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how do i choose the right fish for my aquarium

by Dominic Cruickshank Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A healthy fish should have:

  • clear eyes
  • intact fins
  • active (unless it’s a catfish that is very quiet and does not like moving)
  • should not stick with long strips of feces
  • the movement of fish gills should be stable or effortless.
  • Unhealthy fish have some typical signs, such as white spots, plaques, and fungal disease. These signs indicate that the fish is sick and should not be selected.
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Questions to ask before choosing fish
  1. How big is the fish going to get?
  2. If the fish gets large will it prey on or frighten smaller fish in the aquarium?
  3. Is the fish too small to fit in with the other fish in the aquarium?
  4. Is the fish territorial and will it require a large space of its own?
  5. Does the fish eat other fish?

Full Answer

What should I consider when choosing my first aquarium?

I put together a list of 7 important factors to consider when choosing your first aquarium… 1. Bigger is better. Always. 2. Where are you going to put the darn thing? 3. How much can you afford? 4. The size and type of your fish 5. How big is the opening of the tank? 6. Glass or acrylic? 7. Avoid the kits 1. Bigger is better. Always.

Is a new aquarium right for You?

As a result, many new aquariums fail to thrive and many fish perish as a result. The correct way to set up a new aquarium (after you are sure a fish aquarium is right for you) is to first research and decide what type of fish you would like to have in the aquarium.

Should I buy a larger or smaller fish tank?

The expensive option: Buy a larger fish tank 2. The cheaper, sadder option: Say goodbye to your beloved fish Buying the right-sized tank in the beginning ensures that you don’t have to make this difficult choice. However, just because a fish is small doesn’t necessarily mean it is right for your aquarium.

Is a small fish right for your aquarium?

However, just because a fish is small doesn’t necessarily mean it is right for your aquarium. Some fish are very territorial and will bully any fish that ventures into its area of the tank. So, when deciding which fish you want to stock in your tank, research is key.


What fish should I put in my aquarium?

Good First Fish Barbs: Cherry, Gold, Rosy, Ruby, Purple, and Tico Barbs are good. Avoid Tinfoil and Spanner Barbs due to size, and avoid Tiger Barbs because they tend to nip and be quarrelsome. Danios: Zebra, Leopard, and Pearl Danios are good. Avoid Giant Danios, due to their size.

How do I choose the right pet fish?

Steps in Choosing a Pet FishGain knowledge on the types of fish that make the best pets. ... Determine the best place to purchase your fish. ... Determine the best habitat for your fish. ... Determine what supplies your fish will need. ... Learn how to clean the fish's habitat.

How do you know what fish can go together?

When choosing fish, opt for breeds that require similar tank temperatures and water pH levels to be sure they will all be comfortable and healthy in their shared water. Fish that eat similar foods are also good to have together, and feeding the entire community will be much simpler.

Which aquarium fish is best for beginners?

What Are the Best Aquarium Fish for Beginners?Goldfish. Whilst it may be obvious, these old favourites are a great first fish for beginners as they are extremely easy to care for. ... Tetras. ... Platies. ... Kuhli Loaches. ... Corydoras.

What fish is easiest to take care of?

In particular, guppies, zebrafish, goldfish, mollies, neon tetras, betta fish, and suckerfish are just some of the easiest fish to take care of in a community aquarium. Make sure to create a tank with plenty of rocks, caves, small toys, and plants to provide enrichment for the fish.

Do fish recognize their owners?

A species of tropical fish has been shown to be able to distinguish between human faces. It is the first time fish have demonstrated this ability.

What fish can you not put together?

Cichlids, certain species of sharks, loaches, knife fish, mormyrids and other territorial fish do not share space well with members of their own kind or closely related species.

What is the prettiest freshwater fish?

It includes a wide range of beautiful species, so there's something for everyone!Peacock Cichlid.Jack Dempsey.Electric Blue Acara.German Blue Ram.Endler's Livebearer.Paradise Fish.Killifish.Betta Fish.More items...•

What is the most hardy aquarium fish?

1. Zebra danio. Zebra danios, Danio rerio, are just about the hardiest tropical fish you'll ever keep. They don't mind if the water is hard or soft, still or flowing, warm or unheated, and they are the single best fish for new fishkeepers and new aquariums.

What is the most low maintenance fish?

Mollies and platys are very easy fish to care for and come in many varieties and colors. They can be kept in schools and grow to about three inches in length. We recommend starting with a common variety that is widely available, such as a black molly or red platy.

How many fishes should be kept in aquarium?

9 fishesAccording to Vastu, you should keep 9 fishes in your fish tank to ensure a positive flow of energy. However, you should ensure all 9 fishes have enough space to swim and ain't crammed up in a small aquarium. If you do not have enough space, then you can keep 5 fishes or just 1.

How long do you have to wait to put fish in a new tank?

Let your aquarium "settle" for at least 48 hours before buying your first fish. This will give you time to make sure the temperature is set and make adjustments to decorations, etc.

What do I need to know about pet fish?

