Knowledge Builders

how do i get rid of fleas in my house with hardwood floors

by Neha Zboncak Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to get rid of fleas on hardwood floors.

  • 1. Block the gaps and cracks. Find a way to fill the spaces between hardwood flooring because that is where fleas and other bugs hide. Fleas cannot ...
  • 2. Dawn dish soap.
  • 3. White vinegar.
  • 4. Salt and baking soda.
  • 5. Pine-Sol.

Getting Rid of Fleas on Wood Floors
  1. Boric Acid. Boric acid is friendly to wooden floors and is easy to use. ...
  2. Precor 2000. Precor 2000 is also a way to treat surfaces with a liquid prevention spray. ...
  3. Diatomaceous Earth. ...
  4. Mopping. ...
  5. Using Steamers. ...
  6. Salt. ...
  7. Sweeping.
Oct 27, 2021

Full Answer

How do you get rid of flea pupae on hardwood floors?

You’ll also learn in our article there is no way to kill flea pupae and the only way to get rid of them is to vacuum and/or wait for all of them to hatch. The good news is hardwood floors are easy to vacuum and clean which will effectively remove all the flea eggs, larvae and pupae.

How to get rid of fleas in the House?

Scientists have proved that vacuuming hardwood floors kill 96% of adult fleas and 100% baby fleas. But to make the process effective, you’d need to vacuum slowly. Cover all the corners of the floors, especially the junction between the floor and the wall. If the floor has a carpet or rug, take it off and take it outside your home.

Does bleach kill fleas on hardwood floors?

Bleach is corrosive, and using bleach on a hardwood floor will severely damage the floor. Bleach kills fleas, but you wouldn’t want to kill the fleas by damaging your expensive hardwood floor. Flea bombs work, but their scope is minimal. Once the flea bombs explode, they don’t spread across the entire floor.

Where do fleas hide on hardwood floors?

The most common section on the hardwood floors where fleas hide is the junction between the hardwood floor and the wall. Fleas don’t eat the hardwood floor while they’re hiding. Fleas are waiting for a host, which is your pet, to latch on to.


How do you get rid of fleas on hardwood floors?

Start With the Vacuum A thorough vacuuming of carpet and hardwood floors removes a surprising amount of flea larvae and eggs. Vacuum the entire floor, including under furniture and along baseboards, focusing special attention on areas where your pet likes to sleep.

Can fleas survive on hardwood floors?

As far as wooden floors are concerned, fleas won't survive on their surface for a long time, as they have nothing to attach themselves to. But, they will probably be hiding in small nooks and crannies in the floor. They can survive there and breed in the dust and debris which is hidden.

Can fleas lay eggs on hardwood floors?

Cracks in hardwood floors provide many of the same habitat functions as carpeting. The crevices create their own protected micro-environment and micro-climate. Flea eggs, flea feces, and debris can easily collect in the cracks. Areas near baseboards and floor corners also gather flea eggs and detritus.

What can I put on my floor for fleas?

Fortunately, there are a handful of homemade flea remedies you can try to help prevent and get rid of fleas.Dish soap. This home flea remedy involves creating a flea trap using dish soap and some water. ... Herbal flea spray. ... Baking soda. ... Salt. ... Lemon spray. ... Diatomaceous earth. ... Rosemary. ... Flea repelling plants.

How do I get rid of fleas in my house fast?

Take a look at some of the effective ways you can get rid of them in your home:Use baking soda. ... Sprinkle salt. ... Lemon spray. ... Wash all bedding in hot, soapy water. ... Use rosemary. ... Hire a steam cleaner. ... Use a powerful vacuum. ... 8 dog cleaning essentials every owner needs.

Does mopping help get rid of fleas?

Once you've vacuumed, it's time to attack your floor with a damp mop. If at all possible, use a disposable mop, otherwise, once again, you risk spreading the problem rather than solving it. Make sure you also wash down all soft furnishings with a damp cloth to remove further traces of flea eggs and larvae.

Can fleas survive a washing machine?

