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how do venus fly traps get their energy

by Jana Schaden Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Like all plants, the Venus flytrap gets its energy from the sun in a process called photosynthesis. It digests insects and arachnids to get nutrients that are not available in the surrounding environment.

Full Answer

Do Venus flytraps get energy from flies?

Venus fly traps, pitcher plants, and sundews all consume insects, but thats not how they get their energy. They still get their energy from the sun and transform it into food (such as sugars) using photosynthesis. They use the dead insects for their nutrients.

What activates a Venus flytrap?

Abstract. The Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula captures insects and consumes their flesh. Prey contacting touch-sensitive hairs trigger traveling electrical waves. These action potentials (APs) cause rapid closure of the trap and activate secretory functions of glands, which cover its inner surface.

How do carnivorous plants get energy?

As with their more traditional relatives, carnivorous plants fuel themselves by via photosynthesis. This process requires not only sunlight, but also water, carbon dioxide (obtained from the atmosphere), and various elemental nutrients such as nitrogen.

How do Venus flytraps get nutrients from flies?

Once the trap closes, the digestive glands that line the interior edge of the leaf secrete fluids that dissolve the soft parts of the prey, kill bacteria and fungi, and break down the insect with enzymes to extract the essential nutrients.

What happens if a Venus flytrap closes on nothing?

Or maybe a human was playing with the plant and closed the traps by poking them. When a Venus flytrap is closed without a live insect inside its trap, the leaf will reopen in the next 24 hours. The plant does not start the digestion process without further stimuli.

Do Venus flytraps have brains?

Although it lacks a brain, the carnivorous plant Dionaea muscipula has a functional short-term memory system. Researchers working in plant biology found that not only does the plant better known as the Venus flytrap know when an insect lands inside a leaf, but it can also “remember” when it arrived.

Do Venus fly traps need to eat to survive?

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytrap indoors, you'll have to feed them bugs periodically.

Does Venus flytrap need oxygen?

Answer 3: They don't. Venus fly traps and pitcher plants are green, photosynthetic plants that get their energy from the sun like almost all other plants.

Can Venus fly traps eat sugar?

0:205:35What If You Feed a Venus Flytrap Candy Instead of Flies? - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThey get it from bugs where they which they catch and then they use their nitrogen and phosphorus soMoreThey get it from bugs where they which they catch and then they use their nitrogen and phosphorus so surprisingly venus fly traps actually use photosynthesis just like other plants.

How long does it take a Venus flytrap to eat a fly?

It can take a Venus flytrap three to five days to digest an organism, and it may go months between meals. Venus flytraps are perennial plants, which means they bloom year after year. The flowers are white with green veins running from the base of the petal toward the edges.

Can a Venus flytrap hurt a human?

Fortunately for people, Venus flytrap plants can't eat anything much bigger than a housefly and mostly they eat mosquitoes and gnats. If you put the tip of your finger in the flytrap's bug eating mouth, it will quickly snap shut, but it won't hurt at all.

Is Venus flytrap poisonous?

Venus flytraps are not poisonous plants. Ingesting the plant won't cause significant risks beyond indigestion. Due to their small trap size (less than 1.5 inches), Venus flytraps are harmless to humans, dogs, and cats. It is safe to grow Venus flytrap at home.

Do Venus flytraps need to eat?

Although flytraps are carnivorous, they can go long periods (a month or two) without eating insects. If you grow them outdoors, they'll get enough to eat naturally. If you're growing Venus flytrap indoors, you'll have to feed them bugs periodically.

What can I feed my Venus flytrap?

Live prey, such as flies, spiders, crickets and slugs are a Venus' fly trap's favorite food. Live meal worms or crickets purchased from the pet store are a great option. Ants may not have enough nutritional value and sometimes come into contact with toxic substances as they scour your home.

Can a Venus flytrap hurt a human?

Fortunately for people, Venus flytrap plants can't eat anything much bigger than a housefly and mostly they eat mosquitoes and gnats. If you put the tip of your finger in the flytrap's bug eating mouth, it will quickly snap shut, but it won't hurt at all.

