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how did japan modernize

by Elody Eichmann Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

In order to modernize the state, the Japanese had to undertake some drastic changes in the political terrain. The result was a mixture between the own oriental traditions with more modern institutions of European origin. The first step that occurred was the establishment of an almost absolute monarchy.

It was the Meiji Restoration that finally abolished the strict class system and created a more free and democratic system that allowed the Japanese people to unleash their full potential. Under this new democratic system, Japan modernized and developed rapidly.

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Why Japan was able to modernize rapidly?

The first reason for Japan being able to modernize so quickly is that Japan has had far more contacts with the West. The Japanese first came into contact with the West actually in the 15th and 16th centuries, when Western missionaries, merchants, and explorers reached the Japanese archipelago.

How did modernization effect Japan as a nation?

Some of the main political, economic and social consequences derived from the four main aspects of modernisation of Japan were westernisation, the abolition of the class system, nationalism, growth of authoritarian and militarist traditions, demand for more political rights in society, abolition of…show more content…

Why did the Meiji reformers want to modernize Japan?

Why did Meiji reformers want to modernize Japan? The Meiji Reformers wanted to modernize Japanin order to make it competitive in a changing world so as to compete with Western powers. Consequently, Tokugawa shôgun who ruled Japanin the feudal period was deposed and the emperor was restored to the supreme position.

Why was modernization important to Japan?

Japan was under the threat of Western imperialism and modernization was a means of escaping humiliation. Feudalistic classes had also been abolished meaning that its people now had the opportunity to pursue their own talents. Rich merchants had saved large amounts of capital which would be invested industries


What factor helped Japan modernize so quickly?

Japan's highly developed Edo-period education system was a key factor in its swift turn to industrialization and a capitalist economy after the Meiji Restoration, as well as its subsequent position as a major world power.

What are three ways in which Japan modernized?

Three ways in which Japan modernized included: the ending of legal distinctions between classes, the writing of a constitution, and the creation of new schools and education systems.

When did Japan modernize?

Meiji RestorationDate3 January 1868LocationJapanResultOverthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate Beginning of the Meiji era Establishment of the Empire of Japan Formation of an oligarchic government

What was the main goal of Japanese modernization?

Japan was dedicated to creating a unified, modern nation by the late nineteenth–century. Among their goals were to instill respect for the emperor, the requiring of universal education throughout the Japanese nation, and lastly the privilege and importance of military service.

What steps did Japan take in order to modernize?

Among those were:The abolition of the feudal system and all feudal class privileges.The enacting of a constitution and formalization of a parliamentary system of government.The formation of a national army.The adoption of universal education.The construction of transport and communication systems.

Is Japan traditional or modern?

The culture of Japan has changed greatly over the millennia, from the country's prehistoric Jōmon period, to its contemporary modern culture, which absorbs influences from Asia and other regions of the world.

How has ancient Japan influenced the modern world?

Ancient Japan has made unique contributions to world culture which include the Shinto religion and its architecture, distinctive art objects such as haniwa figurines, the oldest pottery vessels in the world, the largest wooden buildings anywhere at their time of construction, and many literary classics including the ...

How did modernization affect Japan as a nation?

Modernization turned Japan into a major world power, able to resist European colonization. It abolished feudal power structures, such as the samurai, and was able to rapidly industrialize and build a powerful military.

How did Japan modernize?

Although Japan’s geography and cultural homogeneity made it much easier for the country to modernize, the people’s willingness to change, as well as the economic and social policies of the Meiji government were decisive for its enduring success. By investing heavily in education, encouraging competition, and developing infrastructure, Japan was able to completely transform itself within the span of a few decades from a feudal society to a modern industrial power boasting military power comparable to the leading world powers of the era. While certain factors are unique to Japan, other countries can still look to this island nation for inspiration when it comes to questions regarding their path to modernization. However, this article does not assume that modernization is the necessary missing ingredient for the prosperity of today’s underdeveloped nations. There are many different pathways that lead towards a country’s wealth and success. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy to illustrate the key factors that lead to Japan’s modernization, as it lends insight into Japan’s unique history and also demonstrates potential strategies for other countries to consider adopting in their path to economic and social development.

