Knowledge Builders

how can i lower my electric and gas bill

by Miss Natalia Koelpin DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

7 ways to lower your gas and energy bill

  • Key takeaways Energy costs have risen substantially over the past year. ...
  • Request an energy audit ...
  • Unplug "vampire" appliances ...
  • Use less hot water ...
  • Use a new dishwasher over washing dishes by hand ...
  • Don't run appliances unless they're full ...
  • Only heat or cool your home when you're there ...
  • Change your air filters regularly ...

15 Ways to Lower Your Energy Bill
  1. Check seals on windows, doors and appliances.
  2. Fix leaky ductwork.
  3. Give your thermostat a nudge.
  4. Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature.
  5. Take shorter showers.
  6. Replace your showerhead.
  7. Don't wash clothes in hot water.
  8. Fix leaky faucets.

Full Answer

How do you lower your electricity bill?

  • Turn off lights when not in use. ...
  • Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use. ...
  • When possible, use a fan instead of your air conditioner. ...
  • To help with the above, use blinds on windows to block the heat from sunlight in the summer. ...
  • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator before cooking. ...

More items...

How do you save money on electric bill?

  • Know where your energy costs are coming from. ...
  • Don’t leave your gadgets on standby. ...
  • Only run your washing machine and dishwasher when they’re full, and use energy-efficient programs. ...
  • Defrost food in your fridge to help cool it, and cool hot food before you but it in the fridge or freezer.
  • Only boil as much water in the kettle as you need.

More items...

How to save energy at home?

experts say it is easy to save money while saving yourself from the sweltering heat. "Let's start with your air conditioner because it is typically the biggest consumer of energy in your home," said Jill Hanks with Arizona Public Service Company (APS).

How to cut electricity costs?

your overall energy use and costs may be affected by the appliances and electronics you choose and how you use them. Woroch said you can reduce your energy bill by unplugging unused gadgets ...


What increases your electric bill the most?

10 Reasons Your Electric Bill Is So HighDevices Drawing Phantom Energy. ... Using Old, Inefficient Appliances. ... Lighting Your Home With Traditional Incandescent Bulbs. ... Leaving Lights or Appliances On. ... Putting Significant Demand on Your HVAC System. ... Using a Lot of Hot Water. ... Staying Indoors More. ... Greater Use of Devices.More items...

How can you reduce electric bills in your house?

21 small changes can add up to big savings on your billsTurn off unnecessary lights. ... Use natural light. ... Use task lighting. ... Take shorter showers. ... Turn water off when shaving, washing hands, brushing teeth. ... Fix that leaky faucet. ... Unplug unused electronics. ... Ditch the desktop computer.More items...

How can I drastically reduce my electricity usage?

For the “beginner” saverKitchen. Raising your refrigerator temperature by a few degrees can save you hundreds of dollars a year. ... Laundry. Keep your dryer's exhaust clean. ... Lighting. Change your light bulbs to LEDs. ... Plugs. Use Smart Power Strips. ... Windows. ... Heating and Cooling. ... Entryways. ... Kitchen.More items...•

What costs the most on your electric bill?

Heating and coolingWhat costs the most on your electric bill? Heating and cooling are by far the greatest energy users in the home, making up around 40% of your electric bill. Other big users are washers, dryers, ovens, and stoves. Electronic devices like laptops and TVs are usually pretty cheap to run, but of course, it can all add up.

What wastes the most electricity in a home?

Here's what uses the most energy in your home:Cooling and heating: 47% of energy use.Water heater: 14% of energy use.Washer and dryer: 13% of energy use.Lighting: 12% of energy use.Refrigerator: 4% of energy use.Electric oven: 3-4% of energy use.TV, DVD, cable box: 3% of energy use.Dishwasher: 2% of energy use.More items...•

Does unplugging things save electricity?

How Much Do I Save by Unplugging Appliances? The United States Department of Energy reports that homeowners can save anywhere between $100 and $200 each year by unplugging devices not in use. Typically, an item drawing a single watt of energy costs about one dollar to power annually.

Which appliances use the most energy?

Air Conditioning & Heating Your HVAC system uses the most energy of any single appliance or system at 46 percent of the average U.S. home's energy consumption.

How can I lower my bills?

Here are a few small, easy changes you can make to start reducing your monthly expenses today:Download a personal finance app. ... Take on meal planning and cook at home. ... Use shopping lists. ... Cancel cable TV and trim entertainment costs. ... Reduce your electricity usage. ... Invest in smart home tech and save.More items...

Which four steps would you suggest to reduce the use of energy?

