Knowledge Builders

how do i get rid of silverfish in my bathtub

by Norwood Littel Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

5 Ways to Get Rid of Silverfish
  1. Seal Up Food. You don't want to pour out a bowl of your favorite cereal just to find it's swimming with these squirming insects. ...
  2. Reduce Humidity. ...
  3. Clear Clutter. ...
  4. Sprinkle Diatomaceous Earth. ...
  5. Try Some Traps.
May 16, 2022

How do I get rid of silverfish in my bathroom sink?

Use cedar wood or cedar oil to repel silverfish. Place small pieces of wood around your bathroom, or spray cedar oil in corners and near cracks and crevices (but be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area first to make sure it won’t stain). Replace regular toilet paper with recycled toilet paper.

How do you get rid of silverfish bugs?

This also works for a cockroach infestation. If you find yourself dealing with an uninvited silverfish bug, or even worse, an infestation, you can get rid of silverfish in a variety of ways. You can choose to trap them, repel them, kill them with insecticides, or by making your home a less hospitable place.

Why do I have silverfish in my bathtub?

If you have an infestation in your tub, you may assume the silverfish are coming from the bathtub drain, but they're not. According to Terminix, silverfish are drawn to areas that retain a lot of moisture and warmth. They especially love hiding out in dark places with humidity over 75 percent.


Why are silverfish in my bathtub?

They are attracted to moisture and warm, dark places with high levels of humidity (above 75 percent), which explains why they are frequently found in bathrooms. However, they cannot climb on smooth vertical surfaces, so they are frequently found trapped in bathtubs and sinks.

How do I get rid of silverfish in my bathtub drain?

It's a Trap To make your own silverfish trap, place a cracker or other starchy food at the bottom of a glass jar. Cover the outside of the jar with masking tape so the silverfish can climb in. Once inside, the smooth surface of the jar will keep them trapped, just like silverfish in sink drains after a fall.

Can silverfish come up through the drain?

There is no simple answer to this question but you should know that there is up to 90% chance of them not living in your drain. They, however, are attracted to moisture. Even with their love for humidity, they do not travel through the drains. They might travel around your pipes and drains but never through the drains.

Does seeing one silverfish mean an infestation?

A homeowner who sees a silverfish in one or two places in the home does not necessarily have an infestation. However, a homeowner who sees silverfish regularly likely has a problem.

What naturally kills silverfish?

Home remedies to get rid of silverfish naturallyBoric acid. Boric acid is known to kill insects and bugs by starving them. ... Diatomaceous Earth. Diatomaceous Earth is mainly used to kill the silverfishes by making them thirst. ... Cedar shavings. ... Cinnamon. ... Citrus fruits. ... Naphthalene balls. ... Cucumber peels. ... Cloves.More items...

What smells do silverfish hate?

What smell do silverfish hate? Silverfish hate the smell of citrus, cinnamon and lavender. If you are looking to repel them naturally, a great idea is to use essential oils to clean your home or as a home fragrance (such as candles and diffusers) to keep them away.

Do silverfish go in beds?

Finding Silverfish in Beds Although they prefer places like bathrooms and closets, it is possible to find silverfish bugs in beds. These insects are about half an inch in length with silver teardrop-shaped bodies and long antennae. While they're more annoying than harmful, these pests can damage bedding.

What happens if a silverfish bites you?

Silverfish do not bite humans or animals, do not carry disease, and are not poisonous. However, they have the potential to spread germs if they come in from the outside and contaminate food.

What smells do silverfish hate?

What smell do silverfish hate? Silverfish hate the smell of citrus, cinnamon and lavender. If you are looking to repel them naturally, a great idea is to use essential oils to clean your home or as a home fragrance (such as candles and diffusers) to keep them away.

Do silverfish have nests?

Where do silverfish nest? Inside homes, silverfish create nests in damp areas where temperatures are cooler, and they are usually found residing in basements. However, they can also be found nesting in cabinets and underneath sinks in attics, kitchens, crawl spaces, laundry rooms, and bathrooms.

How to get rid of silverfish in bathroom?

The first thing you need to do to get rid of silverfish in the bathroom is to make the space uncomfortable for them – which involves removing the things that they like and depend on.

What is the best way to kill silverfish?

If you want a liquid means of killing silverfish, go for a chemical spray that contains pyrethrin.

How often should you repeat the silverfish step?

It’s also easy to do; you can just repeat the step every few nights until you no longer have silverfish inside.

How to catch silverfish in a newspaper?

You may find this more effective if you roll up the newspaper and fasten it into a roll with elastic bands so that the silverfish can crawl inside. This will make it easy to pick it up without accidentally dislodging and losing your captured silverfish.

