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how can we prevent plastic in the ocean

by Hilton Von V Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

7 Easy Ways To Prevent Ocean Plastic Pollution

  • 1. Avoid the worst ocean plastic polluters There are still way too many products are sold in single-use plastic packaging. ...
  • 2. Reduce chemical pollutants ...
  • 3. Avoid products that contain microbeads ...
  • 4. Avoid synthetic clothing ...
  • 5. Reduce, reuse, recycle plastics ...
  • 6. Organize or participate in beach cleanups ...
  • 7. Support ocean organizations

Plastic Pollution Solutions: 7 Things You Can Do Today
  1. Reduce Your Use of Single-Use Plastics. ...
  2. Support Legislation to Curb Plastic Production and Waste. ...
  3. Recycle Properly. ...
  4. Participate In (or Organize) a Beach or River Cleanup. ...
  5. Avoid Products Containing Microbeads. ...
  6. Spread the Word.
Feb 24, 2022

Full Answer

What are 5 ways to reduce plastic?

TIPS FOR REDUCING YOUR PLASTICS CONSUMPTIONAvoid single-use plastics such as drinking straws. ... If you go shopping, remember to take a cloth bag. ... Recycle chewing gum... it's also make of plastic! ... Buy more bulk food and fewer packaged products. ... Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.More items...

How can we protect our oceans?

Skip the single-use plastics Single-use plastics—such as non-reusable water bottles, take-out packaging, plastic bags, and straws—pollute our ocean and can destroy ecosystems and endanger marine life.

How can we prevent plastic environment?

How you can help protect the environment from plastic pollutionAdopt a circular lifestyle. ... Rethink your fashion and laundry choices. ... Make sure your toiletries are plastic-free. ... So no to plastic when shopping. ... Roll up your sleeves and get cleaning. ... Stop smoking. ... Join the UN Environment Programme's (UNEP's) Clean Seas campaign.More items...•

Why do we need to stop ocean pollution?

A healthy ocean regulates climate and reduce climate change impacts. Ocean currents distribute heat across the globe, regulating temperature and weather. The ocean also absorbs over 90% of the heat and approximately 30% of carbon dioxide emissions produced by human activities.

Why do we need to protect the ocean?

The air we breathe: The ocean produces over half of the world's oxygen and absorbs 50 times more carbon dioxide than our atmosphere. Climate regulation: Covering 70 percent of the Earth's surface, the ocean transports heat from the equator to the poles, regulating our climate and weather patterns.

What are 10 ways to reduce plastic pollution?

10 Ways to Reduce Plastic PollutionWean yourself off disposable plastics. ... Stop buying water. ... Boycott microbeads. ... Cook more. ... Purchase items secondhand. ... Recycle (duh). ... Support a bag tax or ban. ... Buy in bulk.More items...•

How can we stop plastic pollution essay?

We must use alternatives like cloth bags and paper bags instead of plastic bags. If we are purchasing plastic, we must reuse it. We must avoid drinking bottled water which contributes largely to plastic pollution. The government must put a plastic ban on the use of plastic.

How can we reduce the use of plastic essay?

So, what can I do?Stop buying plastic bottles. ... Carry a reusable shopping bag. ... Say no to plastic straws. ... Use your own takeaway cup. ... Carry reusable containers. ... Quit smoking. ... Consider food packaging. ... Avoid microbeads.More items...•

How can we protect life below water?

Reduce waste – much of the waste that we produce on land ends up in the oceans. Stop using plastic bags: Usage and wrong disposal of plastic is a major cause of marine pollution. Run a campaign on the effects of plastic use on the seas and oceans. Organize a cleanup project for rivers and oceans.

How can we prevent ocean warming?

You can help slow global warming and ocean acidification by reducing your "carbon footprint"—the amount of carbon dioxide released as you go about your daily activities. Power down: Making little changes in the way we live can go a long way to reducing energy use—and carbon emissions.

What are the biggest threats to our ocean?

