Knowledge Builders

how do i obtain a warranty deed

by Dr. Krystina Weimann II Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Get a Warranty Deed – Step by Step

  • Step 1: Get a copy of the property’s current deed.. This is needed if you don't have a copy of the property's current...
  • Step 2: Specify the date.. Write out the date of the warranty deed. This should include the year, month, and day in any...
  • Step 3: Fill the warranty deed’s grantor section.. The grantor is the current owner (s)...

How to Obtain a Copy of a Warranty Deed. Warranty deeds are on file with county recorder's office in the county where the property resides. To get a copy of a warranty deed, go to the county recorder's office and request a copy. Often, you will be charged a fee for the copy.

Full Answer

What is the difference between a warranty deed and a deed?

Also Know, what is the difference between a deed and a warranty deed? They serve different purposes and are signed by different parties. The warranty deed transfers the property's ownership from the current owner to the new buyer, while the deed of trust ensures the lender has interest in the property in the event a buyer defaults on the loan.

Do I need a warranty deed or quitclaim deed?

Warranty deeds may also be required when applying for a mortgage and when title insurance is used. This differs from the quitclaim deed because title insurance is not needed for this type of deed. A quitclaim deed is used when a property is transferred without a sale, for example, from one family member to another.

How much does a warranty deed cost?

You may want to check with your real estate agent, the county recorder’s office or a title company for warranty deeds services. You can also go online and look at warranty deed preparation services online who will prepare warranty deeds for you in exchange for a fee of around $250.

What is the purpose of warranty deed?

Warranty Deed Meaning

  • Warranty deeds represent the guarantee that the seller is the valid owner of the property and that the property is not attached to any debts or claims by third parties.
  • Seller (grantor) and buyer (grantee) are the two parties involved in the deed.
  • It is used to mitigate future legal risks and smooth the grantee’s process of obtaining mortgages.

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What is another name for a warranty deed?

A warranty deed, also known as a general warranty deed, is a legal real estate document between the seller (grantor) and the buyer (grantee).

What is a warranty deed in Arkansas?

An Arkansas warranty deed—sometimes called a general warranty deed—transfers real estate with complete warranty of title. The current owner guarantees a good, clear title, and the guarantee covers the property's entire chain of title.

Where do I get a warranty deed in Texas?

As a property owner and grantor, you can obtain a warranty deed for the transfer of real estate through a local realtor's office, or with an online search for a template. To make the form legally binding, you must sign it in front of a notary public.

Who benefits the most from a warranty deed?

The buyerThe buyer, or grantee, of a property benefits the most from obtaining a warranty deed. Through the recording of a warranty deed, the seller is providing assurances to the buyer should anything unexpected happen.

Where do I file a warranty deed in Arkansas?

Arkansas Recorders The Circuit Clerk is responsible for recording real property documents. Warranty deeds, easements, and other instruments pertaining to real property located in the respective counties can be recorded at the Circuit Clerk's office.

How do I get a deed in Arkansas?

To get a copy of a deed to a property in Arkansas, contact the circuit clerk's office in the county where the property is located. Not all Arkansas counties provide online access to documents such as deeds, mortgages, and liens.

How much does a warranty deed cost in Texas?

$195general Warranty Deed prepared for $195 There is no fee for your call. Or email him at [email protected].

How much does a special warranty deed cost in Texas?

$195SPECIAL Warranty Deed prepared for $195 Board Certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Residential Real Estate Law.

Is a warranty deed required in Texas?

Although the deed describes above conveys “a fee simple estate in real property with a covenant of general warranty,” section (b) of the statute says that a “covenant of warranty is not required in a conveyance.” This means that other forms of deeds—like special warranty deeds or quitclaim deeds or deeds without ...

What is the best type of deed to get?

A Warranty Deed is the best of the best. It protects you from all future and past issues with property title and any outstanding debts or liens.

Which is more important title or deed?

Which is more important: title or deed? Both the title and the deed are of equal importance because they both have a purpose in the home selling process. For instance, a title search can note only confirm who owns the property, but also lists any liens, loans, or property taxes due.

What type of deed is most commonly used?

General warranty deedGeneral warranty deed Mainly for this reason, general warranty deeds are the most commonly used type of deed in real estate sales.

What is a quitclaim deed Arkansas?

Updated June 03, 2022. An Arkansas quitclaim deed is a form that is used to transfer property from a seller to a purchaser without any warranty on the title. This type of deed only transfers the interest that the seller owns which may be no interest at all or clear title to the property.

How do you add a name to a deed in Arkansas?

But a transfer of ownership must occur to add someone to title to real estate. There is no way to “add someone to title” or “add someone to a deed” without transferring ownership, either at the time of the deed or on the death of the owner.

Who pays transfer tax in Arkansas?

