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how do you care for a syngonium plant

by Reta Jast Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

The Ultimate Guide to Syngonium Care

  • Temperature Temperatures should be in the range of 61 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit. ...
  • Light Like most other tropical plants, syngonium needs bright but indirect sunlight. ...
  • Watering The syngonium enjoys soil that is slightly moist but not soggy. ...
  • Fertilizing Use a nitrogen fertilizer for your syngonium. ...
  • Propagation ...
  • Soil ...
  • Repotting ...
  • Syngonium varieties ...

The Syngonium prefers warm temperatures and high humidity. Give your plant regular misting to keep it happy. Keep your Syngonium away from drafts of hot and cold air that can harm it. A matured Syngonium develops a climbing habit, which looks lovely climbing on a totem or cascading over the sides of a hanging basket.Aug 15, 2022

Full Answer

How do you take care of Syngonium pods?

You could also try repotting the Syngonium podophyllum plant to replenish nutrients and feed with a balanced household fertilizer monthly during the growing season. Do arrowhead plants flower indoors?

Can you grow Syngonium at home?

With proper care, you can also grow these tropical plants at home. How to care for Syngonium: Arrowhead plants ( Syngonium podophyllum) thrive in medium to bright light, but away from direct sunlight.

How do you care for a Syngonium arrowhead vine?

Syngonium can also be grown under artificial light sources if your space is light-challenged. Try moving your Arrowhead vines closer to the light source during the winter months and remember to rotate your plants every time you water them, or attend to them, to encourage a full-bodied plant!

How to care for variegated Syngonium?

While it is true that variegated Syngonium needs a warm environment with a high degree of, an average room temperature (if treated as an indoor plant) would suffice. Maintain an even temperature in the 60°F to 80°F (15°C to 26°C) range. Allowing the room temperature to rise over 60 degrees Fahrenheit promotes speedy and healthy growth.

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Is Syngonium easy to care?

Syngonium podophyllum, or Arrowhead Vine, makes for an incredibly satisfying houseplant! It is relatively easy to care for, grows very quickly with good care, and is super easy to propagate! If you don't provide good, consistent care, it can look a bit ratty.

Where should Syngonium be placed in a home?

For indoors, place the syngonium or goosefoot plant in front of a sharp corner or angle that maybe cutting Chi. This will help reduce stress, anxiety, sleep disorders and arguments. Chi always flows along a smooth wall or surface until it meets a sharp angle where it creates turbulent energy at the point.

How often should you water a Syngonium?

around once per weekYou should water your Syngonium when the top inch (2.5cm) is dry. On average this is around once per week in the spring and summer and once every 10-14 days in the fall and winter.

How do you keep Syngonium alive?

syngonium neon It's very easy to care for as a houseplant. If you give it a nice bright spot, away from direct sun, it can grow pretty quickly. It likes slightly moist soil, so water only when the top two of the soil feels dry. Water it a lot less during the winter and maintain a humid environment.

Should I mist my Syngonium?

The Syngonium prefers warm temperatures and high humidity. Give your plant regular misting to keep it happy. Keep your Syngonium away from drafts of hot and cold air that can harm it.

How do you make Syngonium bushy?

3:407:35KEEPING AN ARROWHEAD PLANT BUSHY: WHAT TO DO ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd tip pruning is another way to keep this plant bushy. And that's exactly what you're doing is youMoreAnd tip pruning is another way to keep this plant bushy. And that's exactly what you're doing is you're just pruning. Off the tips to encourage it not to get so floppy.

Why is my Syngonium dying?

If you notice the leaf veins (margins) on your Arrowhead Plant turning yellowish-brown to brown and seeming to die, lack of water and low humidity are more than likely the culprits. Irrigate the soil and resume a regular watering schedule of watering when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

How do you make Syngonium grow faster?

Light. Although these plants are exceptionally low-light tolerant, they will grow faster and maintain their vibrant coloring and markings if grown in medium to bright indirect light for at least 6 hours each day. Direct sun will scorch their leaves.

