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how can a function return more than one value in c

by Ruby Ondricka Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

To return multiple values:

  • Put the variables you want to return in a structure and return it.
  • Or make an array of multiple variables (dynamically allocated) and return the base address

We can return more than one values from a function by using the method called “call by address”, or “call by reference”. In the invoker function, we will use two variables to store the results, and the function will take pointer type data. So we have to pass the address of the data.Jul 30, 2019

Full Answer

How to return multiple values from a function in C?

no you cant return multiple value from a function , instead you can return an array to return multiple values of same datatype or you can return a structure to return multiple values of different datatypes Show activity on this post. You can do that if you return a struct but not from main. main can only return an int. Show activity on this post.

Why is it difficult to return multiple values from a function?

The main problem is the trouble of calling more than one functions since we need to return multiple values and of course, having more number of lines of code to be typed. Returning multiple values Using pointers: Pass the argument with their address and make changes in their value using pointer.

How do you return a value from a function?

Two different approaches: Pass in your return values by pointer, and modify them inside the function. You declare your function as void, but it's returning via the values passed in as pointers. Define a struct that aggregates your return values.

How to return multiple similar type values from a function?

If you want to return multiple similar type values from a single function. Then returning an array as a set of values is best suited.


Can functions have more than one return value?

JavaScript functions can return a single value. To return multiple values from a function, you can pack the return values as elements of an array or as properties of an object.

How many values can a function return in C?

one valueWe all know that a function in C can return only one value.

How can I return 2 values?

We can use following solutions to return multiple values.If all returned elements are of same type.If returned elements are of different types.Using Pair (If there are only two returned values) We can use Pair in Java to return two values.If there are more than two returned values. ... Returning list of Object Class.

Can you return 2 values in C?

In C or C++, we cannot return multiple values from a function directly.

How does return work in C?

A return statement ends the execution of a function, and returns control to the calling function. Execution resumes in the calling function at the point immediately following the call. A return statement can return a value to the calling function.

Can you return 2 values in C++?

While C++ does not have an official way to return multiple values from a function, one can make use of the std::pair , std::tuple , or a local struct to return multiple values.

How many values can be returned from a function?

one objectTo that end, a function can only return one object.

How can I return two data types in C#?

Return multiple values from a method in C#Using ref parameters. We can use the ref keyword to return a value to the caller by reference. ... Using out parameter modifier. The out keyword causes arguments to be passed by reference. ... Using Tuple Class. ... Using C#7 ValueTuple. ... Using struct or Class.

How many values can be returned from a function?

one objectTo that end, a function can only return one object.

How many values can a function have?

Answer. A function can only return a single value.

How many maximum values could a function return?

Explanation: A function in C can return only one value. If we want the function to return multiple values of same data types, we could return the pointer to array of that data types. We can also make the function return multiple values by using the arguments of the function.

What is the limitation of return function?

In the chapter Return statement in C, we have learned that the return statement is used to return a value from the function. But there is one limitation, a single return statement can only return one value from a function.

What is return more than one?

In return_more_than_one () function a and b are passed using call by value, whereas sum, diff and prod are passed using call by reference. As a result return_more_than_one () function knows the address of sum, diff and prod variables, so it access these variables indirectly using a pointer and changes their values.

Can a return statement return only one value?

But there is one limitation, a single return statement can only return one value from a function.

What to do instead of typeof?

Instead of typeof, you could probably use sizeof. Get the size of the return values and allocate an array large enough to store them all. Then you can return it.

What does return a structwhich contain?

1: Return a structwhich contains all the types you need.

How many variables can you return from a function?

This makes it possible to return up to four variables from a function and assign them to up to four variables. As an example, you can use them like this:

What does stringdo mean in C++?

By stringdo you mean "I'm using C++ and this is the std::stringclass" or "I'm using C and this is a char *pointer or char[]array."

Can an int be put together in a struct?

I think it depends more on how related the return values are. If the int is an error code and the string is a result, then these should not be put together in a struct. That's just silly. In that case, I would return the int and pass the string as a char *and a size_tfor the length unless it's absolutely vital for the function to allocate it's own string and/or return NULL.

Do you have to allocate space for the char in your program?

You have to allocate space for the char *in your program.

What is a function in programming?

Function is a set of statements grouped together to perform some specific task. A function can accept any number of parameters (inputs) but can only return (output) single value. However, through the course of programming you will get into situations where you need to return more than one value from a function.

