Knowledge Builders

how do software developers develop web based applications

by Prof. Zaria Littel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Create a Web-Based Application?

  1. Figure Out The Purpose. One main step of the web based application development is that you must define the purpose of your application and be clear with the problem ...
  2. Wireframing and Prototyping. Once you have a finished workflow, you should start transforming it into a wireframe. ...
  3. Start Building. Now you should start the app-building process. ...
  4. Testing. ...

A majority of web applications can be written in JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and HTML5. Web application development will typically have a short development life-cycle lead by a small development team. Front-end development for web applications is accomplished through client-side programming.

Full Answer

What is the process of developing a web application?

Web Application Development Process. 1 1. Product Management. Market research has to be done before the Web app (Web applications) development or standalone software application development ... 2 2. Business Analysis. 3 3. Research. 4 4. Software Architecture Design. 5 5. Development. More items

What is the difference between software development and web development?

Moreover, a Software Developer is expected to create solutions that are scalable and, at the same time, increase profits for the company. As opposed to web development, software development involves a broader range of skills including DevOps, which is used to unify software operation and development.

How to build a web app?

In how to build a web app, you need to understand a few things. These are the systems that are meant to build and create the core infrastructure of the application. Backend development decides how the application will work. By using the frontend technologies, we create the face of the application.

What is planning web app development?

Planning Web app (Web applications) development to be a market competitive in terms of cost. Making web application or standalone software application better in terms of performance, features, UI UX and cost.


What are the software requirements to develop web based application?

Aside from a computer and an internet connection, most of the tools you need to build a website are software programs, some of which may already be on your computer. You need a text or HTML editor, a graphics editor, web browsers, and an FTP client to upload files to your web server.

How do you create a web based application?

7 Steps To Developing Web ApplicationsDefine Your Problem. ... Plan the Workflow. ... Prototype Your Web App. ... Validate Your Prototype. ... Build Your App. ... Test Your App. ... Host & Launch Your Web Apps.

Can a software developer be a web developer?

Can a software engineer be a web developer? A web developer is technically a software engineer who works on web-based applications. Some trained and educated software engineers may choose to work in this field.

Do web developers make web applications?

Web developers can build websites and web apps. That does not mean that they can build applications for PC or mobile. Most companies that port their web apps over to mobile via an application will hire an app developer.

What programming language is used for Web applications?

JavaScript has been one of the most popular web development languages for a while. For 9 years in a row, JavaScript has been maintaining its stronghold as the most widely used programming language. According to Stackoverflow Developer Survey Results 2021, 64.96% of professional developers program in JavaScript.

Which platform is best for web application development?

To make things easier for you, we have come up with a list of the top 5 highly preferred web app development frameworks along with their details.Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails, an open-source application framework, is written in the Ruby programming language. ... AngularJS. ... ... Node. ... React. ... Symfony.

Can a software developer create an app?

The easy answer is: App developers create mobile and computer apps and software programmers create, test programs or systems and fix bugs if and when they encounter them.

Does a software engineer need to know web development?

There's quite a bit of overlap between a web developer job description and that of a software developer. Both roles will need to know multiple coding languages, work well within a team, and be comfortable troubleshooting code. But there are differences in the languages these two professionals need to know.

What's the difference between software developer and web developer?

Software developers are professionals who build software which runs across different types of the computer whereas a Web Developer is an IT professional who does coding for a website or a web application.

Is a web application a software?

In computer system, a web application is a client-side and server-side software application in which the client runs or request in a web browser.

What is the difference between software and web application?

Software's are usually written in Programming language. Websites are usually written in a Scripting language. It is basically a set of programs or instructions used to operate computer. It is basically used to display all information that are necessary.

What is a web based application examples?

What are the Examples of Web Applications?Gmail.Google Docs.Google Analytics.Microsoft Office 365.Online Forms.Amazon.Canva.Facebook.More items...•

How can we create a simple web application using HTML?

Follow the steps below to create your first web page with Notepad or TextEdit.Step 1: Open Notepad (PC) Windows 8 or later: ... Step 1: Open TextEdit (Mac) Open Finder > Applications > TextEdit. ... Step 2: Write Some HTML. ... Step 3: Save the HTML Page. ... Step 4: View the HTML Page in Your Browser.

How can I make a web application using HTML?

Go ahead and get started with Step 1 below:Step 1: Add a page header. Add a heading 1 element to the top of the page with the text "My New Year's Resolutions". ... Step 2: Create a list for your resolutions. ... Step 3: Change the background and fonts. ... Step 4: Style the list and its items.

