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has been working or has worked

by Marlen Stoltenberg Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

“I was working” is the past continuous tense, meaning you worked in the past but stopped for some reason. “I have been working” is the present perfect tense, meaning you started work and you are still working. The definition of “worked,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is”to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money.”

Full Answer

What is the difference between I was working and I have been?

“I worked” is the past simple tense, meaning you worked in the past. “I was working” is the past continuous tense, meaning you worked in the past but stopped for some reason. “I have been working” is the present perfect tense, meaning you started work and you are still working.

What is the difference between'has been working'and'has worked'?

I think you mean: What is the difference between ‘has been working’ and ‘has worked.’ 'I have worked here' tells me you have, at some stage in your life, worked 'here'. 'I have been working here', suggests you have very recently been, and probably still are, working 'here'.

What is the past participle form of I have been working?

I have been working Note : after the special past participle i.e ‘been’ present participle form of the verb ( i.e working ) must be used. And not the ‘past participle form of the verb’ i.e ( worked ) Present Perfect tense affirmative form the word order stands as follows. It is used.

What is the tense of He has been working?

“has been working” is present perfect continuous tense.This sentence also needs time reference like 'he has been working for 9 hours or he has been working since 11am’ He has been working means that the action or the work started before or in the past and is still going in so it is present perfect continuous tense.


Has been worked or working?

Every time you're trying to give someone a clue you HELP. However, the word "now" is what made me unconfident. If the sentence had been "My father ... for two years", it would obviously have been "has worked", no doubt, but since the "now" has appeared there, I would still use "have been working".

Has been working is working?

'Is working' is the present continuous form of a verb which indicates that the action is being performed at the present. 'Has been working ' is the present perfect continuous form of the verb which explains that an action is being performed for some time and is not over.

Has worked or had worked?

He has worked for us last December. He has worked for us three years ago. The 'before' clause in your sentence is such a past time, so it can't be used with the perfect. Simple past 'worked' is the natural choice, though you can also say 'had worked'.

Has been working example?

She has been working very diligently, protecting me". She has been working on this project for three years. "She has been working on it ever since". She has been working here for 21 years.

Has been working means?

I have been working means I have started working from a point of time in the past and I am still working at this point of time in the present.

Has been working grammar?

Present perfect continuous: form We use have/has + been + the -ing form of the verb. been working. been working.

Has worked in a sentence?

Sentence examples for he has worked from inspiring English sources. "He has worked hard. He has worked brief stints. He has worked for no other paper.

Had worked meaning?

Notice you followed up "had worked" with a job that took place AFTER that job was completed. If you want to answer the question. "Where did you work since 2008?" you might respond, "I worked [here at ABC Company] for five years."

What tense is had worked?

Past perfect simple: form We use had + the -ed form of the verb. worked. worked.

Had been working or had been worked?

"She had worked for the previous five years with an advertising company" means that she had worked there for 5 years but was not working there anymore. "She had been working for the previous five years with an advertising company" means that she had worked there for 5 years and was still continuing to work there.

Has been or have been examples?

Examples: ☛A total of five cars have been stolen from the city center. ☛Birds have been following me all day long. If the subject of the sentence is He – She – It or a singular noun (car, bird, child) we use 'has been'.

Has been or have been?

“Have been” is used in the present continuous perfect tense in the first, second, and third person plural form whereas “has been” is used in the singular form only for the third person.

What does "I have been working here for 20 years" mean?

1st sentence " I have been working here for 20 years" is present perfect progressive. It means you are currently working there for past 20 years i.e. from 1993-2013(current year). "Exact time" is implicit here.

What is English language stack exchange?

English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. It only takes a minute to sign up.

What is the present perfect tense?

The present perfect tense is used for repetitive or constant actions that began in the past and completed in near future. The perfect progressive tense is used for continuous actions that began in the past and continue to the present. You are almost very near to the answer.

Is it difficult to decide between tenses in English?

English can be quite tricky when it comes to deciding between tenses such as the pair you mentioned. Often it is a case of convention and using the wrong one will make you come across as a non-native speaker.

Does the second sentence require that he stopped working?