Can you pass parameters to a function in C?

In C you can pass parameters to a function either by value or by reference. Changes made to variables passed by reference persists after the function. Hence you can pass any number of parameters as reference, which you want to return from function.

Can you return a similar type from a function?

Not always you will return similar types from a function. There are situations when you need to return multiple values of multiple types from a function. You can group all these values together in a structure and can return from function.

Call by Reference

If data is passed by reference, a pointer to the data is copied instead of the actual variable as is done in a call by value. Because a pointer is copied, if the value at that pointers address is changed in the function, the value is also changed in main ().


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What is the function signature in C#?

We all understand that functions in C# have a function signature, function body and a return type. The signature comprises the parameters sent to the function, the function body is the lines of code executed when the function is called and the return type is the type of value returned to the calling function. However, at times we need to return multiple values from a function to the calling method. This article explains various ways of doing that.

What is a tuple in C#?

Returning a Tuple. In simple words, a Tuple means “a data structure consisting of multiple parts”. Tuples were introduced in C# 4.0. In simple words, a Tuple can be defined as a single record of data having various data types.

What is output parameter?

Output parameters also known as “out” parameters and are similar to reference parameters. As the name suggests, they are passed to the function as parameters and the calling method expects some values to be passed back in the parameter from the function. Output parameters are defined in the function signature as –

Can you return multiple values in an array?

Returning multiple values via arrays has a limitation wherein we can return multiple values of only the same type. For example, if we want to return a string as well as integer, it won't be possible using the 2nd approach. Returning an object of class/struct type is the most robust way of returning multiple values from a function. Here the function will return an object of a class/struct that can further encapsulate n number of properties within them. We'll be using a simple MinMax class to demonstrate this idea. Let us rewrite that function to return an object now:

Can you return multiple values in C?

We know that the syntax of functions in C doesn’t allow us to return multiple values. But programmers often need to return multiple values from a function. Luckily, there are several workarounds in C to return multiple values.

Can you return more than one value from a function in C?

We can also use structures in C to return more than one value from the function. We know that a structure is a user-defined datatype in C that can hold several data types of the same or different kind.

Can a function return a data type?

We have seen how to return values of different data types from the function using pointers and struts. Now, if all values are of the same data type, we can encapsulate the values in an array and return that array, as shown below:

Can you use static array in a caller function?

Also, note that we have to allocate the array dynamically in a heap. If we use the static array, it ceases to exist when we exit the function, and accessing it inside the caller function will result in undefined behavior.


1.Can a function return more than one value in C? - Stack …


16 hours ago  · Can a Function return more than 1 value in C. You can do that if you return a struct but not from main. main can only return an int. typedef struct MyStruct {int a; int b;} MyStruct; MyStruct foo(int a, int b) { return MyStruct{a, b}; } int main () { int a=10,b=9; MyStruct s = foo(a, …

2.Returning more than one value from function in C


17 hours ago  · Returning more than one value from function in C. Last updated on July 27, 2020. In the chapter Return statement in C, we have learned that the return statement is used to …

3.How to return multiple values from a function in C or C++?


21 hours ago  · We could write multiple functions. The main problem is the trouble of calling more than one functions since we need to return multiple values and of course, having more number …

4.How do I return multiple values from a function in C?


34 hours ago  · Pass in your return values by pointer, and modify them inside the function. You declare your function as void, but it's returning via the values passed in as pointers. Define a …

5.How to return multiple value from function in C …


32 hours ago The basic idea is to return single structure variable. The structure itself will store multiple values. /** * C program to return multiple value from a function using structure. */ #include

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31 hours ago  · Hence, value changed inside the function, is reflected inside as well as outside the function. In this program, we pass the variables or arguments to the function and uses pointer …

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24 hours ago  · The signature comprises the parameters sent to the function, the function body is the lines of code executed when the function is called and the return type is the type of value …

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13 hours ago  · In C or C++, we cannot return multiple values from a function directly. In this section, we will see how to use some trick to return more than one value from a function. We …

9.Return multiple values from a function in C | Techie Delight


16 hours ago Luckily, there are several workarounds in C to return multiple values. 1. Pointers in C. We can use pointers in C to return more than one value from the function by passing pointers as function …

10.How To "Return" More Than One Value From A Function


20 hours ago  · Example of how to "return" more than one value from a function in C, using pass-by-reference (i.e. pass-by-pointer).

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1 hours ago

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