What is the difference between a website and a web application?

A website provides visual and text content that the user can see and read, but not affect in any way. In the case of a web application, the user can not only read the page content but also manipulate the data on this page.

Who designs web applications?

Software architecture design of Web apps (Web applications) and other software is initially decided and done by project managers and software architects after understanding project requirements and a thorough discussion with designers as well as developers.

Why is the development time of a web application less?

Web app (Web applications) development time is less because the overall code can be simultaneously developed by different developers on the backend frontend. 1. Product Management. Market research has to be done before the Web app (Web applications) development or standalone software application development as a product comes under product ...

What is the biggest problem in web development?

The biggest problem in Web apps (Web applications) and software development of a product faces is the mismatching of requirements for development in the eyes of stakeholders, product development and software development team. Due to this mismatching in requirements, the development team has to often redo the work which incurs losses on Web app (Web applications) development company and delays the product delivery for the client. To eliminate this confusion, speed up the development process and improve code quality with rigorous testing procedures of Web apps (Web applications) software development methodologies were implemented.

Why is software testing important?

Software testing is an inevitable part of Web app (Web applications) development and software development because every software application has some bugs even after it is fully developed.

What is business analysis?

Business analysis is the job of IT business analysts they are the ones who bridge the gap between stakeholders, product development, Web app (Web applications) development and software development teams. Business analysts make sure whatever features client is demanding for their Web apps (Web applications) or software are possible to develop ...

What is a web application?

A web application, often referred to as a web app, is an interactive computer program built with web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS), which stores (Database, Files) and manipulates data (CRUD), and is used by a team or single user to perform tasks over the internet. CRUD is a popular acronym and is at the heart of web app development.

What is the purpose of web application frameworks?

Web application development frameworks. The purpose of frameworks is to make web application development easier and faster than coding a web app from scratch. Web application frameworks are opinionated and each has its own philosophy and benefits.

What is a svelte app?

Svelte. Svelte describes itself as ‘cybernativally enhanced web apps’. Svelte is the new kid on the block and is a compiler rather than a framework. This means no virtual DOM, no frameworks on top of frameworks, and no framework to load at runtime, resulting in incredibly performant web applications.

What is a laravel?

Laravel describe itself as ‘a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. Laravel is written in PHP - a programming language. Laravel follows the model-view-controller architectural pattern’. Laravel has a lot of tools making it accessible and simple to use. It is well suited for multiple types of applications.

What is web hosting?

Hosting involves running your web application on a server. You will need to buy a domain and choose a cloud hosting provider. To get your web application from your local machine to your cloud provider and deploy it, you will need to use a CI tool. And in a nutshell, that’s the web application development process.

What is progressive web application?

Progressive web applications are a newer type of web application which behaves like and often outperforms native applications. They are web applications which follow a slightly different methodology, and involve an additional set of technologies such as service workers, manifests, push notifications.

What is the difference between a web application and a website?

The key difference is how we interact with each. Web applications are defined by their input - we create, read, update and delete data within a web application. Websites are defined by their output - we read the news , marketing information , FAQs on websites.

What is the best framework for web application development?

Ember.js is the best framework for a web application development company with ambitious web developers. It was built for productivity and to help the developers get the work done faster and easier.

What is ASP.NET web development?

It works with the HTTP protocol while it also optimizes the HTTP commands. It is a CLR framework using the best web development technologies.

What is web app?

To put it simply, a web app is a dynamic site combined with server-side programming. As a result of that, web apps can interact with the users, connect to back-end databases, and generate results to browsers. Here are few web application examples: Social Networking, Online Banking, eCommerce, Online Reservations, Interactive Games, ...

What is web application architecture?

The web app architecture defines how an app will function through object-oriented programming.

What is web development lifecycle?

Web development lifecycle is a new methodology for developing web apps. It involves multiple teams engaged in the process with each of them having the possibility to set forth their own style of operating.

What is Express app?

Express. Express is a great framework for custom web application development. You can use it to build a single page, multi-page, or hybrid apps. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.

What makes AngularJS stand out?

As a result of that, you get a readable and expressive environment that is quick to develop. In addition to that, it is one of the few software development services that let you modify or replace any feature to suit your own development workflow.

What is web based application?

Web-based applications are a particular type of software that allows users to interact with a remote server through a web browser interface. They have seen a huge increase in popularity in recent years, replacing desktop applications and becoming a crucial instrument for small ...

