Knowledge Builders

how do i rent my house out for filming

by Kay Baumbach Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do I hire out my house or apartment for filming?

To hire out your house or apartment for filming and photo shoots you will need to register with a location agency. The location agency / library will need to ascertain whether your property is suitable for location work. You will need to send in some images of the property and details of the property.

Can you make money renting your home as a film set?

It may not be the first thought that comes to mind, but you can make money by renting your home as a film set. Location scouts are looking for all kinds of properties and pay up to £2,500 a day to use your home. What does renting your home as a film set involve? Is it for me? How to get started?

How do I Register my Home for film filming?

Use a film location website to register your home for filming. A number of different websites keep a catalog of available filming locations. The websites typically require that homeowners provide many photos of their property as well as basic information about the location of the home.

Should you rent your house out for film and TV shoots?

As side hustles go, renting your house out for film or TV shoots is fairly easy work. The only requirement, besides having a house that strikes a director’s fancy, is having a very relaxed attitude about lots of strangers and equipment in your space. “I recommend it to everyone,” said Cuadra. “This is a brilliant, beautiful way to make money.”

What to do if you rent a house for a film?

What can I expect when renting my home for film shoots?

What Does a Location Contract Look Like?

What to do if a renter is ready to move forward?

How much does a big city location agency cost?

How to start a film shoot?

How to get a location agency to work with you?

See 2 more


How much do movies pay to rent your house?

Location agencies charge homeowners from 10% to 40% of the shooting fee, which the agencies help the homeowners negotiate with the production companies. Many homes command $2,000 to $3,000 a day as locations, and the rates have been known to climb as high as $25,000 a day.

How do I submit my house for filming?

Start by contacting your state or local government's film and television office to register your home as production-friendly. (You can usually find a contact e-mail or phone number by Googling your state or city's name and “film and television office”).

How can I put my house in commercials?

Contact your local film commission and ask if they have any lists of location scouts or location companies in your area. Location companies and scouts keep a database of homes available for filming. These location companies are contacted by film companies whenever a commercial, movie, or tv show needs a location.

How much do TV companies pay to use your house UK?

A modest suburban home can do. Homeowners often get paid £2,500 a day for letting out their property to be used for a movie, TV show or advert. If used for a photoshoot in a magazine feature or for marketing purposes it might generate £500.

How much do TV shows pay for locations?

Many of us have pondered this question. For a TV show or movie to use your home in film productions can earn you between $1000 and $5000 per day, according to What is this? The industry standard is based on your mortgage payment amount.

What is a location agreement?

A location agreement is a document that gives permission to enter private property for the purpose of recording content, whether you are filming, taking photographs, or making any other recordings.

How do I find a film location?

Contact your local government office or film commission for assistance. They can help find potential locations for your film. You can also look into location scouting websites for listings of available locations offered to filmmakers.

Is set Scouter legit?

Set Scouter is extremely helpful and reliable for finding some unique film locations that will have other producers emailing you, “What is this place?!" The staff are very helpful and make finding the right location a breeze. Set scouter made my job easy.

How do I get a house in Toronto for a movie?

Register Your Property for Filming If you are interested in having your house or any other property that you own used for filming you can register your property online with Ontario Creates. Call Ontario Creates directly at 416-314-6858 and ask to speak to the locations library.

How much are location fees for filming?

Filming & Photography Location Rates in London The average rate for a shoot house in London would be around £1,500-£2,000 plus a booking fee (+VAT) for a 12hr day. However, this will vary depending on the type of house, the type of shoot and the size of your crew.

How much do location houses make?

Agencies such as Location Works take a cut of the fees, ranging between 15% to 25%. "It can be a great earner for people, although like anything else in the creative industry, you never know what the trend might be," says Ms Gatherer-Ford.

Can you film a home?

You do have the right to record video inside your home without telling anyone, but—well, there are two big buts. The first: You can't record video in any location where a person would expect to have a high degree of privacy.

How do I get a house in Toronto for a movie?

