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how are dragonflies and damselflies beneficial

by Prof. Emanuel Windler DDS Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How Are Dragonflies


A dragonfly is an insect belonging to the order Odonata, infraorder Anisoptera. Adult dragonflies are characterized by large, multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong, transparent wings, sometimes with coloured patches, and an elongated body. Dragonflies can be mistaken for the related grou…

and Damselflies Beneficial? These predatory insects feed on mosquito larvae, aquatic insects, flies, mosquitoes, moths, and gnats. This is quite beneficial to human beings since they cannot get malaria.

Both dragonflies and damselflies have large eyes, short antennae, independently moveable front and hind wings, and a long, narrow abdomen: characteristics which make them especially efficient flying predators. Needless to say, both species are considered beneficial because they reduce nuisance insect populations.May 24, 2017

Full Answer

Are damselflies and dragonflies good for the garden?

Gardeners can hardly avoid insects, and while you may view most of them as pests, many are either beneficial or just fun to watch and enjoy. Damselflies and dragonflies fall into the latter categories, and you are especially likely to see them if you have water features in your garden.

How can we help save the Dragonfly?

By providing needed habitat, you can help save dragonflies as well as damsels in distress. Be aware of the pesticides you are using to get rid of annoying bugs like mosquitoes—they also might be harming beneficial insects like dragonflies.

Why are dragonflies so successful?

Perhaps this inherent plan allowed Dragonflies to be one of the most successful creatures on earth. Fossilized remains of large Dragonfly ancestors have been found indicating they were around 300 million years ago. As with many beneficials, providing a suitable habitat is vital to maintaining their populations.

What do Dragonflies eat?

Their prey include mosquitoes and midges as well as moths, butterflies, smaller dragonflies, and other flying insects. Other common names for Dragonflies include mosquito hawks, devil's darning needles and snake doctors.


Why are dragonflies and damselflies important?

Most dragonflies and damselflies are regarded as beneficial insects because they feed on small flying insects such as mosquitoes. They may also catch and eat honey bees -- then they are regarded as pests by the beekeepers.

How are damselflies beneficial?

Damselflies are extremely beautiful, beneficial predators because they help control populations of harmful insects. Adults consume large quantities of other insects such as flies, mosquitoes and moths and some eat beetles and caterpillars. One way to conserve them is by avoiding indiscriminate use of pesticides.

How are dragonflies beneficial?

In addition to their striking color and dazzling aerial displays, dragonflies make our outdoor experience more enjoyable by reducing those pesky mosquitoes and gnats. Each dragonfly eats 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes a day.

Are dragonflies beneficial or pests?

FIGURE 3. Dragonflies are voracious predators. Their diet consists a wide variety of insects including flies, mosquitoes, midges and other flying insects....Quick FactsCommon Name:DragonfliesType of Beneficial:Insect predator8 more rows

What is the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly?

Damselflies are smaller than dragonflies, with bodies that typically range between 1 1/2 inches and 2 inches, while dragonfly bodies are typically longer than 2 inches, Wisconsin Public Radio(Opens in a new window) reports. Dragonflies also have thicker, bulkier bodies, while damselfly bodies are thin like a twig.

Are dragonflies good for the garden?

Attracting dragonflies to the garden can greatly decrease the number of pesky insects in the area. Able to fly at speeds up to thirty miles per hour, dragonflies can easily avoid predators like frogs and birds. Their large, compound eyes help them catch their prey in mid-air without missing a beat.

What are the 3 useful of insects?

Remember that while insects seem like a nuisance to us, they play a vital role in balancing the equilibrium of the eco-system. They aerate the soil, help in pollination, and keep a check on 'pests' that harm plant and soil health.

What are dragonflies purpose?

Dragonflies Are Beneficial to People Dragonflies help humans by controlling populations of pest insects, especially those that threaten us most, such as mosquitoes and biting flies. A single dragonfly can eat anywhere between 30 and hundreds of mosquitoes per day.

Why are dragonflies so special?

Dragonflies Can Fly Backward, Loop the Loop and Hover in Place. Because dragonflies have a unique two-wing design, they are incredibly aerodynamic. Dragonflies can fly in any direction that a helicopter can fly, including 360 degree turns, hovering in one place and even backward.

Are dragonflies helpful or harmful to humans?

"They are considered beneficial to humans. "Dragonflies are predators in the insect world and feed on many small-to-medium-sized bugs, eating things like mosquitoes, flies, moths and midges. Dragonflies eat their own weight, or even more, in harmful insects on a daily basis."

Can dragonflies hurt you?