Why is web based application important?

Web-based applications can be a valuable tool for businesses since they are capable of assisting managers with: controlling workflow of individual staff members and project groups. All of this can be achieved by writing a single web-based application that will be run on a server.

What is a simple web based software?

Simpler web based software usually focus on doing just one thing: creating custom surveys. These are only a few examples and don’t come close to reflecting the wide range of tools provided by web-based applications, but should give you a good idea of what web-based software is capable of.

Is web based application more secure than desktop?

This means that any possible errors or intrusions will be noticed and addressed quickly. As a result, a web-based system is a lot more secure than its desktop analog.

Is web based software scalable?

Web-based applications are highly scalable. Web-based software doesn’t have to be installed and configured, so it’s much easier to quickly increase the number of active users as opposed to desktop programs.

Do web apps have to be installed?

With web-based apps, users don’t have to install additional software, and developers don’t have to write multiple versions of the same application for different operating systems. Web apps work on any device that can run a supported browser and has an active Internet connection.

What is software development?

According to IBM Research: “Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software.”. Software itself is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. It is independent of hardware and makes computers programmable.

Who is responsible for software development?

Software development is primarily conducted by programmers, software engineers and software developers. These roles interact and overlap, and the dynamics between them vary greatly across development departments and communities.

Why is software development important?

Software development is also important because it is pervasive. As IBM vice president and blogger Dibbe Edwards points out: “Software has emerged as a key differentiator in many products — from cars to washing machines to thermostats — with a growing Internet of Things connecting them.”. A few examples:

What is DevOps in IT?

DevOps, a combination of development and operations, is an agile-based approach that brings software development and IT operations together in the design, development, deployment and support of software.

What is feedback loop in agile?

Agile development – breaks requirements into consumable functions and delivers rapidly on those functions through incremental development. A feedback loop helps find and fix defects as functionality continues to deploy.

What is software engineering?

Software engineering solutions adhere to the scientific method and must work in the real world, as with bridges or elevators.

What language do software engineers use?

Programmers typically interpret instructions from software developers and engineers and use programming languages like C++ or Java to carry them out. Software engineers apply engineering principles to build software and systems to solve problems.

What is software development?

Software developers created all of them. Software developers are the creative, brainstorming masterminds behind computer programs of all sorts. While some software developers may focus on a specific program or app, others create giant networks or underlying systems that help trigger and power other programs.

How much does an application software developer make?

Application software developer salary. The median annual salary for application software developers in 2018 was $103,620, as reported by the BLS. 3 The lowest 10 percent earned less than $61,660 and the highest 10 percent earned more than $161,290.

What are the skills needed to be a software developer?

The best software developers have certain transferable skills to complement their technical knowledge. 1. Problem-solving ability. The whole point of developing software is to create programs that solve the user’s problem.

How many jobs did software developers have in 2018?

Application software developers held just over 944,200 jobs in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). 3 There were about 421,300 positions for systems software developers in that same year, equating to more than 1.3 million opportunities for software developers. 3.

What is a deep dive in technology?

A Deep Dive into the Career. You’ve always had a penchant for solving puzzles and problems—especially when it comes to technology. Not only that, but friends and family frequently come to you for help with all their tech troubles. And you’re typically the first one in line when a new gadget is released.

Why is it important to create software?

Creating software can be tricky, tedious work, so it’s important that you don’t get bogged down or discouraged when you don’t succeed the first time you try something. If you’re the type of person who is naturally determined to finish everything you start, you’ll be well-suited for a career in software development.

Is the future bright for software developers?

The future is bright for software developers of all kinds. Now that you’ve had a closer look at this critical role, you can better discern if you’re programmed to work in software development.

Front-end vs. back-end web development

Even if you're new to web development, you've probably heard the terms "front-end development" and "back-end development" before. But what do they mean?

The web development process

Suppose that a new client needs a new website and has asked you to develop one. Where do you start, and what do you do next?

Web development teams and roles

As you might guess, the full web development process requires a lot of effort and different skill sets. That's why web development teams include various kinds of roles. Below are some of the main roles on a web development team.

Web development resources and tools

Web Developers use various resources, frameworks, tools, and software packages to make their lives easier throughout the development process. Here are a few of the most common:

Why web development is important

It wasn't too long ago that companies thought their web presence was peripheral to their day-to-day business. Today, they rely on their websites to attract new customers and communicate with existing ones.

Ready to start your new career in web development?

