Knowledge Builders

how do you clean rough hardwood floors

by Meaghan Mayert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

8 Best Ways to Clean Hardwood Floors

  • Vacuum your floor every week You probably do this already, but it always bears repeating. ...
  • Watch the hairspray and the furniture polish Both of them can cloud your floor’s finish. ...
  • Keep out the rain ...
  • Remove residue with no-wax wood floor cleaner ...
  • Know the rules about using waxes and restorers ...
  • Use an extra-long “walk-off ” doormat ...
  • Protect high-traffic zones with area rugs ...
  • Invest in furniture pads

You can use a commercial wood-cleaning product, like Bona or Murphy Oil Soap. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. You can also make your own cleaner by mixing one part vinegar to 10 parts warm water. Add a few drops of liquid Castile soap.

Full Answer

What is the best way to clean hardwood floors naturally?

Scrub water, ink, and pet stains well.

  • Remove the spots from floors with penetrating finishes by lightly sanding the stain with extra-fine sandpaper.
  • Gently scrub with a coarser “00” grade steel wool wet with mineral spirits.
  • Wipe away the mineral spirits with a damp cloth, then use a dry cloth to remove the water.

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How to clean really dirty hardwood floors?


  1. Sweeping/vacuuming Sweeping or vacuuming on a regular basis is sufficient enough to keep your floors clean. Sections with ingrained grime or dirt can be cleaned using odorless mineral spirit. ...
  2. Oil treat Grime and residue may build up on the surface of the unsealed hardwood floor despite regular sweeping or vacuuming. ...
  3. Waxing

What is the best homemade cleaner for wood floors?


  • Distilled Water – using water in homemade cleaners, bacteria can start to grow over time while the solution sits in the sealed container. ...
  • White Vinegar – just regular old white distilled vinegar you use in cooking! ...
  • Castile Soap – an all around great thing to have on hand. ...

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How to really clean wood floors?

Keeping this in consideration, how do you clean and maintain wood floors?

  • Clean Spills Immediately. ...
  • Use Furniture Pads. ...
  • Sweep Or Dust Daily. ...
  • Vacuum Weekly. ...
  • Use Wood Floor Cleaner Monthly. ...
  • Re-Finish Every 3-5 Years.

What is the best way to clean hardwood floors?

How to clean a floor without scratching?

Why do people love hardwood floors?

Can pet urine eat off hardwood floors?

Can you clean wood floors with a steam mop?

Is wood floor a good floor covering?

Do hardwood floors look dull?

See 4 more

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How do you clean rough wood floors?

Begin by dusting or sweeping your floors well. Then make a cleaning mixture using 4 cups warm water and a few drops of castile soap or dish soap. Do not shake, but gently mix this, then mop or scrub small sections at a time, drying them with a clean cloth or dry mop after."

How do you clean hardwood floors without damaging them?

Use a damp-mop with a flat-head mop and microfiber pad or a microfiber string mop that has been thoroughly wrung out when it looks dingy. Move with the grain, and control the amount of cleaning solution by using a spray bottle, aiming for a heavy mist or gentle squirt of about a half teaspoon per 2 square feet.

Can I mop hard wood floors?

Follow that up with a wet microfiber mop and spray with a recommended hardwood floor cleaning solution. So to summarize – is mopping wood floors bad? It is if you pour a big bucket of water on them. You can clean them just as well with a microfiber mop and hardwood safe cleaner.

Can you use Dawn dish soap on hardwood floors?

DIY Hardwood Floor Cleaning Solution If you want to clean your floors with items you already have in your pantry, simply grab a bottle of dish soap, a bucket, and your hardwood floor mop. Dish soap is a gentle cleaner that won't damage the natural wood, and it's perfect for light jobs and daily upkeep alike.

Is it OK to use Swiffer wet on hardwood floors?

According to the manufacturer's website, the Swiffer mop is appropriate for use on finished hardwood floors when you use either the dry or wet refill cloths. Wet refills aren't recommended for use on unfinished, waxed or oiled floors, and you should use them with caution on finished hardwood.

