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how and why do you amend the soil when planting trees and shrubs

by Mervin Predovic Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Amending the soil in the planting hole restricts the outward growth of roots beyond the edges of the hole and encourages circling roots to form. Research on trees and soil amendments has shown that by adding organic matter to your soil backfill, the initial results are good.

Full Answer

Should I amend my soil when I plant?

Wondering if you should amend your soil when you plant? Our answer is no: we do not recommend adding anything to the soil when you plant one of our shrubs – no top soil, garden soil, potting mix, potting soil, compost, manure, or any other type of bagged or baled product out there.

How to improve soil for planting?

Raised beds are a great way to improve the soil for large-scale plantings, or you can till up an entire area and replace or amend all the soil. For annual and perennial beds and lawns, amend the soil about a foot deep. Dig Big Hole: For deeply planted trees and shrubs where all over amendment isn’t possible, dig the largest planting hole you can.

Do Plants grow better if you amend them?

If we amend it, the plant should grow better? That’s a common garden myth. In this post I will talk about trees (including shrubs) since they can be affected more by this process than a perennial, but the principles apply to all types of plants.

How to plant a new tree?

1. Prepare the proper planting hole. When preparing any hole for planting, make it two to three times wider than the current root mass but never deeper than the plant was growing in its previous environment. With trees, an even better guide is to look for the flare of the trunknear the soil level.


How do you amend soil when planting?

Steps to amend soilBreak up the ground. ... Add the sand to the ground.Add your organic matter one at a time, and mix it in (wood chips, compost, and leaves—the order doesn't matter).Turn everything over, and incorporate all materials evenly, mixing it together with the sand/soil mix.More items...

Why is it important to amend soil?

The reason for soil amendment is to provide a better environment for roots and plant growth: this includes the improvement of the soil structure and water holding capacity, the availability of nutrients, and the living conditions for soil organisms, which are important for the plants to grow.

How do you amend clay soil for planting shrubs?

5:3125:46How to plant in clay, poorly draining, and compact soils. Proper tools ...YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd for that we'll use soil conditioner something that should be labeled soil conditioner or pineMoreAnd for that we'll use soil conditioner something that should be labeled soil conditioner or pine bark soil conditioner. Those are ideal materials.

When should you amend your soil?

In mild climates with extended or year-round growing seasons like ours, we amend the soil in our garden beds twice per year – in spring and fall. Ideally, add fertilizer a week or two prior to planting. That way, you can water it in a few times and allow it to mellow out before the plants go in.

How do you amend soil naturally?

Soil AmendmentsPlant material: Leaves, straw, and grass clippings. ... Compost: Decayed plant materials such as vegetable scraps. ... Leaf mold: Decomposed leaves that add nutrients and structure to soil.Aged manure: A good soil conditioner. ... Coconut coir: A soil conditioner that helps soil retain water.More items...

How do you amend soil to improve drainage?

Adding lots of organic matter such as compost, farm manure, or shredded leaves to clayey soil will allow it to drain more easily and hold the right amounts of water and air for better plant growth and increased biological activity.

What do you add to soil before planting shrubs?

Typically, compost is spread about one inch deep to maintain soils that already have a relatively good supply of nutrients and organic matter; and up to three inches deep in soils that are significantly depleted. When planting new shrubs, it can be easy to not dig your hole deep enough, or dig the hole too deep.

How do you prepare clay soil for planting trees?

Planting Instructions for Clay Soil Dig your planting hole 12" wider than the container or root ball, leaving 6" of space on all sides. Dig the hole shallower than the root ball - so the root ball sits about 3-6" above grade. Before planting your tree or shrub, loosen 3-6" of soil in the bottom of hole.

What type of soil do shrubs need?

0:131:28How to Build Up Soil for Planting Shrubs - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIt's a very short list you need your own native soil. You need good garden mulch. You need slowMoreIt's a very short list you need your own native soil. You need good garden mulch. You need slow release fertilizer. And you need a Spade to mix everything together first of all you've got your native

Should you amend soil in the fall or spring?

FallFall is the best time to amend the soil for several reasons. First of all, most plants are done growing until spring, so it is easier to remove debris and work around them. The weather is more conducive for amending the soil than during spring's wet rains.

How long do soil amendments last?

1,000 to 10,000 yearsBiochar soil amendment is believed to last quite a long time in your soil, ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 years. This long life is credited to its high stability against decay.

What composted soil amended?

Mixing compost with soil provides nutrients for plants today but also enhances soil for future years. The amendment naturally breaks down, releasing important macro- and micronutrients while feeding the beneficial biological organisms in the soil. It also increases the porosity of the soil and helps conserve moisture.

What does it mean to amend the soul?