How to get silverfish to crawl inside?

One simply trick involves using newspaper. If you lightly dampen some newspaper, and then set layers of it down on the floor and leave it overnight , you’ll find many silverfish are attracted to the paper and crawl inside.

What fish will be attracted to the food and approach the jar?

In the night, the silverfish will be attracted to the food and approach the jar.

What do silverfish like?

The first thing that silverfish like is moisture.

How to get rid of silverfish?

Preventing Silverfish Infestations. The best way to get rid of a silverfish infestation is 100 percent prevention. Once you have an infestation in your home, you should hire a professional to rectify the situation. Although you can buy silverfish traps, it's highly recommended that you hire an expert because they can find silverfish in ...

How do silverfish get their name?

If you've never seen a silverfish, they get their name because they move about in a fish-like way. On their silver bodies, they have three bristles that protrude from their abdomen.

What temperature do silverfish live in?

Usually, silverfish survive well in temperatures of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. When silverfish come inside, you may also find them scurrying around the kitchen, laundry room and pipes. According to P.F. Harris, they like to feed on carbohydrates, proteins, mold and even the glue on book bindings or wallpaper. Advertisement.

How many bristles does a silverfish have?

On their silver bodies, they have three bristles that protrude from their abdomen. You might think silverfish would be harmful creatures because they can look a bit menacing and, according to Terminix, they existed 100 million years before dinosaurs. Longevity and looks aside, silverfish aren't harmful to your physical body.

Is silverfish poisonous?

According to Terminix, silverfish don't bite, they're not poisonous and most important, they don't carry pathogens that cause diseases. Although these bad boys aren't super harmful, they'll damage your house if you end up having an infestation, so don't underestimate their capabilities.

Can silverfish climb out of tub?

Name aside, silverfish probably fell in the tub and can't climb out. Image Credit: John Keeble/Moment/GettyImages. Depending on whom you ask, there's nothing more frightening than taking a shower and seeing a silverfish scurrying around your tub.

Do Silverfish Live in Drains?

If you have an infestation in your tub, you may assume the silverfish are coming from the bathtub drain, but they're not . According to Terminix, silverfish are drawn to areas that retain a lot of moisture and warmth. They especially love hiding out in dark places with humidity over 75 percent.

What prevents silverfish from eating my bathroom?

Keeping bathrooms clean, dry and, free of dust and dead insects prevents silverfish.

How to keep silverfish out of crawl space?

Since silverfish love moisture and nymphs develop in humid areas, the best way to prevent an infestation is to control your space's humidity. Try to open any vents in your crawl space, use baseboards with caulking and maintain your housekeeping practices, especially since silverfish love to consume a variety of foods.

What Are Silverfish?

According to Orkin, silverfish, from the family Lepismatidae, are white to brown-gray or bluish-silver, teardrop-shaped, 12 to 19 millimeters in length and have three long bristles on their rear. Silverfish can live in most climates, but they thrive in dark, damp areas. You'll often find them in basements, attics, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, sheds, or even in paper and damp clothing.

How big are silverfish?

According to Orkin, silverfish, from the family Lepismatidae, are white to brown-gray or bluish-silver, teardrop-shaped, 12 to 19 millimeters in length and have three long bristles on their rear. Silverfish can live in most climates, but they thrive in dark, damp areas. You'll often find them in basements, attics, kitchens, bathrooms, garages, ...

Do silverfish have nymphs?

Since silverfish love moisture and nymphs develop in humid areas, the best way to prevent an infestation is to control your space's humidity.

Can silverfish damage your house?

Advertisement. Last, silverfish can cause damage to items in your home. They can eat large grains and chew holes in your clothing, upholstery and paper. If you get a significant infestation, they can cause damage to your home.

Can silverfish cause allergies?

Silverfish don't transmit diseases and aren't poisonous, but they can trigger allergies in people because, according to Terminix, they shed their skin. Silverfish can also attract other pests such as carpet beetles. Last, silverfish can cause damage to items in your home.

How to keep silverfish out of house?

If your house is full of dark, damp cracks and crevices, filling these is a good way to keep silverfish out. Buy some caulk and apply it along baseboards, inside cracks, and in holes in your wall or floor. This is particularly important to do in your kitchen, bathroom and basement.

How to get rid of silverfish in the morning?

Try newspaper traps. Roll up a newspaper, band the ends with elastic, and moisten it. Set it out where you often see silverfish leavings before you go to bed. In the morning, silverfish will have eaten their way into the newspaper, since you've provided them with both food and a cozy environment. Throw the newspapers away (without unrolling them) or burn them. Repeat every night until you don't see any more signs of silverfish.