Is Murphy's oil soap good for wood floors?

Whether you're cleaning one area or all of your flooring, Murphy® Oil Soap is safe to use on hardwood floors.

What is best to clean wooden floors?

"The best way to clean hardwood floors is to use a microfiber dust mop to remove dust, dirt, and whatever other particles were brought into your home," Witulski says. "The microfiber dust mop will not scratch your floors as some vacuums might."

Is it safe to use vinegar to clean hardwood floors?

You should NOT use vinegar to clean your wood floors regularly. You won't notice any damage right away, but over time, the acidity in the vinegar will break down the floor's finish, allowing water to penetrate and degrade the wood.

Is Murphy's oil soap good for wood floors?

Whether you're cleaning one area or all of your flooring, Murphy® Oil Soap is safe to use on hardwood floors.

What home remedy can I use to clean wood floors?

In a large bucket or sink, combine 1 gallon water with 1 cup distilled white vinegar or 1/2 cup cleaning vinegar. Mop. Dip a clean microfiber mop into the solution and wring the mop until it is just damp and not dripping. You do not want to apply excess water to the floor.

How often should you mop hardwood floors?

Once a week, wood floors should be cleaned in high traffic areas with a damp mop. Low traffic areas can be done less frequently, like once a month or once a quarter. Unsealed wood floors are more susceptible to water, so make sure that the mop is just slightly damp.

Is it safe to use vinegar and water on hardwood floors?

You should NOT use vinegar to clean your wood floors regularly. You won't notice any damage right away, but over time, the acidity in the vinegar will break down the floor's finish, allowing water to penetrate and degrade the wood.

How to Clean Hardwood Floors | Martha Stewart

To begin, Gagliardi suggests sweeping or vacuuming with a hard floor attachment to remove any loose dirt from the hardwood floors. After this step, combine one-fourth cup of Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner ($29, with a gallon of water. Mop wood floors with this solution (just make sure to avoid creating a liquid pool since this can warp and streak the floor).

How to Clean Hardwood Floors - The Home Depot

Heavily used areas should be cleaned more often, every week or two. Another way to clean hardwood floors is to use a flat mop and hardwood floor cleaner, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.. When mopping hardwood floors, make sure to wring most of the water out of the mop so it’s damp and not sopping wet.

How often should I clean hardwood floors?

Clean hardwood floors about once a week. While it depends on how often you like to freshen up your home in general, Lou Manfredini, an Ace Hardware helpful expert, says a general rule of thumb is to clean hardwood floors once a week.

How do I fix scratches on hardwood floors?

If you have any scratches on your hardwood floors, Manfredini recommends filling and coloring in the floors with stain sticks, like Dap Plastic Wood Red Wood Blend Sticks ($5, "It will not be perfect, but it will be an improvement on what you have," he says. "If the scratches are in the finish, you can apply a new coating yourself over the entire floor." You will need to take the items out of the specific room that needs the finish for this process. After cleaning the floor, apply a finish coating, like Rejuvenate High Gloss Wood Floor Restorer Liquid ($23, ), following the manufacturer's instructions. While there are a variety of finishes, Manfredini recommends the satin option.

Why do hardwood floors look dull?

The foot traffic you have in your household—from little kids to pets. "The more foot traffic, the faster dirt, grime, and pet hair build up on your floors," says Mary Gagliardi, the Clorox in-house scientist and cleaning expert. "Dirt and grime, especially, can make your hardwood floors look dull.

How much does Clorox cost to clean floors?

To clean and disinfect your floors in one step, you can also try Clorox Disinfecting Wet Mopping Cloths ($7.97, to trap particles, dirt, and hair. Manfredini adds that you should avoid certain substances when cleaning the particular material.

Can you mop wood floors with a mop?

Mop wood floors with this solution (just make sure to avoid creating a liquid pool since this can warp and streak the floor). "Use a conventional mop (a mop with hands-free wringing makes the job even easier) or you can use a microfiber mop," she says.

What is the best way to clean a wood floor after dusting?