To amend soil means to improve it with additional materials. These soil amendments or soil conditioners improve the physical nature of soil. They reduce compaction, aerating the soil to allow water and nutrients to more easily move through it and reach plant roots.

How long do soil amendments last?

1,000 to 10,000 yearsBiochar soil amendment is believed to last quite a long time in your soil, ranging from 1,000 to 10,000 years. This long life is credited to its high stability against decay.

What is the difference between fertilizer and soil amendment?

soil amendments. Fertilizers improve the supply of nutrients in the soil, directly affecting plant growth. Soil amendments improve a soil's physical condition (e.g. soil structure, water infiltration), indirectly affecting plant growth.

Why do new shrubs die?

In fact, in nearly ten years of responding to gardening questions on this website, the number one reason that I have seen new shrubs die is because the soil was amended at planting time. It seems like such a good idea – so what gives? The answer is a phenomenon called the Bathtub Effect.

What happens when you water a shrub?

As such, when you water your new shrub, you end up applying quite a bit.

What type of soil is most likely to develop?

Number one is clay soil: not only is it the type of soil where this problem is most likely to develop since it has the smallest spaces between its particles, it’s also the soil that people are most likely to amend. Clay soil is definitely difficult for people to work in, but for the roots of most shrubs, it’s really not that challenging, ...

Why does my sage plant drop leaves?

The shrub may drop its foliage if it was severely stressed, but keep a close eye on it, making sure the soil around it is neither too wet nor too dry (you can use a bbq skewer or length of bamboo stake as a “dipstick” to check below the surface, or purchase an inexpensive moisture meter), and it should recover in time.

Can you break the bathtub with a shrub?

By intermixing the two media, you can “break the bathtub,” however, this truly isn’t necessary. All your new shrub really needs to reach its full potential is the right amount of water, sunshine, and time.

How to make gardening easier after soil amendments?

Improve All Soil: If you’re going to amend your soil, try to amend all of it, rather than just improving the soil right around each plant.

What happens when we amend the soil around plants?

But when we amend the soil right around our plants, what happens? In short, we create a pocket of permeable, well-aerated, nutritious soil, surrounded by a wall of inhospitable native soil. And from what we know about plants and soil ecology, the plant roots (and the water, nutrients, and air) have trouble with boundaries.

How to keep plants happy?

To keep your plants happy, all it takes is a little more thought, and a little more digging. Follow these tips to help the plants in your garden grow: 1 Choose Plants Wisely: Seek out plants that are well-suited to your native soil. For example, if your soil is clay, don’t try growing coastal plants that are suited for sandy soil. This simple shift will make gardening much easier and ensure that your plants are healthy long after those soil amendments rot away. 2 Improve All Soil: If you’re going to amend your soil, try to amend all of it, rather than just improving the soil right around each plant. Raised beds are a great way to improve the soil for large-scale plantings, or you can till up an entire area and replace or amend all the soil. For annual and perennial beds and lawns, amend the soil about a foot deep. 3 Dig Big Hole: For deeply planted trees and shrubs where all over amendment isn’t possible, dig the largest planting hole you can. I plant shrubs in a hole no less than three feet in diameter, and yes, that’s a lot of digging! 4 Don’t Overdo Amendments: The biggest problem with soil amendment comes from the extreme difference in texture between the amended and native soil. Mix small amounts of amendments into a generous helping of native soil to keep the boundary from being so shocking to the plant roots.

Can you overdo soil amendments?

Don’t Overdo Amendments: The biggest problem with soil amendment comes from the extreme difference in texture between the amended and native soil. Mix small amounts of amendments into a generous helping of native soil to keep the boundary from being so shocking to the plant roots.

Does Adding Amendments to Soil Really Work?

When I dig into the hard red clay soil in my yard, it’s hard to believe that anything will grow, much less thrive, in such poor conditions. Plants need organic matter, air circulation, and proper drainage, and my soil is lacking in all of the above. So my standard practice has been to dig a hole, sit the new plant in place, and backfill the hole with rich organic matter such as manure or compost, and I felt darn proud of the job, too.

How to make a tree grow well?

Usually, water stays in the soil with the finer particles – say clay. You are planting a new tree, and you want to do everything that you can to make it grow well. You dig a hole and examine your soil. It might be very sandy, or it might contain a lot of clay. You decide to add organic matter to ‘condition the soil’.

Why not amend clayey soil?

Not amending a broken up clayey soil is just asking for that process to occur much sooner, and reduce the available oxygen and pore space around your newly planted tree or shrub before it’s able to expand an even more healthy root system, probably stunting it’s growth. The roots growing in around themselves can likely be avoided by doing the gradual reduction in amendment as stated above..This shows why people are constantly saying two to three diameters out even if they don’t understand why. And if you can go further, while gradually reducing the amendment until the soil is almost a native consistency, even better. A root isn’t going to suddenly change direction if you start getting a percentage drop in moisture and oxygen. So I would just half your amendment for every diameter out you go.