While I would agree with your interpretation of the first sentence, nothing in the second sentence requires that he as stopped working.

How long did Georgiou work for the company?

Mr Georgiou had been working/had worked for the company for twenty years when he retired. My choice was "had been working" because of the duration factor, "for twenty years". However, the book reports "had worked" as the correct answer.

What is the act of retirement in the sentence?

(drink pouring happened at some point after the work) In your initial sentence, the act of retirement is not a sudden snake attack that occurred during Mr. Georgiou's work -- he worked, stopped, and then retired. Share. Improve this answer.

When Should I Use “Have Worked” Vs. “Has Worked”?

The verb form of “have” is also important to pay attention to when writing in these forms. Just like “worked,” “have” is a verb that comes in many forms.

What does "worked" mean in the dictionary?

The definition of “worked,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is”to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money.” You probably already knew the meaning, but we wanted to draw attention to it as a verb.

Should I Use “I Worked,” “I Was Working,” Or “I Have Been Working” At A Company?

You should use “I worked at a company” if you no longer work there now. You should use “I was working at a company ” if you don’t work for them anymore and give a valid reason. You should use “I have been working at a company” if you still work for the company.

Why is it important to use verb forms?

Using those verb forms is important if we want to convey the correct meaning to our sentences. Rather than just assuming you already know which one works well, we’ll talk you through exactly when to use them all.

What is the tense of "worked"?

There are two more tense forms to talk about with “worked,” and that is “I have worked” and “I had worked.”

Why is the present perfect tense less common?

Finally, the present perfect tense is less common because we don’t often write with it . It’s more common to say “I have been working,” which isn’t recorded by this graph. Native speakers still frequently use “I have been working” to talk about the work they’re still doing.

When to use "I was working" in past tense?

Of course, the past perfect tense, “I was working,” gets used sometimes when talking about the event that happened in the past and ended in the past. Usually, in this case, we’re talking about our workday ending abruptly or for some other reason.

How to say something happened in a past finished time?

If you wish to say that something happened / occurred in a past finished time, then use simple past.

Is "live" interchangeable with "work"?

Yes. When verbs such as work or live are used with for + a period of time / since + a point in time, present perfect continuous and present perfect simple are interchangeable.


1."has been working" or "has worked"??? - WordReference …


1 hours ago  · Of course you did. Every time you're trying to give someone a clue you HELP. However, the word "now" is what made me unconfident. If the sentence had been "My father ...

2.What's the difference between 'has been worked’ and ‘has …


28 hours ago  · I have been working here for 20 years. I have worked here for 20 years. The present perfect tense is used for repetitive or constant actions that began in the past and …

3.present perfect - "have been working" vs. "have worked"


18 hours ago  · Mar 28, 2015. #1. In the book, about the present perfect simple tense, it is written that: "The present perfect is used to describe: 1. An action or situation that started in the past …

4.has worked / has been working | ESL …


26 hours ago Since 1998 he has worked for the French production company Migoo Productions. Since 2013 he has worked as an independent producer in the advertising sector in Munich. Yes, he has …

5.he has worked or he has been worked? - TextRanch


35 hours ago  · 'Had been working' implies it was still going on when the next event (here retirement) happened. This is a judgement call, but I'd use 'had worked' myself. Though I …

6.past tense - Had been working or had worked - English …


6 hours ago Just like “worked,” “have” is a verb that comes in many forms. We use “have worked” when writing in the first-person singular (I), second-person singular (you), or plural forms (we, they). …

7.I Worked vs. I Was Working vs. I Have Been Working …


5 hours ago  · She has been working since 18th January. 2. She has worked since 18th january. Jun 18 2014 05:51:32. inelements; 1 2. ... When verbs such as work or live are used with for + a …

8.Have Been Working Vs Have Worked? -


6 hours ago  · [Grammar] He has been working/has worked in the same job for thirty years. Thread starter naweewra; Start date Jul 31, 2013; Status Not open for further replies. N. …

9.[Grammar] - He has been working/has worked in the …


11 hours ago  · "I've (or I have) worked there" and "I have been working there" both imply that you are still working there. There is little difference between these so just use whichever you like. "I …

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