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how do i care for my indoor cordyline

by Kitty Friesen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Requirements for Growing Cordyline Indoors

  • Location The perfect location for a Cordyline will be a bright spot that brings in a lot of indirect sunlight. ...
  • Soil Cordyline grows best in well-draining. ...
  • Water With the Cordyline, it is essential to not over-water them. ...
  • Temperature and Humidity As a tropical jungle plant, it does well in the temperature between 65-85˚F (18-30˚C) indoors. ...

Ideally, your cordyline will also be in a pot that drains well so that you don't run the risk of leaving the plant's roots sitting in excess water, which can lead to root rot. The soil should remain continuously moist—in other words, don't leave the plant soaked, but don't let it completely dry out between waterings.Jun 21, 2022

Full Answer

How do you take care of a Cordyline plant?

With the Cordyline, it is essential to not over-water them. The best method to follow is to poke your finger in the topsoil and if you feel it dry, then water the plant till it flows from the drainage holes. As a tropical jungle plant, it does well in the temperature between 65-85˚F (18-30˚C) indoors.

Can Cordyline plants live indoors?

To thrive in an indoor environment, cordyline plants need high-quality soil with good drainage. It would be ideal to have your cordyline in a pot that drains well, too, so that you don’t run the risk of excess water sitting around and potentially rotting the roots.

Can You repot Cordyline in winter?

Potting and Repotting Cordyline Cordyline does well in pots, especially if you don't live in a tropical climate: You can just bring them indoors for the winter. Once you move the plant outdoors during warmer months, make sure the outdoor soil drains well and any threat of frost has passed.

Do you need to mist Cordyline?

If you have the Red Star cordyline variety, there is no need to mist the plant because it prefers a dry warm climate. The climate that your cordyline requires may affect your other indoor plants or garden. If you have planted cordyline outdoors in a cooler climate, repot the shrub and bring it inside for warmth in the winter.


Why is my indoor cordyline dying?

Browning leaves can occur from underwatering, overwatering, tap water, or low humidity. If the leaves on your cordyline are turning a crispy brown then underwatering might be the culprit, but if they're turning dark brown and mushy then it might be overwatering.

How do you take care of an indoor cordyline plant?

Drought tolerant but thrives if its soil is kept consistently moist. Allow the top of the soil to dry out slightly before watering and do not allow to stand in water. Reduce watering in winter. If possible use rain or filtered water to avoid brown leaf tips.

How often should I water my indoor cordyline?

Cordyline plants with variegated leaves need more light than varieties with deep red or purple leaves. The plant is slightly picky when it comes to water needs. It's best to let the soil dry out somewhat between waterings. Don't give the plant so much water that its soil is constantly soggy or wet.

Should I cut the brown leaves off my cordyline?

Follow the tips above ie clear the brown leaves, cut off any soft rotten trunk but wait to do this until early summer because if it has been killed off completely by the cold it might reshoot from the base. Hope these tips on caring for cordylines growing in the UK helps!

Is cordyline a good indoor plant?

In the warmest regions, cordyline can be both an indoor and an outdoor plant. However, if you live anywhere that isn't a warm, tropical place, your cordyline should be a strictly indoor houseplant.

Do cordylines like to be misted?

Like most tropical foliage plants, cordylines benefit most from light watering or regular misting.

Why does my Cordyline have brown tips?

Carnivorous plants too are prone to leaf tip necrosis. Usually when a leaf tip turns brown, it's because it didn't receive its share of moisture while the rest of the leaf did… or excess salts have migrated to the leaf.

Where should Cordyline be placed?

Cordyline australis does best in full sun to part shade but Cordyline fruticosa prefers part shade to even full shade, with indirect sunlight being best. On the other hand, Cordyline australis 'Red Star' is entirely indifferent to sun or shade, being content with anything from full sun to full shade.

When should you repot a Cordyline?