So a bite is possible. Dragonflies aren't an aggressive insect, but they can bite out of self-defense when they feel threatened. The bite isn't dangerous, and in most cases, it won't break human skin.

Can you eat dragonflies?

Dragonflies. Dragonflies are the most common in the spring and summer months. They more or less have two life-cycle stages: nymph and adult. Both of these stages are edible—though one is much easier to catch than the other.

Are damselflies pollinators?

The dragonflies and damselflies may rest on flowers, but they catch insects for food and don't carry enough pollen from flower to flower to be considered pollinators.

What does it mean when you see a damselfly?

A damselfly tends to symbolize purity, protection, and equality. The meanings and symbols associated with seeing a damselfly in real life are generally positive.

Why are there so many damselflies?

The most common cause of dragonfly swarms for homeowners is standing water. Dragonflies rely on the water for reproduction, and so do almost all of their primary prey organisms. If your house is located next to a large body of standing water, such as a lake or pond, it will attract large amounts of dragonflies.

Do damselflies bite?

They do not sting or bite. Damselflies are related to Dragonflies. They are both beneficial in the same way - they are predators that eat other harmful insects and they keep populations of those other insects from getting too large.

Dragonfly Facts and Life Cycle

Surprisingly, these brilliantly colored masters of the air are classified as aquatic insects because they spend most of their lives as larvae under...

Dragonfly Meaning and Symbolism

1. Many Americans believe that it is good luck if a dragonfly lands on you without prompting. Dragonflies are also a symbol of good luck in Chinese...

How to Attract Dragonflies to Your Garden

1. Constructing a pond or other backyard water feature will attract a surprising number of dragonflies and damselflies. Size is not crucial, but di...

What do dragonflies mean?

Dragonfly Meaning and Symbolism 1 Many Americans believe that it is good luck if a dragonfly lands on you without prompting. Dragonflies are also a symbol of good luck in Chinese tradition. 2 Dragonflies have been a notable part of folklore in many countries, especially Japan. Japanese tradition views dragonflies as symbols of swiftness and as a sign of summer and autumn. 3 Dragonflies have been a symbol of purity, activity, and swiftness for some Native Americans. The indication of purity comes from both the pure water in healthy aquatic habitats where dragonflies thrive and from the fact that they eat their food right out of the wind. 4 Some common names for dragonflies are “Mosquito Hawk,” “Devil’s Darning Needle,” and “Snake Doctor.” Mosquito Hawk stems from the dragonfly’s favorite food, Devil’s Needle stems from very old traditions indicating that dragonflies were evil, and Snake Doctor stems from the fact that dragonflies can often be seen in the same habitat as snakes and sometimes even interact with them.

Why do people have dragonflies in their gardens?

Most people love to have dragonflies in their gardens, if only because dragonflies love to eat mosquitoes.

How to tell if a damselfly is a dragonfly or a dragonfly?

You can distinguish them by noticing that dragonflies fly directly and with purpose, while the damselfy’s flight is more fluttery. The damselfly also has a slightly longer abdomen. A damselfly has the same captivating appearance as a dragonfly, but it is a bit smaller and its eyes are farther apart.

How long were dragonflies around before dinosaurs?

Fossil records show that dragonflies were around for 100 million years before the dinosaurs. These prehistoric predators had wingspans of over three feet and are the largest insects known. Imagine if they were that big now—a dainty dragonfly landing on your finger would not seem quite so charming!

What does it mean when a dragonfly lands on you?

Many Americans believe that it is good luck if a dragonfly lands on you without prompting. Dragonflies are also a symbol of good luck in Chinese tradition.

What is the difference between a mosquito hawk and a snake doctor?

Mosquito Hawk stems from the dragonfly’s favorite food, Devil’s Needle stems from very old traditions indicating that dragonflies were evil, and Snake Doctor stems from the fact that dragonflies can often be seen in the same habitat as snakes and sometimes even interact with them.

What are some common names for dragonflies?

Some common names for dragonflies are “Mosquito Hawk,” “Devil’s Darning Needle,” and “Snake Doctor.”.

What Is a Dragonfly?

It is a fast-flying and long-bodied predatory insect. It has a pair of transparent wings that tend to spread out while at rest.

What is the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly?

The main difference between dragonfly and damselfly is that dragonfly has a sturdier and thicker body while damselfly has a longer and thinner body.

How are dragonflies different from damselfly?

Wings of the dragonfly are different while that of damselfly are the same in terms of shape and size. The dragon lay large and round eggs while damselfly lay cylindrical and longer eggs.

What do predatory insects eat?

These predatory insects feed on mosquito larvae, aquatic insects, flies, mosquitoes, moths, and gnats. This is quite beneficial to human beings since they cannot get malaria.