Take these steps to help reduce your energy consumption.Shutdown your computer. Computers are some of the biggest energy users in office buildings. ... Choose the right light. ... Eliminate vampire power: unplug idle electronics. ... Use a power strip to reduce your plug load. ... Turn off the lights.

Does a toaster use electricity when not in use?

The short answer is yes! A variety of different electronic devices and appliances, including televisions, toasters, lamps, and more, when plugged in, can consume electricity even when they're turned off.

What uses most gas in the home?

space heatingWhat Uses The Most Gas in a House? According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the majority of natural gas used in homes is for space heating, which includes both air and water.

How much electricity does a TV use?

Modern TVs use, on average, 58.6 watts when in On mode and 1.3 watts in standby mode. The power consumption of modern TVs ranges from 10W to 117W (0.5W to 3W on standby). On average, TVs consume 106.9 kWh of electricity per year, costing $16.04 annually to run in the US.

How can I save on my electric bill in Arizona?

8 Ways to Lower Your Electricity Bill During the Summer in...Seal Up Your House. ... Turn Up the Temp Slightly. ... Change Your Laundry Settings. ... Avoid the Kitchen During the Hottest Parts of the Day. ... Turn Your AC Fan to Auto. ... Invest in a Programmable Thermostat. ... Install Energy Star Ceiling Fans.More items...

How to lower your electric bill?

Changing the temperature on your thermostat is truly one of the simplest ways how to lower electric bills. According to the Department of Energy, turning your thermostat back by 7-10 degrees for eight hours per day can save you as much as 10% on your electricity bill.

How to save money on electricity fast?

Turning down the temperature on your water heater is how to save money on electricity fast!

Why is it important to free up money from your electricity bill?

Freeing up money each month from your electricity bill can help you increase your monthly debt payments and reach debt freedom more quickly.

Why is my electricity bill so high in summer?

In the summer months, air conditioning is one of the biggest factors leading to higher electricity bills. When temperatures rise, people automatically reach to adjust the thermostat. But you might actually be underestimating the power of your ceiling fans.

What is the average electric bill in 2019?

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the average monthly electricity bill in the U.S. in 2019 was $115 per month. Residents of Hawaii, Connecticut, and Alabama have the highest monthly bills.

Why lower the temperature?

Lowering the temperature eliminates a safety hazard caused by scalding water

When are electricity rates higher?

For people on a time-of-use electricity plan, your rates vary during certain hours of the day. For example, rates are higher during peak hours when lots of people are using electricity. These hours generally include weekdays and evenings, while late nights and weekends have lower demand.

How much does tweaking your bill lower your bill?

Tweaking your usage can lower your bill by as much as 25%. Try these effective ways to save money:

What are the main causes of utility bills?

Home heating and cooling are the biggest culprits behind hefty utility bills — and the best places to look for cost-cutting opportunities.

How to keep food fresh in freezer?

Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature: Set your fridge to 38 degrees and your freezer between 0 and 5 degrees. This will keep your food fresh, but your fridge and freezer won’t need to work as hard to maintain the temperature.

How to fix a leaky duct?

2. Fix leaky ductwork: Improve the efficiency of heating and cooling systems by repairing leaky heating, ventilation and air conditioning ducts. 3. Give your thermostat a nudge: Set your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees when you’re asleep or away from home.

What is the second largest expense in powering most homes?

Water. Hot water is the second-largest expense in powering most homes, according to the Energy Department. Cutting back on your hot water usage — in the shower, laundry and dishwasher — can make a sizable dent in your overall energy bill. 5.

Can you power off a smart strip?

Use smart power strips: Some electronic gadgets never truly power off; instead, they sit in standby mode using a trickle of power that can add up over devices and time. These are usually — but not exclusively — items with a remote control, because the remote sensor needs power while waiting for your input.

How to save money on energy bills?

Lowering your energy usage is one way to save on your bills. But if you’re stuck in an energy plan with a high rate, your best option may be to find a new plan with a rate that works for you. Thinking about switching to a new plan or provider? Choose Energy can help you find a more affordable electric rate. Just enter your ZIP code at the top of this page to find electricity rates and plans in your area. You can also read more about switching energy plans below:

Why is my electric bill so high?

For fixed-rate plans, the amount you are charged for every kWh you use stays the same. Under a variable-rate plan, that rate can change based on the wholesale cost of energy. If your bill is higher than you expected, it may be because you are consuming more energy than you realize. Or, if you are enrolled in a variable-rate plan, it may be because energy demand went up, which led to an increase in the market cost of electricity. To learn more about lowering your electric bill, see our tips at the bottom of the page.