Why did Japan modernize so quickly?

One of the main factors that allowed Japan to modernize so quickly is its geography. As an island nation, Japan is isolated, meaning that it did not need to worry about invasions from neighbours such as China or Korea. This sense of safety meant that Japan was able to avoid war and destruction throughout the centuries during which it was isolationist, and instead focus on economic and social matters. Throughout the Edo Period (1603-1686) preceding the Meiji Restoration, domestic trade flourished. Moreover, due to the lack of wars, the samurai class began to work as bureaucrats. As a result of both factors, education became highly valued in Japanese society, and basic schooling became available even for commoners under the Tokugawa Shogunate. By the end of the Edo Period, around 40% of Japan’s population was literate, which was comparable to that of Italy in the same time period.

How did the new imperial government work?

Largely owing their success to their modern military and realizing the need to expand the economy in order to maintain it, the new imperial government immediately began work on extensive reform. First, feudal domains, as well as the samurai class, which was now a vestige of the previous regime, were completely abolished. Despite this, many samurai were able to join the military or the government with their previous experience. Next, the government worked to industrialize the country. Infrastructure, such as railroads, ports, and telegraph lines were built all over the country. At the same time, the government focused on developing the textile and steel industries, as well as the creation of massive conglomerates known as zaibatsu. This caused the beginning of a cycle, as the new infrastructure allowed for more people and goods to travel around the country, which in turn enabled companies to expand their market, increasing their production to meet growing demand. As a result, businesses increased their profit, which also increased the government’s tax revenue, enabling them to build even more infrastructure. Finally, the new regime took drastic steps to reform government structure, which heavily resembled on the Prussian model. An independent judiciary, complete with a new criminal and civil code, was established in 1875, while a constitution was carefully drafted and implemented over the span of five years from 1884 to 1889. With the constitution came the creation of two legislatures, the House of Representatives and the House of Peers, as well as basic rights given to all Japanese citizens. By the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912, Japan was fully industrialized, and by defeating Russia and China in separate wars, it was even able to expand its territory to include Korea and Taiwan.

Why did the Shogunate agree to a series of treaties with Western powers?

As such, they agreed to a series of treaties with Western powers in order to appease them, opening up trade and establishing foreign consulates. In addition, the shogunate quickly sent naval students to study abroad, and invested in the modernization of the military with the help of France.

What was the history of Japan's modernization?

A History of Japan’s Modernization. Although initially reluctant to deal with foreign powers, the shogunate – the military leadership with de facto rule over Japan – quickly realized that a head-on conflict was not a viable option, as Japanese military might was no match against the West.

How did Japan transform itself?

By investing heavily in education, encouraging competition, and developing infrastructure, Japan was able to completely transform itself within the span of a few decades from a feudal society to a modern industrial power boasting military power comparable to the leading world powers of the era.

How did Japan develop its economy?

Compared to many developing countries today, Japan focused heavily on education and industrialization. By making sure that its entire population was educated, it ensured that people were able to obtain the skills necessary to participate in a modern workforce. This, in turn, allowed businesses to operate efficiently and profitably. At the same time, the large pool of students generated by compulsory education resulted in many of Japan’s brightest minds being able to travel overseas to Europe and North America. When they returned, they brought back with them new ideas, boosting innovation within the home country. As well, the government painstakingly built model factories and controlled many aspects the economy at the beginning of its industrialization, which gave Japanese businessmen an example to build off of while simultaneously streamlining the entire process. Later, when these model factories became increasingly expensive to operate, the government sold them off to private investors and simplified business laws, which encouraged further investment and economic growth. With consistent growth, unemployment never became an issue as employers remained confident in their company’s continued profitability. This lead to more jobs being created, higher wages, and a general increase in productivity, which resulted in the formation of a strong middle class and solidified Japan’s status as a developed nation.