What are the common species of damselfly?

These insects tend to fly over water sources. The common species of a damselfly are blue-tailed damselfly, large red damselfly, azure damselfly, common blue damselfly, and emerald damselfly.

Which has a longer body, a damselfly or a dragonfly?

Dragonfly have stockier bodies while damselfly have long and slender bodies

What kind of eggs do dragons lay?

The dragon lay large and round eggs while damselfly lay cylindrical and longer eggs

How long have dragonflies been around?

If these insects appear somewhat primitive, it’s because they are. Dragonflies have remained unchanged, with one possible exception, for over 250 million years according to fossil records. While our largest dragonflies are about 3 inches in length with wingspans of up to 7 inches, some early dragonflies had a wingspread of 27 inches. Dragonflies evolved long before the time of the dinosaurs and may have been the first insects and even the first animals to fly.

Why is the horse stinger called the mosquito hawk?

The nickname “mosquito hawk” however, is accurate as the dragonflies consume large quantities of mosquitoes and other small flying insects during their tireless flights.

What do naiads eat?

A noticeable feature of the naiads is the large, well–developed mouthparts hinged to the lower side of the head. Nymphs feed on small aquatic animals such as other insects, worms, tadpoles and even small fish by lying in wait and snatching prey as it swims or crawls by. The elongated lower lip very quickly shoots out and the prey is snared with two movable clawlike hooks. When the lip is withdrawn the captured morsel is chewed up in mandibles at the base of the lip.

How long does it take for a dragonfly to hatch?

The adults lay eggs on or near the water. The eggs hatch after three to five weeks into nymphs called naiads.

What is the most charming insect of summer?

Who isn’t familiar with dragonflies, one of the most charming insects of summer? The graceful flight of dragonflies along a lake, stream or pond is one of summer’ best shows and the bright colors of the long, slender body and the sparkling cellophane transparency of the wings make them a favorite of jewelry makers and artists.

What are dragonflies' similarities?

The two groups have many similarities such as long slender bodies, elongate, membranous wings with a crowded network of veins, and large heads composed almost entirely of multifaceted, compound eyes, but they are easily distinguished from each other. Damselflies are smaller and more delicate looking than dragonflies and when damselflies rest they hold their wings straight up and together above the body. Dragonflies, on the other hand, rest with their wings held horizontally.

What is Iowa State University Plant and Insect Diagnostic Clinic?

The Iowa State University Plant & Insect Diagnostic Clinic will identify your insect, provide information on what it eats, life cycle, and if it is a pest the best ways to manage them. Please see our website for current forms, fees , and instructions on preserving and mailing insects.

Are Damselflies and Dragonflies the Same?

These are not the same insects, but they are related. Both belong to the Odonata order, but dragonflies fall into the Anisoptera suborder, while damselflies belong to the Zygoptera suborder. Within these suborders there are more species of dragonfly than damselfly.

What are dragonflies?

Most people know a dragonfly when they see one, but did you know that you may also be looking at a damselfly. Damselfly insects belong to the Odonata order of winged insects. Damselfly species are diverse in appearance, but they all have a few characteristics in common: 1 A large space between their eyes 2 Wings that are shorter than the abdomen 3 A very skinny body 4 A simple, fluttering style of flying

What is the difference between a damselfly and a dragonfly?

When it comes to damselfly vs. dragonfly, the most obvious difference is that dragonflies are bigger and more robust. Damselflies are smaller and appear more delicate. The eyes on the dragonfly are much larger and close together; they have large, broad wings; their bodies are large and muscular; and the flight of the dragonfly is more deliberate ...

What order do damselfly insects belong to?

Damselfly insects belong to the Odonata order of winged insects. Damselfly species are diverse in appearance, but they all have a few characteristics in common: Damselfly in gardens is a good sign, as these flying hunters will eat smaller pest insects, including a lot of mosquitoes.

What is a damselfly in gardens?

A very skinny body. A simple, fluttering style of flying. Damselfly in gardens is a good sign, as these flying hunters will eat smaller pest insects, including a lot of mosquitoes. They are also known for their spectacular colors, which are just fun to see.

Do damselflies hunt in cold weather?

Damselflies will hunt in cold temperatures, while dragonflies will not, for example. When resting, damselflies fold their wings in, over their bodies, while dragonflies leave their wings outspread. If you’re lucky, you’ll observe both damselflies and dragonflies in your garden.

Can you avoid dragonflies in your garden?

