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how a chain reaction is controlled in a nuclear reactor

by Ally Kshlerin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The people in charge of the reactor can control the chain reaction by preventing some or all of the released neutrons from interacting with U235


Uranium-235 (U) is an isotope of uranium making up about 0.72% of natural uranium. Unlike the predominant isotope uranium-238, it is fissile, i.e., it can sustain a fission chain reaction. It is the only fissile isotope that is a primordial nuclide or found in significant quantity in nature.

atoms. The physical arrangement of the fuel rods, the low U235 concentration, and other design factors, also limit the number of neutrons that can interact with U235 atoms.

Inside the reactor vessel, the fuel rods are immersed in water which acts as both a coolant and moderator. The moderator helps slow down the neutrons produced by fission to sustain the chain reaction. Control rods can then be inserted into the reactor core to reduce the reaction rate or withdrawn to increase it.Mar 29, 2021

Full Answer

How do you stop a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor?

The chain reaction in a fission reactor is the neutrons. They cause the nuclear fuel to split and it then generates more neutrons. If you have enough fuel the reaction runs away, if you dampen the reaction you can prevent this. This dampening is done with Control rods (wikipedia link, and quote below).

What is a controlled chain reaction in nuclear power plant?

The controlled chain reaction in nuclear power plant refers basically to the controlling of the neutrons that are released during the fission. Two conditions are expected to occur with uncontrolled nuclear fission reactor.

Where does the chain reaction take place in a nuclear reactor?

In a nuclear energy plant, the nuclear chain reaction takes place inside the reactor vessel. Operators carefully control the chain reaction in the nuclear reactor in several ways. The fuel type and how the reactor core is arranged changes depending on how much nuclear fission occurs.

What is an example of a nuclear chain reaction?

A nuclear chain reaction is a process in which nuclear reactions repeat in a chain. For example, when a nucleus of uranium-235 is hit by a neutron, it splits into two small nuclei barium (Ba) and krypton (Kr), and produces three neutrons.


What is nuclear chain reaction?

Nuclear chain reactions are reactions where nuclear energy is obtained, generally through nuclear fission. These chain reactions are what provide nuclear power plants with the energy that is then turned into electricity for use by people.

How many neutrons are needed for a nuclear chain reaction?

Only 1.1 neutron per reaction actually goes on to cause more fissions and continue the chain, however the number of fission events still grows quickly. The process of a nuclear chain reaction releases large amounts of energy, but this energy can be utilized in different ways.

How much energy is released during fission?

On average, there is about 200 MeV of energy released during fission. To put this into context, burning coal provides only a couple eV, while 200 MeV is equal to 200 million electron volts. The difference in these energies is enormous.

Does an atomic bomb release energy?

An atomic bomb utilizes this fission chain reaction as well, however it is designed to release its energy all at once —which is much more damaging. In either case, the release of the energy is controlled, but the time period taken to release the energy differs.

How do people in charge of a nuclear reactor control the chain reaction?

The people in charge of the reactor can control the chain reaction by preventing some or all of the released neutrons from interacting with U235 atoms. The physical arrangement of the fuel rods, the low U235 concentration, and other design factors, also limit the number of neutrons that can interact with U235 atoms.

What is the purpose of the nuclear chain reaction?

The heat generated by the chain reaction is used to make steam, and that steam powers specialized machinery that drives an electrical generator, generating electricity. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is an independent federal government agency responsible for regulating the commercial use of nuclear materials.

What is the energy released when a U235 atom disintegrates?

Most of the energy released when a U235 atom disintegrates is in the form of kinetic energy — the energy of physical motion. The fragments of the disintegrated atom collide ...

What happens to the number of U235 atoms that disintegrate each second?

Under the right man-made conditions, the number of U235 atoms that disintegrate each second can be increased. When a U235 atom disintegrates, it releases some neutrons. Some of those neutrons can be made to interact with other U235 atoms, causing them to disintegrate as well.

How much uranium is in a nuclear reactor?

They contain around 60 tons of uranium – but only about three tons are U235. (The majority of the uranium in the reactor is in the form of the most abundant naturally occurring isotope of uranium, U238, which cannot sustain the fission process without the help of an elevated concentration of the isotope U235.)

How many tons of uranium are in a fuel rod?