All your pet fish needs is a clean place to live and healthy roommates....Your fish need the following to survive:A balanced diet.Clean water.Appropriate light.A proper filtration system.Water conditioner to balance pH levels.

What tropical fish can live together in a community tank?

Popular community fish species include Guppies, tetras, danios, rasboras, some barbs, rainbowfish, Bristlenose catfish and Corydoras catfish.

What do you need for a fish?

Fish As PetsGravel: Coated or pre washed is ideal.Decorations: Only those designated for aquariums (e.g., live or artificial plants and ornaments).Water Conditioner: De chlorinates tap water to make it fish-safe.Net: For transferring fish.Gravel Washer: For water changes and cleaning.More items...

Is discus a cichlid?

Symphysodon, colloquially known as discus, is a genus of cichlids native to the Amazon river basin in South America. Due to their distinctive shape, behavior, and bright colors and patterns, discus are popular as freshwater aquarium fish, and their aquaculture in several countries in Asia is a major industry.

How to make sure fish fits in aquarium?

Record your aquarium size, filtration status, and water quality test results. Make a list of fish you already have. Read the label on the aquarium in the aquarium to make sure the fish fits in your aquarium.

What to ask a good aquarium store?

A good store will ask you questions about the suitability of your aquarium, and you should also ask them which species can adapt to your aquarium. If the store does not ask any questions, just let you buy the fish you like. This is not ideal, because you may buy the fish that is causing you trouble.

How to tell if a fish is sick?

the movement of fish gills should be stable or effortless. Unhealthy fish have some typical signs, such as white spots, plaques, and fungal disease. These signs indicate that the fish is sick and should not be selected.

What is the most exciting thing about fish keeping?

Buying fish is one of the most exciting things in the process of fish keeping. When you are ready to set up a tank, all you have been waiting for is to buy fish. However, it is important not to make any hasty decisions. If you make the wrong decision, it may bring you endless pressure, and this pressure has nothing to do with fish keeping.

Why is my fish tank unhealthy?

It is either unhealthy due to disease. Unhealthy due to poor water quality in the aquarium. The fish is new or wild. They are stressful during transportation. They are unfamiliar with food.

Can you buy too many fish at once?

Things not to do. Don’t buy too many fish at once. If you are not familiar with those fishes and don’t know how big they will grow, don’t buy such fish. If your water quality test shows that the condition in your aquarium is not very good, then don’t buy fish. If you are treating sick fish, don’t buy new fish.

Can you buy fish that is causing you trouble?

This is not ideal, because you may buy the fish that is causing you trouble. The correct way is to do your homework to understand in advance, then ask the aquarium store, and finally make a decision. Regarding fish keeping, one certain thing is, there are many aquarium shops to choose from. Don’t compromise on fish’s health issues ...

What are the characteristics of catfish?

Catfish: There are over 2,000 species of catfish each with their own unique characteristics but, as a group, none of these fish have scales. They are covered with skin or an armor-like plating. Many catfish are used as scavengers in aquariums and while many species are well adapted to this, some have very different eating habits. There is probably a species of catfish that would work well in just about any type of aquarium setup. The important thing is to find the catfish that will work best in your aquarium. Some things to consider when choosing a catfish are: 1 Some catfish can get very large (over seven feet) 2 Some catfish are nocturnal and need to be fed after dark 3 Some catfish are specialized feeders and are not scavengers 4 Coarse, sharp substrate (gravel) can damage or irritate some of the bottom feeding catfish 5 Some catfish need to live in groups

What type of fish is best for an aquarium?

The important thing is to find the catfish that will work best in your aquarium. Some things to consider when choosing a catfish are: Characiforms (characins, tetras, hatchetfish, pencilfish, splash tetras ): This category includes a very large number of fish that are commonly found in Africa and the Americas.

What fish are in a community aquarium?

Cypriniforms ( barbs, danios, rasboras, sharks, loaches, goldfish, koi ): These fish are found in many locations throughout the world and the species include both tropical varieties and coldwater species such as the goldfish. Many of these species are popular in the aquarium because of their hardiness, ease of care and willingness to breed. Many species are sociable and do well in a community aquarium.

What are the different types of toothcarps?

The toothcarps consist of the egg layers that can be rare and difficult for beginners and the live bearers that are popular aquarium species such as guppies, mollies, swordtails, and platys. Labyrinth Fish ( gouramis, betta, paradise fish ): This group of fish is very popular with the aquarist.

How many species of fish are there in an aquarium?

There are over 25,000 identified species of fish and over 2,000 ...

What is a rainbow fish?

Rainbowfish (rainbowfish, silversides): The fish from this family come from a variety of different habitats and the individual needs of each species should be researched. These fish tend to have an iridescent quality to their skin that makes them change colors as they move through the light. Most species are small, peaceful, and colorful, and make good additions to a community aquarium.

Do catfish have skin?

They are covered with skin or an armor-like plating. Many catfish are used as scavengers in aquariums and while many species are well adapted to this, some have very different eating habits. There is probably a species of catfish that would work well in just about any type of aquarium setup.