How often should you feed a Venus flytrap?

'Never feed Venus flytraps with fertilizers. The insects they consume will be sufficient,' says Hall. If your plant is kept outdoors, then it should be able to catch enough of its own food naturally; however, if kept as a houseplant, then you will likely need to feed it every week or two.

How do Venus fly traps attract prey?

How Venus Flytrap Attract Their Prey. Venus flytraps have modified leaves which act as trapping mechanisms. Each leaf has a petiole section connects to the jaw like structures we call traps. The trap is made up of two lobes. The colors and scents of the plant are critical to lure potential prey.

How do Venus flytraps adapt to their environment?

Venus flytraps have evolved to adapt to this environment. They produce food through photosynthesis but are unable to gather key nutrients (usually found in the soil) to supplement their diet. As a result, Venus flytraps have evolved to capture insects. The prey they capture provides elements such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Potassium.

Why do Venus fly traps not close?

They withstand challenging conditions such as storms, snowfall, and gusty winds. Sometimes rainwater, a twig, a leaf, or any inanimate object can come in contact with those trigger hairs. But, for the plant’s benefits , the traps should not close unless there is a potential victim.

What is the function of Venus flytrap?

Now, let’s explore the inner working mechanisms of the Venus flytrap to capture and digest prey. In the next sections, you can also learn about reproduction and the origin of carnivorous plants.

When do Venus flytraps go dormant?

In the wild, Venus flytraps enter dormancy in late October or November as the temperatures drop. The plants enter dormancy when exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for a few weeks. The plant remains dormancy for the next couple of months until the temperatures start rising. Once the temperatures rise in late January of February, the plant exits dormancy.

What happens after a trap is closed?

After a trap has closed completely, the digestion can start. At this point, the victim is still alive, but not for long. The lobes of the trap contain special glands that produce enzymes; the enzymes are meant to break up the insect. As the insect continues to generate stimuli, the special glands produce enzymes.

Do Venus flytraps consume dead bugs?

At this point, the plant is waiting for further stimuli. Further stimuli take the plant to stage two of its trapping mechanism. Venus flytraps do not consume dead bugs. Their objective is to capture a suitable living victim. Without further stimuli, the plant abandons the effect to consume a bug and reopens.

Working of the trap

Unlike animals, the Venus flytrap doesn’t have eyes. So, how does it catch its prey? It uses sensory trichomes, which are essentially physical, hair-like structures that dot its interior. So, if it detects any movement, the sensory trichomes get activated, and the trap snaps shut at lightning speed, trapping its prey.

How do Venus fly traps digest its prey?

Trapping the prey is only the first step. The next step is digesting the prey. After the prey has been trapped, the plant will secrete digestive enzymes from specialized glands. It will start dissolving the exoskeleton.


The Venus flytrap generally has a diet that ranges from flies and bugs to frogs and spiders. It can essentially digest any insect that fits into the trap and successfully assimilate it. Generally, the ideal size of the plant is 1/3rd the size of its trap.

Why does Venus flytrap not eat?

Because it is a plant and can make its own food through photosynthesis, the Venus flytrap does not eat and digest its prey for the traditional nonplant objectives of harvesting energy and carbon.

How many unsuccessful trap closures does Venus flytrap have?

Plant owners should beware of overstimulating a Venus flytrap: after approximately 10 unsuccessful trap closures, the leaf will cease to respond to touch and will serve only as a photosynthetic organ.

What happens if you tripped a trap?

If insect secretions, such as uric acid, stimulate the trap, it will clamp down further on the prey and form an airtight seal. (If tripped by a curious spectator or a falling dead twig, the trap will reopen within a day or so.)

Do Venus flytraps get nitrogen?

Hence, Venus flytraps have a corner on the nitrogen market immediately following fire, when they obtain three quarters of their nitrogen supply from insect prey . If fire does not reoccur within 10 years, however, competition with other plants restricts the Venus flytraps access to light and insects, and populations begin to decline.