The plant doesn't need to be repotted unless it's growing too large for its pot, which might be every few years. When repotting, choose a tall pot of any material with adequate drainage holes for cordyline to accommodate two to three years of root growth.

How do you make a Cordyline bushy?

Yes, by pinching or damaging the growing tip will stimulate the growth of side shoots, if the plant is too tall you can even cut the top off to the desired height.

Will Cordyline leaves grow back?

Here's my guide to pruning / pollarding a Cordyline australis: chop it down to whatever height you want and it will grow back. Easy. That's it. But I guess I should expand a little bit given there is so little information on the subject.

Do cordylines like sun or shade?

Cordylines are dramatic and eye-catching and yet solidly dependable garden plants which are easy to maintain and rarely suffer from pests and diseases. However, they do need a well-drained soil that is in sun or part shade.

Where should cordyline be placed?

Cordyline australis does best in full sun to part shade but Cordyline fruticosa prefers part shade to even full shade, with indirect sunlight being best. On the other hand, Cordyline australis 'Red Star' is entirely indifferent to sun or shade, being content with anything from full sun to full shade.

When should you repot a cordyline?

The plant doesn't need to be repotted unless it's growing too large for its pot, which might be every few years. When repotting, choose a tall pot of any material with adequate drainage holes for cordyline to accommodate two to three years of root growth.

Why is my cordyline turning green?

Color and Light Like most cordylines, the ti plant develops its best color when grown in bright light, with leaves that can turn a dull green in poor light. It grows outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12, and also makes a good houseplant.

Can you keep cordyline in pots?

Cordylines need space when planted in a pot and will need to be potted into large containers for more permanent planting. Flowers can be produced on mature plants that have a delicious scent. Prune flower stems to the base when the flowering season has finished.

How to keep cordyline plants moist?

The plant needs a high level of moisture. Ideally, it should be up to 80%. Regular spraying of plant leaves with warm, settled water will help to maintain high humidity. Through the leaves of the Cordyline, it receives the additional moisture it needs. We recommend spraying in the evenings. In warm cloudy weather, you can spray it during the day, but so that the sudden sun does not burn wet leaves with its rays, we advise you to shade the plant with blinds or light curtains at this time. In the heat and during the heating season, spray Cordyline leaves more often – two to three times a day. Perhaps even arrange a shower with warm water in the bathroom for the plant. Just cover the surface of the soil with plastic to avoid washing the soil out of the pot.

How to grow cordyline?

During intensive growth, from late March to mid-September, the soil becomes depleted and needs to be fertilized. For top dressing, use complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous house plants, preferably in liquid form. Dilute them according to the instructions in warm, settled water and use after the next watering once every 14 days. Sometimes the top dressing in the soil is replaced with foliar dressing – spray the leaves with the prepared solution using a sprayer (spray gun). This procedure, like ordinary spraying, should be carried out in the evening or in cloudy daytime. From mid-September to the end of March, stop feeding, since at this time it is impossible to stimulate the growth of Cordyline, so as not to deplete the plant. She needs a winter break.

Why do my cordyline leaves fall off?

Too dry indoor air will cause the edges and tips of the Cordyline leaves to dry out and the lower leaves to fall off. Insufficient lighting will gradually lead to the fact that the color of the leaves will become paler, variegated species will become monotonous.

What is cordyline character?

Cordyline is usually characterized by persistent character and high immunity. If you create and maintain comfortable living conditions for her, then diseases and insect pests will not affect her. Only gross violations of the conditions of detention will lead to certain problems. Let’s consider the main mistakes of leaving.

Can you use a phytolamp on a cordyline plant?

If you have all northern windows, then the natural light of the Cordylinewill not be enough. You will have to use additional artificial lighting, such as phytolamps or fluorescent lamps. For variegated varieties, we recommend purchasing phytolamps and turning them on constantly. In the summer, the plant feels good outdoors: on the balcony or in the garden. Just be sure to build protection from direct rays of the sun and precipitation.