Arkansas Real Estate Transfer Tax Homebuyers in the majority of the country – minus 13 states – need to account for “real estate transfer taxes” in their closing costs, including Arkansas. Transfer taxes are local and state government taxes that are paid as the seller transfers the home to the buyer.

How do I transfer property in Arkansas?

In Arkansas, every legal transfer of real property requires a Real Property Transfer Tax Affidavit form. This form should be completed by the grantee and filed with the instrument (A.C.A. 26-60-107). When real property is conveyed as a gift, no transfer tax is due.

How to get a warranty deed for real estate?

As a property owner and grantor, you can obtain a warranty deed for the transfer of real estate through a local realtor’s office, or with an online search for a template. To make the form legally binding, you must sign it in front of a notary public.

What is warranty deed?

Rights. A warranty deed is a legal document that people use to transfer property. A warranty deed states that a property owner has sole claim to the property – in other words, that no other entity has a lien on the piece of land or home. In a warranty deed, one will include a legal description of the property, the name of ...

What type of deed is best for a transfer of property?

Signing the wrong type of deed could lead to significant ownership and claim issues down the road. As a general rule of thumb, know that a general or traditional warranty deed offers the best protection, and a quitclaim deed offers the least protection.

What happens if you sign a deed wrong?

Signing the wrong type of deed could lead to significant ownership and claim issues down the road. As a general rule of thumb, know that a general or traditional warranty deed offers the best protection, and a quitclaim deed offers the least protection.

What is the only protection it doesn't have compared to the general deed?

The only protection it doesn’t have, compared to the general deed, is safety against third-party claims. Bargain and sale deed. This deed does not offer any warranties against encumbrances on the property. It merely implies that the grantor has the title to the property, not that the title is free from defects.

What happens when you sign a warranty deed?

Once the grantee signs the warranty deed, he/she legally has ownership and claim to the property. Before you can go about getting a warranty deed, you must ensure that the real property has no liens, claims, or encumbrances. You can do this with an online public records search.

Can you transfer a quitclaim deed to a stranger?

You would not want to use a quitclaim deed to transfer property to a stranger , or if there is any chance of legal matters down the road. A warranty deed gives the property purchaser much more protection. With a warranty deed, the person purchasing the property has legal protection from any prior liens, claims, or demands against the property ...

Where to record warranty deed?

Both the warranty deed and deed of trust are recorded with the county clerk or recorder. Generally, the lender sends the documents to be recorded after the closing. The recording fees are included in your closing costs. Typically, the lender will provide you with a copy of the deed of trust after the closing. The original warranty deeds are often mailed to the grantee after they are recorded. These are your original copies and should be kept in a safe place, such as a fireproof lockbox or a safe deposit box at a financial institution.

What is the difference between a deed of trust and a warranty deed?

The warranty deed acts to convey the ownership in a property from the seller to the buyer -- known as the grantor and grantee. The deed of trust is a loan document that functions to secure the lender's interest in your property.

What is a deed of trust?

The deed of trust is a loan document that functions to secure the lender's interest in your property. The property being purchased with the mortgage loan acts as collateral in case you default on the loan. The deed of trust places the property in control of a trust until the loan is paid in full. The trustee will process a foreclosure and sell ...

What happens to a deed of trust?

The deed of trust places the property in control of a trust until the loan is paid in full. The trustee will process a foreclosure and sell the property if there's a default.

What do you sign when buying a house?

When you purchase a home, there are a series of important documents you sign for the mortgage lender . Additionally, the seller signs a deed transferring his ownership to you.

Can a mortgage lender give you a copy of a deed of trust?

Mortgage Lender May Have Copies. If you are unsuccessful with the county clerk or recorder, it may be more difficult to get a copy of your deed of trust. The mortgage lender might be able to provide you a copy of the deed of trust. It might also have a copy of the warranty deed, depending on how thorough its record-keeping is.


A warranty deed contains promises, called covenants, about the property and also guarantees the seller holds a clear title to the land, dating back to the origins of the property. Every warranty deed contains six important covenants for title; three present covenants and three future covenants.

Present Covenants

There are three present covenants: the covenant of seisin, the covenant of right to convey and the covenant against encumbrances. The covenant of seisin promises that the seller owns and has title to the property he is selling. In other words, this covenant promises the seller is vested with seisin, meaning ownership.

Future Covenants

There are three future covenants: the covenant of quiet enjoyment, the covenant of warranty and the covenant for future assurances. The covenant for quiet enjoyment promises that the buyer will not be disturbed by another party's claim to the title.

How to Obtain a Copy of a Warranty Deed

Warranty deeds are on file with county recorder's office in the county where the property resides. To get a copy of a warranty deed, go to the county recorder's office and request a copy. Often, you will be charged a fee for the copy.