If a surface-finished hardwood floor still looks dingy or dull after dusting, deep clean it with any pH-neutral, wax-free, and petroleum-free cleaner, such as Bona PowerPlus Hardwood Floor Deep Cleaner ( view on Amazon) or a homemade solution comprising a quarter-cup of dish soap and a gallon of warm water.

How to get oil stains out of a floor?

Donning gloves and protective glasses, dilute two tablespoons of TSP in one gallon of warm water in a large bucket. Dip the tip of a clean cloth into the solution, then use gentle circular motions to work it into the stain. Once the TSP dissolves it, run a water-dampened clo th over the area to sop up the TSP, then quickly dry the area with a clean cloth.

How to get crayon marks off hardwood floors?

Dried candle wax, crayon marks, and chewing gum on floors with surface or penetrating finishes readily come away with ice. Fill a freezer bag with a few ice cubes, then place the chilled bag over the offending buildup until it becomes brittle, then scrape it off with the edge of a plastic spatula. If the spatula removes the protective wax from a floor with a penetrating finish, re-apply a solvent-based hardwood floor wax to the scraped area with a soft cloth, then buff it into the repaired area with the cloth.

What are the two types of hardwood floors?

There are two main types of hardwood floor finishes: surface finishes and penetrating finishes.

How to get rid of a tsp stain?

Dip the tip of a clean cloth into the solution, then use gentle circular motions to work it into the stain. Once the TSP dissolves it, run a water-dampened cloth over the area to sop up the TSP, then quickly dry the area with a clean cloth. Advertisement.

How to tell if a floor has a surface finish?

The easiest way to check if your floor has a surface finish is to take a sharp knife blade to a small, hidden area of the floor and scrape off a tiny amount of finish. If the scraped material is clear, your floor probably has a surface finish. If scraping the floor finish smudges it, but no clear material comes away, ...

Is it ok to clean hardwood floors?

A: It’s true, regular cleaning is a must to maintain the rugged beauty of hardwood floors. Because different floor finishes have unique care requirements, the best way to clean hardwood floors will depend on the type of finish, rather than the wood species (e.g., cherry, maple, oak)—employ the wrong method and you could do damage!

What is the best way to clean a floor?

Using a soft-bristled broom or a good microfiber dust mop to pick up dust, dirt, any lint or pet hair is the best thing you can do to clean the floor.

What is the best way to remove stains from a wood floor?

One common method is by using mineral spirits. Mineral spirits are commonly available in hardware or home improvement stores. They are mostly used as paint thinners but they can also be used to clean and remove stains on your floors.

How Often Do You Need To Clean Your Unfinished Hardwood Floors?

How often you need to clean your unfinished hardwood floors really depend on how often the floor gets used or how exposed it is to dust and dirt.

What is the difference between finished and unfinished hardwood floors?

The difference between a finished an an unfinished hardwood floor is that the finished type is sealed while the unfinished type is unsealed. This only means that water won’t be able to penetrate the sealed hardwood floor while the unsealed floor will absorb water like a sponge.

How to tell if a hardwood floor is finished or unfinished?

If the water beads on the surface, then you have a sealed floor or a finished hardwood floor. On the other hand, if the water gets absorbed by your floor, then you do have an unfinished or unsealed hardwood floor.

What causes stains on wood?

Stains can come from coffee or juice spills, sauces from the food you’re eating, or pet urine. If spills are left unattended, it dries up and sips into the wood causing the ugly stains.

How to remove stains from wood?

To remove stains, use mineral spirits, ammonia, or trisodium phosphate. Try to avoid soaking the wood with any type of liquid.

What to use to clean unsealed wood floors?

Since you cannot clean with a water-based cleaner, you may use a natural oil such as linseed or jojoba to restore the beauty of your wood.

How long does it take to clean a floor with oil?

To treat with oil, sweep or vacuum the floor and apply the oil using a rag. Allow it 10 to 15 minutes to act on the residue and follow up with a clean, dry mop to remove the dirt as you simultaneously buff the oil. This can be done on a monthly basis. 3.