The exciting world of web development is changing every day, but one thing is clear: Web Developers are in demand now. Companies all over the world want Web Developers, and they're willing to pay for talented Web Developers — people like you.

Get more practice, more projects, and more guidance

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What is web development?

Web developers are creative people who build websites from the ground up. To do this, they need to be proficient in programming languages like JavaScript or Java. They should also be clear on the goals of the business, which will dictate the design of the website.

What is the difference between a software developer and a web developer?

What's the pay difference between Web Developers and Software Developers? Software Developers tend to earn more than Web Developers. According to, the average pay for a Software Developer starts around $70,390, whereas the average pay for a Web Developer starts around $64,180.

What languages do web developers use?

Software Developers use languages like Python, C++, and Java, while Web Developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

How much does a web developer make?

On average, the salary of a Web Developer is around $75,000, but this varies greatly. Comparatively, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that the average salary of a Software Developer is $103,620. However, a Web Developer can easily freelance with various companies simultaneously, adding to their income potential.

What is software developer?

Software Developers, on the other hand, are responsible for creating more complex applications and programs for computers and mobile devices. They create, conceptualize, program, document, test, and upgrade software and their components.

Can a web developer work remotely?

Web developers can also work remotely and do freelance work, so they enjoy added flexibility and are not limited to their location. Comparatively, Software Developers typically secure jobs at big organizations and government offices. Their work includes close collaboration with a team of computer programmers.


What Is This Guide and How Will It Help Me?

What Is Web Application Development

  • Step 1. Idea Generation and Validation
    Just like any new digital solution, the process of how to create a web appstarts with an idea—an idea about the kind of application you want to build. The right idea will certainly streamline how to efficiently build a web app process. But generating an idea may be the toughest part for some. T…
  • Step 2. Work on the Design
    Designing the interface is the second part of how to create a web app. You must start by sketching the design. If you want to go old school, take a pen and paper to draw and sketch the interface. Another way is to use the Sketch designing software for the same. Other options than …
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6 Examples of Web Applications

Web Application Development Process

Web Application Development Frameworks

  • Web application development is the process involved with building a web application. It is more focused on interacting with the browser than standard engineering processes. Most cases of web application development will involve defining the problem, mocking-up the solution, engaging with users, adopting a framework/choosing a tool, and finally, bui...
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Web Application Development Platforms

  • 1. Mailchimp
    Mailchimp is a marketing automation platform specialising in email marketing. They have been around since 2001 and their platform is a highly complex web application with a beautiful UI making the platform feel simple to use.
  • 2. Google Docs
    Google Docs, believe it or not, is a web application. It is also available as a mobile application. Created in 2012, Google Docs was born from the acquisition of a number of other web applications, and is great for creating, reading, updated, and deletingdocuments 😉
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Web Application Development Courses

  • There are many different processes involved with building a web application. Below, I have summarised the different steps involved with the web application development process. If you are keen to learn how to build a web application in more detail, I would advise you to check out this incredibly informative post - How to build a web app. Here we go, the 8 steps for creating a web …
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Finishing Notes

  • The purpose of frameworks is to make web application development easier and faster than coding a web app from scratch. Web application frameworks are opinionated and each has its own philosophy and benefits. They come in two types; backend and frontend. Truth be told, the frontend frameworks below are not really frameworks at all; they only represent the view layer o…
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What Can A Web-Based Application do?

  • Web application development platforms are a super-fast and easier way to build web applications. They remove many of the complexities experienced with coding, and replaces them with a simple to use user interface. This is a pretty new category and the tools can also be described as low-code platforms.
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Examples of Web-Based Applications

  • If you would like to learn how to build a web application, courses are a great option. Everyone learns differently. I learn best by doing; simply jumping in at the deep end and learn as I progress. I have listed the courses I feel will provide you with further context and learning when it comes to web application development. The courses I have listed below are for beginners. 1. The web dev…
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The Advantages of Using Web-Based Applications For Business

  • Ultimately, when building a web application you have choices to make. If you follow the process above, once you get to the development stage you will have to decide whether to code your web application from scratch, use a framework, or use a web development platlform. Each has their own benefits. Coding from scratch is more flexible than using a web development platform, but …
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Bottom Line

Web-based applications can be a valuable tool for businesses since they are capable of assisting managers with: 1. tracking performance records of individual workers; 2. managing passenger or cargo transportation; 3. monitoring financial processes; 4. working with payroll; 5. controlling workflow of individual staff me
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