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how a cell is like a restaurant

by Prof. Magnolia Labadie PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A cell is like a restaurant, and the organelles inside act as some things would inside a restaurant. The cell membrane is equivalent to the entrance doors of a restaurant, they are how people get in and out. The nucleus is equivalent to the computer in the restaurant that hold the information of all the purchases and customers.

The nucleolus of a cell is like a sous-chef in a restaurant. They assemble the "ribosomes" in a cell. The dishes in a restaurant are like Ribosomes in cells because proteins are assembled on them, and they're scattered all around the cell. The nuclear envelope is like the manager's office.

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Who controls everything in a restaurant?

What is the role of the chef in the Golgi apparatus?

What do ribosomes make?

What is a lysosome?

What is the function of the outer layer of a cell?

What is the purpose of a fridge and a vacuole?

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How is a restaurant like a cell membrane?

The Restaurant door is the way in and out of the building like the cell membrane is the way in and out of the cell for only certain customers.

How is a plant cell like a restaurant?

The cell wall is like a restaurant wall because both are like the outer layer and give support. The garbage and fridge represents the vacuole because the fridge stores food and the garbage stores waste. The doors or the entrance of the restaurant is like cell membrane because it's where customers to come in and out.

How are cells like businesses?

Cells are similar to factories. To stay alive and function properly, cells have a division of labor similar to that found in factories. All eukaryotic cells are composed of a plasma membrane, a nucleus, and cytoplasm. These structures can be compared with a factory's departments.

How is a kitchen like a cell?

The walls of the kitchen are like the cell membrane, because they separate that room from all the others in the house. The chefs are like the ribosomes because they actually make the food, with the help of things like stoves and toasters.

What is a good analogy for a cell?

Cells are Like Cars The structure its body provides makes it comparable to a cell wall. You can compare the windshield and windows to plasma membranes, since they protect the inside of the car from invaders like insects and dirt.

How is a cell like a house?

Cell organelle. A cell is like a house. While the nucleus is the control center of the cell, people control everything inside the house. The Golgi apparatus packages/delivers proteins.

What is a good analogy for cell wall?

Answer and Explanation: An analogy for the cell wall is that the cell wall is like an outer wall along a castle (enclosed compound). The cell wall is a rigid outer barrier that provides additional protection to what lies inside. It also gives plant cells their square shape.

Are there doors in a cell?

Transporter proteins sit snugly in the cell membrane. They have two gates: One opens to the outside of the cell and the other to the inside. In the late 1960s, scientists theorized that transporters could only have one gate open at a time, much like an airlock system in a spacecraft.

What can a cell membrane be compared to in real life?

The cell membrane is like a security guard, because the cell membrane controls what goes in and out of a cell like a security guard controls who goes in and out of the gate. 4. Cell Wall -Supports and protects the cell while still letting materials pass through it.

Which is called kitchen of a cell?

Chloroplast is a plastid containing green pigment called chlorophyll. This pigment helps the cells to prepare its own food by the process of photosynthesis,So thats why Chloroplast is the cell organelle which is known as Kitchen of the cell.

Why is plastic called the kitchen of the cell?

On the basis of the pigment type, plastids can be categorised as chloroplasts, chromoplasts and leucoplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments responsible for capturing the light energy that is necessary for photosynthesis. The chloroplasts are therefore known as the kitchen of the cell.

How is a cell wall similar to a city?

A city wall is like a cell wall because it surrounds the cell or city. The city is protected from invasions from the "cell wall".

How is chloroplast similar to a restaurant?

The chloroplast is like the solar panels on the roof of the restaurant because the solar panels convert the sun's energy into energy to be used by electrical appliances in the restaurant in the same way that the chloroplast carries out photosynthesis by converting sunlight into ATP, or glucose used for energy for the ...

What is the cell wall?

A cell wall is defined as a rigid, external layer that is specifically designed to provide structural support and rigidity. It also keeps the interior components of the cell intact and safe from the external environment. 2.

What is chloroplast in biology?

