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for what purpose has the duke of venice summoned othello

by Anabelle Stoltenberg Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The duke decides that Othello must go to Cyprus to defend the island from the Turks.

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What is the Duke's respect for Othello?

Where does Othello go to lead the defense?

What does the colored dots on the Othello signify?

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Why has Othello been summoned to the Duke?

Summary: Act I, scene ii They bring Othello the message that he is wanted by the duke of Venice about a matter concerning Cyprus, an island in the Mediterranean Sea controlled by Venice.

Why does the Duke of Venice want Othello?

The official authority in Venice, the duke has great respect for Othello as a public and military servant. His primary role within the play is to reconcile Othello and Brabanzio in Act I, scene iii, and then to send Othello to Cyprus.

Why was Othello summoned by the Venetian Senate?

News has arrived in Venice that the Turks are going to attack Cyprus, and Othello is therefore summoned to advise the senators.

What did the Duke send for Othello?

The duke sends Othello to Cyprus and tells him to take desdemona with him.

Who is the Duke and why did he send for Othello?

Why did the Duke send for Othello? The Duke wanted to send Othello to Ottoman to fight. Brabantio complains to the Duke about Othello's marriage to Desdemona.

Why does the Duke of Venice and Othello fight Cyprus?

The duke decides that Othello must go to Cyprus to defend the island from the Turks. Othello is willing and ready to go, and he asks that appropriate accommodations be provided for his wife.

Does the Duke of Venice accuse Othello of witchcraft?

Brabantio accuses Othello of influencing his daughter's mind with potions or witchcraft. He does so because he does not believe that Desdemona would have eloped with Othello of her own free will, and he believes that Othello manipulated her.

Where is Othello summoned to?

Desdemona is called for and she tells the Senate she married Othello for love and her duty is now to him rather than her father. Desdemona asks to go with Othello to Cyprus and Brabantio warns Othello 'she has deceived her Father, and may thee'.

How does the Duke treat Othello?

The Duke treats Othello fairly, this shows that Othello is respected by many people. List Brabantio's accusations against Othello. Brabantio accuses Othello of using potions and drugs to get Desdemona to be with him.

Why does the Duke send for Othello What danger is Cyprus facing?

There is a war in Cyprus and he is sending Othello to help fight it. What danger is Cyprus facing? Attacks from the Ottoman Turks. Brabantio complains to the Duke about Othello's marriage to Desdemona.

Where does the Duke send Othello to fight?

CyprusDesdemona's father makes a formal complaint about Othello's behaviour to the Duke of Venice. His complaint is ignored and the Duke sends Othello to Cyprus to continue fighting in a war. Othello goes to Cyprus and takes his new wife Desdemona with him, together with Iago and Michael Cassio.

Who is the Dukes messenger in Othello?

LodovicoLodovico: Brabantio's kinsman, who carries a message from the duke to Othello while the latter is in Cyprus.

Why does the Duke want Othello to go to Cyprus?

The Duke orders Othello to go to Cyprus immediately to deal with the Turkish threat. Othello tells 'honest' Iago to escort Desdemona, who pleads to be allowed to accompany her husband.

Is the Duke of Venice in Othello?

The Duke of Venice appears in only one scene in Shakespeare's Othello and is not presented to the audience as a fully developed character.

Why does the Duke send for Othello What danger is Cyprus facing?

There is a war in Cyprus and he is sending Othello to help fight it. What danger is Cyprus facing? Attacks from the Ottoman Turks. Brabantio complains to the Duke about Othello's marriage to Desdemona.

What does the Duke try to persuade Shylock to do?

The Duke has attempted to persuade Shylock to spare Antonio, but Shylock will not. Antonio replies that he is prepared to suffer Shylock's rage with quiet dignity. The Duke's "inhuman wretch" remark is the first of many instances in this court scene in which Shylock will be described as a non-human.

Why did duke send for Othello? - Answers

One of the senators pointed out that the Turks are more likely to want Cyprus, the Duke then decides that the Turks will attack Cyprus and that any move toward Rhodes is a trick so he sends for ...

Duke of Venice -

The Duke of Venice has more pressing concerns than the family problems of one old Senator, but he allows Brabantio to interrupt his council of war all the same.. He is not taken in by the Turkish maneuvers that seem to threaten Rhodes rather than Cyprus. He is at first sympathetic to Brabantio’s plight, but when the Senator asks for the imprisonment of the very general the Duke needs to fend ...

What is the role of the Duke in William Shakespeare's Othello - eNotes

The duke has a number of significant functions in William Shakespeare’s play Othello, including the following:. He is a powerful figure whose summons neither Othello nor Brabantio can ignore. He ...

The Duke of Venice -

The Duke of Venice knows that he cannot risk Venice’s livelihood by denying Shylock’s suit, but is less than happy at the fact.. When Shylock complains to him of his daughter’s abduction, he does his best to find her again, but to no avail. When it comes to Shylock’s suit against Antonio, the Duke hopes that the moneylender is merely playing for effect and that he will relent; even ...

