Knowledge Builders

how do you clean deck with oxiclean

by Ms. Darby Klein PhD Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Follow these steps to clean your deck:

  • 1. Rinse your deck with a hose to loosen any stuck-on debris.
  • 2. Fill the scoop with OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover to line 4. Mix with one gallon of the warm water until completely dissolved.
  • 3. Apply using a brush and let stand for 5-30 minutes. Do not let the solution dry on the surface.
  • 4. Scrub as needed and rinse well with cool water.

Clean Your Deck
  1. Rinse your deck with a hose to loosen any stuck-on debris.
  2. Fill the scoop with OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover to line 4. Mix with one gallon of the warm water until completely dissolved.
  3. Apply using a brush and let stand for 5-30 minutes. ...
  4. Scrub as needed and rinse well with cool water.

Full Answer

How do I Clean my Deck with OxiClean?

How to Use OxiClean to Wash a Deck

  1. Mix 1 cup OxiClean and 1 gallon water in a cleaning bucket.
  2. Rinse off your deck with the garden hose to loosen debris and buildup.
  3. Dip a nylon scrub brush into the water and OxiClean mixture and scrub it over the deck. ...
  4. Rinse off your deck once more to wash away all of the lifted buildup, and let the deck air dry. ...

What is the best homemade deck cleaner?

✦ Baking soda is one of the best materials you can use, as far as deck cleaning is concerned. Spread some baking soda on the deck surface and spray white vinegar over it. Scrub with a brush, before rinsing off with water. ✦ Vinegar is one of the commonly found household materials that can be used for cleaning the deck.

What to use to clean the deck before staining?

  • Rinse the surface with a garden hose. Or, use a power washer equipped with a 45-degree tip set at 1200 to 1400 psi. ...
  • Allow the deck to completely dry. Once it's dry, use a sander on any areas of new wood to remove any remaining residue.
  • Use a leaf blower or broom to sweep up any wood dust particles.

Can you use borax to clean a deck?

The procedure infuses a compound into the wood fibers to slow decay and make our decks last longer. You can also treat wood with Borax though, a less commonly known way to cure wood with high water content, inhibit fire, and keep wood rotting insects away.

What is the best way to clean wood?

What is the best way to remove paint from a wood floor?

What to put on before mixing cleaner?

Do you have to power wash a deck?

Can you cover a deck at one time?

Can you repaint a deck with opaque paint?

See 1 more


Is OxiClean safe on wood?

OxiClean should not be used to clean the following materials: jewelry, latex paints, woven baskets, unpainted wicker, jute, teak, or finished wood.

How do you clean wood with OxiClean?

To clean the deck with this quick method, I just mixed 1 cup of OxiClean (powder) into 1 gallon of water. Pour a little bit onto your deck in sections and use a push broom to scrub the solution in really well. Once you notice stains starting to break up, spray down well until the soapy residue is gone.

What is the best thing to use to clean your deck?

They include:Warm water can be used on its own to wash a wood or composite deck.Liquid dish soap (ammonia-free) is safe for use on cleaning your deck when mixed with a little warm water. ... Oxygen bleach or powdered oxygen laundry cleaner is safe for use on wood decks and useful in removing mold or spores.More items...

Is OxiClean good for cleaning composite decks?

Unlike chlorine bleach, OxiClean uses oxygen ions to clean, which are safe for use on composite decking. SimpleGreen uses biodegradable non-toxic ingredients, which aren't as harsh as bleach and other cleaners, making it safe for use on composite decking.

Will OxiClean remove deck stain?

Make a plant-friendly deck cleaner at home. OxiClean contains sodium percarbonate, a hydrogen peroxide derivative that is effective at removing a wide range of difficult stains and spills. Best of all, it is eco-friendly and biodegradable, which means it will not damage plants or pollute the atmosphere.

Does OxiClean need to be rinsed?

Don't dry OxiClean-soaked garments without rinsing or washing first. Don't put garments or fabrics that have been soaked in OxiClean in the dryer without thoroughly rinsing them first.