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What is the national effort of Japan?

In Japan, there's a more serious national effort to reach this level of modernization and military capacity. Wealth and strength, that's what it's all about, wealth and strength. And they lead one to another. National wealth can lead to national strength. And then national strength can increase national wealth.

Why did Japan need a colony?

And then there were all rationales that were built into having a colony, which is an area for exports and free or really cheap labor.

Why do we need an empire?

You need an empire as a place for your excess population, for your excess well-trained graduates from your universities and whatever, who don't have jobs, for people who need more land to spread out and to farm on. And so you take the closest place that's available that you can succeed in colonizing. And so they did.

Why did the Chinese get upset with the Koreans?

And then that got the Chinese very upset, because the Chinese didn't look at Korea as a colony, but they looked at them, in the Empire's view of the world, as kind of a younger brother.

What was the Japanese ideology in the 19th century?

Then the Japanese, in many ways, just followed suit. They felt you need an empire to survive. This was the ideology.

Why do both countries need to modernize?

They need to modernize in a way that is similar to the West, because they realize the West is very strong. They may not have any respect, as many of them don't, for Western culture, or Western religion, even Western society. But they realize that politically and militarily, the West is more powerful than they are.

What was the modernization of Japan?

The modernization of Japan (19th century) it was a process lived in the Asian country thanks to the one that left behind its old feudal structures, modernizing in part all national areas. The reforms carried out in politics, society and the economy ended up turning it into one of the powers in the area. Japan was closed to the world by its own ...

How did Japan modernize the state?

In order to modernize the state, the Japanese had to undertake some drastic changes in the political terrain. The result was a mixture between the own oriental traditions with more modern institutions of European origin. The first step that occurred was the establishment of an almost absolute monarchy.

Why did the Tokuwa Shogunate become an isolated country?

Thus, they became by their own decision an isolated country, for fear of losing their cultural and religious references. In this way, in 1630 the Tokuwa shogunate-the military chiefs-forbade the dissemination of any message that involved Christian proselytizing.

What was the Meiji Restoration?

The Meiji Restoration. The name that receives that period of Japanese history is Meiji Restoration. He understood from 1866 to 1869 and ended up changing all aspects of the political and social structure.

How long did Japan remain a feudal country?

For almost 200 years Japan remained unchanged and without external influences. The society had a structure very similar to that of European feudalism.

Why was Japan closed to the world?

Japan was closed to the world by its own decision for two centuries, but the demands of Americans and British to open new trade routes forced it to change in the second half of the nineteenth century . Until then the emperor had a limited power by the shoguns, a kind of feudal lords who exercised control in each territory.

What were the only ways for reforms to be implemented and maintained over time?

Cultural and educational reforms. The only way for reforms to be implemented and maintained over time was to change the education system as well . Primary school became compulsory and schools began to be established throughout Japan.

What happened to Japan in the 19th century?

In the 19th century, European countries and the US began to expand into Asia. Along with that, the isolation system of Japan will collapse and will progress towards the formation of a modern state. In the process, the Ryukyu Kingdom was incorporated into the national system of Japan, and it came to close the curtain of the Ryukyu Kingdom era for 500 years. However, a steep road awaited ahead of newly established Okinawa Prefecture. Differences in institutions and customs with Japan, while belonging to the same state, made identification difficult, and there was also a persistent opposition to the Meiji government of the former ruling party.

When did Japan start militarism?