Does cordyline bloom at home?

Cordyline blooms at home extremely rarely. And only in adulthood. In addition, the plant needs a cool hibernation to bloom. If all conditions are met, it is possible that long peduncles are formed on the plant, strewn with small star-shaped flowers of a lilac or cream shade.

Do cordyline plants need light?

A lot of light is required for the normal growth and development of Cordyline. Species with green leaves allow slight shading, while species with leaves of a different color (or variegated) need bright, but diffused lighting.

How to propagate Cordyline?

Propagating ti is typically done with cuttings. Cut 3- to 5-inch pieces from mature stems and remove all of the leaves. Lay the pieces in a damp mixture of sand and perlite, and keep in a room that's at least 62 degrees Fahrenheit .

What zone do you plant cordyline?

Cordyline, or ti, are common decorative plants that thrive outdoors in hardiness zones 9-12 but also make excellent houseplants. The name Cordyline originates from Greek; the word kordyle, meaning "club," is a reference to ...

How to tell the difference between dracaena and cordyline?

Cordyline and dracaena plants are often confused because they look alike with nearly identical spikey leaves. You can tell the difference by the color roots. Cordyline plants have white roots and dracaena have orange roots. 2

Why are my cordyline leaves turning yellow?

But, if your cordyline's leaves are turning yellow, it may also mean it has a watering issue or it's getting too much sunlight. It needs indirect bright light rather than harsh rays directly on the leaves.

What zone do cordyline plants grow in?

Potting and Repotting. Overwintering. Common Pests. Back to Top. Cordyline, or ti, are common decorative plants that thrive outdoors in hardiness zones 9-12 but also make excellent houseplants. The name Cordyline originates from Greek; the word kordyle, meaning "club," is a reference to the plant's enlarged underground stems. ...

What does cordyline mean?

The name Cordyline originates from Greek; the word kordyle, meaning "club," is a reference to the plant's enlarged underground stems. Cordyline typically has leathery leaves shaped like a spear or lance with a variety of colors, including green, red, yellow, white, purple, and purplish-red. Caring for these plants indoors is simple ...

How tall should cordyline be?

A mature, well-trimmed plant should have stems of various heights, up to 3-4 feet, and be clothed in leaves to the soil level. Over time, cordylines tend toward legginess so you will want to trim back individual stems in a staggered pattern.

How to propagate cordyline?

The simplest way to propagate Cordyline plants is by the stem cutting method. Snip away 4-6 inch long piece from a healthy stem and trim out the bottom leaves. Plant the cutting in a container filled with potting soil and place it where it can get bright, indirect sunlight. You can also plant the cutting directly into the garden.

What is the best pH for cordyline?

Cordyline grows best in well-draining. For best growth, go for a good quality potting mix with a pH range between 6 and 6.5. If you are using garden soil, add organic compost to it.

How to keep spider mites off of plants?

Keep the plant safe from spider mites and thrips. You can easily knock them off using a strong jet of water or with insecticidal soap.

Is cordyline toxic to cats?

As per ASPCA, the Cordyline is considered to be mildly toxic to cats and dogs. It has Saponins, which may result in vomiting or diarrhea if ingested.

Is it hard to grow cordyline plants indoors?

Cordylines are quite easy to grow and look stunning with their vibrant colored leaves! Though they are quite hardy, in this article, you will get to know How to Grow Cordyline Plant Indoors to keep them happy and thriving!

What is the best way to plant cordyline?

There are a few things to know before planting cordyline in your home or back garden. Find sunlight: Whether you’re outdoors or planting cordyline inside, the sun is the first consideration. The outdoor cordyline plant needs full sun while the indoor cordyline varieties need a bright spot, but not direct sunlight.

How to propagate cordyline?