Alternatively, if you are looking for a copy of the warranty deed that accompanied your purchase, you can contact the lawyer who assisted with the legal aspects of the sale or your mortgage company for a copy of the deed.

How does a warranty deed work?

Warranty deeds work by offering a property buyer a high level of protection and assurance. They’ll need the deed when they apply for a mortgage, and when they go to purchase title insurance.

What is a Warranty Deed?

A warranty deed is a document used in real estate to certify that a property is owned free and clear. This means that the owner is rightfully clear of any liens, mortgages, or any other types of claims. In other words, a warranty deed form is used to prove ownership.

What are the different types of deeds?

Other types of deeds include special warranty deeds, quitclaim deeds, and transfer on death deeds. The difference between these types of deeds typically have to do with what kind of warranties and protections are being offered to the buyer.

Is it better to get a warranty deed or a traditional deed?

As a homebuyer, it’s advantageous to obtain a warranty deed over a traditional deed whenever possible. As you can likely tell, a warranty deed offers protection and assurances against unpleasant surprises such as third-party claims. When buying a house, you want to feel sure that you’ll rightfully own the property without any contest.

Can a buyer sue a seller for a title issue?

After the warranty deed is signed, the buyer can legally sue the seller if any title issues come up. That’s because the deed serves as a warranty, rendering the seller legally liable if they breach the contract in any way.

Do you need a warranty deed when buying a house?

If you are in the market to buy a home, you should absolutely obtain a warranty deed whenever possible. A motivated seller will be prepared to meet your demands within reason, provided that you’re a qualified buyer.

Do warranty deeds and title work the same?

A home title and warranty deed work very much the same way.

How does a warranty deed work?

How Warranty Deeds Work. Warranty deeds provide the purchaser of the property with the highest form of protection, and are often used when a buyer wants to get financing for a mortgage or title insurance.

What Is a Warranty Deed?

A warranty deed, also known as a general warranty deed, is a legal real estate document between the seller (grantor) and the buyer (grantee). The deed protects the buyer by pledging that the seller holds clear title to the property and there are no encumbrances, outstanding liens, or mortgages against it.

What are the two types of warranty deeds?

These two types of deeds are general warranty deeds and special warranty deeds.

Why is a warranty deed important?

Buying a house is a huge financial decision, so it’s important that certain precautions are taken to ensure your protection. A warranty deed is one precaution home buyers should be aware of, as it provides the greatest amount of protection to the buyer.

When is warranty deed required?

Warranty deeds may also be required when applying for a mortgage and when title insurance is used. This differs from the quitclaim deed because title insurance is not needed for this type of deed. A quitclaim deed is used when a property is transferred without a sale, for example, from one family member to another.

Who is the grantor of a property?

The grantor is the rightful owner of the property and has the legal right to transfer the title. The property is free and clear of all liens and outstanding claims. The title would withstand third-party claims to ownership of the property. The grantor will do anything to ensure the grantee’s title to the property.

How does a warranty deed work?

How Warranty Deeds Work. A deed is an important legal document that transfers property from one entity to another—often in the case of a real estate deal. A general warranty deed provides the buyer with the highest form of protection.

What Is a Warranty Deed?

A warranty deed is a document often used in real estate that provides the greatest amount of protection to the purchaser of a property. It pledges or warrants that the owner owns the property free and clear of any outstanding liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances against it.

What is a quitclaim deed?

Quitclaim deeds offer less protection than a warranty deed. They release the owner or grantor's interest in the property and don't state whether they hold valid ownership in the first place. Instead, the assumption is that if the grantor ever did own it, any claim to the property is relinquished when the deed is signed. This type of deed also prevents the owner from any future interests in the property.

How many warranties does a special warranty deed have?

A special warranty deed is not nearly as comprehensive as its general counterpart, as it only conveys two warranties:

What is a deed pledge?

The deed pledges or warrants that the owner owns the property free and clear of any outstanding liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances. The grantor is responsible for a breach of any warranties and guarantees, therefore placing a great amount of risk upon the grantor.

Why do you need title insurance on a deed?

For this reason, title insurance is used in most transactions to guard against possible claims and liens.

What is a deed in a real estate transaction?

All deeds contain the date of the transaction, the names of the parties involved, a description of the property being transferred, and the signatures of the buyer. Deeds may need to be signed in the presence of a witness and/or notary. The grantor is the rightful property owner and has a legal right to transfer title.

Where to file a warranty deed?

Your warranty deed should be filed in the public records at your local land records office , sometimes called the County Recorder’s Office, Land Registry Office, or Register of Deeds. You can usually find the land records office in your local courthouse.

What is a Warranty Deed?