How to tell if hardwood floor is sealed?

Unsealed wood floors are fewer and found in old colonial homes. To test if your hardwood floor is sealed, splash few drops of water on a small area. If it beads up, the wood is sealed. Conversely, if seeps in or gets absorbed, the wood is unsealed. 1.

How long do unsealed wood floors last?

Unsealed wood floors are charming and can last many years when properly cared for.

What is a sealed wood floor?

Sealed wood has a polyurethane finish layer or coat that protects the underlying wood against moisture. Unsealed wood floors does not have such a protective layer and thus is vulnerable to water or any liquid. Sealed wood floors are common in modern homes. They can be shiny, high gloss, or have a matte finish.

What causes scratches on hardwood floors?

Pets, especially dogs, are common culprits causing scratches on hardwood floors. To ensure that doesn’t happen, keep their claws trimmed. Place rugs in areas where they eat, and watch out for any other mess that pets may make. If you look after your floors, they’ll look after you.

What to do when wax is dried?

When the wax has dried, buff with a clean piece of cloth or with a buffing machine if you are dealing with a large area.

What is the best way to clean a damaged floor?

The solution of water and vinegar cuts through debris, dirt, and grime, leaving a streak-free clean floor. Before using vinegar to remove dirt from your old damaged floor, ...

What is the best cleaner for hardwood floors?

There are many home owners who have discovered the ease and efficiency of homemade hardwood floor cleaners such as vinegar, olive oil, lavender, baking soda, and lemon in cleaning hardwood floors.

How to prevent dirt from getting stuck in wood planks?

Make sure you are sweeping or mopping in the direction of the wood grain to prevent dirt and grime from getting stuck in cracks between planks.

How to get rid of a smelly floor?

You can add 6 drops of essential oil such as lavender or olive oil for a pleasant smell. Place a mop inside the mixture and wring out excess water before use. This is important because it prevents water pooling on the floor. Go over the whole floor with the mop and ensure that all the dirt and debris is removed.

How to get dark spots off of wood floors?

Mix equal amounts of vinegar and baking soda to form a paste. The paste is powerful at removing marks and dark spots (like pet stains), restoring finishes to their original look without scrubbing the floor.

Why do you need to refinish a floor?

A complete floor refinishing may need to be done to remove signs of wear and improve the floors’ appearance.

What does it mean to sweep a floor?

Sweeping or mopping removes dirt, dust, pet hair, debris and other harmful substances that can worsen the condition of your damaged floors.

How much grit should I use to sand wood floors?

You will have to have the floors lightly sanded, generally done with a polisher and a screen pad, 150-220 grit depending on the finish. Care has to be made not to cut through the finish and remove the stain. I hand sand the edges with 120 grit.

How much grit should I use for buffing?

Buffing is done like this: down on hands and knees, hand sand the edges of the floor with fine sand paper. I generally use 120 grit. Then the floor area is polished with polisher and a screen mesh disc. Depending on the finish one will use anywhere from 220 grit to more coarse 180 or 150 grit. Then clean up and coat.

What is the best way to clean wood floors?

Since most wood floors are sealed with cured polyurethane or polyacrylic urethane, it is important to choose a cleaning solution that will leave the sealant bright and without streaks. Never use harsh chemicals like chlorine bleach, ammonia, pine oil, or undiluted vinegar.

How to clean mud off wood floors?

After cleaning up the spill with a paper towel or cloth, give the floor a final "rinse" with a slightly water-dampened cloth or mop. Wipe in the direction of the wood grain to prevent streaking.

How to prevent scratches on hardwood floors?

6 Tips to Prevent Scratches on Wood Floors 1 Place felt pads on the bottom of chair and table legs. 2 Never place houseplant pots directly onto hardwood floors. 3 Never drag heavy furniture or objects across the floor. 4 Skip stilettos and cleats when walking on hardwood floors. 5 Place doormats inside and outside entrance areas and clean them frequently. Reducing the amount of grit brought into a home will reduce the number of scratches. 6 Keep pet toenails trimmed and filed.

