Knowledge Builders

how do i run a grunt command

by Dr. Sienna Lindgren PhD Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Run sudo npm install -g grunt-cli (Windows users should omit "sudo ", and may need to run the command-line with elevated privileges). The grunt command-line interface comes with a series of options. Use grunt -h from your terminal to show these options.

Let's first breakdown a typical workflow to get a big picture:
  1. Install Node. js and Grunt.
  2. Create package. json and list dependencies (Grunt and plugins).
  3. Install NPM modules.
  4. Create Gruntfile. js .
  5. Configure tasks you need to run.
  6. Run those tasks in the command line while you work.
Apr 23, 2021

Full Answer

How to run two different Grunt task in one command?

  • Install grunt ( run following command from project root directory) npm install -S grunt.
  • create Gruntfile.js in root directory.
  • Write following code inside the Gruntfile.js. module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.registerTask ('singing', function () {
  • Run following command and examine the output.

How to install Grunt locally?

  • Change to the project's root directory.
  • Install project dependencies with npm install.
  • Run Grunt with grunt.

How to use "Grunt" in a sentence?

to communicate by making a low sound that sometimes shows annoyance or irritation The piglet continued to grunt, making snorting sounds as he devoured his slop. 🔊 Grandpa never talked much but would grunt and point in the direction of what he wanted. 🔊

How to pronounce Grunt?

  • A deep, guttural sound, as of a hog.
  • [ Zoöl] Any one of several species of American food fishes, of the genus Hæmulon, allied to the snappers, as, the black grunt ( A. ...
  • A U. S. infantryman; -- used especially of those fighting in the war in Vietnam. ( slang)


How do I run grunt?

In order to get started, you'll want to install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally. You may need to use sudo (for OSX, *nix, BSD etc) or run your command shell as Administrator (for Windows) to do this. This will put the grunt command in your system path, allowing it to be run from any directory.

How do I run grunt in terminal?

Installing the CLI. Run sudo npm install -g grunt-cli (Windows users should omit "sudo ", and may need to run the command-line with elevated privileges). The grunt command-line interface comes with a series of options. Use grunt -h from your terminal to show these options.

How do you run a grunt test?

SolutionObtain filepaths for all unit test files ( . js ) utilizing grunt. file. ... Sort each matched filepath by the files mtime/modified-date.Configure the mochacli. options. file Array with the chronologically sorted filepaths using grunt. ... Run the local Target defined in the mochacli Task using grunt. task. run.

How do I run grunt locally?

Installing grunt-cli locally If you prefer the idiomatic Node. js method to get started with a project ( npm install && npm test ) then install grunt-cli locally with npm install grunt-cli --save-dev . Then add a script to your package. json to run the associated grunt command: "scripts": { "test": "grunt test" } .

How do I open grunt shell?

Using sh command, we can invoke any shell commands from the Grunt shell. Using sh command from the Grunt shell, we cannot execute the commands that are a part of the shell environment (ex − cd). Given below is the syntax of sh command.

How do I run a grunt task in Visual Studio code?

The most recen update to VSC has auto-detects grunt (and gulp tasks) so you can now just use cmd+p then type task (notice the space at the end) and VSC will show you the available tasks to run. Show activity on this post. You can also modify the existing tasks option to add specific tasks to run in your build.

How do I create a grunt task?

Alias Tasks For instance, when you define a taskList with jshint, concat, and uglify tasks and specify the taskName as default, all the listed tasks will be run automatically if Grunt is executed without specifying any tasks. grunt. registerTask('dist', ['concat:dist', 'uglify:dist']);

What is grunt tool?

Grunt is a JavaScript task runner, a tool used to automatically perform frequent tasks such as minification, compilation, unit testing, and linting. It uses a command-line interface to run custom tasks defined in a file (known as a Gruntfile). Grunt was created by Ben Alman and is written in Node.

How do I install grunt on Windows?

Install Grunt on Windows 10/8/7Step 1: Download the Node. JS & NPM on Windows. ... Step 2: Install the NPM & Node. js for Windows. ... Step 3: Open Windows command prompt. ... Step 4: Install Grunt on Windows using NPM. ... Step 5: Create a Demo Project to test Grunt (windows)

How do I install grunt in task runner?

Installing a published development version Like installing a specific version of grunt, run npm install grunt@VERSION --save-dev where VERSION is the version you need, and npm will install that version of Grunt in your project folder, adding it to your package.

What is grunt in node JS?

Grunt is a generic task-runner for Node. js projects with a huge library of plugins (grunt-contrib-*). By automating tasks, you can streamline processes for your project (and reduce human error on your team).

How do I use grunt in Moodle?

Create a Gruntfile. js in the root of your plugin and configure the task for building CSS files from LESS: "use strict"; module. exports = function (grunt) { // We need to include the core Moodle grunt file too, otherwise we can't run tasks like "amd".

What is the grunt task?

When you are running Grunt through command line, the Grunt will look for the default task. In the above code, we are using a task called uglify which can be run using grunt command. This is same as explicitly running grunt uglify command and you can specify the number of tasks in the array.