Chloroplasts are plant cell organelles that convert light energy into relatively stable chemical energy via the photosynthetic process. By doing so, they sustain life on Earth. Chloroplasts also provide diverse metabolic activities for plant cells, including the synthesis of fatty acids, membrane lipids, ...

Why are dishes like ribosomes in cells?

The dishes in a restaurant are like Ribosomes in cells because proteins are assembled on them, and they're scattered all around the cell.

What is the nucleus of a cell?

The nucleus of a cell is like the restaurant manager. It is the "brains of the operation" and has instructions to make sure everyone is doing their job, and doing it correctly.

What is the take out section of a restaurant?

The take-out section of a restaurant is like an Endoplasmic reticulim (ER) in a cell. It is where proteins and other materials are exported from a cell.

What is the framework of a restaurant?

The framework in the restaurant is like the cytoskeleton in a cell. It helps the bodies maintain their shape.

What is a food freezer?

The food freezer in a restaurant is like the vacules in cells. They are used to store materials such as water, proteins, and starches.

What is the organelle in a restaurant?

Organelle Analogies. A cell is like a restaurant, and the organelles inside act as some things would inside a restaurant. The cell membrane is equivalent to the entrance doors of a restaurant, they are how people get in and out. The nucleus is equivalent to the computer in the restaurant that hold the information of all the purchases and customers.

What is the equivalent of the backside of a restaurant?

The flaggella is equivalent to the backside of a restaurant, as they both protrude from the main structure. Endoplasmic Reticulum (transports materials of the cell): The ER is equivalent to the delivery van of a restaurant, transporting it's goods. . Golgi Bodies (packages the proteins of the cell):

What is the difference between chromatin and centrioles?

pay, income, and expenses. Centrioles (assist in cell division): Centrioles are like the people in charge of restaurant expansion and new location planning.

What is the difference between the vacuole and the mitochondria?

The vacuole is equivalent to a freezer in a restaurant , where all the food is stored. Mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell): The mitochondria is equivalent to the electric plant supplying electric to the restaurant. Flaggella (allows cell to move):

What are the golgi bodies?

The golgi bodies are equivalent to the delivery men of a restaurant, packaging food before it is delivered. Cytoplasm (where cell activities happen): The cytoplasm is equivalent to the restaurant floor, where all the serving is done. Lysosomes (breaks down food):

What is the function of a vesicle?

Vesicle (stores/transports proteins): Vesicles are the equivalent to waiters, keeping tabs on food and delivering it . Peroxisome (breaks down fatty acids): Peroxisomes would be like the grills in a restaurant, cooking the fat out of food. Cytoskeleton (supports structure of cell):

Which cell holds genetic information?

Cell Nucleus (holds genetic information): The nucleus is equivalent to the computer in the restaurant that hold the information of all the purchases and customers. Vacuole (storage center of food/water): The vacuole is equivalent to a freezer in a restaurant, where all the food is stored. Mitochondria (powerhouse of the cell):

Who controls everything in a restaurant?

The owner of the restaurant controls everything and everyone in the restaurant just like the nucleus, the control center, controls everything that happens in the cell.

What is the role of the chef in the Golgi apparatus?

The chefs (ribosomes) and the kitchen (ER) both have a part in the process of making the food (protein) for the customers. Then the waiters/waitresses take orders and bring out the food (protein) for the customers, just like how the Golgi apparatus ships protein

What do ribosomes make?

They make the food which has protein, just how ribosomes create protein.

What is a lysosome?

Lysosome is like the custodian in a restaurant.

What is the function of the outer layer of a cell?

Function - Outer layer of the cell. Protects what's inside and shapes the cell.

What is the purpose of a fridge and a vacuole?

A fridge is used to store all kinds of food and drinks and a vacuole is used in the same way, to store food and water.


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13 hours ago  · The Best Answer To The Question «How is a cell like a restaurant?» The nucleolus of a cell is like a sous-chef in a restaurant. They assemble the ribosomes in a cell. The dishes …

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