What are the factors to consider when choosing fish?

For example, fish that are found only in very specific habitat conditions are not going to do as well in an aquarium that differs much from their natural environment. Species that have adapted to a wide variety of conditions in nature tend to be the hardiest fish in an aquarium.

What does compatibility mean for fish?

Compatibility is generally assumed to mean that the fish get along. In other words, the fish are peaceful and do not harass one another. Fish that are subjected to harassment on a continual basis are under so much physical stress that they are far more likely to become sick, no matter how good the water quality is.

How many species of fish are there in an aquarium?

A visit to any large aquarium or pet store will reveal an astonishing variety of fish -- a couple hundred species or more. Of these many possibilities, only some are suitable for new aquarists.

Why do you not put bag water in an aquarium?

Some experienced hobbyists do not add the bag water to their tank to avoid the possibility of inadvertently introducing any disease-causing organism s to the aquarium. Instead, they place a large net over a bucket and pour the contents of the bag into it, and then they release the netted fish into the aquarium. Repeat this procedure for each bag and discard the water in the bucket.

What happens if there aren't enough hiding places?

If there aren't enough hiding places, more dominant fish will maintain control of the few that do exist in the tank.

How long do fish stay in a store tank?

The store tanks receive much more maintenance than home aquariums do, and the fish will only be in those tanks for a relatively short time, perhaps a week or less in many cases .

Why is it so hard to supply fish with different food?

Growth and health are tied directly to a nutritionally balanced diet, and the proper balance can vary from one species of fish to another.

Care Level

The Rummynose (Firehead Tetra), native to South America, is easy to keep in a small freshwater aquarium. The Four-eyed Butterflyfish, occurring naturally in the South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean region, requires more attention to get this species to eat the right fish food.

Adult Size

Many small freshwater species including Neon Tetras, Swordtails, Tiger Barbs, and Danios do well in a 10- to 20-gallon aquarium. Larger, more territorial fish (such as African Cichlids) need more space. Popular Clownfish species are about 3-4 inches as adults and can be kept in a smaller marine aquarium.


By nature, some fish are peaceful while others are more aggressive and territorial. Marine Flame Angels are not large as adults (6 inches) but are somewhat territorial. Freshwater Angelfish, found naturally in the Amazon River basin, are also semi-territorial and should be kept in a larger freshwater aquarium.


Popular aquarium species may be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores. Some consume pellets while others prefer flakes of dried food from algae, plankton, marine shrimp and other invertebrates. Take note of whether your species feeds at the top, mid-tank or on the bottom.

What happens if you put more fish in an aquarium than there is oxygen?

If you put more fish in an aquarium than there is oxygen, they will suffocate.

Why do fish tanks need a stand?

For example, a gigantic fish tank might need a stand to support its weight, which is going to take up more space in your home!

Why do we change the water in our aquarium?

Uneaten fish food. As waste breaks down, it produces chemicals that are toxic to fish. This is one of the main reasons we perform water changes – to remove these built-up chemicals from the water. These chemicals build up quicker in a small aquarium than a large one.

How many gallons of water should I put in a glass tank?

For any tank under 150 gallons, a glass tank is recommended. And between you and me, I don’t think there are going to be too many beginners buying a tank larger than that.

How big can a goldfish grow?

Take a goldfish for instance. I am sure you have seen them comfortably fit into a small glass bowl. Guess what? An adult goldfish can grow larger than 12 inches! That bowl is not going to comfortably hold it for long.

Can you swap out a fish tank?

Just remember to take your time when choosing. Once set up and filled with water, a fish tank cannot be easily swapped out for a new one.

Should I read the guide for my first aquarium?

If this is your first aquarium, I recommend reading that guide first. That place where you are considering setting up your aquarium might not be so ideal after all . It’s important to get it right because that heavy fish tank is going to be a huge pain to move once it is set up and filled with water!


1.Videos of How Do I Choose the Right Fish for My Aquarium


24 hours ago Web · Wait for a while, and you will find the right fish you want. Do’s and don’ts when buying fish Things to do. Before buying, make sure that the quality of the water in …

2.How to Select the Right Fish for Your Aquarium


12 hours ago Web · The first group of factors you have to consider revolve around the water. You should only choose fish that thrives in the same type of water. This means water with the …

3.How to Choose the Right Fish for Your Aquarium - Hygger


3 hours ago Web · Consider other considerations like water quality and filter setup when choosing an aquarium. Remember that fish need plenty of hiding places, so consider …

4.How to Choose Aquarium Fish | HowStuffWorks


33 hours ago WebInitial: There is the initial cost of purchasing the fish. Make sure you choose fish that fit your budget. Just because a fish is selling for a lot of money, does not mean it is better than …

5.Choosing the Right Species of Fish for Your Aquarium


14 hours ago Web · 1. The Brand Name. This forms the largest portion of the label, and it is placed on the front in eye-catching texts and color. There is a picture of the type of fish …

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