Knowledge Builders

how do you chemically blacken brass

by Jeromy Christiansen Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

How do you chemically blacken brass?

  • Use vinegar or salt water to antique your brass safely and easily.
  • Apply salt water to make brass slightly darker.
  • Coat with vinegar instead for more pronounced aging.
  • Use vinegar vapors for a warm brown appearance.
  • Whichever method you used, wash with warm water and dry.

1. Selenium Dioxide (selenium acid): This is a good chemical for blackening copper and brass and is the first choice of many chemical trophy engravers for laminating brass plaque to make the lettering black (the lettering cuts through the lacquer).

Full Answer

How do you chemically blacken brass?

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  • Invasive Plants. It's covered with pretty, purple flower spikes from late summer through fall. ...
  • Irritating Plants. Gas plant, meadow rue, euphorbia and hyacinths are common landscape plants that leave some gardeners covered with an itchy, red rash.
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How to patina brass with vinegar?

  • You should prepare enough of the solution to completely cover your brass piece.
  • Use a plastic or glass container since a metal container can have a reaction to the chemicals present, thereby tainting the process.
  • Dark vinegar refers to any vinegar available in a deep shade, like black vinegar or balsamic vinegar.

How to clean brass and how to polish brass?

Part 3 of 3: Cleaning Plated Brass Objects

  1. Determine if the piece is brass or brass-plated. It could be hard to differentiate if a brass piece is actual brass, or brass-plated.
  2. Clean your lacquered brass-plated piece. Clean the entire brass-plated surface with a mixture of mild soap and cold to lukewarm water.
  3. Clean your un-lacquered brass-plated piece. ...
  4. Rinse and apply a mild polish. ...

How to darkening brass?

How do you darken brass? Apply salt water to make brass slightly darker. A mix of equal parts table salt and water will oxidize the brass, simply speeding up the natural aging process brass undergoes. Apply it with a small paintbrush over the entire surface and reapply daily until you've achieved the appearance you enjoy. Click to see full answer.


What chemical will turn brass black?

Selenium dioxide is a fantastic chemical for blackening copper and brass. In fact, it is the chemical trophy engravers use on a laminated brass plaque to make the lettering black (the lettering cuts through the lacquer). It's totally jet black and very hard. The product they use is called Gravoxide or oxidizer.

Is there a way to turn brass black?

0:159:35Confounded Chronicles 17 - Make Brass Black - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipReally clean it I use acetone. That gets it super clean um a pen of sorts one of the pens orMoreReally clean it I use acetone. That gets it super clean um a pen of sorts one of the pens or something brass that you wanna black in a paper towel sanding sponge that would be important in a second.

Will ammonia blacken brass?

Darken Brass Using Household Ammonia Another popular solution for how to age brass is by using ammonia. Ammonia is a potent chemical that is best used outside of the home. Make sure when using ammonia that you also use the proper protection and never reuse containers from the antiquing process.

How do you blacken brass fittings?

2:545:36DIY Black Brass Fittings • Chemical Dip • Quick & Easy - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd then apply the brass black with a swab. And let it sit for one minute rinse it with cold water.MoreAnd then apply the brass black with a swab. And let it sit for one minute rinse it with cold water. And then to polish it with a cloth.

How do you darken shiny brass?

2:404:12How to Age Shiny Brass Instantly! / Cottage House Flip Episode 5YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd you'll have to continuously brush it on so it doesn't pull up anywhere. But if there are streaksMoreAnd you'll have to continuously brush it on so it doesn't pull up anywhere. But if there are streaks or areas that are too dark you can easily remove it by gently rubbing it off with steel wool.

Can you change the color of brass?

Place the brass item in an airtight plastic bag with an old cloth soaked in ammonia. Leave this until the desired color is reached and take it out and rinse it well with warm water. Ammonia fumes will give brass a greenish-brown color, but don't let ammonia touch the brass as this will cause spotting.

Does liver of sulfur work on brass?

Liver of Sulfur does not take well on brass. Repeated heating and pickling or the introduction of iron to a pickle solution will coat the piece with copper which can be darkened. This is good for emphasizing recesses. This same idea is sometimes used on gold jewelry that has to be 'antiqued'.

How can I patina brass quickly?

How to Make the Brass VerdigrisRemove any lacquer or varnish using the acetone (nail polish remover) then clean the piece. ... Soak your item for 1 hour in a mixture of vinegar and salt. ... Bake the item in a 450 F oven for 20 minutes.Soak the hot item in the vinegar solution until you are pleased with the color.More items...•

What does ammonia do to brass?

ANSWER: Mix equal parts of household ammonia and water. Soak the brass object in the mixture for about an hour, then take it out and rub it vigorously with a clean cloth. Brass is likely to tarnish after a period of time unless it is coated with lacquer or a paste wax.

Can you black oxide brass?

Can Brass, Bronze or Copper plated parts be Black Oxided? Yes. Black Oxide can be applied over brass, bronze and copper plated parts.

How do you blacken metal at home?

0:072:53How to Blacken Metal - Blackening Hardware Made Easy - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipWe're about to dip it into periodic acid the periodic acid is used to remove any rust on the partMoreWe're about to dip it into periodic acid the periodic acid is used to remove any rust on the part this will take a few seconds to a few minutes depending on their level of rust on the part.

How do you make brass hinges black?

1:322:38Darkening Hardware - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd you just want to go in and fish it out when it has the color you want set it down and let it tapMoreAnd you just want to go in and fish it out when it has the color you want set it down and let it tap dry and dry out. Completely.


Hey guys, I bought some once fired brass recently. Found a handful that look darker, like gunmetal. They aren't steel. Some odd head stamp, characters not English. But I have some with same stamp that are plain brass.


My first thought is a really harsh wet tumbling solution. I have turned some pretty dark.


Gravoxide, liver of sulpfur and Brass Black by Birchwood Casey all work. Thoroughly degrease for best results.


Blackland soil will stain them like that and I have not seen any problems shooting them as long as you don't mind shooting stained brass.


Everything mentioned so far involves a chemical change to the brass which will weaken it to some small degree. Hell, just looking at brass weakens it. You have to decide if it's worth it.


You could use DyeKem to stain it...hell maybe even something like water based walnut wood stain..


I've seen black ratchet and socket set for sale while they look cool, I would hate to try to find it the first time you drop one in an engine compartment


1.How to Blacken Brass: An Easy Tutorial


4 hours ago  · How do you chemically blacken brass? Use vinegar or salt water to antique your brass safely and easily. Apply salt water to make brass slightly darker. Coat with vinegar instead for more pronounced aging. Use vinegar vapors for a warm brown appearance. Whichever method you used, wash with warm water ...

2.blackening brass - YouTube


31 hours ago  · Dipping the brass in selenium dioxide (present in most gun-bluing solutions, but you could probably purchase some from a chemical supply) for about 10-15 seconds will turn it black. If you want to try a dark brown, make a saturated solution of ordinary household baking soda and make sure all of the brass is below the level of the soda.

3.How to blacken brass? - Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


25 hours ago  · To darken brass, you must first strip any varnish on it. Surprising, one of the most commonly available household chemical you can use to darken brass is Palmolive Dishwashing liquid. Look at the label and see if it contains sodium bisulphite and other sulphur derivatives. These are very similar to the chemicals in Liver of Sulphur.

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