To propagate cordyline, you simply need to cut 3- to 5-inch sections from the stems of a mature cordyline. Then, prune the leaves from the cutting and place them in a layer of sand. The eyes of the stems will then grow shoots. When the shoots have at least four leaves, you can repot them.

What is a Cordyline Red Sister?

Cordyline Red Sister: The Hawaiian Ti plant, or Red Ti, is recognizable for its dark green and deep pink leaves and was commonly called the good luck plant. The Red Ti thrives best in tropical climates with regular watering and moist soil when planted outdoors.

What is cordyline plant?

What Is Cordyline? Cordyline ( Cordyline fruticosa ), also known as the Ti plant, grows leathery, spear-shaped leaves in a variety of colors. The leaves of the evergreen shrub can be green, red, yellow, white, purple, or purplish-red. Some varieties of the cordyline plant bloom white, pink, or lavender flowers with berries in the early summer.

What pests are on cordyline?

Cordyline plants are subject to pests like plant scale, spider mites, and mealybugs at the base of the plant. Spray the cordyline every week or so with an insecticide in order to curb the pests. The water you use might affect cordyline as well.

Where does cordyline grow?

The cordyline plant is native to southeast Asia, eastern Australia, Hawaii, and other Pacific islands.

Can you bring cordyline back outside?

If you have planted cordyline outdoors in a cooler climate, repot the shrub and bring it inside for warmth in the winter. You can then choose to bring the cordyline back outside, or keep it as a houseplant. Cordyline plants are subject to pests like plant scale, spider mites, and mealybugs at the base of the plant.

What is the best way to dry out Cordyline?

Moist compost is vital for a long-lasting Cordyline. Allow the top third of the soil to dry out in between waters, reducing this further in the autumn and winter. Those situated in darker locations must be watered far less than with those grown in brighter areas to counteract the high risk of soil mould and root rot.

What color is cordyline?

The Distribution of Cordyline in Green & Cordyline fruticosa in Blue .

What pests are in the leaves of cordylines?

Mealybugs & Spider Mites are common pests will all types of Cordylines; check in the cubbyholes of the stems & beneath the leaf arches for possible outbreaks.

Why are my cordyline leaves yellow?

Common Issues with Indoor Cordylines. Yellowing lower leaves (closest to soil) could be a sign of over-watering, but equally is a byproduct of maturity. If the older leaves rapidly become yellow in quick succession, over-watering could be to blame.

How to get rid of mould on garden soil?

To remove, replace the top two inches of the soil for a fresh batch of 'Houseplant' compost. Either increase the amount of light received (no direct sunlight for the first few weeks to prevent environmental shock) or decrease the frequency of waters slightly. If the mould is accompanied by yellowing lower leaves, you may also have a case of root rot.

When was Cordyline first penned?

Cordyline was first penned by Philibert Commerson in 1763, who used the Greek word, kordyle, that translates to 'club' in English, referring to its enlarged underground rhizomes. The popular indoor species, C. fruticosa, was described by Auguste Jean Baptiste Chevalier in 1919, describing its fruticose branches that hang and house its flowers.

Can cordylines grow in shade?

Although they can grow in shaded areas, we'd recommend exposing the specimen to an hour of morning or evening sunlight to maintain good health. Allow the soil's top third to dry out in between irrigations, reducing this slightly further in the autumn and winter.

How should I care for a Cordyline plant?

Given a spot in bright, indirect light, with moist soil from spring through fall, and a humid environment, Ti plant thrives indoors as a houseplant. Grow Ti plant in a bright bathroom to provide the preferred humidity, or place the pot on a tray filled with pebbles kept topped up with water. The bottom of the pot should not stand directly in contact with water, or the plant's roots may rot. When the plant is actively growing, spring through fall, water it when the soil surface dries out. Cordyline winter care involves leaving a few more days between waterings while growth slows down or stops.

How should I care for Cordyline Fruticosa?