Register Your Property for Filming If you are interested in having your house or any other property that you own used for filming you can register your property online with Ontario Creates. Call Ontario Creates directly at 416-314-6858 and ask to speak to the locations library.

Where is the offer being filmed?

Los AngelesSet in such far-flung places as Texas, New York, California, Mexico and Sicily, the show was shot in its entirety in Los Angeles and its environs. Though the Paramount Pictures lot in Hollywood played front and center to most of the action, a different production facility was also notably featured.

How do I find a film location?

Contact your local government office or film commission for assistance. They can help find potential locations for your film. You can also look into location scouting websites for listings of available locations offered to filmmakers.

Get Paid $1000-$5000 per Day to Rent Your House for Film Location

Hollywood has been using private homes instead of studios to shoot films for a long time. This has created a great opportunity for many homeowners to make extra cash by renting out their house or apartment to film crews.. Leaving your well-kept home to a 50-strong film crew is a scary thought for many people.

Movie Houses : Renting Your Home for a Film Shoot Is Lucrative, but Has ...

“The highest I ever got paid was $10,500 for a day of filming, but $5,000 to $6,000 is normal for a 14-hour day at my size house,” said the woman who owns the 7,000-square-foot mansion where ...

How much money can you make by renting your home as a filming location?

While rates can vary depending on your home’s size and location, you can earn some serious cash even by renting your home out for a single day. In a popular filming city, you can start by listing your home anywhere from $100-$300 per hour. That’s as much as $1,200-$3,600 for a 12-hour shooting session!

How do I use Peerspace to list my home as a filmmaking location?

It’s easy to rent your home for movies! Follow these steps to make your Hollywood dreams a reality:

Do you have to live in Los Angeles to rent your home for movies?

Nope! While LA is home to Hollywood and some of the biggest film productions in the United States, it’s not the only place in the world where people make movies are television series. There are thriving film industries in cities like New York, Atlanta, Nashville, Chicago, Toronto, Vancouver, and more.

Approach an agent

Send them photos of your house (without pets, children or yourself in them). It’s best to make a whole CD’s worth, so they get a comprehensive view of what you have to offer.

Don't worry if your home is a little plain or scruffy

Most agencies have properties classified under terms such as 'Down To Earth' or even 'Derelict' (fashion photographers love the contrast between rough brickwork and pretty clothes).

Always expect visitors

A production company may visit four or five times before deciding to hire your home. Don’t get tetchy – this is quite normal.

Be on hand to help

On filming day, the crew are bound to have questions: where are the power points, can they dismantle your garden fence?

Get a contract

It should be made clear in the contract what the crew can and can’t do in your home and that they will restore your property to its original condition after filming.

When the filming has stopped

You should still get paid. Most agencies charge 50% of the normal day rate for set-up and take-down days.

What kind of homes are used for filming?

All kinds of homes are sought for filming. Homes that have original period interiors might be very useful for a nostalgic series or a period film. You remember the grotty bedsit we were talking about earlier? (Sorry again!) Well that could be great for a gritty police drama.

How long does a film crew stay at your house?

If your house is selected then you will have a film crew around your house for an agreed amount of time. It may just be for a day or it may be longer.

Why do movies use real locations?

This might be because it is cheaper or they may simply be looking for a location that is more authentic. No matter where you live, whether it be a stately home or a grotty little bedsit (no offence if you live in one), there is always the potential for demand.

How many people are in a film crew?

Having a film crew of 30 to 40 people lugging around their equipment can be very intrusive and could even lead to breakages!

How long after filming can you find out if something is broken?

Although any damages should be covered, it is possible that you won’t discover something is broken until some time after the filming. Even more costly, if the filming lasts more than a day then you might have to factor in the cost of alternative accommodation.

Do film companies have public liability insurance?

Check that your insurers will cover you for any incidental damage to your property. The film company will have public liability insurance as standard so they will be able to pay for breakages but it’s good for your insurers to know what’s going on before you have to claim.

Does the type of filming determine the price?

The type of filming that is taking place will obviously govern the price. Filming for a Hollywood blockbuster is going to pay out more than a low budget film.

Why host on Set Scouter?