Can you mix dawn and OxiClean?

probably at least a cup of the Oxy Clean and Biz, ½ - ¾ cup of Cascade and ⅓ cup of Dawn. if you are using a larger container, use more soap. then, mix it all up. let all the soap crystals dissolve in the warm water.

How do I make homemade deck cleaner?

Mix two gallons of water, two cups of oxygen bleach, and one cup of borax.Stir the recipe until everything dissolves.Add 1/4 cup of dish soap and stir.Apply the cleaning solution and scrub with a brush.Hose off the solution. Source.

How do I clean my deck without ruining it?

Despite the wide range of products on the market, one of the best ways to clean your deck is simply with soapy water and a brush the gentle pressurised water. It will clean the surface more effectively than you might think without damaging the finish.

How much OxiClean do I need to clean my deck?

For Ipe decking and wood decking, our preferred cleaning method is to use Oxiclean or sodium percarbonate powders. Many times, cleaning with bleach goes against manufacturer recommendations. Start by adding 1 cup of Oxiclean per gallon of water, mixing thoroughly, and applying with a pump sprayer.

Can OxiClean be used in a pressure washer?

Unlike chlorine bleach products, Scotts Plus Oxiclean is safe to use in power washers.

How do I clean my patio with OxiClean?

Cleaning outdoor patio cushions and furniture with OxiClean™Mix. Fill to line 4 per gallon of water. ... Apply. Apply the solution using a cloth, sponge or brush, or by pouring solution directly onto surface.Wait. Let stand 5-30 min. ... Rinse. Rinse well with cool water.

What is the best cleaner to clean wood?

Ideally you'll want to use a detergent designed for cleaning wood. A simple solution of half a cup of distilled white vinegar, half a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of mild dish detergent like Dawn will also do the trick.

What is the best way to clean dirty wood?

Try mixing a weak solution of water and dishwashing soap. Dip a soft cloth in the solution, wring it out and wipe the entire piece. You want a damp cloth, not a wet one. Don't saturate the wood, and rinse your cloth often.

Can you use OxiClean on wood cabinets?

Hi, Janice. Thank you for being an OxiClean fan! We do not recommend using OxiClean on painted wood surfaces. However, you can try OrangleGlo to remove the grease from your kitchen cabinets.

What is the best way to clean hardwood?

The best way to clean hardwood floors and keep them in shape is to stick to a regular schedule of maintenance.Sweep, dust or dry mop daily.Vacuum weekly.Clean heavy-traffic areas with a damp mop twice a month.Clean with recommended hardwood floor cleaner once a month.More items...

What is the best way to clean wood?

Oxygen bleach cleaners: When mixed with water, these cleaners create hydrogen peroxide and a soda ash cleaning base. This is effective in removing mildew stains and graying caused by ultra-violet sun exposure on the wood. It's also effective in cleaning the wood of dirt and deposits.

What is the best way to remove paint from a wood floor?

Using a sharp paint scraper, remove any loose solid stain, paint, or finish.

What to put on before mixing cleaner?

Put on your eye protection and rubber gloves before mixing the cleaner per the manufacturer's directions.

Do you have to power wash a deck?

Not all deck refinishing projects require you to go through this cleaning process. Your deck may just need to be power washed, but if your deck has been painted or you've used an opaque stain, you may have to go through this step.

Can you cover a deck at one time?

Don't try to cover the entire deck surface at one time; work in sections for better results.

Can you repaint a deck with opaque paint?

If your deck does not have loose paint or opaque stain, you can skip this step. If your deck is painted and you want to repaint it, you can also skip this step. This step is only needed if you have a painted or opaque stain and want to have a semi-transparent wood stain refinished surface. Using a sharp paint scraper, remove any loose solid stain, ...

How do I clean a deck?

1. Before applying your DIY deck cleaner, soak the deck with the hose. This will open up the wood pores and make it easier to get rid of the dirt. I also use it to clean out any debris that may have gathered in the cracks between the boards. Spread the oxygen bleach solution on the deck with the scrub brush. 2.

How to make a homemade bleach deck cleaner?

Not only is this homemade deck wash effective, it is also really easy to make…the only two ingredients you need are Oxygen Bleach (eg. Oxi-Clean *) and water. Mix about ½ cup of oxygen bleach with 2 gallons of warm water in the bucket until it dissolves.