Washing your clothes is an effective way to clear them of fleas. However, this effect is due to the deadly, dual action of heat and laundry powder, as fleas are very unlikely to drown in the washing machine. What is this? Fleas are impressively resilient bugs and can survive for up to a week in water.

How long does it take to get rid of fleas in a house?

You also need to determine how to get rid of fleas in your home. This requires patience. It can take as long as three-to-four months to get rid of an infestation, as it takes this long for all of the fleas in your home to go through their life stages.

What time of day are fleas most active?

Fleas are most active around sunset, and least active at sunrise. At dusk, there's an increase in movement, egg production, and respiration. Fleas are never completely inactive. They produce eggs and feces through all hours of the day.

What do fleas hate the most?

Citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary will all naturally repel fleas. If your dog doesn't mind a spray bottle, dilute a few drops of your chosen essential oil into a 300ml-400ml of water and spray directly onto your dog's coat.

Do fleas live in wood?

Hard-surfaced floors are no protection, either; fleas can live in the cracks and around the edges of wood, laminate, or tile floors. They can also take refuge in furniture, bedding, and area rugs.

Do fleas hate Pine Sol?

Pine Sol contains eucalyptus oil, which kills and repels fleas. By treating the exterior of your home first, you will prevent new fleas from invading your home, and will ensure that any fleas trying to leave your home will be killed.

What is the best dry treatment for fleas?

Another dry treatment is food-grade diatomaceous earth. It’s a powdery substance that’s made from the sediments, fossils of diatoms that lived millions of years ago. Diatomaceous Earth works to prevent and treat fleas, as well as many other insects.

How long does flea powder stay on the floor?

Sprinkle a good amount of the powder on your floor, and leave it there for 1 to 2 days. Make sure to cover the entire floor and not leave out crevices and dark corners. You should also sprinkle this product on your furniture, upholstery and inside wall cracks just in case the fleas are hiding there.

What acid is good for wood floors?

Boric acid is friendly to wooden floors and is easy to use.

Why do you have to stop sweeping floors?

If you have a habit of sweeping floors, you better stop. Sweeping disperses fleas and lets them occupy even more areas in the house. You should switch to vacuuming because it eradicates dirt as well as fleas.

What are flea eggs?

Flea Eggs: Flea eggs are small and white. They are often mistaken for dandruff and can be difficult to identify if you aren’t experienced in treating them. If you have found flea eggs on your pet, in your carpet, or on your floors, it’s imperative to exterminate them and start treatment right away.

Can fleas be found in hardwood floors?

Fleas can infest hardwood, despite popular belief that they don’t While they need a host to attach themselves to, they will hide in between the cracks waiting for an unsuspecting host. They can be brought into your home by you, your pets, or rodents.

Can fleas be found on pets?

While fleas can attach to humans, it’s more common they will find a pet as a host. If they can latch on, they will reproduce causing an infestation that may continue to spread around through your home and on your floors.

How to kill fleas on wooden floors?

Baking soda can also be mixed with salt for efficiency. Those two can be mixed in equal proportions to kill fleas on wooden floors. After spreading the mixture, let it settle for 1-2 days. It is an efficient but slow measure and those who need instant results can go for the other alternatives listed above.

Why do fleas infest hardwood floors?

Fleas also infest hardwood floors during the cold seasons because the flooring can retain heat from the house and remain warm. Moisture is also present because the heat will interact with cold air to form humidity which keeps the floor moist.

How long do fleas live on hardwood floors?

Fleas can live in hardwood floors but they will not last for 2-4 weeks if they can not find a blood meal. They need hosts like cats, dogs, or birds in the house that they can feed on. Since they are external parasites, they like hiding in wooden floors because they can easily hop onto their prey.

How cold can hardwood floors get?

For a wooden floor to last, the temperatures should always be maintained at 60°F-80°F. Those temperatures are not deadly to fleas and they can comfortably breed at that.

Can fleas get into wood floors?

Fleas can still infest your wooden floors even if you do not have pets at home. However, this depends on your environment because pests like rats and mice can also invite fleas. Those rodents can chew holes into your wooden floors and live down there.