There’s no cost to list your space and you keep 100% of your negotiated rental rate. Set Scouter is paid directly by the production team.

How it works

If you own a property you can list it on Set Scouter. All it takes to be eligible for production is a description of the space, photos, and your rental price.

Your questions answered

No personal information is shared on your listing or provided to any producer without your consent. Your listing will show your first name, photos of your space, and a map of your neighborhood but not your exact address.

Create your free listing

Join our community of homeowners supporting production. We built Set Scouter to safely connect responsible producers with trusting homeowners.

Why do people own houses?

Owning a house is supposed to help you build wealth , but property owners like Dalton are putting a different spin on that adage with this Hollywood-themed side hustle.

What did Debrovner say about his house?

“I would totally do it again,” Debrovner said. “It’s fun. I appreciate my house so much, and it’s nice to be with people who appreciate the house and are respectful of it.”

Why do production companies like to work with owners?

Production companies generally like to work with owners, not renters, because there are fewer people involved in those transactions.

What to do if playback doesn't begin?

If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.

Do production crews damage their house?

Homeowners sometimes worry that production crews will damage their house during the shoot, but that’s rarely the case, McAteer said, and if they do, they generally compensate the homeowner. (Insurance is the production company’s responsibility, not the homeowner’s.) “Major studios leave the house in good condition, if not better, because they want to maintain their reputation,” he said. Sometimes studios will even make cosmetic changes such as painting a house a new color or fixing crooked shutters; owners can keep the changes if they like them, he said.

Is a location manager legit?

If the scout is with the Location Managers Guild International, they are probably legit, McAteer said.

What makes a property suitable for film and photo shoots?

There are no set rules that govern this. Trends come and go, fashions are fickle and changeable, however houses and apartments that are more neutral seem to do best as they are easily adaptable. Properties with pressed ceilings, wooden floors, wood paneling are always popular. Some clients want derelict spaces, others modern mansions. Stills photography always loves beach houses, modern sea view homes, stately mansions with detailing.

Do you have to vacate the house for a stills shoot?

For stills shoots you won’t need to vacate the house. The film crew will only ask that you stay out of their way and are quiet. If you have dogs it is much kinder to send them to a doggie daycare for the day as they cannot have barking dogs on a film set. Kids should also play elsewhere as it is a very long day for a child to be quiet and tip toe around.

How to hire out your house for filming?

To hire out your house or apartment for filming and photo shoots you will need to register with a location agency. The location agency / library will need to ascertain whether your property is suitable for location work. You will need to send in some images of the property and details of the property. If your property is suitable, you will be asked ...

How Can You Tell Whether your Property is Suitable for Film and Photo Shoots?

There is no set standard for a property to qualify. Clients have varied tastes when it comes to choosing their location. Some will want a stately home with modern furnishings while other will accept a council flat.

Who is Responsible for Damages to the House?

The location agency is responsible for ensuring that the client has proper insurance. However, you can get a damage deposit if you want. It is a cheque of about £250, which the film company gives you to hold. When they are done with the shot, they will request their cheque back if there is no damage. In most cases, public liability insurance will suffice.

Does the Property Need to Be Within a Large City?

While it is true that locations within large cities like London get the most work, the property does not need to be in London to get work. It all depends on the location required for the shoot.

What Happens When an Location Agency Agrees to Represent You?

After an agency agrees to sign up your house, they will send you documents, which you will sign and send back to them. These records contain the commission, and how you will be paid. For most jobs, you will be paid on the day that filming starts. However, for other jobs, you will be paid within 30 days. After you sign and send the documents, the location agency will place your location on their site. Now all you have to do is sit back and wait for a big payday to come calling.

What are the factors that come into play when a camera crew is in a house?

Another factor that might come into play is redecorating. Some camera crews may not like the wallpaper or the colour painted on the exterior of the house. As a result, they may wish to redecorate . Make it clear whether you are open to having your home redecorated. Another factor that is considered is the storage room.

Can you leave your house when you film a reality show?