Why do Syngonium leaves curl up?

Lack of sunlight Hence, without proper light, the plant will stop growing and the leaves will begin to curl and yellow. What is this? The best way to save a light-deprived Syngonium is to move it to a place where it can get adequate bright but indirect sunlight.

Do Syngoniums like to climb?

Syngonium podophyllum is an evergreen climbing plant, and will begin to vine as it ages. You can train the vines up a moss pole, trellis, or some other support, or let it naturally cascade down a hanging basket.

How big do Syngonium get?

3–6 ft. tallHow to Grow and Care for Arrowhead VineBotanical NameSyngonium podophyllumMature Size3–6 ft. tall, 1–2 ft. wideSun ExposurePartial shadeSoil TypeMoist but well-drainedSoil pHNeutral to acidic7 more rows•Mar 15, 2022

Is Syngonium good for indoors?

Syngonium is an easy to care for plant that is well adapted to indoor environments. Its dark-green leaves have silvery white, green or pink or cream variegation, making this a decorative and popular house plant.

Can I keep Syngonium plant in bedroom?

Syngonium is a superb indoor plant and looks stunning with its glossy, textured, and patterned leaves. Making it an excellent option to decorate bedrooms, living rooms, windowsills, tabletops, and corridors in decorative pots. This gorgeous houseplant prefers bright light but also thrives well in a semi-shaded area.

Where should I place my arrowhead plant?

Your Arrowhead Plant prefers bright indirect light but can adapt to low light. Direct sun may burn the leaves. Water when the top 50%-75% of the soil is dry. Water until liquid flows through the drainage hole at the bottom of the pot and discard any water that has accumulated in the saucer.

What does Syngonium plant symbolize?

Symbolism: Syngonium symbolize the spirit of spring; dawn, youth and new ideas aid inspiration.

Is Syngonium plant good for indoors?

Syngonium are also the perfect houseplants for the people with little to no plant care experience. They can live a long time without fertilizer, and can be placed in almost any space with very little light and live a long time. (All indoor plants need light to thrive!) Important!

What is the best light for a Syngonium?

The best type of sunlight exposure for a Syngonium is bright indirect sunlight. It loves a bright a warm spot, but doesn't tolerate direct sunlight...

How often should you water a Syngonium?

You should water your Syngonium when the top inch (2.5cm) is dry. On average this is around once per week in the spring and summer and once every 1...

How often should you fertilize a Syngonium?

You should fertilize your Syngonium once every 14 days in the spring and summer and not at all during the fall and winter. This helps your Syngoniu...

How to grow indoor vines?

Try letting these indoor vines grow long and display them as a hanging plant as it matures. If you like a compact full plant , then prune the foliage back to maintain its form . Propagate the cuttings in water as these indoor vines grow roots very quickly. More Plant Care.

What is the average humidity for indoor plants?

Average household humidity 40-50% is adequate for these indoor plants, but most houseplants benefit from humidity over 60% if you can provide it.

Why do my indoor plants turn brown?

Allow these indoor plants to dry out partially between watering. If left dry for too long the lower leaves will dry up and turn brown. If this happens, soak the soil and let the plant re-hydrate. If the soil stays wet for extended periods of time, the leaves will start to turn yellow or brown. When a plant is over watered the soil becomes waterlogged, preventing oxygen from reaching the roots. This bog-like condition of the soil is a perfect breeding pond of bacteria and disease. This is meant to scare you away from over watering!

Can a sygonium grow in indirect light?

Direct sun will scorch their leaves. Syngonium can also be grown under artificial light sources if your space is light-challenged. Try moving your Arrowhead vines closer to the light source during the winter months and remember to rotate your plants every time you water them, or attend to them, to encourage a full-bodied plant!

Is Syngonium a low light houseplant?

Syngonium varieties are easy care plants as long as you remember to water them. They are low light tolerant houseplants and will grow virtually anywhere in your home.