Can fleas live without a host?

If you get rid of all the pets, they will bite you just to get blood. Generally, fleas cannot live without pets or any host that they can have blood.

Can you use vinegar on hardwood floors?

Vinegar is naturally acidic and should never be used without water on hardwood floors. It may not damage it instantly but it removes the finishing with time. Long usage will result in a faded floor that looks old and worn out. Spraying white vinegar on hardwood floors can also discourage flea infestation.

How Do Fleas Survive On Hardwood Floors?

The answer is yes. Hardwood floors have gaps and cracks where fleas can hide. The junction between the hardwood floor and the wall is where fleas often hide on hardwood floors. The fleas don’t eat the hardwood floor while they’re hiding.

How do fleas enter your home?

Fleas are brought into your home by your pets. Overgrown grasses growing around in the moist areas are ideal habitats for fleas outside your home. As soon as your pet enters these areas, fleas latch onto them. This is how fleas enter your home. Flying through open windows is another way fleas enter your home. Flying insects are jumpers.

What are the signs that the hardwood floor has fleas?

Unless you are intentionally searching for fleas, it’s hard to tell unless you are looking for them. You cannot ignore the following three primary signs of flea infestation. There is constant itchiness and scratching in your pet. Dirt from fleas. Feces from fleas that are reddish due to digested blood are known as flea dirt.

Vacuum Clean The Hardwood Floor, It Kills Fleas And Flea Eggs

Including the eggs, vacuuming kills fleas at all stages of their life cycle.

Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth Or Baking Soda On The Hardwood Floor

Fleas are killed by both diatomaceous earth and baking soda. To use either one, just sprinkle generously on the floor and wait 45 minutes to an hour. Vacuum the floor afterwards.

How to get rid of fleas on hardwood floors?

You’ll also learn in our article there is no way to kill flea pupae and the only way to get rid of them is to vacuum and/or wait for all of them to hatch. The good news is hardwood floors are easy to vacuum and clean which will effectively remove all the flea eggs, larvae and pupae. This will help tremendously. But I also suggest you set out 2-4 FLEA TRAPS to help speed the process by getting any pupae left behind to hatch sooner rather than later.

Can you kill flea pupae?

You’ll also learn in our article there is no way to kill flea pupae and the only way to get rid of them is to vacuum and/or wait for all of them to hatch. The good news is hardwood floors are easy to vacuum and clean which will effectively remove all the flea eggs, larvae and pupae. This will help tremendously.

What is the best way to kill fleas on hardwood floors?

Like diatomaceous earth, baking soda and salt are highly effective natural options when you have to kill fleas on hardwood floors.

What is the best way to treat fleas?

Alternatively, treat them with any suitable remedies which have either been specified above (such as diatomaceous earth or baking soda and salt) or happen to be others that have been proven to be effective against fleas.

How long does it take for diatomaceous earth to kill fleas?

You will have to leave it for about 72 hours during which it will kill fleas and their larvae on your hardwood floors. Following this period, you will need to sweep or brush the diatomaceous earth or vacuum it using a shop vac or a filterless vacuum. Alternatively, you will be able to use a standard vacuum cleaner as long as you clear out the filter frequently — you will need to check it several times during an hour.

How to test baking soda for pests?

All you will need to do is test the quality of the batch of baking soda you intend to use by sprinkling some of it in some vinegar. If it fizzes then you can be certain it is still active and will be efficient in eliminating the pests.

Why is pine sol good for fleas?

Why Pine Sol? Because it contains eucalyptus oil which kills fleas. Using disposable microfiber mops is highly recommended in this instance.

Can fleas detract from your life?

Fleas happen to be some of the most prolific pests which can detract from your quality of life. This article covers the most effective methods which can be used to eliminate them so you can enjoy a home that is free of these insects.

Can parasites be found in hardwood floors?

Yes, they can. These parasites normally make it into your home by hitching a ride on one or more of your pets. Once in, they tend to hide in soft furnishings such as rugs and carpets and can also snuggle into cracks and splits in your hardwood floors.