For instance, if your home is being used to shoot a reality TV show, you may need to leave the house. If this happens, you will be put up in a hotel until filming is over. However, this rarely happens, in most cases, you will still be able to access the house.

How to register your home for filming?

Use a film location website to register your home for filming. A number of different websites keep a catalog of available filming locations. The websites typically require that homeowners provide many photos of their property as well as basic information about the location of the home. In the state of California, CinemaScout is one of the largest services. The CinemaScout website, affiliated with the California Film Commission, allows for searches to be performed by county or city. The database provides feature details and contact information for each property.

Why do filmmakers prefer to film on location?

Because the creation of sets can be extremely costly, some filmmakers prefer to film on location in public spaces or on private property. Individual home owners can make their homes available to filmmakers for rental by using services provided by private individuals or local governments. In addition to having their owners compensated, ...

How much money do you make a day from film production?

If you often wonder how much your home or place of business can earn you income as a film production, the quick and general answer is between $1000 to $5000 per day.

Where was 13 Going on 30 filmed?

PHOTO CREDIT: This Pasadena home was used for the filming of 13 Going on 30 with Jennifer Garner and Mark Ruffalo.

What movie did the Ambats home win an Oscar for?

The Ambats home now has unusual bragging rights: It stars prominently in Argo, the film that took home the best picture Oscar award at the 85th Academy Awards last year.

Where is Alex's house in Safe Haven?

Now, they are on Safe Haven .”. PHOTO CREDIT: This is a historic home in Southport, North Carolina, used as the film location for Alex’s house in Safe Haven.

Who owns the Breaking Bad house?

PHOTO CREDIT: The famous Breaking Bad house in Albuquerque actually belongs to the Padilla family. Photo is from here.

Do you need a hotel to film a movie?

When a production is filming in your house, you need another place to stay for the duration of the filming. If there are no other viable alternatives, a hotel stay is often included in the rental contract.

What to do if you rent a house for a film?

If you decide to rent your house for a large film shoot, there may be prep or wrap days, where the production company is in your home getting ready for, or cleaning up after the shoot. This includes rearranging furniture, painting walls, installing shelving or light fixtures, or even landscaping. It’s common practice to charge less money for these set decoration days. However that decision is ultimately up to you.

What can I expect when renting my home for film shoots?

Renting your home for film shoots is a great way to make money, but you need to be comfortable and understand the process and what is expected of you and the production team while they are using your space. If you’ve never worked around production, hosting your first large shoot can be a startling experience. While professional production companies are respectful, they are not your dinner guests – they will be treating your home as a set, and they are under pressure to work fast.

What Does a Location Contract Look Like?

When it comes to the contract, it may include any number of sections including length of shoot, how many hours in a day, crew size, overtime rate, call times, extra fees, off-limits areas, and insurance and copyright rules. The actual contract you receive from a production company may or may not include these sections, or it may include more. These examples come from the standard Giggster location agreement.

What to do if a renter is ready to move forward?

If you’re not using an agency or Giggster, this is where you would arrange payment and shoot schedule. 4. Preparing the Location.

How much does a big city location agency cost?

Big city location agencies (think talent agency for houses) typically have rates starting in the $3,000 per day range. If you visit a top-tier website and feel your property stacks up well with inventory, then that rate is an excellent place to start; if your home is more modest, you can use sites like Giggster to get an approximate range of a fair price point. You can also try our price calculator to get a rough estimate.

How to start a film shoot?

1. Booking Inquiry#N#Every film shoot starts with a creative vision. While in the past, it was common to receive a phone call or a knock at the door, today most location scouting has moved online. Once your place is ‘discovered’ you should expect to be told the basic outline of the production, and the dates when it is needed.

How to get a location agency to work with you?

Reach out to an Agency – As with modeling or acting , usually, a location agency will reach out if they want to work with you, not the other way around. However, if you think your property matches the standards of their existing library, you can contact them, and start the conversation. One way to gain some leverage would be to offer your home as an exclusive, meaning that they would be the sole representative of your property. If you do decide to work with an agency, keep in mind, they will collect 30% of the total booking value, and this arrangement is non-negotiable.


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