What is Venus flytrap?

Venus flytraps are the speed demons of the plant world. In spite of belonging to a particularly sedate kingdom of organisms, these carnivorous plants snap shut their two-lobed traps in a tenth of a second to capture an insect meal, which they then digest. Just how they do this is not fully understood, but new research is exploring ...

Where does Venus flytrap live?

The Venus flytrap turned to carnivory to survive in the nutrient-poor soil of its native habitat in North and South Carolina, in and around the Green Swamp. To get the nutrition it needs, the flytrap lures insects, including ants and flies, into the jaws of its trap. The trap's reddish interior and small nectar-secreting glands along its rim trick ...

What happens to the ions in the trap lobes?

During the second signal, cells in the center of each lobe lose water along with the ions. This causes the cells to lose turgor, the water pressure that keeps a plant rigid.

How does hair trigger a trap?

The first time a hair is triggered, it creates an electrical signal that travels along the surface of the trap, much like the electrical signal that travel s through an animal's nerve cell . The energy of that first signal is stored. When the second touch occurs, it also generates an electrical signal . Together, the energy from these two signals passes the threshold required for the trap to respond.

What is the reddish interior of a flower trap?

The trap's reddish interior and small nectar-secreting glands along its rim trick the insects into thinking they have found a flower , said Rainer Hedrich, a biophysicist at the University Wuerzburg in Germany. He and colleagues have revealed how hormones play a role in how the plant snaps up and digests its prey.

What hormones are released when a leaf is bitten by a caterpillar?

One of these is a type of touch-hormone, called jasmonate, which allows plants to respond to contact. For instance, when a leaf is bitten by a caterpillar, it may release jasmonate, which elicits a defensive response, such as the production of a poison.

How long does it take for an insect to digest?

The digestion takes several days depending on the size of the insect, and then the leaf re-opens. By that time, the insect is a "shadow skeleton" that is easily blown away by the wind, he said.

How Big Do Venus Flytraps Get?

Venus Flytrap plants can grow as large as approximately 6 inches in diameter, with the average measuring between 4 to 5 inches. Single traps will grow to 1.5 inches in length, usually with single leaves measuring somewhere between 1 to 3 inches. The Venus Flytrap plant can grow to a height of about 12 inches.

What Is the Biggest Venus Flytrap Ever?

While it is not easy to find records of Venus Flytrap sizes, the Guinness Book of World Records did include a Venus Flytrap in its 2022 edition.

Venus Flytrap Size Factors

The variability of a trap size will be influenced by numerous factors during cultivation, from the container size to sun and shade.

Venus Flytrap Variety Sizes

The Venus Flytrap, regardless of the specific cultivar, is not a particularly large plant. Known botanically as the Dionaea Muscipula, once the plant reaches maturity, it will feature a trap size of approximately one inch.

Top Tips to Grow Big Venus Flytraps

There are some things that you can do to give you a better chance of large Venus Flytraps. Here are some tips to help you achieve bigger plants.

How Big Venus Flytraps Get Final Thoughts

When cultivating Venus Flytraps, whether standard or a larger-sized cultivar, remember that even the larger varieties are limited in the dimensions that they will grow to.

What Months Do Venus Fly Traps Go Dormant?

Venus flytraps go dormant from the months of November to February. When Venus flytraps are outdoors, they will go dormant for anywhere between three to five months. They will prepare for this period themselves, and they will be able to sense when it’s time to come out of dormancy.

Do Venus Fly Traps Need Dormancy?

The Venus flytrap needs dormancy in order to restore its energy. Dormancy helps them withstand colder temperatures than they are used to. In order for a Venus flytrap to live as long as possible, they need to have a dormant period.

Can You Skip Venus Fly Trap Dormancy?

You can choose to skip dormancy for your Venus flytrap, but it’s not recommended. If you’re hoping to keep your plant around for a long time, you should support its natural dormancy period. The minimum amount of time a Venus flytrap needs to remain dormant is ten weeks.