How to fix a hole in the ground?

The solution is both simple and inexpensive. Dig the hole, and replace the soil. Don’t amend it. Less work, less expense, and better for the environment.

Why do my potted plants choke?

You have all seen a potted plant with an overgrown root system. Roots go round and round. For trees and shrubs this type of growth will result in roots choking the plant. The roots of trees and shrubs get thicker ass they get older and so they start choking each other. They can even choke the main trunk of a tree.

How do plants grow?

Think about your plants roots. They start to grow and find themselves in some fairly good soil. Lots of air, nutrients and hopefully water. All goes well and the roots continue to get bigger. One day they reach the edge of the hole. Roots don’t have a brain and can’t think through the process, but plants are able to direct root growth to areas where they are finding the best growing environment. Roots start to grow into the native soil. Here they find less air if the soil is high in clay, or they find it very dry and nutrient deficient if the soil is sandy. Neither is good for roots. The plant then decides to put its energy into growing roots in the better soil. Since the hole is a round shape, the roots start growing round and round in the hole.

Why is gravel at the bottom of a pot important?

In a previous post called “ Gravel at the Bottom of the Pot Helps Drainage “ I talked about the movement of water between two different types of soil. When different soils are next to each other, water tends to stay in one of them and not the other. Usually, water stays in the soil with the finer particles – say clay.

Can you amend a hole in a garden?

You should not amend the hole for the same reason. However, in the case of annuals and vegetables you want fast growth, so it is a balance between causing a potential problem and giving the plant some better soil to grow quickly. In bad soil you may be better off amending the hole.

When to Fertilize Trees and Shrubs?

Once you know your trees and shrubs have taken to their new environment through successful establishment, you can now begin a fertilization routine to help feed your plants. But I don’t suggest fertilization until then. Otherwise, you’re putting undue stress on plants that don’t need to be exerting extra energy to put on new growth. Instead, until established, my opinion is that all energy should be concentrated on root development and basic establishment. Remember, you have to walk before you can run.

How to prepare a tree for planting?

When preparing any hole for planting, make it two to three times wider than the current root mass but never deeper than the plant was growing in its previous environment. With trees, an even better guide is to look for the flare of the trunknear the soil level.

How to get rid of air pockets in plants?

Eliminate air pockets. Be sure to lightly tamp or hand-pack the soil around the plant roots to ensure good soil to root contact. I add water to the hole after backfilling half way. Not only does it provide needed moisture but also the water helps eliminate air pockets that could otherwise result in dead roots.

Why do plants need to be established in the fall?

Secondly, above ground, the cooler air is kinder to plant foliage and reduces the chances of an energy zapping chain reaction throughout the rest of the plant. Beneath the surface, soil temperatures are still warm which provides an excellent environment to stimulate and foster new root growth.Collectively, it’s the cooler air and warm soil temperatures of autumn that make for the best combination for establishment. If you plant in fall, in most, but not all cases, they should be well-established by next summer.

How long does it take to water a tree after planting?

The most important job you will have after planting is to keep plants and trees well-watered until established. This can take weeks to months to even a year ! Since installing over 200 trees and shrubs in my landscape this fall, I’ve watered every plant every day (here in Atlanta) for about the first two weeks.

Why do we dig a wide hole?

Another reason for digging a wide planting hole is to provide the best opportunity for roots to expand into its new growing environment. Unfortunately, all too often, we dig a hole that is barely wide enough for the root ball, and expect to compensate by adding some soil amendments.

How to break up clumpy soil?

Water again thoroughly once all the soil is in place. I like to use a hose-end nozzle or wand that delivers a strong blast of water to break up clumpy soil and allow new soil to fill in and settle into those vacated air pockets.

Why do we need to amend soil?

While there are some situations where amending poor soil can improve tilth, increase water-holding capacity and add nutrients, by and large most unamended soils allow for adequate plant growth of trees and perennials . Potential problems introduced by amending the soil include nitrogen immobilization, which makes the nutrient unavailable to plants; toxicity from residual chemicals, such as herbicides applied to plant material in the amendment; addition of weeds or root pathogens; damage or destruction of the soil structure; harm to the soil food web; and increased salinity.While there are few reasons to mix organic amendments into the soil, Downer said mulching the soil surface with uncomposted organic matter is almost always beneficial.

What are some organic amendments?

The publication also provides information about various common organic amendments – such as coconut fiber, coffee grounds, horse manure, peat moss and green waste compost – with details about each product’s benefits and detriments.

Can you add amendments to perennial plants?