What is prepaid electricity?

With a prepaid electricity plan, you pay only for the electricity that you need. This pay-as-you-go option can motivate energy consumers to use less energy, leading to a lower monthly bill. If you are interested in a prepaid energy plan, enter your ZIP code above to see plans available in your area.

Why is my electric bill higher than expected?

If your bill is higher than you expected, it may be because you are consuming more energy than you realize. To learn more about lowering your electric bill, see our tips at the bottom of the page.

How to reduce your environmental footprint?

Opt for a renewable energy plan. Choosing a plan that uses renewable energy could lead to lower monthly energy bills and reduce your environmental footprint. Green energy is becoming more prevalent across the country – with Texas leading the nation in wind power and California topping the charts for solar.

How to reduce gas bill?

1. Lower the thermostat. If your thermostat is set to a high temperature, your gas bill is bound to be expensive. Try lowering your thermostat a few degrees to reduce your bill by 5-10%. For instance, turn the temperature from 70 °F (21 °C) to 68 °F (20 °C).

How to reduce gas usage in home?

But, there are things you can do to cut down on your gas usage. For example, it's commonly thought that closing vents and doors to unused rooms will reduce energy use, but doing this actually drives up the cost of your gas bill. Keep all the vents and interior doors in your home open to promote airflow. Personal, or space, heaters use up a lot of energy. Plus, they are an inefficient way of warming up large areas. Avoid using them and instead look for more efficient ways to keep warm—like improving your home’s insulation. It'll save you money in the long run. When you're washing your clothes, use a cool water temperature to conserve energy. Whenever possible, dry your clothes on a line outside or hang them up to dry indoors. Find little ways you can avoid using gas energy to cut down on your use.

How to keep gas appliances working?

If you've got gas appliances, there are definitely a few things you can do to make sure they're working efficiently and aren't wasting gas. For instance, you can wait to turn on your oven until you're ready to cook rather than leaving it on for a longer period of time. Each year, you should have an HVAC technician inspect and service any gas appliances you have, such as a stove or heater. Properly maintaining your appliances can prevent breakdowns in addition to lowering your gas bill. If you use gas to keep your kitchen warm, proper insulation can help reduce the amount that you need to use. A home that is poorly insulated will be harder to keep warm, so your gas bill is likely to be more expensive. For the best results, hire a professional to do the job.

How to keep cold air from seeping through glass?

Use insulated panels to cover your windows. Insulated panels can keep cold air from seeping through your glass windows. These panels are typically made of foam board and can be found at home improvement stores. Measure your windows before heading to the store so you can purchase panels of the correct size.

How to save energy in a radiator?

Save energy with radiator valves. Some areas in your home need to be warmer than others. For example, it may be important to you to keep the main floor warm, while the basement can be a bit cooler. You can control the heat by installing radiator valves on every radiator in your home.

How to reduce energy use in a house?

Keep all vents and interior doors open if you have forced air. It is commonly thought that closing vents and doors to unused rooms will reduce energy use, but doing this actually drives up the cost of your gas bill. Keep all the vents and interior doors in your home open to promote airflow.

How to keep your home warm?

Reduce the use of personal heaters. Personal, or space, heaters use up a lot of energy. Plus, they are an inefficient way of warming up large areas. Avoid using them and instead look for more efficient ways to keep warm—like improving your home’s insulation.

How to save energy?

The key to saving energy is within reach. Switch to dimmer switches, so you only use as much light as you need.

What percentage of electricity is consumed when electronics are turned off?

A shocking 75 percent of the energy used by home electronics is consumed when they are turned off. Phantom loads of electric usage come from televisions, stereos, computers, and many kitchen appliances—basically anything that holds a time or other settings. A simple solution is to plug all of these items into power strips and get in the habit of turning off the strips between uses.

How much less energy does an LED bulb use?

LED light bulbs use 90 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs. Switch out the most widely used bulbs in your home. Then, replace the rest as they burn out.

What does it mean when a shower has a low flow?

If you install low-flow showerheads, that means less water flowing equals less water to heat.

What to do if your appliances are 10 years old?

If your appliances are 10 years old or older, consider replacing them with new, Energy Star models, which use considerably less energy.

Where to put electrical sealer?

Pick up a package of electrical outlet sealers and place one behind all of the outlets and switches in your home.

Why do you need an insulating jacket for a water heater?

Purchase an insulating jacket for your hot water heater to prevent heat loss.

How is Electricity Used in U.S. Homes?