Image by Rodney Wilson. Gardeners can hardly avoid insects, and while you may view most of them as pests, many are either beneficial or just fun to watch and enjoy. Damselflies and dragonflies fall into the latter categories, and you are especially likely to see them if you have water features in your garden.

What is the difference between a dragonfly and a damselfly?

Dragonflies may be confused with their smaller cousins the damselflies. The most recognizable difference is the flight where the Dragonfly is direct and powerful while the damselfly is fluttery. Also, the damselfly�s abdomen is proportionally longer and its eyes are spaced further apart.

What do dragonflies eat?

Dragonflies are voracious predators. Their diet consists a wide variety of insects including flies, mosquitoes, midges and other flying insects. Shown above is a Dragonfly eating a moth that was caught while in flight (note the wings and a portion of the moth�s abdomen can be seen). FIGURE 4.

How do dragonflies disperse?

The Dragonfly flies away from the water until it becomes sexually mature. This results in a dispersal where the Dragonfly finds other wetland areas. Perhaps this inherent plan allowed Dragonflies to be one of the most successful creatures on earth. Fossilized remains of large Dragonfly ancestors have been found indicating they were around 300 million years ago.

How fast can a dragonfly fly?

The Dragonfly has eyes that cover most of the head surface and they can fly at speeds of 20-35 miles per hour. Their prey include mosquitoes and midges as well as moths, butterflies, smaller dragonflies, and other flying insects.

What do nymphs eat?

Nymphs feed on aquatic insects, even small fish. Occurrence: Widespread across the county.

What is Beneficials in the Garden and Landscape?

Beneficials in the Garden & Landscape is an Earth-Kind TM program coordinated through Extension Horticulture at Texas A&M University. Earth-Kind uses research-proven techniques to provide maximum gardening and landscape enjoyment while preserving and protecting our environment.

How long does it take for a frog to molt?

Their main predators are fish and frogs. Again, depending on environmental conditions and species, immatures undergo approximately 10-20 molts, over a time between 3 months and 6-10 years. Immatures then crawl up a vertical plant stem and molt for the final time.

What are damsels called?

The term �Zygoptera� means "paired wings." Damselflies are also commonly known as bog dancers, damsels, devil�s darning needles and narrow wings. There are four families of damselflies. Calyopterygidae are black winged (some have half black wings) with a red spot at the base. The Coeangrionidae have many body colors but always have clear wings. Lestidae, also known as �Spreadwings�, are unlike other damselflies because they perch vertically with their wings open when at rest (similar to a dragonfly). Lestidae usually have a yellow, bronze or metallic green sheen to them. The Protoneuridae are small thread-tailed damselflies inhabiting streams in far south Texas. Interestingly, the largest species in Texas is Archilestes grandis in the family Lestidae. The smallest known damselfly is the Southeast Asian species, Agriocnemis femina.

What is the color of lestidae?

Lestidae usually have a yellow, bronze or metallic green sheen to them. The Protoneuridae are small thread-tailed damselflies inhabiting streams in far south Texas. Interestingly, the largest species in Texas is Archilestes grandis in the family Lestidae.

How long do damselflies live?

Once hatched, the naiad has an elongated body, long legs and three leaf-like appendages or gills on its tail. Damselflies live for 2 months to 3 years as nymphs, undergoing five to 15 molts as they grow. At this stage, naiads like the adults, are fierce predators.

What is an odonata?

Odonata means "toothed,� referring to the chewing mandibles of these beneficial insects. Dragonflies and damselflies, like cockroaches, are two of the oldest insect groups. During prehistoric times, they were as big as hawks. You can find Odonate fossils from Kansas to Siberia.

How long does it take for a damselfly egg to hatch?

Eggs are either laid in water, on underwater vegetation, or other water-filled cavities such as in bromeliads. Eggs usually hatch within 1-to-3 weeks.

How many species of odonata are there?

These fascinating creatures had wingspans of almost 30 inches and were the largest insects to ever live. Currently, there are estimated to be more than 4,700 species of Odonata worldwide and Zygoptera accounts for one-third of them. Zygoptera is native to all regions of the world, except Antarctica.

Why are damselflies beneficial?

Damselflies are extremely beautiful, beneficial predators because they help control populations of harmful insects.

What is the most common color of yarrow?

This is another large plant. Once established, yarrow ( Achillea millefolium) can take up a considerable amount of space. It comes in a variety of colors: white, yellow, and pink with the most common color being yellow. Some people believe only the white yarrow attracts dragonflies, but I’ve seen lots of dragonflies hovering over my yellow yarrow flowers.

What is the name of the milkweed that grows in the swamp?