How to kill silverfish in kitchen?

Buy a chemical spray containing liquid pyrethrin. This chemical kills silverfish when you spray it along baseboards and into cracks, as well as other places where silverfish lurk. Do not apply this in your kitchen cabinets or near food sources, and don't apply it where children and pets hang out, since it's toxic. ...

How to catch silverfish in glass?

Set out homemade glass silverfish traps. Take a quart-sized mason jar or another glass container. Wrap the outside of the container with a piece of masking tape. Place a piece of bread at the bottom of the glass. Set the glass in an area where you suspect silverfish reside. Make sure to wrap tape all the way to the top.

How to tell if silverfish are around?

Rather, you'll probably become aware of their presence because of what they leave behind. Look for damp, dark areas with small spots of excrement that look like black pepper. Small holes and yellowish stains on clothing, wallpaper, cereal boxes, and other cardboard or fabric materials also indicate they're nearby. Finally, silverfish shed their skin, so you can look around for tiny skin casts in your bathroom, basement and other areas where you suspect they live.

What do silverfish eat?

They feed on books, dead skin cells, and other starchy materials and thrive in dark, wet spaces .

Why do silverfish breed down the drain?

Community Answer. Silverfish sometimes breed down drains due to the moisture. After using the sink before you go to bed, pour a cap of bleach down all sinks and drains in the house and, if possible, plug them. This should prevent them from reproducing.

How to get rid of silverfish?

Sticky traps, available at most hardware or home and garden stores, are an excellent way to get rid of silverfish. Purchase several of these traps and place them anywhere you’ve noticed silverfish activity. After a few days, check the traps and discard any that have silverfish stuck to them.

What to do if you have silverfish in your apartment?

If you have a severe silverfish infestation in your apartment, you’ll need to contact a licensed pest control service like Smith’s. Working within the context of a rental apartment can be difficult, and you don’t want to accidentally damage the property in the process or violate your rental agreement.

What are Silverfish?

Silverfish are one of the most common pest insects in the world. They’re sometimes called bristletails or paper fish, even though their scientific name is Lepisma saccharinum.

What Attracts Silverfish to my House?

If you have a silverfish infestation, you’re probably wondering where the bugs came from.

How to tell if silverfish are infested?

The first sign of silverfish infestation is the presence of live silverfish. These small, flexible, slippery insects range in color from blue-silver to brown-grey. They’re shaped like a teardrop and wiggle back and forth when they move, much like a fish does when swimming.

What does it mean when silverfish drop?

Silverfish droppings are small enough that many people mistake them for dust or household debris. If you sweep once and they keep coming back, though, you’ll know you have a pest problem.

How to get rid of moisture in bathroom?

Eliminate all clutter in the bathroom, including piled-up paper or towels, and give all the hidden corners of the room a good vacuum. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth in the corners of the room and add a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the room.

What is the best way to kill silverfish?

Baking soda is incredibly versatile and an excellent bug killer. One of the cheapest and most effective remedies you can use for controlling silverfish or to get rid of moths in the kitchen is baking soda.

How to get rid of silverfish bugs?

If you find yourself dealing with an uninvited silverfish bug, or even worse, an infestation, you can get rid of silverfish in a variety of ways. You can choose to trap them, repel them, kill them with insecticides, or by making your home a less hospitable place.

What are Silverfish?

Lepisma saccharina, or the common silverfish, is a wingless insect that wriggles around when it moves. Silverfish bugs get their name because of its silvery color and strong resemblance to a fish. They rely mostly on carbohydrates to survive that come from starches and natural sugars.

What kills silverfish eggs?

Boric acid is another natural substance that will kill both silverfish and their eggs. You can sprinkle it along the baseboards in your home, under the bathtub, and any other area that you notice signs of a silverfish infestation.

What is silverfish powder?

The powdery substance is comprised of a ground-up fossilized material that contains sharp edges that can puncture the exoskeletons of insects.

What repels silverfish?

Best Products to Repel Silverfish 1 Cedar shavings or cedar oil 2 Strong-smelling spices like clove 3 Lavender or citrus essential oils

What are the silverfish and firebrats?

Silverfish and their cousins the firebrats are nocturnal bugs that are usually between a half and one inch in length. They also have two long antennae at the back of their abdomens and have a set of eyes at the front of their bodies.

How to control silverfish?

Further Silverfish Control Tips 1 Locate and repair leaky plumbing or any other sources of excess moisture. 2 Use a dehumidifier to bring down the moisture content of the air in your home. 3 Regularly vacuum cracks and crevices along baseboards and behind appliances. 4 Remove readily available food sources by storing pantry foods in tight containers.