The fuel rods are sealed, to keep all of the radioactive materials inside. There are thousands of these fuel rods in a typical reactor. They contain around 60 tons of uranium – but only about three tons are U235.

What is the key ingredient in a nuclear reactor?

A "chain reaction" is critical for a nuclear reactor to generate electricity. What is a chain reaction? Let's start at the beginning. The primary active ingredient in the fuel for a nuclear reactor is a particular variety, or "isotope," of uranium, called U235.

Where does the nuclear chain reaction take place?

In a nuclear energy plant, the nuclear chain reaction takes place inside the reactor vessel. Operators carefully control the chain reaction in the nuclear reactor in several ways. The fuel type and how the reactor core is arranged changes depending on how much nuclear fission occurs.

How does a reactor operator increase the rate of fission?

Reactor operators can increase the rate of fission to generate more heat, or decrease the rate of fission to generate less heat. They use this process to control the electrical output of the nuclear energy plant.

What is a control rod?

Control rods are made of material like boron that absorbs neutrons, which stops them from splitting more uranium atoms. Raising the control rods speeds up the chain reaction and lowering them slows or even stops it.

Where did the first nuclear reaction take place?

The experiment took place at the University of Chicago’s football stadium under the direction of Enrico Fermi—a Nobel Prize-winning scientist.

What was the first controlled release of nuclear energy?

1. The experiment took place at 3:36 p.m. in a converted squash court at the University of Chicago’s abandoned Stagg Field in Chicago, Illinois. 2.

What rod held the reaction in check until it was withdrawn the proper distance?

The third rod (operated by Weil) actually held the reaction in check until it was withdrawn the proper distance. 8. The group celebrated with a bottle of Chianti that was poured into paper cups. Most of the participants signed the wine bottle’s label.

What was the first nuclear power plant?

Chicago Pile-1 was the world’s first nuclear reactor to go critical and fueled future research by the Energy Department’s national laboratories to help develop early naval and nuclear reactors. Fifteen years to this historic day, America’s first full-scale atomic electric power plant. (link is external)


1.NUCLEAR 101: How Does a Nuclear Reactor Work?


19 hours ago  · The chain reaction happens because each uranium nucleus that splits gives off more than one neutron. These cause more and more uranium nuclei to split. A nuclear reactor is designed to allow a controlled chain reaction to take place. Moveable control rods are placed between the rods of nuclear fuel.

2.How are a nuclear reactor's chain reactions controlled?


19 hours ago There are numerous ways to control the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor, some natural based on the physics of the reactor and others by engineered control systems. Basically, to control the chain reaction, you have to control the number of neutrons (for light water reactors, the number of thermal neutrons).

3.Nuclear chain reaction - Energy Education


22 hours ago  · The people in charge of the reactor can control the chain reaction by preventing some or all of the released neutrons from interacting with U235 atoms. The physical arrangement of the fuel rods, the low U235 concentration, and other design factors, also limit the number of neutrons that can interact with U235 atoms.

4.What is a Chain Reaction? |


14 hours ago By PSIBERG Team March 24, 2022. A nuclear chain reaction is a process in which nuclear reactions repeat in a chain. For example, when a nucleus of uranium-235 is hit by a neutron, it splits into two small nuclei barium (Ba) and krypton (Kr), and produces three neutrons. Each of the neutrons produced in the above reaction hits another nucleus of U-235, which results in further …

5.Videos of How a Chain Reaction Is Controlled In a Nuclear reactor


5 hours ago Operators carefully control the chain reaction in the nuclear reactor in several ways. The fuel type and how the reactor core is arranged changes depending on how much nuclear fission occurs. The use of a moderator (light water, heavy water or graphite) slows down neutrons. At Barakah, we use light water as a moderator – one of the most common technologies used around the …

6.How Do Operators Control the Nuclear Reaction?


14 hours ago  · A nuclear reactor is designed to allow a controlled chain reaction to take place. Moveable control rods are placed between the rods of nuclear fuel. These control rods absorb some of the neutrons, so fewer neutrons are available to split uranium nuclei.

7.Why must the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor be …


10 hours ago Nuclear chain reaction is started with neutron shot from outside with enough energy or by keeping a neutron emitting material like Amercium inside the reactor. Once the neutrons hit a fissile material (in a nuclear reactor, normally U-235) then they go through fission reaction and emitt two or three fission products and 2 or 3 neutrons and almost 200 Mev energy depending upon the …

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