In Othello, what is the military issue that the Duke of Venice and his ...

In act 2, scene 1, the Duke argues with several senators over where the enemy Turk army is planning to attack. Various reports regarding the number of ships that the Turks are sending range from ...

What is the purpose of the Duke of Venice in Othello?

Their reign isn't cluttered with messy bureaucracies or governmental institutions. It's a one-ruler show. The Duke of Venice in Shakespeare's Othello enjoys a similar situation. His purpose is not to represent complex issues of governance or help us examine layers of administrative power and authority. Nor is the Duke a character in the sense of having a fully rounded personality or the potential for change and growth.

Who summoned Othello?

Othello has been summoned to take over command of the Cyprian forces. The Duke has no hesitation in assigning Othello, held by popular opinion to be the fittest choice. The Duke, then, is a conduit for revealing the character and reputation of Othello, and the vehicle for getting Othello to the setting in Cyprus where the main action and drama occur.

What did Brabantio assume Othello used to gain his daughter's love?

Brabantio had immediately assumed that Othello must have used sinister or supernatural methods to gain his daughter's love, an apparent allusion to Othello's African heritage, reinforced by direct racial slurs in the previous scene--nor is he the only character who does so. The Duke seems to recognize, and perhaps sympathize with those suspicions, and he reassures Brabantio with a racialized reference at the scene's end:

What is the objection raised to Othello's appointment?

There is an objection raised to Othello's appointment: Othello has eloped with the daughter of a senator, Brabantio. Having just confronted Othello, Brabantio follows Othello to his meeting. Brabantio charges Othello before the Duke and Senate of stealing his daughter away through potions and witchcraft. That the Duke takes the accusation seriously provides another level of exposition as well. The play is set in the context of an actual historical event, and even with the historical shortcuts, the scene is presented realistically. An alert modern audience will recognize that the audiences of Shakespeare's time would consider the idea of potions and spells realistic as well. And when the charge is directly laid against Othello, the Duke's reaction helps reinforce the racist undertones that simmer beneath the more overt themes of the play.

What is the tragedy of the play?

The tragedy of the play emerges through Othello's susceptibility to false accusations; the horror of the final outcome is intensified by this model of just deliberation in the first act of the play. Despite having been given a fair hearing himself, Othello never allows the same for Desdemona and makes a mockery of the justice he receives in Act I, when Desdemona's honesty and courage exonerated him against Brabantio's accusations, which were ironically also initiated by Iago.

What is the Duke of Venice?

Instead, the Duke of Venice is a mechanism for literary exposition, which refers to methods for revealing key background and setup information for the audience . He also emphasizes crucial themes interwoven with the action of the play while providing an example of what justice should look like. In fact, the Duke's brief and one-dimensional appearance demonstrates a depth of humanity lacking in more fully fleshed out characters.

Where does Othello take place?

Othello begins in Venice before shifting to the Venetian island, Cyprus, where a Turkish invasion creates the backdrop for its tragic sequence of events. Shakespeare's non-history plays are situated in a variety of exotic settings and locales, Italy being a favorite. Elizabethan audiences don't seem to have expected high historical accuracy in such instances, and Shakespeare frequently showed little concern for it. Ottoman Turks did invade Cyprus in 1571, and Venice did mount a defense, but most particulars beyond that are distilled down or altered for the sake of dramatic intrigue. The Duke of Venice and his Senate of indeterminate size don't faithfully represent Venice 's government or judicial system. The Duke seems to enjoy full power as commander-in-chief of the military and also acts as judge, family counselor, and even military housing officer. By compressing all the affairs of state, Shakespeare can use one setting and scene to accomplish a great deal.

What is the Duke's respect for Othello?

Symbols. The official authority in Venice, the Duke has great respect for Othello as a military man and, unlike the other residents of Venice, does not betray any racial prejudice against Othello and, in fact, is unsurprised that Desdemona fell in love with him.

Where does Othello go to lead the defense?

As discussion turns back to fighting off the Turks, the Duke says that Othello must go to Cyprus to lead its defense. Though the Duke at... (full context) ...Desdemona by the following night. He then tells Roderigo about Cassio being promoted by the Duke to take Othello's place as defender of Cyprus.

What does the colored dots on the Othello signify?

The timeline below shows where the character Duke of Venice appears in Othello. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance. ...up their arms, and informs Brabantio that he has been called to meet with the Duke on state business.

Exposition Regarding Military Action

Exposition Regarding The Relationship of Othello and Desdemona

  • There is an objection raised to Othello's appointment: Othello has eloped with the daughter of a senator, Brabantio. Having just confronted Othello, Brabantio follows Othello to his meeting. Brabantio charges Othello before the Duke and Senate of stealing his daughter away through potions and witchcraft. That the Duke takes the accusation seriously...
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Justice in Othello

  • This raises the question: does the Duke himself reflect such bigotry at the highest level? The text suggests not. The Duke immediately offers Othello a chance to present his side upon being accused, and finds the response compelling, saying: 'I think this tale would win my daughter too.'
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