Knowledge Builders

how do i run fxcop

by Reggie Collier MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Once you install FxCop, Go to Start Menu -> All Programs -> "Microsoft FxCop" option and then click on FxCop. It will launch an empty window similar to the one shown below. It contains 3 panes – configuration pane, message pane and properties pane.

Now you just need to run FxCop. Go to Tools –> FxCop analyze your code and because we checked “Use Output window” in External Tools dialog, result should appear in Visual Studio output window. Works with any managed assembly created in . NET language that run on Microsoft .May 3, 2010

Full Answer

How do I install FxCop on Windows?

The FxCop 10.0 readme file has two steps of instruction: 3. FxCop Installation Instructions Download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 version 7.1. Run %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\FXCop\FxCopSetup.exe to install FxCop. 4.

How do I run FxCop analyzers from a project file?

The RunCodeAnalysis property in a project file (for example, .csproj) is only used to execute legacy FxCop. It runs a post-build msbuild task that invokes FxCopCmd.exe. So how do I run .NET analyzers then? To run .NET analyzers, first enable them from the .NET SDK or install them as a NuGet package.

What is Microsoft FxCop?

FxCop, an abbreviation "Framework Police," is a rules-based engine that checks managed code assemblies for Microsoft's .NET Framework design guidelines and custom guidelines. FxCop is a rule based engine which helps the development team to follow best practices of the .NET platform and development standards (based on every company standards).

Is there a/ruleid command line option for fxcopcmd?

There is a /ruleid command line option that can be used for this. It doesn't show up in the MSDN help topic for the fxcopcmd.exe command line options, but you can see a description by running fxcopcmd.exe /?. Show activity on this post. The tool is located in \FxCopCmd.exe. A list of options can be found here.


How do I download FxCop?

Go to Microsoft's Download Center page for FxCop 10.0 (download page) and perform the download. The file that is downloaded is actually a readme. txt file. Download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .

How do I run a Visual Studio code analysis?

Run code analysis manuallyIn Solution Explorer, select the project.On the Analyze menu, select Run Code Analysis on [Project Name].

What is FxCop tool used for?

FxCop provides a tool to help developers to follow their company's coding standards. FxCop does code analysis to check whether the new code is compliant with the coding standards and naming conventions followed by the company. FxCop will ensure that the specified rules are used in the source code.

What is FxCop C#?

FXCop is a code analysis tool from Microsoft, which analyzes compiled . NET assemblies for compliance with recommended programming practices. FXCop is "Framework Cop" in short; it can be operated in two modes; one is through a GUI and the other is through command-line mode. Microsoft has made a huge investment in .

How do you get the run button in VS Code?

To bring up the Run view, select the Run icon in the Activity Bar on the side of VS Code. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D. The Run view displays all information related to running and debugging and has a top bar with debugging commands and configuration settings.

How do I run VS Code in terminal?

How to start VS Code from the terminal (command line)Open a terminal window. On windows, open a Command Prompt window, on MacOS, open a terminal window.Navigate to the folder or file you want to open (using cd) ... Type "code" [path to file]

How do you document code analysis?

Here's how static code analysis works.Write the Code. Your first step is to write the code.Run a Static Code Analyzer. Next, run a static code analyzer over your code. ... Review the Results. The static code analyzer will identify code that doesn't comply with the coding rules. ... Fix What Needs to Be Fixed. ... Move On to Testing.

What is a code analyzer?

A code analyzer is a type of software testing application that reviews, analyzes and reports on the source code structure of a program or software. It is used by software testers and quality assurance professionals to evaluate a program under a number of different software coding/programming regulations.

How do I use EditorConfig in Visual Studio?

Add an EditorConfig file to a project Open a project or solution in Visual Studio. Select either the project or solution node, depending on whether your . editorconfig settings should apply to all projects in the solution or just one. You can also select a folder in your project or solution to add the .

How do I run a ReSharper code analysis?

ReSharper helps you resolve most of the discovered code issues automatically. All you need is to press Alt+Enter when the caret is on a code issue highlighted in the editor and check the suggested quick-fixes.

What is fxcop?

FxCop is a rule based engine which helps the development team to follow best practices of the .NET platform and development standards (based on every company standards). You can apply to any assembly which been created using any language that target Microsoft.NET managed environment.

What are performance rules?

Performance Rules – Rules to improve performance of your code. Portability Rules - Rules about portability across different platforms. Security Rules – Rules to make your code more secure. Usage Rules – Rules about proper usage of the .NET Framework.


1.FxCop code analysis (binary analysis) and .NET analyzers …


33 hours ago Legacy FxCop runs post-build analysis on a compiled assembly. It runs as a separate executable called FxCopCmd.exe. FxCopCmd.exe loads the compiled assembly, runs code analysis, and then reports the results (or diagnostics ). .NET analyzers are …

2.How to Use FxCop - CodeProject


31 hours ago  · The tool is located in \FxCopCmd.exe. A list of options can be found here. All options must be appended with a colon and the parameter (if any), but with no whitespaces. A basic command looks as follows. FxCopCmd.exe /file:E:\My\Project\Precompiled\bin /rule:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft FxCop 1.35\Rules" /out:fxcopreport.xml.

3.Videos of How Do I Run FxCop


7 hours ago 1. [Don't do this step!] Go to Microsoft’s Download Center page for FxCop 10.0 (download page) and perform the download. The file that is downloaded is actually a readme.txt file. 2. The FxCop 10.0 readme file has two steps of instruction: 3. FxCop Installation Instructions. Download the Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 4 version 7.1.

4.How can I run select FxCop rules using the command line?


2 hours ago Quick Start Guide to FxCop. Provides step by step procedures for accomplishing basic FxCop tasks. Quick Start Guide to FxCopCmd. Describes the minimum command-line options that are used to run FxCopCmd. FxCop Workflow. Outlines the general workflow for using FxCop and FxCopCmd as part of an integrated software development cycle.

5.How to: Retrieve and install FxCop 10.0? - Rencore


7 hours ago  · How to run FXCop on a C# console application? I can see only the exe in the bin folder but FXCop expects dll file for the project. Do I need to change anything to make it work?

6.c# - Run FXCop on console application - Stack Overflow


14 hours ago This article explains what is FxCop. FxCop is an application that analyzes managed code assemblies (code that targets the .NET Framework common language runtime) and reports information about the assemblies, such as possible design, localization, performance, and security improvements. Many of the issues concern violations of the programming and design …

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