How does the Grunt CLI work?

Using grunt-cli, you can run Grunt from any directory in your project. If you are using locally installed Grunt, then grunt-cli uses locally installed Grunt library and applies the configuration from the Grunt file.

What does CLI stand for in Grunt?

CLI stands for Command Line Interface that runs the version of Grunt which has been installed. To get started with Grunt, you need to install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally as shown below −

Common commands

grunt dev Cleans out the build, compiles with source maps, and sets file watchers.

What is Grunt?

Grunt is a task runner. It's software that automates repetitive tasks.

Alternative to Grunt

Kineo's adapt-rub-cli uses and extends the Grunt files bundled with the framework. Features include multiple courses using a single code base, combining flags, and a command for zipping the course as a SCO. The framework folder structure requires a couple of changes. But they are easy to make—and to revert if you decide to abandon rub-cli.

Grunt's future in Adapt

Expect that in a future release, the Adapt framework will abandon Grunt in favor of webpack.

Use case of Grunt.js

Let’s say you’re a front-end developer and you use Sass, some CoffeeScript, need to minimize your stylesheets and scripts (asset compilation), and on top of that you want to see changes in real time in your browser whenever you change a source file.

Setting up the environment

Having Node.js is a prerequisite. First you need to install Grunt for the command line as a global module, after which you have grunt command available globally.

Grunt configuration

Next step is to create configurations in your Gruntfile.js file and define how the command grunt will behave. Every Gruntfile has four distinct regions:

First task – Sass processing

First write some style rules in your main.scss. After that we can configure Grunt to process the Sass file with one command. To proccess the files we need grunt-contrib-sass plugin which should be already installed with npm in the project folder.

CoffeeScript processing

Very similar to how we used the Sass plugin. Inside the grunt.initConfig () function add configuration for the coffee task. Then mark the task to load and run in the command line.

Asset compilation

Next we want our styles and scripts to be concatenated and minified (so the server needs to make fewer requests and load the page faster). Again, we configure some tasks and load them. First we define tasks inside grunt.initConfig () function:

Custom tasks

We can create our own custom tasks that run when we call them from command line. It is done by creating aliases before or after loadNpmTasks ().


CLI Installation

  • CLI stands for Command Line Interface that runs the version of Grunt which has been installed. To get started with Grunt, you need to install Grunt's command line interface (CLI) globally as shown below − Running the above command will put the grunt command in your system path, which makes it to run from any directory. You cannot install Grunt task...
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Working of CLI

  • The CLI looks for the installed Grunt on your system by using require() system whenever Grunt is run. Using grunt-cli, you can run Grunt from any directory in your project. If you are using locally installed Grunt, then grunt-cli uses locally installed Grunt library and applies the configuration from the Grunt file.
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Working with An Existing and New Project

  • If you are working with an already configured project that includes package.json and Gruntfile, then follow the simple steps as specified below − 1. Find the path to the project's root directory. 2. You can install dependencies using the npm installcommand. 3. Run Grunt using the gruntcommand. If you are creating a new project, then include the two files package.json and Gr…
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  • The package.json file is placed in the root directory of the project, beside the Gruntfile and is used to run each listed dependency whenever you run the command npm installin the same folder. You can create the package.jsonin different ways as listed below − 1. You can grunt-initto create package.json file. 2. You can also create package.json file by using the npm-initcommand. You c…
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  • The Gruntfile.jsfile is a default place where your configuration settings will go for Grunt. The Grunt file includes the following parts − 1. The wrapper function 2. Project and task configuration 3. Loading Grunt plugins and tasks 4. Custom tasks The basic Gruntfile.jsfile is as shown below −
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1.Getting started - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner


17 hours ago grunt.registerTask('test', '', function { var exec = require('child_process').execSync; var result = exec("phpunit -c phpunit.xml", { encoding: 'utf8' }); grunt.log.writeln(result); }); Share Improve this …

2.Running a command in a Grunt Task - Stack Overflow


9 hours ago Run sudo npm install -g grunt-cli (Windows users should omit "sudo ", and may need to run the command-line with elevated privileges). The grunt command-line interface comes with a series of options. Use grunt -h from your terminal to show these options.--help, -h. Display help text--base, -b. Specify an alternate base path.

3.Videos of How Do I Run A Grunt Command


26 hours ago Open your command line and navigate into the root folder of your framework project (the folder that contains Gruntfile.js.). Run this command: grunt. If Grunt is installed, the command will be treated as grunt help as will list the Grunt commands used by the Adapt framework.

4.Using the CLI - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner


28 hours ago  · grunt.initConfig({ task: { } }); grunt.registerTask(taskName, [optional description, ] taskFunction); grunt.loadNpmTasks('yourplugin'); Note that since grunt.initConfig () is a regular function, you can use any valid Javascript to make configuration programmatic.

5.Grunt - Getting Started - Tutorials Point


18 hours ago

6.Using Grunt in the framework - Adapt Tips


16 hours ago

7.Getting started with Grunt.js - Semaphore Tutorial


2 hours ago

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