Knowledge Builders

how do i create a 404 error page for my website

by Myah Schmitt MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

[Solution] How to Make a Custom 404 Error Page for your Website

  1. Are you using a website builder like Squarespace or Weebly? ...
  2. Create your custom 404 page in HTML. 404 page for my portfolio
  3. Look for ".htaccess" file in the root directory of your server FTP into your server and find this file in the root directory. ...

Let us jump into step one of our tutorial.
  1. Step 1: Create an HTML Landing Web Page. Let us start by simply creating a basic HTML page. This will be the foundation for creating a more exciting and informative 404! ...
  2. Step 2: Tell the Server to Use Your HTML 404! Error Page. ...
  3. Step 3: Save . htaccess File to the Root Directory.
Mar 3, 2021

Full Answer

How to create a custom WordPress 404 error page?

  • To use the 404page plugin, you need to set your website’s Permalink Structure ( Settings -> Permalinks) to anything but plain ( default) option.
  • There is no automatic redirection for 404 errors in this plugin. ...
  • Further styling ( custom CSS) can be added using the 404page plugin’s CSS class error404.

How to fix a 404 Page Not Found error?

  • Click on the Deactivate button below the plugin’s name.
  • Check your site, to see if the 404 error persists.
  • If the error is still there, re-activate the plugin you disabled.
  • Move to the next plugin on the list, and repeat the process.

How to fix WordPress 404 Page Not Found error?

WordPress 404 Page Error (Except Homepage)

  • Log in to your WordPress Dashboard
  • Go to Settings → Permalinks
  • Select the Default settings
  • Click the Save Changes button
  • Change the settings back to the previous configuration (the once you selected before Default). Put the custom structure back if you had one.
  • Click Save Settings

How to fix Error 404?

How to fix the 404 Error?

  1. Set Permalinks. Permalinks mean permanent links. ...
  2. Manual Correction. If the above does not fix your problems, it is time to fix them manually. ...
  3. Disable Plugins. If even after the above you keep getting 404 messages when you test your WordPress site, the problem might lie with a plugin.
  4. Set up 301. This is the last weapon in your arsenal. ...


How do I add a 404 page to my website?

How to Create a Custom 404 Error PageStep 1: Design the Page. At the start of your design process, you need to decide how funny and creative you want your custom 404 page to be. ... Step 2: Configure the Server. ... Step 3: Test Your Configuration. ... Step 4: Track 404 Sessions in Google Analytics.

How do I create an error 404 page?

The best practice is to design a 404 page with a handful of key links, including a link to the Home page as an easy get-out for users who're not sure what they're looking for yet. Other options to include might be to a blog, product features or About Us page.

How do I create a custom error page?

Creating a custom error pageLog in to cPanel. ... Open the Error Pages tool: ... Under Step 1, select the domain you want to configure for error pages.Under Step 2, click the error page that you want to customize.Type the HTML that you want to use in the error page. ... Click Save.

How do I create a 404 page on Google sites?

Visit the "Enhance 404 pages" section in Webmaster Tools, which allows you to generate a JavaScript snippet. You can then copy and paste this into your custom 404 page's code. As always, don't forget to return a proper 404 code. Can you change the way it looks?

Why are custom 404 pages a good idea?

A custom 404 page takes away the confusion of not landing on the page they had intended to land on. It lets your user know that there is an error with their request. Perhaps they mistyped the URL, the page is temporarily unavailable, or the page no longer exists.

Are 404 pages necessary?

Links on 404 pages are so important because they give users a way out of the error page. Instead of closing the window or navigating away from your site, the user is able to find helpful and potentially relevant resources on another page. Some links to add to your 404 pages should include: Your home page, obviously.

What is the purpose of a custom error page?

Custom error pages enable you to customize the pages that display when an error occurs. This makes your website appear more professional and also prevents visitors from leaving your site. If a visitor sees a generic error page, they are likely to leave your site.

How do I create a custom error in HTML?

How to customize built-in form validation error messagesGrab the input element(s) with a querySelector / querySelectorAll .Add an event listener for the invalid event. When handling the event, under event. target. ... Add an event listener for the change event to reset the custom error when the input value changes.

How do you create a customized error alert?

You can provide your own error message and also allow people to type their own values. Here's how: Select the cells you want. Click Data Validation. Click the Error Alert tab and check the box.

Are 404 pages good for SEO?

404 error pages don't really hurt your SEO, but there's definitely a lot you can miss out if you don't fix them. If you have backlinks pointing to pages on your website that return a 404, try to fix those backlinks and 301 redirect your broken URLs to relevant location.

Do 404 pages help SEO?

While you should take steps to correct these errors on your site when you find them, it is also important to create a 404 error page that helps visitors find what they're actually looking for in the event that they encounter this error. Done right, 404 pages can even be used to increase SEO and boost conversions.

Do 404 pages affect SEO?