Global warming is causing sea levels to rise, threatening coastal population centers. Many pesticides and nutrients used in agriculture end up in the coastal waters, resulting in oxygen depletion that kills marine plants and shellfish. Factories and industrial plants discharge sewage and other runoff into the oceans.

How can we stop overfishing?

Strong fishery management is key to preventing overfishing. Key factors include enforcement of regulations, up-to-date data collection, and monitoring of fish stocks. Fishermen and their communities benefit from well-managed fisheries too because they're more lucrative and reliable.

Wean Yourself Off Disposable Plastics.

Ninety percent of the plastic items in our daily lives are used once and then chucked: grocery bags, plastic wrap, disposable cutlery, straws, coff...

Purchase Items Secondhand.

New toys and electronic gadgets, especially, come with all kinds of plastic packaging—from those frustrating hard-to-crack shells to twisty ties. S...

Support A Bag Tax Or Ban.

Urge your elected officials to follow the lead of those in San Francisco, Chicago, and close to 150 other cities and counties by introducing or sup...

Bring Your Own Garment Bag to The Dry Cleaner.

Invest in a zippered fabric bag and request that your cleaned items be returned in it instead of sheathed in plastic. (And while you’re at it, make...

Put Pressure on Manufacturers.

Though we can make a difference through our own habits, corporations obviously have a much bigger footprint. If you believe a company could be smar...

What is the impact of plastic on animals?

Wilcox estimated about 90% of the seabirds has been doing it. The impact of plastic-eating animals is that it can cause toxic chemicals like phthalates for an example.

How many countries produce plastic waste?

According to a report cited by the ABC News, the international study calculated that a total of 275 million tons of plastic waste is produced by 192 nations with China being the biggest contributor, followed by Indonesia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.

What to do if recycling it by yourself is too much of a work?

As mentioned above, if recycling it by yourself is too much of a work, support the recycle actions such as the waste banks. Read more about Ways to Solve Water Pollution

What to do if growing your own food is too much?

If growing your own food is too much or you want some meat, shop at your local market. They usually sell fresh food supplies and therefore, use less plastic. Read more about Causes of Oil Pollution in the Ocean

When will plastic be produced?

The news site also cited words from Dr. Chris Wilcox of CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere Flagship, who stated that between 2017 and 2028, the amount of plastic that will be produced by the world will be as much as the world has been producing up until now.

Can you drop plastic bags?

Another common suggestion but again, makes a huge impact. You can drop the plastic products and use reusable ones such as reusable shopping bag. Not only it is environmentally friendly, but it also have much more strength and more strength equals you can buy more!

Can you use a lighter in the ocean?

Lighters are made from plastics so yes, avoid it as much as you can. Switch your synthetic sponge to a cotton washcloth or other things that can help you wash your dishes but are not made from plastics. There are a lot more of other ways to prevent plastics in the ocean. Above are just few and easy examples on how you can actually do it.

What are the effects of plastic on the ocean?

Our oceans are slowly turning into a plastic soup, and the effects on ocean life are chilling. Discarded plastic fishing lines entangle turtles and seabirds, and plastic pieces of all sizes choke and clog the stomachs of creatures who mistake it for food, from tiny zooplankton to whales. Plastic is now entering every level of the ocean food chain and is even ending up in the seafood on our plates.

How to avoid plastic?

Say no to straws, lids, plastic bags, and plastic takeaway containers. Carry your own utensils or a wooden spork and avoid using plastic utensils.

How much plastic is in the ocean?

It is estimated that up to 12 million metric tons of plastic enter our ocean each year.

What are the hashtags for pointless plastic?

On Twitter: Use hashtags #PointlessPlastic, #RidiculousPackaging, #BreakFreeFromPlastic, and the brand responsible!

Can we tolerate plastic?

Our planet can no longer tolerate a culture of throw-away plastics. Single-use plastics are filling up our landfills, choking our rivers, and contaminating our oceans. For far too long, corporations have put the onus on all of us to deal with their own failed design problem. We have been told that the individual should simply recycle away the billions of tons of plastics corporations produce and that it will make the difference needed to sustain our planet.

How can we create a wave of change around ocean plastic?