Before we get to the tips on how to save on your electric bill, it’s important to understand how electricity is used in your home. Of course, your usage will vary. But, according to the EIA Annual Energy Outlook 2021, here’s is how electricity is used in U.S. homes:

Energy Audit for Home Savings

1) Conduct an Energy Audit in your Home. The first step to save on your electric bill is the energy home audit. This lets you identify the issues and gives you a road map to home improvement. You can easily do your own DIY energy audit.

Cut Costs on Heating & Cooling to Save on Your Electric Bill

Heating and cooling your home is the biggest part of your electric bill, accounting for 30-50% of your electricity usage. So of course focusing on energy efficiency in heating and cooling is the top way to save on your electric bill.

Cut Your Kitchen Electricity Usage

Your kitchen accounts for 9% of your electricity bill. The most energy intensive item in your kitchen? The refrigerator. (See above for one reason why.) Here are steps to cut your electricity usage in the kitchen.

Home Office Electricity Savings

With more people than ever working from home, the home office takes on new meaning for ways to save on your electric bill. (Bonus savings tip: in the winter, use your home office dog to stay warm!) Here are some easy ways to save.

Laundry Room Electricity Savings Tips

36) Wash in cold water. Around 90% of the energy used to wash clothes is consumed through heating water. Washing in cold water can cut your energy use.

Manage your Insulation, Ventilation & Building Envelope to Save on Electric Bill

The “building envelope” of your home includes the entire building system of your home. That includes windows, roofs, floor, foundations and doors. Keeping your building envelope sealed (but not too tightly sealed) can cut your bills.

Why is it important to save money on electricity?

You see a lot of advice about saving money on electricity that centers on the heating and air conditioning system in your home because it’s one of the biggest electricity draws . The harder that system works, the more power it needs, so you should do everything you can to keep it running smoothly.

What are some smart devices that help conserve electricity?

Many of the smart devices designed for homeowners are really good at helping to conserve electricity. For example, smart thermostats like the Nest Learning Thermostat ™ or the Ecobee can automatically adjust themselves when you’re not home and have tools to help you track your overall electricity usage.

Why do we need smart meters?

Many electricity providers are moving to smart meters, a tool that not only makes it easier for them to take readings but helps you save money also. The regular reports that smart meters create, based on your overall electricity use, can help you figure out what appliances or habits are spiking usage during costly times of the day or increasing your electricity usage overall.

How to teach kids to save energy?

Teach them how to change air conditioner filters, install new LED light bulbs, vacuum leaves out of the outside air conditioning unit, or vacuum the living room air vents. Take advantage of these times to teach children why these jobs are important, and how you save energy by doing them.

What happens if your HVAC system isn't running?

And, if your HVAC system isn’t running properly, you can have a big summer expense. A quick test of your aid conditioning system to to compare the air temperature in each room, at the air vent. If it varies from room to room your HVAC is struggling to keep up.

How much less electricity does an energy star use?

Energy Star rated appliances use 10 to 50 percent less electricity than non-Energy Star appliances, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

How much electricity does an LED bulb use?

The average 60 watt equivalent LED only uses nine watts of electricity, where your average CFL (compact fluorescent light) of the same equivalency uses 13 watts.


1.Tips on Lowering Your Electric, Gas & Water Utility Bill


35 hours ago  · Heating and cooling are the biggest expenses on utility bills, so reducing your gas, heating and air conditioning usage should lower your bills considerably. Here are some ways to save on gas utilities and other costs of heating and cooling your home: Adjust the thermostat. Lower the thermostat to 68 degrees in winter and to 78 degrees in the summer.

2.13 Tips How To Lower Electric Bills In A Big Way


2 hours ago  · According to the Department of Energy, replacing your filters on schedule can lower your air conditioner's energy consumption by anywhere from 5% to 15%. Next steps

3.How to reduce your electricity bill - Choose Energy


10 hours ago Cut Costs on Heating & Cooling to Save on Your Electric Bill. Heating and cooling your home is the biggest part of your electric bill, accounting for 30-50% of your electricity usage. So of course focusing on energy efficiency in heating and cooling is the top way to save on your electric bill. 2) Get an HVAC tuneup.

4.7 Simple Ways to Lower Your Utility Bills This Summer


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5.3 Ways to Reduce Your Gas Bill - wikiHow


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6.Tips for Lowering Your Electric Bill - The Spruce


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7.89 Ways to Save on Your Electric Bill - ElectricityPlans®


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8.12 Ways to Reduce Electricity Costs (2022 Update)


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9.Videos of How can I lower my electric and gas bill


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