Cordyline Fruticosa Plant Care Outdoors. Outdoors, Ti plant grows well in full sun, partially shaded sites and in deep shade, though the leaf colors are brightest in sunny locations. Grow Ti plant in well-drained, but fertile soil, and water the plant regularly, so the soil remains constantly moist but not soggy.

What to do if your houseplant leaves turn purple?

If the plant is low in nutrients, the young leaves emerge dull, dark purple or maroon. Apply a liquid fertilizer suitable for houseplants at the dilution and frequency stated on the product label after watering the plant and allowing it to dry slightly.

What is a Cordyline Fruticosa plant?

The vivid, pinkish-red leaves of Cordyline fruticosa make a striking statement in any home or garden. This tropical shrub is also known as the Ti plant, and its limited hardiness range in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 10 through 12 means it's usually grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. Though Ti plant thrives in high humidity, ...

How to keep a ti plant in a humid room?

Ti plants perform best in humid environments, so consider keeping your plant in a room with a shower, misting it regularly or placing it on top of pebbles in a tray filled with water.

Can a ti plant survive drought?

This plant doesn't tolerate drought. Ti plant can also grow as a houseplant outdoors in a sheltered spot in temperate climates during the summer months. Care for the plant as you would indoors, watering and fertilizing it regularly. Bring the container indoors before the weather turns chilly in fall.



Cordyline (Botanical Name: C. terminalis) are common decorative plants that thrive outdoors in hardiness zones 9 to 12, but also make excellent houseplants. The name Cordyline originates from Greek; the word kordyle, meaning \"club,\" is a reference to the plant's enlarged underground stems. Cordyline typically has leath…
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  • Cordyline needs a rich, well-drained high-quality potting mix with a pH of 6 to 6.5. If you move the plant outdoors during warmer months, make sure the outdoor soil drains well and any threat of frost has passed. Outdoor plants also need to be well secured; with its large leaves, they can catch in the wind and topple over. It is important to keep the soil continuously moist. Reduce wa…
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  • Cordyline thrives in temperatures above 62 degrees Fahrenheit and prefers a high humidity environment. Avoid putting the plant near a cold draft like a window, especially if the temperature drops lower than 62 degrees Fahrenheit. These are jungle plants, so if you're experiencing leaf drop, try raising both the temperature and humidity.
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  • A mature, well-trimmed plant should have stems of various heights, up to 3 to 4 feet, and be clothed in leaves to the soil level. Over time, cordylines tend toward legginess so you will want to trim back individual stems in a staggered pattern.
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  • Propagation is typically done with cuttings. Cut 3- to 5-inch pieces from mature stems and remove all of the leaves. Lay the pieces in sand and apply heat from below, as needed, to ensure a temperature of 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Shoots will grow from the eyes of the stems and can be planted in potting soil when they have about four to six leaves each. You can repot in spring or e…
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  • The naming of cordyline and related plants can get rather confusing because they are labeled with different names depending on where you are buying them. The most popular indoor cordyline is the C. terminalis, which is often sold as C. fruticosa or Dracaena terminalis.
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  • Dracaena fragrans, with its bright green leaves, also are commonly sold as ti plants or Hawaiian ti trees. Cordyline and dracaena are both members of the agave family. The best way to tell the difference is to look at the roots: cordyline roots are white, while dracaena roots are yellow or orange.
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1.Everything You Need to Know About Cordyline Plant Care …


8 hours ago  · Indoors, keep your plant in a room with plenty of natural light, but make sure the sunlight is filtered and not directly hitting the plant’s leaves for too many hours per day. …

2.Videos of How Do I Care For My Indoor Cordyline


18 hours ago  · How often do you water an indoor Cordyline? Provide ti with approximately 1 inch of water every weekthat it doesn’t rain, as the plant grows naturally in areas with high rainfall. …

3.Cordyline (Ti): Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce


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4.How to Grow Cordyline Plant Indoors | Ti Plant Care


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6.The ULTIMATE Guide for Indoor Cordylines!


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