Google directly says 404s don't affect your site's rankings. As a matter of fact, “404 page not found” and 301 redirects are preferred to soft 404 errors. Advanced SEO documentation for Developers on Google Search Central suggests that you fix soft 404 errors to redirect or definitively return 404 or 410 errors.

How do I create a custom 404 page in Apache?

How to Tell Your Server to Deliver the 404 Error PageStep 1: Locate or create your . htaccess file. ... Step 2: Create your . htaccess file (if you don't already have one) ... Step 3: Use a text editor to edit the . htaccess file. ... Step 4: Use FTP to upload your amended . htaccess file to your server. ... Step 5: Test it!

Is 404 a broken link?

But if we must break it down into small chunks for non-tech-savvy, then a broken link is a hyperlink (or web page) that users can't find or access. When you enter a broken link, a web page will appear and show an error message, which is typically known as a 404 error.

What is a 404 page used for?

A 404 page is the HTTP standard response code that indicates that a user reached a non-existent page because of clicking on a broken link, mistyping a URL, or because the page has been deleted. In such cases, a user usually sees one of the standard messages: 404 Not Found.

How does a 404 error work?

The 404 page error code means a server could not find a client-requested webpage. They're generated when a user attempts to access a webpage that doesn't exist, has been moved or has a dead or broken link.

Why is my website 404?

While the reasons for an error 404 page appearing are multifold, the most pertinent reason is broken links. Here are 3 tools to monitor the broken links on your website.

Why do you need to create a customized 404 page?

You’ll need to edit your .htaccess file and run some commands on your server.

Why set up a fun error page?

Setting up a fun/engaging error page will also help you in retaining the user who mistyped a URL or clicked on your outdated website page from search results. You can even convert this visitor into an email subscriber or offer him your products.

What does it mean when a website has a consistent stream of visitors?

It indicates that people are liking and clicking on your various website pages in search results.

What does "a dash of personality" mean on a dating website?

The dating website adds a dash of personality on their error page. They accept the mistake (calling it awkward), feel the visitor’s pain and then offer help rather than just letting someone read http status code gibberish.

What does Hilary do after showing a happy picture?

After showing a happy picture, Hilary encourages you to sign up for volunteering.

Why is my website not jumping back to the search results?

You don’t want a website visitor to quickly jump back to the search results because of a web server issue. Such user behavior (pogo-sticking) indicates that your website does not serve a relevant value-adding result for the particular keyword query.

How to generate HTML for 404 error?

If you have to configure your webserver to show custom error page content, an easy way to generate HTML for the error page is copying the source code of a regular website page. Change the main content section to show the error message, and your 404 error page will match the rest of the site pretty well.

What does redirecting a website do?

Redirecting will prevent users from examining the problem URL, and it won’t send useful information to your web analytics.

What happens if you display a 200 status code?

Displaying the missing content message and returning a 200 status code (the normal response given for a working web page) will confuse crawlers, and you will receive soft 404 errors in search consoles. Test for this with a crawler like ScreamingFrog or an HTTP status code checker by inputting a bogus URL like “”

What is page title?

Page titles are visible in browser tabs and available to users using assistive technology like screen readers. We want to make sure that our error message is clear to everyone. Giving the error page a unique title will also help us with web analytics down the line.

What does "no page available" mean?

A clear statement that the page the user requested isn’t available

Is eFax a good website?

eFax has a custom 404 page that is pretty good . It’s not a creative or silly 404 page, but it does a very good job of getting users back on track:

What is a search bar?

A search bar for the website’s internal search function

Where to Next?

This introduction to the 404 page error should provide a starting point for further inquiry into web page management and the unlimited creative aspects that HTML offers. In the next blogs, you will be able to explore other areas of HTML design. Continue to be inspired, explore further and dive deeper into the world of web design.

Why is my website getting 404 error?

The web page is either broken, or it no longer exists. The 404 error code can appear in any browser, regardless of the type of browser you are using. There are several reasons why you might be getting an HTTP 404 code: One typical trigger for an error 404 message is when the page has been deleted from the website.

How to assist those who have landed on this “non-existent” page?

To assist those who have landed on this “non-existent” page, you can add some helpful information to guide them on the right path. Perhaps add some information as to why the page does not exist anymore. Add something like this into the HTML. Feel free to copy the following code and resave your html file.

What is a.htaccess file?

Create a “ .htaccess ” file. This text file serves the purpose of passing on instructions to the server.

Why is it important to maintain a dead link?

It is common for owners of websites to not check their external links regularly which leads to users trying to access a dead link. Web maintenance is essential for this reason.

Can you be artistic with 404.html?

Now, you can be as artistic as you like to create your fancy, informative 404.html page. Always keep the visitor to the page in mind to enhance their experience.

Does the entered domain name exist anymore?

The entered domain name does not exist anymore.

Why is it important to use a place in your layout?

That explanation helps to create a greater closeness since the company is consternated with the situation, which demonstrates respect to the user who accesses its site.

How to check if a redirect is working?