Can you propagate vines in water?

Propagate the cuttings in water as these indoor vines grow roots very quickly. Please note that some plants are patented and propagation is prohibited! Check the patent status of all houseplants before you propagate.

Can thjem be trained to grow?

The most wonderful attribute of this adaptable houseplant is that it can be trained to grow any way you want! Try encouraging thjem to grow on a stake, trellis or even a wall! Their tendrils will attach themselves to surfaces, but you must tie older plants to their supports to give the new growth time to adhere themselves to the stake. Smaller, younger plants will find the supports all by themselves because that is just what they do!

How much humidity does a sygonium need?

Growing Syngonium plant is dependent on the level of humidity. This type of plant loves humidity, usually about 40-60%.

What is a sygonium plant?

Syngonium plant is also known as arrowhead plant or Goosefoot plant. It is one of the most known and popular plants in the world. It is also very easy to care for the Syngonium plant.

What plants have low light?

we can easily spot the Syngonium plant that gets low light, vines start to struggle with scarce foliage and dark color foliage will start to disappear.

Why are my sygonium leaves dry?

The Syngonium plant leaves drooping, dry main reason is due to its not getting enough water or too much water, soggy soil. If soil is dry below 1 inch from the top of the soil then we can it’s dry otherwise it’s moist. Water the plant regularly and maintain a schedule to overcome this.

Why are my pink sygonium leaves turning brown?

The Pink Syngonium plant leaves turn brown, dry due to sunburn or intensive direct light is the main reason, other reasons are low humidity, heavy fertilizer, dry soil causes leaves to droop and brown. Later it is followed by yellowing, browning, and shriveling.

What kind of soil does pink sygonium like?

Pink Syngonium plant does well in acidic soil, This plant likes the PH of soil between 5.5 to 6.5. Make sure you use the well-drained soil to prepare the soil mix for plants that also have good nutrients.

Why do young plants need less water?

Young plants need less watering than mature plants because matured plants will be in small spaces of the pot and more roots in smaller spaces are required to thrive more.

What is a syngonium plant?

Houseplants. Syngonium plants are tropical flowering plants that thrive indoors. The attraction of species of Syngonium is their arrow-shaped leaves that can be in shades of green, pink, yellow, or white. The main species of these plants is the Syngonium podophyllum. Also called arrowhead plants, goosefoot, or American evergreen, ...

How to tell if arrowhead plant needs to be changed?

Ingredients such as perlite, charcoal, or bark chippings help keep the soil loose so that it drains better. A few ways to tell if you need to change the potting soil are as follows: The arrowhead plant doesn’t grow as fast as it should. Water takes a while to drain out the plant pot’s drainage holes.

What is the best soil for arrowhead vines?

Arrowhead vine thrives in well-drained acidic soil rich in nutrients. Syngonium plants prefer an acidic potting medium with a pH level of between 5.5 and 6.5. The potting soil should be rich in nutrients and have excellent drainage. The worst thing for an arrowhead plant is to sit in overly damp or soggy ground.

What is the best arrowhead plant to grow indoors?

Let’s look briefly at some of the most popular varieties of arrowhead plants that grow exceptionally well indoors: Syngonium podophyllum ‘Pink Allusion’ —This variety of arrowhead has shiny green leaves with hints of pink blushing and pink veins.

How to propagate arrowheads?

Rooting stem cuttings in water is the best way to propagate arrowhead plants. All you need to do is to cut section of the plant close to the roots, making sure there are at least 3 or 4 leaves on it. Place the stem cutting in a jar of water and wait a few weeks for roots to appear. Transfer to a small pot, mist the plant, and place in medium to bright light.

How to keep arrowheads from drooping?

In summer, keep arrowhead plants away from cold drafts, such as open windows or the air-conditioner flow. During winter, don’t place the plant next to hot radiators.

Can a syngonium grow in direct sunlight?