A warranty deed is a legal document that a Grantor (e.g., a seller) uses to promise to the Grantee (e.g., a buyer) that they have the right to transfer a piece of real property ( e.g., a house, land, or building).

Why are warranty deeds called full covenants?

Warranty deeds are sometimes called full covenant and warranty deeds because they contain six key promises (or covenants) that the Grantor makes to the Grantee:

What to do if warranty deed doesn't meet your needs?

If a warranty deed doesn’t meet your needs, consider using a different type of deed. There are six commonly used deeds – each one serves a unique function and offers varying levels of protection during the sale or transfer of real estate or land.

Why are warranty deeds not available in my state?

Because some states have not passed laws setting up statutory warranty deeds, they may not be available in your state.

How much does it cost to notarize a warranty deed?

The office will often charge a small fee (around $15 a page) to record a warranty deed. Because land and property are valuable, deeds must always be notarized.

What is included in a warranty deed?

The key elements of a warranty deed include: Grantor: the individual (s) or corporation who currently owns the property. Grantee: the individual (s) or corporation who will be the new owner. Mailing Addresses: physical addresses (not P.O. boxes) of both parties.

What is a Warranty Deed?

It’s the most buyer-friendly legal document available when it comes to the transferring of real property. As the name states, this type of deed provides the buyer (or grantee) a “warranty” that the seller (or grantor) has the authority to give you interest and ownership of the property.

What is a warranty deed in Washington?

A general warranty deed, or ‘statutory warranty deed’, is a document that transfers the ownership of real estate with a guarantee in the title, that is vested in fee simple, to the ownership of the property along with all past owners. When a conveyance of land takes place the new owner is listed as ...

What is the first piece of information requested?

The first piece of information requested will be the blank space labeled “Name.” The Full Name of the Preparer must be presented in this space. Below this will be two empty lines where the Preparer’s Address must be displayed. Finally, the State and Zip Code of the Preparer’s Address must be reported in their proper areas

What is a quit claim deed?

Quit Claim Deed – When the current owner on record can only transfer their interest in a property. It does not guarantee that the current owner actually owns the property as well as providing no other guarantees to any prior owner’s claims. This type of deed comes along with the highest risk to the Grantee (new owner).

How many witnesses do you need to sign a grantor?

This section must be signed by at least one Grantor. Such Signatures should take place before two Witnesses, and a Notary Public. Each Grantor will need to Sign his or her Name on the line labeled “Grantor Signature.”.

Do warranty deeds fall on the seller?

Any and all covenants fall on the seller’s shoulders. On the other hand, special warranty deeds offer slightly fewer protections for the buyer than the general warranty deed. This document provides some level of protection for both the buyer and the seller.

Do warranty deeds have to be written?

This will assure the buyer and let them know they are paying what they agreed to buy. However, there are two versions of the warranty deed that you as the buyer need to know about. Each of them slightly changes the stipulations on the warranties provided in the deed.

What is a general warranty deed?

A general warranty deed requires grantors to make legally binding promises, otherwise called covenants, to protect the grantee against possible disputes.

Why is a general warranty deed recommended?

Typically, the general warranty deed is recommended over the special warranty deed, mainly because of grantees' less protection.

What Is a Property Deed?

Simply put, a property deed is a legal document indicating the rightful owner of real estate or a piece of property. Property deeds are used to transfer property ownership from one person to another after the various contractual and financial requirements have been met, typically laid out in a purchase and sale agreement .

What covenants are included in a general warranty deed?

The covenants included in a general warranty deed are the covenant of seisin – which confirms that the grantor has the legal right to convey the property; covenant of quiet enjoyment; covenant against encumbrances – confirming that the property is free of burdens and debts, except if otherwise stated in the deed; covenant of further assurance – confirming that the grantor will deliver any document needed in the future.

What is a deed of a house?

Otherwise called a house deed, a property deed also identifies the seller of the property, also called the grantor, and the buyer, the grantee. Both the grantor and grantee must sign the property deed for a successful ownership transfer; otherwise, the process is invalid. Other processes that validate a property deed, apart from the signing of both parties, are notarization of the deed and filing it in a public record.

When to use quitclaim deed?

Quitclaims are often used when a grantor doesn’t know the exact status of the title, whether it has any defect or otherwise. For titles with zero defects, the quitclaim deed is equal to the general warranty deed. However, if there are any defects, the grantee doesn’t have any legal stance against the grantor.

What is included in a property deed?

Generally, the property's legal description and both parties' signatures must be included in a property deed. Also, to ensure the legal enforceability and validity of a property deed, a deed must meet the following requirements:


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17 hours ago  · How To Get a Warranty Deed – Step by Step Step 1: Get a copy of the property’s current deed.. This is needed if you don't have a copy of the property's current... Step 2: Specify …

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