One of the best ways to create a wave of change around ocean plastic is to lead by example in the hope that it will inspire those around you to take action too.

How many tonnes of plastic are in the ocean each year?

But with 18 billion tonnes of plastic ending up in the oceans each year, what can we as individuals, employees, teachers, businesses and community organisations do to stem the flow?

How much plastic was produced in 2016?

In 2016, we produced over 300 million tons of plastic worldwide, of which HALF was destined for a single-use purposes . We’ve bought into the consumerist dream that it’s more convenient to mine, manufacture, transport, store, sell and dispose of single-use plastic items, than it is to simply wash up our reusables. This is clearly not true.

Why is it important to protect marine ecosystems?

We can’t pretend our survival isn’t dependent on healthy oceans. Marine plants produce 70% of the oxygen we breathe, so it’s in our interests to protect fragile marine ecosystems and take any action possible to minimise the extent to which plastic is entering our food chain and contaminating fish and seafood.

How many seabirds are killed by plastic?

It’s estimated that 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals and turtles are killed by plastic every year, however we’ll never know the true toll. Whether it entangles, chokes, poisons or starves – ocean plastic is bad news for marine wildlife which means it’s bad news for humans too.

Where does single use plastic go?

In many countries there is simply nowhere for single-use plastic to go except open dumps or straight into a river, which of course leads to the ocean. Until very recently these countries used locally produced goods that didn’t require plastic packaging.

Where is the deepest plastic bag in the world?

With the world’s deepest plastic bag recently discovered at the bottom of Mariana Trench it’s clear we need to focus on turning off the tap to stop new plastic entering our oceans and prevent the crisis worsening.

How can we protect our waterways?

So the best thing we can do to protect our waterways is try to keep as much plastic as possible out of the waste stream in the first place. The good news? There are many small ways you can have a big impact.

Why is plastic so bad?

Plastic, of course, is uniquely problematic because it’s nonbiodegradable and therefore sticks around for a lot longer (like up to 1,000 years longer) than other forms of trash. And we're not just talking about people dumping their garbage overboard.

How many plastic bottles are thrown in the trash each year?

2. Stop buying water. Each year, close to 20 billion plastic bottles are tossed in the trash.

Can you return a zippered bag?

Invest in a zippered fabric bag and request that your cleaned items be returned in it instead of sheathed in plastic. (And while you’re at it, make sure you’re frequenting a dry cleaner that skips the perc, a toxic chemical found in some cleaning solvents.)

Is milk jugs bad for marine life?

This constant barrage (the equivalent of 136 billion milk jugs each year, estimates a study published in the journal Science) poses a serious danger to marine life. Animals can get tangled up in this trash or ingest it—either because they mistake it as prey or because the plastic has been broken down into tiny particles by ...

Is the ocean garbage soup?

While soaking up the relaxing cadence of crashing waves on the beach, no one wants to think about how the ocean has basically become garbage soup. But here’s the buzz-killing reality: There are millions of tons of debris floating around in that water—and most of it is plastic.

Do plastic scrubbers look like food?

Those little plastic scrubbers found in so many beauty products—facial scrubs, toothpaste, body washes—might look harmless, but their tiny size allows them to slip through water-treatment plants. Unfortunately, they also look just like food to some marine animals. Opt for products with natural exfoliants, like oatmeal or salt, instead.

What are some ways to reduce plastic pollution?

One of the great solutions to plastic pollution is to buy eco-friendly products. Eco-friendly products as the name suggests are products that are friendly to the environment. An ecofriendly product is one that is produced with both ethics and the environment in mind.

How long does it take for plastic to degrade?

One of the most effective scientific solutions to ocean pollution plastic is to mix plastic with road building materials. Plastic can take up to 1000 years to degrade. Such a long time is harmful to both the ocean and marine life. Therefore, the method of using plastic in road building procedures is effective and harmless.

What is the enzyme that degrades plastic?

Scientists have created an enzyme known as a super-enzyme from the plastic-eating bug. This enzyme degrades plastic at a very rapid rate. This enzyme can be released into the ocean which will prevent plastic pollution in it. Which will then in return benefit the ocean wildlife and reduce the ocean pollution plastic.