What is the best tool to remove grit from hardwood floors?

Use the Right Tools. A soft-bristled broom is the best choice for removing crumbs and grit from hardwood floors while preventing additional scratches. The bristles can be made from nylon or rubber. Both types of bristles are static-charged and help to grab particles. Use a dustpan or hand-vacuum to grab the accumulated soil.

How to keep scratches from looking dull?

Taking a few precautions will help keep away scratches. Place felt pads on the bottom of chair and table legs. Never place houseplant pots directly onto hardwood floors.

How is engineered hardwood made?

Engineered hardwood flooring is manufactured by gluing together several thin plies of hardwood. The layers are stacked with the grains running in different directions to give the floor pieces strength. The surface layer can be a thin veneer or a thicker layer of hardwood that can be sanded and refinished over time.

What is solid hardwood flooring?

Solid Hardwood Flooring. Solid hardwood flooring can be installed in planks or strips and left natural or treated with a wood stain. The flooring can be any type of hardwood (oak, maple, teak, walnut, ash) that is cut from one solid piece of wood.

What is the best way to clean hardwood floors?

A damp (but not sopping) mop can also help keep a hardwood floor clean, provided you use the right cleaner (more on what not to use next). Most wood floor installers or manufacturers recommend cleaners that contain isopropyl alcohol, which dries quickly, and are available at home supply stores.

How to clean a floor without scratching?

To make your own solution for a monthly clean, add a capful of white vinegar to a gallon of water, which will help dissolve grease and grime on the floor , but not strip the finish. To remove shoe scuffs, rub marks with a tennis ball, which cleans without scratching the finish.

Why do people love hardwood floors?

Folks love hardwood floors not only for their look and durability, but also because they’re simple to clean—at least relative to carpet, tile, and many other surfaces. But different folks have different takes on the best way to clean hardwood flooring while guarding the gleam on their gorgeous wooden floors, which leaves many homeowners wondering ….

Can pet urine eat off hardwood floors?

Hardwood floors may look impervious to spills compared with carpet, but certain substances can actually eat away at the top coat of polish on your floor. Some common offenders include milk, mustard, and pet urine. So if Fido or Fluffy isn’t fully house trained, make sure to pick up after accidents pronto.

Can you clean wood floors with a steam mop?

Whatever you do, do not clean wood floors with a steam mop, Miller says. “Steam is horrible for wood floors. It opens the pores in woods and damages the finish, causing irreversible damage to any wood floor.”.

Is wood floor a good floor covering?

“Wood is probably the easiest floor covering to keep clean, but you have to use the right cleaning products,” says Miller. In fact, contrary to what you might think, he adds, “anything that says ‘polish’ or ‘shine’ indicates you’re adding a layer of something to the floor, and it’s not a protective coating.”

Do hardwood floors look dull?

Your floor might look shiny right after you’re done, but it will quickly smear and look dull (prompting you to clean your floors again). So when in doubt, stick with cleaners recommended by a hardwood floor specialist rather than what’s being hawked at your average grocery store.


1.Videos of How Do You Clean Rough Hardwood Floors


28 hours ago  · Deep Hardwood Floor Cleaning. Even if you dry mop or vacuum every day, you’ll still get a build-up of dirt on your hardwood floors over time. To clean off this layer of grime, …

2.How to Clean Hardwood Floors | Martha Stewart


30 hours ago So as much as possible, never use any type of liquid cleaners to mop or clean your unfinished hardwood floors. This includes water. Using a soft-bristled broom or a good microfiber dust …

3.The Best Way to Clean Hardwood Floors — Advice From …


24 hours ago  · With a rough finish the solution is to have the floor screened with a polisher and abrasive, hand sand all the edges, clean up well and apply another thin coat. So, no. A full …

4.The Best Way to Clean your Unfinished Hardwood Floors


14 hours ago  · Accidentally put floor polish on pre-finished hardwood floors. Q: I accidentally put floor polish, instead of cleaner, on pre-finished hardwood floors. You gave me a solution to try …

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