How Do I Know If My Venus Fly Trap Is Dormant?

Newer plant owners might think their Venus flytrap is dying and start to worry. Once you’ve experienced a couple of dormancy periods with your flytrap, you’ll be able to easily differentiate between dormancy and death. If you’re not sure, it’s best to leave the plant alone and wait to see what happens closer to Spring.


If you want to make the most of having Venus flytraps in your home, it’s best to learn how to properly care for them. This includes supporting its natural need for winter dormancy. You can successfully create conditions for winter dormancy inside your home, but it will take some work.

How do Venus flytraps get their energy?

Like all plants, venus flytraps get their energy from the sun in a process called photosynthesis. The plant digests flies and other small insects to get nutrients that are not available in the surrounding environment. They mostly use the digested flies and insect bodies as a source of nitrogen and other trace elements.

Why are Venus fly traps so popular?

Venus flytraps are famous for their method of getting the nutrients they need. Their spiny traps spring shut on flies and other small insects when they are triggered by the movement of the insect. The bugs are digested as a source of nitrogen and other trace elements.

How Big Do Venus Flytraps Get?

Venus flytraps can grow up to six inches in diameter. A single trap can measure a whopping 1.5 inches on a large plant, giving it plenty of opportunity to catch and trap large insects.

How many traps does Venus flytrap have?

Most venus flytraps are a little smaller and will only have up to 10 traps. They are extremely slow-growing plants and can live for 20 years if cared for properly.

How long do Venus flytraps go dormant?

Every year, for about five months, venus flytraps go dormant. During this time, they don’t need to eat, and they often shrivel back to the stem. Dormancy is often confused with the plant dying. It’s important for them to go through this stage, which can be triggered by low light, cold temperatures, or dryness.

What kind of soil do Venus fly traps need?

Venus flytraps require good drainage and good moisture retention – a tricky mix. You can use sphagnum peat moss mixed with sand (2 peat:1 sand). They do not like lime and don’t need fertilizers in their soil.

How to keep a Venus fly trap in water?

Distilled water is also a good alternative for venus fly traps. Water your venus flytrap from the bottom by standing the pot in a centimeter of water in the summer. This will keep the soil wet, but won’t drown the plant.


How Venus Flytrap Capture and Digest Prey

Venus Flytrap Reproduction Mechanisms

  • Venus flytraps reproduce through multiple methods. Venus flytrap can propagate through flower pollination, bulb divisions, leaf cuttings, and stalk cuttings. The first two methods occur in the wild without any help from humans. This section will cover two of these methods: flower pollination and bulb divisions. The other two methods are explained i...
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The Dormancy Period

  • Many carnivorous plants require a dormancy period every year. Venus flytraps are one of them. During the winter, Venus flytraps go dormant for 2 to 4 months. The dormancy period is a resting period similar to hibernation. During dormancy, Venus flytraps change substantially. They lose several leaves, and the plant shrinks in size. Also, their growth stops completely as their main fo…
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How Venus Flytrap Work at Home

  • The Venus flytrap is the best known carnivorous plant. People all over the world own them and research their unique characteristics. In this section, I will explain how Venus flytraps grow at home. Technically Venus flytraps can be grown outdoors or indoors as long as they have access to some essential elements: 1. Lighting:At least 6 hours of sunlight (or artificial light) 2. Soil:Car…
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Origins of The Carnivorous Nature

  • Venus flytraps are only native to a particular area. They grow in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. There they only grow in two regions: the coastal plain and sandhills. Their natural habitat characterizes by inferior soil. Consistent rainfall and sandy grounds drain the nutrients in the earth. Species of carnivorous plants have developed independently all over the world. They g…
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19 hours ago  · It uses sensory trichomes, which are essentially physical, hair-like structures that dot its interior. So, if it detects any movement, the sensory trichomes get activated, and the …

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10 hours ago  · The Venus flytrap turned to carnivory to survive in the nutrient-poor soil of its native habitat in North and South Carolina, in and around the Green Swamp. To get the nutrition …

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