water contact, other hull types do have significant hydrodynamic drag at speed.

How to test if a boat is gel coated?

Do this test, take your hull with fresh gel coat and or wax, put your finger in water and slide it across the surface. Then scuff it w some 300-400 grit and do the same thing w your finger, you will be surprised to see the gel coated/waxed surface your finger will stick to, the sanded surface your finger will slide over with very little resistance.

Why does water go under the hull?

When you have that surface of water sticking to the bottom the hull, the water passing underneath the hull can actually do so easier because water-to-water friction is less than water-to-hull friction no matter how smooth or well waxed the bottom is.

What is the difference between smooth bottom and scuffed bottom?

Theoretically the smooth bottom boat (not even considering wax here) has more flat surface area on the bottom, while the scuffed bottom has more total surface area. The idea with the scuffed bottom is that air will hopefully get trapped in between the scratches and net a lower total surface area that contacts water.

Why are shark skin suits used?

The proof is in the "shark skin" suits that swimmers used to use before they were banned for being too fast. Essentially, they provided a rough surface for air bubbles to form in and reduce drag in the water.

What pads do you need to buff the last steps in a bike?

You only have to Buff the last steps in the ride pads. You can even use the red Scotch-Brite pads

Does a LSO boat run faster?

It's not just speed, its also amp draw and the boats run more consistently too. I had a LSO boat that kept overheating and slowing in the corners and just not running right, I sanded the bottom and the boat was a completely different animal.

Is wax faster on a boat?

The "proof" is in what successful full scale racers do. On fast boats wax is slower, period. I tested a smooth versus sanded bottom at a SAWs race through timing lights (not a flakey GPS) and recorded a real difference. While a SAW rigger literally floats over the water with little sponson/water contact, other hull types do have significant hydrodynamic drag at speed.


1.Does Waxing Bottom of Boat really help Performance???


13 hours ago  · The faster the
boat the better the results.

What happens is the rough surface trapps small
air bubbles between the hull and the water. The
friction …

2.Videos of Does Waxing The Bottom Of a Boat Make It Go Faster


15 hours ago Is it OK to wax the bottom of a boat? Yes, it is OK. It’s most important to wax the sides and deck to protect them from hazing, color fading and chalking from the sun. Some people think waxing …

3.Does Waxing a boat hull increase speed? - Offshore …


5 hours ago  · On fast boats wax is slower, period. I tested a smooth versus sanded bottom at a SAWs race through timing lights (not a flakey GPS) and recorded a real difference. While a …

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21 hours ago  · Does waxing a boat make it faster? Re: OK To Wax A Boat Bottom? Guy, it won't hurt anything and waxing will help make dirt come off easier, however, it will make your boat …

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