The publication says research has not shown that adding amendments to planting holes for perennial plants provides a significant advantage compared to using native backfill. With perennial plants, the roots do not stay in the planting hole for long, so amendments would only be effective for a short time.

Why do we add organic matter to soil?

Research has shown that when adding organic matter to a soil, it is best to incorporate it throughout the rooting zone as opposed to placing it in the planting hole. By incorporating an amendment uniformly in the soil, the entire rooting area becomes a uniform growing environment for roots.

What is the importance of drainage when planting a garden?

While shaping the final grade of the planting beds, remember the importance of good drainage. Poorly drained soils are a leading cause of plant problems in the landscape. Therefore, before placing the first plant in the ground it is important to take steps to assure adequate drainage.

What is backfill soil used for?

The backfill soil is used to fill the hole. Joey Williamson, ©2019, Clemson Extension

How to get rid of weeds in my garden?

Mulching. Apply 2 to 4 inches of organic mulch over the planted area. Do not allow mulch to touch the stem or trunk to reduce chances of stem rot. Mulching helps to eliminate weeds, retain moisture in the soil, moderate soil temperatures, and eventually adds to soil organic matter content.

How to raise pH level of acid soil?

To raise the pH level of an acid soil, dolomitic lime is usually added, while the pH level of alkaline soils can be lowered with amendments like sulfur or aluminum sulfate. Adjusting soil pH without the benefit of a soil test can result in nutrition problems that are difficult to counteract and correct. Follow soil.

How high should a raised bed be above the ground?

If a site is known to be poorly-drained, create raised beds. Often beds can be elevated 8 to 12 inches above the existing grade by using native soil on site, but sometimes it is necessary to bring in additional well-drained soil. In extreme cases, you may have to install a drain tile to help carry water off the site.

Why do you shape a garden bed?

Shape beds so that excess water will be carried off the site and away from buildings. Water also can be directed to unplanted areas. Few ornamental plants, with the exception of pond plants, can tolerate long periods of standing water. Good drainage is critical for most ornamental plants.

Why do you plant a tree in a planter?

Planting a tree in a planter is great for adding trees that typically don’t survive well in your local climate, or if you are short on space and want to be able to enjoy some shade and beauty that a tree may provide. If you’re planting your tree in a planter, you should consider using dwarf cultivars to ensure the mature size is appropriate for the smaller available space for roots to grow inside the planter. You need to pick the right size container to plant your tree in.

How many times do roots extend when planting a tree?

When deciding to plant a tree in the ground, you must make sure you leave ample room for the tree at full mature size. The roots will extend two or three times that of the root ball when you first purchase the tree. Be sure to dig the hole large enough to cover the root ball, but not cover the tree trunk, as that can cause rot of the trunk due to ground moisture touching the tree trunk.

Why do we need trees?

Trees are both beautiful and functional. Most residential yards will have trees planted for various reasons, such as providing shade and for aesthetic purposes. Not only do trees add value to homes with their curb appeal, but they also provide shelter to wildlife and clean air to our environment. With all that trees offer us, it’s important to ensure they’re planted in a way that will ensure a long and healthy life for each tree. One way to help ensure this is to plant the tree in the correct soil. Mr. Tree, your arborist experts, has some tips on how to prepare the soil for planting your trees, plus a few other helpful tips.

What happens if you plant a tree in a small container?

If you pick a container that’s too small, the tree won’t have enough room to grow roots and may become rootbound. If the container is too large, the moisture at the bottom will become stuck and may cause the tree roots to rot, and the tree will die. The best method when choosing a planter size is to gradually increase the plater size a few inches each year as the tree matures, until it reaches full size. If roots start showing through the drainage holes in the planter, you need to replant it in a larger container sooner rather than waiting for the plant to become rootbound.

What happens if you wait too long to plant a tree?

If you wait too long and attempt to plant a new tree in November or December, then the weather may be too cold for the new plant growth to thrive , and the roots may not be able to get established. This will put the health of the tree at risk. Once the ground becomes frozen, water won’t be able to reach the roots underground, causing the tree to dry out and die.

When is the best time to plant a tree?

Some say spring is the best time of year to plant a tree, and some say the fall season is the better time of year to plant new trees. Since springtime brings ample rain showers to soak the ground, planting your trees in the spring can be problematic due to the ground being too saturated with moisture to plant anything.

Can soil be waterlogged?

Soil that contains a heavier concentration of smaller clay particles will retain moisture and nutrients but can easily become waterlogged in the wetter months. This can cause root rot, which damages the roots enough to starve the plants of both nutrients and water, resulting in an unhealthy tree that could die. By mixing in organic materials such as compost or manure, you can easily balance the drainage of any soil type, whether sandy or clay heavy.


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