How much bleach does it take to clean a deck?

I have a fairly large deck, and it takes about 2 cups of Oxi-Clean to do the whole thing.

What happens after a deck is dried?

After it dries, your deck will look as good as new.

Is bleach safe to use on decks?

Looking for an easy and inexpensive way to wash your deck? This oxygen bleach homemade deck cleaner works great well and is non-toxic…it won’t harm your plants, pets or kids.

Can you bleach a deck?

If you have a large deck, you may want to clean sections of it at a time to make sure the oxygen bleach solution doesn’t dry on the boards (it’s not the end of the world if it does…it’ll just mean more work for you to get it off).

Can you use pressure washers on a deck?

I’m also not a big fan of using pressure washers on the deck…if you don’t get the spray strength adjusted to the right level, it will take the surface off the deck boards…which makes the deck rough (and seems to make the grime come back even faster).

What is the best way to clean wood?

Oxygen bleach cleaners: When mixed with water, these cleaners create hydrogen peroxide and a soda ash cleaning base. This is effective in removing mildew stains and graying caused by ultra-violet sun exposure on the wood. It's also effective in cleaning the wood of dirt and deposits.

What is the best way to remove paint from a wood floor?

Using a sharp paint scraper, remove any loose solid stain, paint, or finish.

What to put on before mixing cleaner?

Put on your eye protection and rubber gloves before mixing the cleaner per the manufacturer's directions.

Do you have to power wash a deck?

Not all deck refinishing projects require you to go through this cleaning process. Your deck may just need to be power washed, but if your deck has been painted or you've used an opaque stain, you may have to go through this step.

Can you cover a deck at one time?

Don't try to cover the entire deck surface at one time; work in sections for better results.

Can you repaint a deck with opaque paint?

If your deck does not have loose paint or opaque stain, you can skip this step. If your deck is painted and you want to repaint it, you can also skip this step. This step is only needed if you have a painted or opaque stain and want to have a semi-transparent wood stain refinished surface. Using a sharp paint scraper, remove any loose solid stain, ...


1.Videos of How Do You Clean Deck with Oxiclean


17 hours ago Dip a nylon scrub brush into the water and OxiClean mixture and scrub it over the deck. Continue across the deck until the entire unit is cleaned to your satisfaction.

2.How to Use OxiClean to Wash a Deck | Hunker


29 hours ago  · Showing you that the Oxi-clean works just as well as sodium percarbonate. In the video, we show you how oxiclean stacks up against sodium percarbonate when c...

3.Cleaning a Deck With Oxiclean - YouTube


30 hours ago Follow these steps to clean your deck: 1. Rinse your deck with a hose to loosen any stuck-on debris. 2. Fill the scoop with OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover to line 4. Mix with one gallon …

4.How to Refresh and Clean Your Patio and Deck for the …


32 hours ago  · First thing you do is you wash it all down and get all kinds of sweeping done and then get soaking wet. And then you put two cups of sodium percarbonate, percarbonate not …

5.How to Clean and Brighten a Deck With Oxygen Cleaner


25 hours ago Lots of water, a cup of Oxiclean, a squirt of Dawn (to make the solution go on smoother) . This will not bleach the boards, just clean them really well. Best wishes 😇

6.Cleaning a Deck with Oxygen Bleach - YouTube


26 hours ago  · Spread the oxygen bleach solution on the deck with the scrub brush. 2. Use the deck brush to spread the oxygen bleach cleaning solution over the deck. If your deck has a …

7.How to clean my deck with oxiclean? | Hometalk


21 hours ago OxiClean™ is a Versatile Stain Remover in a powder form that is activated when added to water (warm or hot water work best). Oxygen is released and targets the stains, rather than the fabric, …

8.Homemade Deck Cleaner: The Best Inexpensive Non …


26 hours ago  · Restore your driveway or get your deck ready for summer! If your deck is starting to look a little dingy, clean it with OxiClean solution. Clear furniture from the deck and use a hose …

9.Frequently Asked Questions - OxiClean


6 hours ago

10.14 Ways to Use OxiClean in Laundry and Around the …


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