A close relative to the common milkweed, swamp milkweed ( Asclepia incarnata) is also known as rose milkweed, rose milkflower, swamp silkweed, and white Indian hemp. This herbaceous perennial with its white and pink flowers grows well in moist and sunny areas, much like other milkweeds.

How to keep dragonflies away from pond?

And since young dragonflies need somewhere to hide, rocks placed in and around the pond would be beneficial. Placing sticks around the pond is another good idea as it gives them a place to perch near the water. Although standing water does attract mosquitoes, the dragonflies will definitely overtake them.

How long do dragonflies stay in water?

Dragonflies mate and lay their eggs in water. In fact, dragonflies spend at least two months underwater and will return to the same pond repeatedly. It’s their hunting ground as well as a place for them to play and reproduce.

What is the habitat of dragonflies?

Since wild celery ( Vallisneria americana) grows on the water surface, it is another excellent aquatic habitat for dragonflies. It provides a surface on which the dragonflies can deposit their eggs.

How much sunlight does a sage plant need?

It needs full to partial sunlight and does well in moist wooded areas and meadows. It’s a hardy plant and easy to grow, but it does grow up to 12 feet high, so it needs space, especially since it re-seeds itself and can become invasive. The flowers act as a magnet to dragonflies and other insects.

What flowers do Meadow Sage have?

I love this one. Meadow sage ( Salvia pratensis) has purple flowers (although I understand it can produce pink, blue or white flowers as well) that are absolutely gorgeous.

What Plants Attract Dragonflies?

A wide variety of plants is best to support a thriving dragonfly population.

What is a water horsetail?

Water horsetail grows well in zones 4 through 11 and is a lovely dark green emergent plant that has a hollow stem with a few branches. Shoreline plants also provide adult dragonflies with a place to hide and hunt. Also known as marsh plants, shoreline plants thrive in moist soil and include such plants as arrowhead, in zones 4 through 10, ...

How deep should a pond be for dragonflies?

A pond of this size will support all stages of dragonfly development. A depth of 2 feet (61 cm.) with shallow, sloping sides allows a place to plant water-loving vegetation. The pond is best if positioned in a sunny location.

How fast can a dragonfly fly?

Attracting dragonflies to the garden can greatly decrease the number of pesky insects in the area. Able to fly at speeds up to thirty miles per hour, dragonflies can easily avoid predators like frogs and birds. Their large, compound eyes help them catch their prey in mid-air without missing a beat.

How long do dragonflies live in water?

Female dragonflies lay their eggs in muddy or wet areas. Nymphs hatch in about three weeks and will live in the water for almost two years . Dragonflies are very sensitive to air pollution, so if you have a large number of dragonflies, it may be a good indication that your air quality is good.

What are dragonflies attracted to?

Dragonflies, one of the oldest known insects, are attracted to boggy, wet areas and are often found hanging around garden ponds and fountains. These beneficial creatures can be an asset to the garden, keeping menacing insects to a minimum. Keep reading to learn what plants attract dragonflies so you can invite these helpful insects ...

What are shoreline plants?

Also known as marsh plants, shoreline plants thrive in moist soil and include such plants as arrowhead, in zones 4 through 10, and the popular cattail, which thrives in zones 2 through 11. Printer Friendly Version. This article was last updated on 06/29/21. Read more about Beneficial Garden Friends.


Overview of Dragonflies and Damselflies

  • Who isn’t familiar with dragonflies, one of the most charming insects of summer? The graceful flight of dragonflies along a lake, stream or pond is one of summer’ best shows and the bright colors of the long, slender body and the sparkling cellophane transparency of the wings make them a favorite of jewelry makers and artists. Dragonflies are also a favorite for insect collection…
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Description of Dragonflies and Damselflies

  • Dragonflies are accompanied in the air space near water by their close relatives called damselflies. The two groups have many similarities such as long slender bodies, elongate, membranous wings with a crowded network of veins, and large heads composed almost entirely of multifaceted, compound eyes, but they are easily distinguished from each other. Damselflies …
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Life Cycle in The Water of Dragonflies and Damselflies

  • Dragonflies and damselflies are aquatic insects that spend most of their life in the water. Unlike butterflies and beetles, dragonflies and damselflies have a simple life cycle of three stages –– egg, nymph and adult. The adults lay eggs on or near the water. The eggs hatch after three to five weeks into nymphs called naiads. The naiads live more o...
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1.Dragonfly and Damselfly: Facts, Meaning, and Habitat


11 hours ago When resting, damselflies fold their wings in, over their bodies, while dragonflies leave their wings outspread. If you’re lucky, you’ll observe both damselflies and dragonflies in your garden. …

2.Dragonfly Vs Damselfly: 16 Crucial Differences


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