The other issue when it comes to proper lighting for a Syngonium is direct sunlight. Native to rainforests, arrowhead plants grow as groundcover plants similar to ivy or climb up trees. In any case, they always grow in dappled sunlight. The sun’s rays can scorch the plant’s delicate leaves, causing them to lose their green, pink, and yellow colors.

How often should I fertilize my Syngonium?

When it comes to fertilizing, I keep things very simple. I fertilize it like I do it with almost all my other leafy houseplants – once a month with a diluted complete liquid fertilizer. Fertilize it from spring to autumn (approx. from April to October), during the growing season.

What kind of light does a syngonium need?

Syngonium will enjoy bright indirect light and will live in medium light conditions as well.

What is the name of the plant that will brighten up your home in 2020?

Syngonium | November 9, 2020 | piantica. If you are thinking of buying yourself a Syngonium , you definitely won’t regret it! Syngonium , also known as Arrowhead plant due to the shape of its leaves, will brighten up any corner of your home. You can find it in the most beautiful shades of green and pink, and most importantly… it’s so easy to care for!

Can you stake a syngonium?

Syngonium is a versatile plant that you can just let hang from a shelf, you can stake it and let it trail upward or you can keep it tight and bushy looking. When you first buy it, it will most probably be a bushy looking plant, so don’t be surprised when after it grows a bit, it starts “falling” down.

Do sygoniums need light?

Syngonium lighting requirements. Syngonium is not that picky with lighting, except for the two extremes – low light and direct sunlight. Plants don’t like be in low light areas of our homes. Yes, there are plants that are low light tolerant and that will survive even in this conditions, but generally, keep in mind that plants need light to live ...

Is a sygonium poisonous to cats?

Syngonium is one of the toxic houseplants, it’s best to keep it out of reach of children and pets. Fortunately, my cats are not attracted to its foliage (they usually love playing and chewing on some plants), but if you see that your pet would want to eat it, place it out of their reach.

Can light damage a sygonium?

This kind of light can damage the leaves of your houseplants, including Syngonium, especially if plants are not used or adjusted to this kind of heat/light.

Arrowhead Plant Care

Overall, arrowhead plant care is quite easy. The arrowhead plant should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Although the plant enjoys some moisture, it should not be kept too wet, which may lead to root rot.

Arrowhead Plant Root Structure

The arrowhead plant root structure is quite extensive, spreading and growing to the point of becoming invasive in the wild. Even within a contained environment, because of the arrowhead plant root structure, the plant should be repotted every second spring.


1.How to care for a Syngonium - Plant care for Beginners


9 hours ago Syngonium plant is also known as arrowhead plant or Goosefoot plant. It is one of the most known and popular plants in the world. It is also very easy to care for the Syngonium plant. …

2.Beginner's Guide to Syngonium Care | Arrowhead Vines


4 hours ago  · Water it all around the plant so that water reaches all parts of the root system. Wait when the soil has partially dried out and then water it thoroughly. What’s most important is that …

3.Videos of How Do You Care For A Syngonium Plant


20 hours ago How do you care for a Syngonium Albo plant? Water. When the top inch of soil on your Arrowhead plant feels dry to the touch, water it. You want a soil that is wet... Light. These are commonly …

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9 hours ago  · Syngonium are toxic if ingested so keep away from children and pets. How to grow syngonium. Grow syngoniums in bright, indirect light, avoid direct sunlight as this can scorch …

5.Syngonium Care – How to Grow Arrowhead Plant - Leafy …


16 hours ago When caring for an Albo Syngonium, you need to provide the proper water. The watering requirements of this plant are moderate and depend on the climate. In general, this plant …

6.Syngonium care tips | how to care for the Arrowhead Plant


19 hours ago  · The Syngonium Albo plant likes bright, filtered sunlight, occasional watering, and moderate humidity, greater than 35%. Its ideal temperature range 60° F and 80° F (15° C – 26° …

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