Is plastic recyclable?

In today’s world plastic is used worldwide for making dishes, plastic bags, utensils, grocery bags, and much more. All of this plastic isn’t recyclable and can be used once. After using it once you dispose of it and then it is disposed of into the ocean. One of the best solutions to plastic pollution is to avoid disposable plastic and use alternatives instead of plastic items like cotton tote bags.

Is plastic a material?

Plastic is a highly manufactured material that is very easy to use and is easily accessible in almost every corner of the world which results in plastic pollution especially ocean pollution. Scientists are working efficiently to produce such methods that may perform the degradation of plastic through bacteria or bacterium.

What is the most common plastic in the ocean?

The most common plastic in the ocean for 2020 is cigarette butts, plastic beverage bottles, and food wrappers.

Why do plastic particles harm the environment?

They cause plastic particle water pollution and harm marine life, the environment, and our health, because of their ability to adsorb toxins. ( 1)

What is surfactant used for?

Surfactant – Commonly used in detergents for cleansing, wetting agents, foaming agents for shampoos, emulsifiers in creams, conditioning agents in skin and hair-care products, solubilizers for perfumes. Prolonged exposure to surfactants can irritate and damage the skin, and high concentrations represent an environmental risk.

Why is it important to participate in plastic cleanups?

By participating in such cleanups, you set an excellent example for others and prevent plastic pollution from entering the oceans.

How many microplastics are released every time you wash synthetic clothes?

Every time you wash synthetic clothes, hundreds of microplastic are released.

What is a microbead?

Microbeads are solid, tiny pieces of plastic. They are used in personal care and cleaning products because of their exfoliant properties, bulking agents, shelf-life, etc.

How do detergents enter water?

Detergents enter into water mainly through sewage. Additionally, when it rains, those chemicals are also washed in rivers and then entering the ocean.

How can we stop plastic pollution?

9 Things We Can do to Stop Plastic Pollution. Pollution isn’t slowing down. In fact, it’s getting worse every single day, and it’s getting harder to combat the overwhelming effects on our planet. Stopping pollution begins on an individual level, which in turn will rise to a collective level, provided enough of us change our habits for the better. ...

What is the effect of single use plastic on the ocean?

Single-use plastic items are literally killing the ocean, creating dead zones as BPA and lead bleed into the waters, and blocking sunlight from creating algae and assisting marine life.

How long do cloth grocery bags last?

Cloth bags also hold more weight, last for up to a decade with proper care, and don’t tear on you when you’re trying to bring things in the house. Virtually everything about reusable cloth grocery bags are fantastic, and they don’t cost an arm and a leg to acquire.

What products have plastic in them?

Pay Attention to Your Skincare Products. There’s a lot of plastic in skincare and personal hygiene products. Microbeads, toothpaste, as well as conditioner. If you’re wondering how they slipped plastic into shampoos and conditioners, just look at the bottle for anything that begins with poly.

What is the best way to protect the environment?

1. Use Biodegradable Items . Not to be confused with eco-friendly items. Eco-friendly products are better for the environment, but biodegradable products are great for the environment. And you can see you Google biodegradable definition:

Why do people stick to styrofoam?

In order to cut costs, they stick with styrofoam and plastic containers since they’re cheap to make. Each time you get delivery or go to a drive-thru, you’re adding plastic and styrofoam to the environment. Cook at home more often.

What company is responsible for the plastic pollution in the ocean?

One such company is The Ocean Cleanup, which is constantly developing new technology to deal with the increase in plastic pollution in our ocean.


1.7 Solutions to Ocean Plastic Pollution - Oceanic Society


12 hours ago  · Solutions to plastic pollution: 1. Don’t rely on plastic. In today’s world plastic is used worldwide for making dishes, plastic bags, utensils, grocery... 2. Go to a beach cleanup. …

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33 hours ago  · Plastic waste makes up 80% of all marine pollution and around 8 to 10 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year. Research states that, by 2050, plastic will …

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