Knowledge Builders

how common is telecommuting

by Karianne Hagenes Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

We find that, between July and September 2021, 13 percent of all U.S. private sector jobs involved teleworking full time and 9 percent involved teleworking some of the time. Telework was less common in establishments that increased base wages during the pandemic.

How effective is telecommuting?

How Effective is Telecommuting (According to Scientists)? Telecommuting arrangements can boost employee job satisfaction and productivity, but only when it’s carefully implemented with specific individual and organizational factors in mind. Those are the conclusions of leading workplace psychology researchers Tammy D. Allen, Timothy D. Golden ...

How can telecommuting increase productivity?

Secrets of successful remote team management

  • Get a solid project management solution. Project management is something very abstract when it comes without context. ...
  • Getting things done, in time. Timing: Automatic time-tracker. ...
  • Communication, the king of remote. ...
  • Make sure you never miss a meeting. ...
  • Maintain focus, at home or in Bali. ...
  • Set up your team productivity with a single license. ...

How many people are telecommuting?

In practical terms, this figure could be even higher. 4.3 million people in the USA work from home at least half the time. According to telecommuting statistics 2018, there are 4.3 million remote workers in the USA, which makes up 3.2% of the entire workforce.

How will telecommuting affect society?

Telecommuting effects on societies are both positive and negative. It is a known fact that the positive side of telecommuting out do the negative effects. With an purpose of gaining more income to raise their living criterion most people become hooked by their work.


What is the difference between telework and telecommuting?

Though often used interchangeably, ‘telework’ is defined as the substitution of technology for travel, while ‘telecommuting’ is more narrowly defined as the substitution of technology for commuter travel.

How much can an employer save by telecommuting?

Based on conservative assumptions, Global Workplace Analytics’ estimates a typical U.S. employer can save an average of $11,000 per half-time telecommuter per year. The primary savings are the result of increased productivity, lower real estate costs, reduced absenteeism and turnover, and better disaster preparedness. Employers can calculate their own potential savings using our free Telework Savings Calculator™ which a report to Congress by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget referred to as “comprehensive and based on solid research.”

How do employees benefit from remote work?

Those savings are primarily due to reduced costs for travel, parking, and food. They are net of additional energy costs and home food costs.

How does society and the environment benefit from remote work?

Based on our estimates, if those who have a work-from-home compatible job and a desire to work remotely did so just half the time, the greenhouse gas reduction would be the equivalent to taking the entire New York State workforce off the road. These estimates assume a 75% reduction in driving on telework days.

How many documents are there in the telework database?

We are constantly updating our database of over 6,000 documents on telework, activity-based work, co-working, remote work, work-from-home, and other emerging workplace strategies.

How many research reports are there in the Digital Library?

• An extensive digital library with over 6,000 research reports, case studies, and other content related to the technologies, trends, and scientific understandings that are transforming the way people work

What was your primary means of transportation to work during the survey week?

The American Community Survey derives its data on the work-at-home population from the single question: What was your primary means of transportation to work during the survey week? “Worked at home” is one of the choices. Therefore, all we know about this population is that they worked at home half-time or more during the previous week.

What is telecommuting in the workplace?

This telecommuting definition refers to working from an employee’s own home, but also includes remote work from suitable and secure workspaces, such as libraries or other private premises. Some employees telecommute full time, while others have the chance to telecommute certain days per week or on special occasions (e.g. during pregnancy, health issues, etc.).

What is telecommuting in business?

Also known as ‘telework’ or ‘work from home’, telecommuting is an arrangement that allows employees to work away from the company’s offices. This telecommuting definition refers to working from an employee’s own home, but also includes remote work from suitable and secure workspaces, such as libraries or other private premises.

How does telework help?

Telework saves some office costs (such as the costs of lunches or free snacks) and may reduce the environmental impact of commuting (e. g. car fumes). Telecommuting increases employee retention. Most employees who telecommute are happier at their jobs and less likely to change companies.

Why is telecommuting important?

These are the most important ones: Telecommuting boosts productivity. An employee’s home is a quieter place, allowing them to focus on the task at hand for longer periods. Employees also feel comfortable at home and this may boost their efficiency. Telecommuting increases general well-being.

How can telecommuters be productive?

For example, some create small workspaces in their house with limited distractions or complete their personal errands before the start of their working hours.

How does telecommuting affect employees?

Some employees may feel left out when they are away from their office since interaction with their colleagues is limited. They may feel they’re missing out on the chit-chat and fun during breaks. These feelings of isolation might have a negative effect on morale and performance.

Is telecommuting an option for every job?

Account managers. Despite the rising popularity of work-from-home opportunities offered by employers, telecommuting is not an option for every type of job. There are job duties that require physical contact – for example, counseling, welcoming guests or meeting with customers.

What Is Telecommuting?

When you telecommute, you work outside of an organization's brick-and-mortar location, and you usually use technology to help you do your job and connect with your employer or employees.

Why is telecommuting important?

Greater flexibility: Telecommuting gives workers greater freedom over their work hours and work location. It also gives the employee more flexibility to balance work and personal obligations, such as school pick-up or caring for an ill family member.

What are the pros and cons of telecommuting?

Pros and Cons of Telecommuting 1 More possible distractions 2 Can be difficult to "unplug" 3 Loneliness

How does remote work save money?

Saves money: Remote work can save both an employee and employer money. Companies can save money on everything related to running an office , and employees can save money on commuting. And if the employer pays for WiFi, phone service, or other utilities related to telecommuting, then the employee can save money on that, as well.

What is telecommunications in business?