How to live free of silverfish?

Indeed, the best way to live free of silverfish is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Given that silverfish require and seek out a specific set of living conditions, the following guidelines can help you make your home an unwelcoming place for these hungry, humidity-craving creatures.

How to catch silverfish in a cardboard box?

Sticky trap. Mix flour and water into a paste, with or without boric acid. Next, apply the paste to an index card or a wallet-size piece of cardboard. Allow the paste to dry to a sticky consistency, then place the trap in a spot where you have seen silverfish or suspect they may be hiding. Check it frequently.

What is a silverfish?

Photo: Don’t let the name fool you: Silverfish are nothing like the goldfish you nurtured as pets in your childhood bedroom. Whereas the latter swim placidly about their aquarium dwellings, the former lurk in the dark, moist corners of your home, munching on everything from paper goods and fabric to adhesives and mold.

How to catch silverfish in a glass jar?

Cover the outside with tape (sticky side facing out), place a piece of bread at the bottom of the jar , and leave the trap in a location where you’ve seen silverfish. Aided by the tape, the silverfish can crawl in, but they can’t crawl back out on the smooth glass.

How to use silverfish powder as insecticide?

Using the powder as an insecticide is as simple as sprinkling it in the path of the silverfish. Alternatively, mix it with water and, by means of a spray bottle, spritz the solution into hard-to-reach crevices. Advertisement.

What is the best flea collar for silverfish?

Pyrethrin. The active ingredient in many flea-and-tick pet collars, pyrethrin can be successfully used to exterminate silverfish. In comparison with other, broadly similar treatments, pyrethrin may be somewhat safer to use, and because it’s made from the seed cases of certain species of chrysanthemum, it’s biodegradable.

How to get rid of silverfish?

When silverfish come into contact with this white powdery substance, it melts their exterior shell, and they start to dry out and eventually die. Sprinkle the Diatomaceous Earth near cracks, openings, and dark spots in your bathroom. Ideally, sprinkle it in the latter half of the day since they generally make an appearance after dark.

How to keep silverfish from breeding in bathroom?

to prevent a growing infestation, use some caulk to seal up any visible cracks in the walls and/or flooring. If you have any broken bathroom tiles, replace them.

What do silverfish eat?

Silverfish eat many things including fibers that fall off your clothes, dust, and the bodies of other insects. Make sure you don’t have any items in your bathroom that can be a source of nourishment for these pesky insects and that your bathroom is always clean. If you have a dustbin in there, empty it out regularly.

What keeps silverfish away?

Citrusy smells and floral perfumes like lavender also keep silverfish at bay and are safe for humans which is why they are a suitable choice to keep silverfish away, especially if the infestation is not very serious yet.

Why do silverfish like to hang in the bathroom?

The reason silverfish like it in your bathroom is because of the moisture. Dry out the space by letting any clothes or towels air-dry before putting them in a clothes basket or hanging them on a bathroom rack. If you have any faucets that drip or any internal plumbing that is causing leakages, get them fixed.

What is the best way to keep bugs away from the bathroom walls?

One hack that has been successful for some people is the use of bleach to clean the bathroom walls, which keeps these insects away.

How to keep a bathroom clean?

Keep your bathroom properly ventilated by opening a window or placing a small fan inside to keep the air clean and to remove any dampness.


1.How to Get Rid of Silverfish in a Bathtub - SFGATE


15 hours ago Create a silverfish trap by covering the outside of a small glass jar with masking tape. Place the container in the tub at night, or along the sides of the tub -- wherever you've noticed silverfish.

2.Videos of How Do I Get Rid of Silverfish in My Bathtub


9 hours ago  · Clean the sink and bathtub after each use to avoid silverfish infestation. Every time you use the restroom, wipe down the counters with a disinfectant cloth. Vacuum the …

3.How to Kill Silverfish Coming From a Bathtub Drain


5 hours ago  · To get rid of silverfish in these areas, the best option is to dehydrate the area and get rid of their hiding places. Eliminate all clutter in the bathroom, including piled-up …

4.How to Get Rid of Silverfish in Bathroom | Hunker


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5.How to Get Rid of Silverfish: 14 Steps (with Pictures)


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6.How to Get Rid of Silverfish: A Complete Guide [2022]


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7.How to Get Rid of Silverfish – 18 Easy Ways to Kill and …


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8.How to Get Rid of Silverfish - Bob Vila


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9.Why Are Silverfish Always in the Bathroom? - Pest …


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