Japan 's march toward militarism started soon after the overthrow of the Tokugawa shogun ate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, with the Meiji oligarchs ' adoption of a policy of Fu koku kyôhei (rich country, strong military). Although the Meiji oligarchs showed restraint in outward expressions of militarism and imperialism in the first half of the Meiji period from 1868 to 1890, this does not mean they disagreed with the goals of foreign expansion and military build-up, but rather they first focused more on modernization and economic growth to catch up with Western industrial powers before they took significant steps to expand Japan 's influence in foreign matters. The Meiji oligarchs ' handling of Saigô recommendation to

How did imperialism change the world?

It has changed many nations and cultures. The US’s interference on the reign of the Shogun era, gave power back to Empower Meiji and brought about changes to trade with the western world, which lead to the adoption of American education systems and government reform. Because of Japan opening its borders and signing a treaty with the U.S, a trade route was opened and modern technologies were introduced to Japan.

Why did the Great Samurai downfall?

Although samurais were once known as “Great”, the samurai’s downfall was inevitable because they want to keep same traditions not trying modernize. During eighth century, the Heian Period, around the year 800 to 1200, Samurai originally was referred to household servants.

How did trade affect the Middle Ages?

Without a consistent form of communication, trade, during the Middle Ages, was the biggest catalyst for the spread of religious reform, political organization, and societal development across Europe. How was the spread of these elements through trade important in the development of a more advanced, and modern society during this time period? The advancement of the Frankish Kingdom combined with the progress of the Mongols through Asia provided the proper situation to cultivate advancement in the Eastern World. Charlemagne came to power, and immediately it was clear that he was determined to make religious changes in Europe. He defeated the Pagan Saxons after a long brutal conflict with them, annexing all of Germany into his kingdom.

What are the similarities between Japan and India?

One similarity between the Japanese and Indian mechanization is their use of farmers. Farmers were hired to increase the production while they were also cheap and desperate for income.

What were the reasons for the decline of the Ottoman Empire?

Several factors prompted this decline such as: several economic problems, the rise of other trade routes, the European hunger for expansion, and weakness in the Ottoman government Furthermore, the Ottoman Empire was both politically and militarily strong, yet, it was too traditional and could not keep up with worldwide changes and modernity through time. Europe and the West were rapidly moving forward innovatively while the Ottomans stayed in their place for too long. All these problems led to the empire being less centralized in Europe. Simply, the Great Powers of Europe took advantage of this situation and allied to completely end the rule of Ottomans. To further affect the empire, European powers chose an Ottoman strength and turned it into a weak point.

Clothing, food and housing (i-shoku-ju)

The government and through it, the army, were the first to make changes to clothing in Japanese society. A regulation of 1872 ordered the substitution of Western dress for the ceremonial robes of court nobles, and even the Emperor had appeared in Western dress in 1870.


An area of greater change and modernization was in the field of education, though the changes owed more to Western ideals than actual practice.

The Press, the Arts and Sport

Another area of change and modernization was the press which grew out of western initiatives in the treaty ports. Its development was greatly speeded by the modern printing press which replaced wood block printing. Western knowledge and literature was disseminated through a growing range of translations, books and newspaper and magazine articles.

Urbanization, industrialization and communications

The 1873 Land Tax Revision had a great influence on the modernization of Japanese society. After the abolition of the han and the shi-no-ko-sho class divisions, the new Japanese government turned its attention to creating a centralized, efficient tax system to finance its programme of fukoku kyohei.

The Military

Even though in terms of numbers the armed forces were not a large proportion of Japanese society (they numbered around 41,000 in 1878 and 73,000 in 1883 building to a war time strength of around 200,000 , their modernizing impact and influence on other sectors such as education, health and industry were great.

The Law

The law along with the Land Tax Revision was a major contributor to the modernization of Japanese society. From the Meiji Restoration to 1900, a national as opposed to a local legal system was adopted.

When did Japan modernize?

I will address the reconstruction: modernization is a different issue and Japan modernized, relative to the Western powers, during the Meiji Restoration in the previous century.

Why was the reconstruction of Japan of minor interest?