Steps To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Floor

Before you mop your hardwood floors to get rid of fleas, keep in mind that most detergents and chemicals will harm them. Much water might soak into the floor, causing lumps.


Without pets, fleas on wooden floors are easier to control because they may be readily starved. Simply remove any coverings from the affected areas and mop with soapy water. Pours salt into the nooks and crannies and waits for it to settle. To kill all of them, do this every day for a week.

How long does it take for fleas to go away?

Repeat the entire process, starting with vacuuming the floors, if the flea infestation isn't gone after two weeks.

Does a vacuum kill fleas?

The jarring action of the vacuum cleaner should kill most of the fleas, but you don't want to risk any living and reproducing in the appliance.

Can fleas be on carpet?

You may think that if you don't have carpeting that you're protected from a flea infestation, but the tiny pests can invade hardwood and tile floors as well. If your dog or cat has fleas, it's important to treat all of your home's flooring so that you kill the insects in all four stages -- eggs, larvae, pupae and adult -- of their lifecycles. Treat the flooring while treating your pets with medication to eliminate the flea infestation.


1.3 Best Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Floors


13 hours ago  · 2 Identifying Fleas in Hardwood Floors; 3 Getting Rid of Fleas on Wood Floors. 3.1 Boric Acid; 3.2 Precor 2000; 3.3 Diatomaceous Earth; 4 What Not to Use. 4.1 Mopping; 4.2 Using Steamers; 4.3 Salt; 4.4 Sweeping; 5 Wrapping Up

2.How to Get Rid of Fleas on Hardwood Floors Without Harming the …


22 hours ago The best thing to do if you find fleas on your hardwood floor is to remove any soft furnishings, such as rugs or sofas in order for the fleas to not have somewhere to go. Once you have done that, you need to vacuum up the fleas by vacuuming the hardwood floor.

3.Fleas on Hardwood Floors + How To Remove Them - PestWeek


10 hours ago  · The best ways how to get rid of fleas on a hardwood floor are – Vacuum cleaning the floor. Moping the floor with pine sol. Using baking soda or diatomaceous earth on the floor and then vacuuming the floor. By vacuuming hardwood floors, 96% of adult fleas and 100% of baby fleas and flea eggs are killed.

4.How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Floors By 3 Best Ways


28 hours ago Also Know, what is the best way to get rid of fleas in a house? Sweep tile or wood floors, and vacuum carpets, rugs, and furniture. Use carpet spray - Spray carpets and upholstery in the home. Fleas love dark places, so spray under furniture and in crevices. Fog your house - Some foggers are effective up to 7 months, long enough to kill all the life stages of a flea in most cases.

5.Videos of How Do I Get Rid of Fleas in My House With Hardwood Floors


2 hours ago  · The good news is hardwood floors are easy to vacuum and clean which will effectively remove all the flea eggs, larvae and pupae. This will help tremendously. But I also suggest you set out 2-4 FLEA TRAPS to help speed the process by getting any pupae left behind to hatch sooner rather than later. to treat fleas on hardwood floors | FLEA CONTROL SPRAY …


30 hours ago  · Diatomaceous earth can also be sprinkled on rugs and carpets. You will have to leave it for about 72 hours during which it will kill fleas and their larvae on your hardwood floors. Following this period, you will need to sweep or brush the diatomaceous earth or vacuum it using a shop vac or a filterless vacuum.

7.How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Floors -


20 hours ago  · Look for a reddish-colored dirt-like substance. This is flea feces with a bloody tint to it. This could be a symptom of an infestation if you see it about your house or on your floors. 3)Fill The Hardwood Floor Gaps And Cracks: Fleas and other bugs lurk in the crevices between hardwood floors, so find a solution to fill them.

8.How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Floors


10 hours ago  · Use a mop to wash the hardwood or tile floors, making sure to reach the corners of the room as well. The soapy solution will help to remove any remaining fleas. After going over the floors one or two times, rinse them with plain water to remove any soapy residue. Allow …

9.How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Hardwood Or Tile Flooring - How …


28 hours ago

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9