Now, to test if everything is working, open your browser and put the address of your site followed by “/” and then any page identification that doesn’t exist. That will generate the error 404, and then you can check if the redirect to the page that was created is working.

What is error 404?

When creating an error 404 page, the design is the first important issue. As much as it’s an error message, the layout needs to follow your brand’s visual identity patterns. Error messages offered by browsers can convey an even worse perception to the user. Ideally, assume that there’s a problem and put your brand ahead of it.

Why is Google 404?

Google needs to be clear about the answer, which should be the 404 because it indicates that the address doesn’t exist. Otherwise, search engines may end up ranking the page. Learning how to create a custom error 404 page is essential to avoid a negative perception of your site by users. Instabilities will always exist, ...

How to create a 404 page?

Create your 404 page within the Drupal CMS. This can be as simple as creating a Basic Page and adding some custom text and links on that page. In the Drupal admin section, navigate to Configuration > Site Information. Under the “Error Pages” section, update the path field to point to your custom 404 page. 2. WordPress Website.

What is 404.php in WordPress?

By default, WordPress will look for a file named 404.php in your theme. Every WordPress theme should have a 404.php file in it, but it might not be a custom page. You can customize this file or create a brand new file named 404.php and upload it to your theme in place of the current one.

What is a friendly text?

Friendly text explaining the error. It’s common to put something witty or funny here to let the user know that what he or she is seeing is normal and not to worry. This is also good from a usability perspective and helps reduce user frustration.

Is 404 a marketing asset?

A well-designed 404 page is definitely a marketing asset, but it works best of all when it is viewed infrequently.

6 Key Elements of a Clever 404 Error Page

A clever, cost-effective, and simplistic 404 page design is what you should aim for. You needn’t spend thousands of hours and dollars to produce a page which ideally no one should see. Yet you should still put the right amount of effort to make the most of it.

Some Witty 404 Page Designs to Inspire You

The music streaming platform took a witty and creative spin to their 404 error page. From the simple pastel background, the “Go back” button, and clever design of the record player and its “404s and heartbreaks”, is one well-planned page.

Final Thoughts

A clever 404 error page design is a marvelous opportunity to show off your creativity and encourage your users to continue their journey on your website. It gives reassurance that despite something going wrong, everything will be alright.

How to avoid HTTP 404 error?

If you do find the page you were after, update your bookmark or favorite to avoid the HTTP 404 error in the future. Clear your browser's cache if you have any indication that the 404 message might just be yours. For example, if you can reach the URL from your phone but not from your tablet, clearing the cache on your tablet's browser might help. ...

How to fix 404 error in WordPress?

How do I fix error 404 on WordPress? If you use WordPress, 404 errors often pop up because of redirect conflicts or permalink issues. Fix broken links for individual pages or posts. Visit the WordPress dashboard and update permalink settings if it's a site-wide problem.

What does it mean when a webpage cannot be found?

In Internet Explorer, the message The webpage cannot be found usually indicates an HTTP 404 error but a 400 Bad Request error is another possibility. You can check to see which error IE is referring to by checking for either 404 or 400 in the title bar.

What does 404 mean in HTTP?

A 404 error is an HTTP status code that means that the page you were trying to reach on a website couldn't be found on their server .

Why is my URL error?

Check for errors in the URL. Often times this error appears because the URL was typed wrong or the link that was selected points to the wrong URL.

How to tell if a website is 404?

Contact the website directly. If they've removed the page you're after then the 404 error is completely legitimate and they should be able to tell you that. If they've moved the page and are generating errors instead of redirecting visitors to the new page, they'll be happy to hear from you so they can go fix it.

How to retry a page?

Retry the web page by pressing F5, clicking/tapping the refresh/reload button, or trying the URL from the address bar again.


1.How to make a custom 404 error page for your website


7 hours ago  · Open it and add the following line: ErrorDocument 404 /not-found-page.html. …where /not-found-page.html is the full path to the new custom 404 page that you’ve created. …

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7 hours ago  · Step 1: Create an HTML Landing Web Page. Let us start by simply creating a basic HTML page. This will be the foundation for creating a more exciting and informative 404! Error …

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24 hours ago 1. Drupal Website. Create your 404 page within the Drupal CMS. This can be as simple as creating a Basic Page and adding some custom text and links on that page. In the Drupal admin section, …

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8 hours ago Creating a custom 404 page can help give your site a unique personality. You can create your own custom 404 page using the Theme Builder. The 404 page template is a site part and can …

5.How to Set Up a Custom 404 Error Page - Straight North


34 hours ago  · Upload your new 404 error page, if you haven’t already, and log into your site. Then try to go to a page that doesn’t exist. You should get the page you denoted in the .htaccess file. …

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30 hours ago  · Team DevriX. Blog Writing & Content Creation Our marketing team is responsible for the creation of the content on the DevriX website and social media profiles.

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13 hours ago  · Change the DNS servers used by your computer, but usually only if an entire website is giving you a 404 error, especially if the website is available to those on other …

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