The reconstruction of Japan was of minor interest, because they had already beaten back the communists unlike the European countries that needed the Marshall Project to do that . With the Korean incident, the US needed a staging area and Japan was the most logical area.

Where did the Yakuza come from?

Many modern day Yakuza can trace their origins to these establishments. Koreans also had a network of smugglers operating since from during the war (as they rarely got rations) so they have formed a vital part of the supply chain.

Was Japan an imperial power?

Japan was not undeveloped, in fact it was an imperial power that beat Russia in a war. They were already industrialized making them so difficult to fight.

Did the Japanese do reconstruction?

The Japanese did a very impressive job during reconstruction, and I don't think most other cultures could have pulled off the same level of success.

Did the Japanese have a top down government?

The Japanese have functioned under a central, top-down government for centuries, if not over a millenia, depending on one's standards (the Warring States/ Sengoku period was a major interruption). It's normal operating procedure. In parallel case studies, the American colonists were used to semi-democratic self-rule and adopted it naturally after revolution, whereas recent efforts to push democracy in the Middle East have failed spectacularly because it's not normal operating procedure there. Africa and Latin America have generally been far less rigid and stable in their governments than Japan.

Did the founders of Japan have kids off the block?

Also if you read the biographies of the founders of all the large corporations that are quitessential to Japan today you'll realize that they weren't the regular kids off the block (although they may have been romantically depicted).

Why did China not modernize?

The lack of unity within China prevented it from modernizing at the rate of Japan. Both were ethnocentric to a staggering, even obnoxious degree, but at least Japan had a functional government to implement upgrades in various sectors of the country: military, trade, production and economy.

Which dynasty was bigger, China or Japan?

Qing Dynasty China was much larger, geographically and population wise. Meanwhile, Japan being much smaller could organize and modernize much more easy. Many firearms were bought from the Portugese, whereas China dealt with more hostile British, Dutch and Russians whom were less likely to sell large quantities of firearms (and at higher prices)

Who ruled the Han Chinese?

Instead of a beloved Emperor like the Meji, the Han Chinese were ruled by the despised Manchu Qing Emperors who needed to keep steady watch on their own power.

Was the Qing court stronger than Japan?

So actually the fact that the ruling power in China (the Qing court) was stronger relative to that of Japan (the Shogun) prior to modernization actually hurt China (since for both countries, it was the ruling power that was anti-modernization). Would you say that, had the Qing been in the more advanced stages of its dynastic decline in that century, the literati elite could have been much more successful at changing China just like the elites in Japan brought to their country?



  • European colonialism and the advance of Christianity had been the causes that led the Japanese leaders to close their borders. Thus, they became by their own decision an isolated country, for fear of losing their cultural and religious references. In this way, in 1630 the Tokuwa shogunate-the military chiefs-forbade the dissemination of any message that involved Christian proselytizin…
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Causes of Modernization

  • However, already in the nineteenth century the world had changed and new powers such as the United States were launched to seek new trade routes. For the Pacific, the encounter with Japan was inevitable. The first encounter took place in 1853, when the Americans got under military threat that the Japanese opened some ports for them. Militarily inferiors, not only had to accept …
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Consequences of Modernization

  • Social and economic reforms
    The social and economic reforms were the most important of those carried out to modernize the country since, like every feudal state, they were the bases on which all its structure rested. It can be summed up by saying that from the decentralization that the feudal lords supposed, they wen…
  • Political reforms
    In order to modernize the state, the Japanese had to undertake some drastic changes in the political terrain. The result was a mixture between the own oriental traditions with more modern institutions of European origin. The first step that occurred was the establishment of an almost …
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  1. History and Biographies The modernization of Japan. Retrieved from
  2. Artehistoria Modernization of Japan. Retrieved from
  3. Bonifazi, Mauro. Japan: Revolution, westernization and economic miracle. Retrieved from
  4. Wikipedia. Meiji Restoration. Retrieved from
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