Rather than traveling to the office, the employee uses telecommunication to keep in touch with coworkers and employers. These can include telephone, online chat programs, video meeting platforms, and email.

What industries offer telecommuting?

Many industries—including sales, publishing, customer service, and marketing —offer telecommuting jobs. Many office jobs and positions in technology (including computer and software programming) can also be done via telecommuting.

How much more happy are remote workers than people who don't work remotely?

Employee satisfaction: Full-time remote workers say they're happy in their jobs 22% more than people who don't work remotely. For employers, this usually translates to higher retention rates. 1 

Why is telecommuting important?

Employers retain crucial employees. The flexibility of telecommuting helps employers retain key employees who may otherwise leave because of personal reasons, such as moving further from the office. In fact, employees who evade extensive work commutes often experience less stress and can better sustain a positive work/life balance.

How does telecommuting affect employees?

This is because telecommuting reduces expenses across the board — from real estate and building maintenance, to security, furniture, office supplies and other expenses. Employees also can see a positive effect of telecommuting, by saving on minor expenses, such as fuel costs. 1.

Why are teleworkers more productive?

1. Employees are more engaged in their work. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported on a recent study that found teleworkers are more productive and less likely to take time off work -- even when sick.

What are the pros and cons of teleworking?

Pros of Telecommuting: 1. Employees are more engaged in their work. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported on a recent study that found teleworkers are more productive and less likely to take time off work — even when sick. 2.

What is it called when you can work from home?

Allowing employees to work from home, otherwise known as "telecommuting," is becoming a common human resources discussion. One of the main focuses of this discussion is how this trend affects companies.

What is remote workers compensation?

1. Extended Workers’ Compensation. Remote workers are changing the landscape of where traditional business is conducted. This, in turn, also changes the clarity and classification of workers’ compensation. Take for instance, an employee who chooses to work while on vacation. There is potential risk that the employee may be injured ...

Can parents telecommute while kids are home?

For parents, telecommuting while the kids are home is often a difficult task. Making a frequent transition between the role of a parent and the role of a professional at home can often be confusing for children who may not understand why you are unable to be continuously available. 2.

Why are telecommuting jobs on the rise?

The next reason why telecommuting jobs are on the rise is connectivity. With the availability of various telecommuting applications, staying connected to your geographically dispersed team was never easier. Here are a few examples/choices you might appreciate:

What is the best age to telecommute?

Unsurprisingly, recent studies show that workers aged 45 years and above prefer to telecommute to coming to work.

Why do people work from home?

Working from home means fewer distractions in the form of chatty colleagues, meetings in the conference room, or long coffee breaks. If you are disciplined enough, you will be able to finish your work much faster. As long as you don’t miss the deadline, you can switch off during unproductive times and come back online to finish the rest of your work when you feel up to it. In fact, numerous studies point toward the efficiency and productivity aspect of working from home.

Can remote work accommodate a lifestyle?

Remote work can accommodate anybody with any lifestyle- be it a parent of two, a traveler, a fitness freak or simply anybody else. It provides employees the liberty of choosing their work hours to accommodate their lifestyle (instead of the other way round), something which was unheard of until a few years ago.

How old is the average telecommuter?

The average telecommuter nowadays is a 40-year-old professional male with a university degree and not a work-from-home mom. Current research reveals more companies are offering telecommuting than any other new benefit.

Why do companies allow telecommuting?

Companies allow telecommuting for the following reasons: To promote work/life balance. To save on real estate, office supplies, and other overhead costs. To encourage productivity and reduce expenses associated with lost time due to disruptions. To foster a "green" workplace culture.

What is a good candidate for teleworking?

A software developer, for example, is a good candidate for teleworking. If you're in a phone tech support role with no requirement to go to the user's desk, telecommuting may work for you too.

What are the drawbacks of telecommuting?

Drawbacks of Telecommuting. Remote work isn’t without its downsides, and employers have their apprehensions. Causes of concern include: Less face time with managers and peers can be a major communication roadblock. Moreover, the benefits of brainstorming and innovation through on-site collaboration diminish.

What percentage of workers telecommuted in 1980?

In 1980, only 2.3 percent of workers telecommuted.

Why do people prefer to work from home?

People would rather work from home than in an office because: They can focus better on their tasks with fewer disruptions. They avoid a long commute, which is more environmentally friendly and saves valuable personal time. They save on fuel or transit costs. Companies allow telecommuting for the following reasons:


1.Telecommuting Statistics 2022: Pros and Cons


17 hours ago 1. 54% of US workers telecommute at least once every month. Telecommuting has become a common practice in the US. Over half of the workforce, there is now telecommuting at least …

2.What is telecommuting? [including job examples and …


36 hours ago  · Statistics about how many employees want to telecommute • 82% of U.S. employees want to work remotely at least once a week when the pandemic is over. On average, …

3.Telecommuting: What Is It? - The Balance Careers


19 hours ago Telecommuting increases general well-being. Work from home enables more flexible scheduling and a better work-life balance. Commute often increases stress levels as it exposes people to …

4.Telecommuting: The Pros, Cons and Risks of Working …


31 hours ago  · Telecommuting involves working outside of a brick-and-mortar office and using technology to do your job. It's also known as teleworking, e-commuting, and working remotely. …

5.Why Telecommuting Jobs Will Only Rise In Popularity


24 hours ago Telecommuting opportunities have grown 44% over the last 5 years, and 91% over the last 10 years Fewer distractions, less stress, zero office politics, and a personalized work …

6.The Pros and Cons of Telecommuting


22 hours ago  · The next few years will see telecommuting numbers grow by 63% according to the Telework Research Network. The average telecommuter nowadays is a 40-year-old …

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