Knowledge Builders

how do you cover tree roots above ground

by Kane Reichel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cover exposed roots with a layer of organic mulch.
A tidy, even circle of mulch beneath a tree's crown is an easy way to resolve tree root and turfgrass conflict; mulch will protect roots and kill the grass. Just be sure to keep mulch pulled well back from the tree's trunk.
Oct 25, 2021

What are roots that grow above the ground called?

The roots which grow above ground are called as aerial roots and these can be technically classed as negatively gravitropic (grow against gravity). The plant species which have this type of modification include mangroves, epiphytes, and vines such as poison ivy.

Which type of roots grow above ground?

Types of Roots

  1. Fibrous Roots. Fibrous roots are found in monocot plants. ...
  2. Taproots. Taproots are found in the majority of dicot plants. ...
  3. Adventitious Roots. Adventitious roots are similar to the fibrous roots. ...
  4. Creeping Roots. Creeping roots are the types of roots that do not penetrate deep into the soil. ...
  5. Tuberous Roots. ...
  6. Water Roots. ...
  7. Parasite Roots. ...

Are exposed tree roots a bad thing?

Exposed tree roots are not necessarily a bad thing. Mainly, they are a way that a tree responds to difficulties it encounters in the environment. That being said, tree roots are delicate structures. Since they are the source of nutrition for the entire tree it is important that the roots stay healthy. When roots are exposed they become ...

Why do tree roots grow above ground?

  • They provide support as to cling to the stone walls or other structures
  • In cases where there is excess water the roots grow upwards to breathe
  • In some plants the roots are used for propagation where the roots fall off from the parent and develop as a new plant (clones of parent plant)

What happens when a tree roots are damaged?

How to fix compacted soil?

How to kill a tree that is already growing?

What happens when a tree roots grow in a heavy traffic area?

How to stop grass from growing under a tree?

Why do people use root barriers?

What is the lifeline of a tree?

See 2 more


How do you hide tree roots above ground?

Yes, in fact, mulch is the best way to cover tree roots above ground. When you add 2-3 inches of organic mulch, you get double the benefits. It gives your landscape a clean look and moisturizes and protects the roots. You can sub in gravel as a low-maintenance alternative to mulch.

How do you cover up exposed tree roots?

Do use an organic material such as wood chips or shredded wood. Spread it in an even layer 3 to 4 inches deep over the surface of the soil. Do make the area of mulch as large as it needs to be to completely cover the exposed roots, even if that means covering an area of lawn.

Should you cover exposed tree roots?

Exposed tree roots do not need to be covered at all unless they are threatened by mechanical damage from lawn mowers or weed eaters, for example. Mechanical damage on these roots can be rather serious, and it is very difficult for the tree to recover in these areas.

Can you put topsoil over tree roots?

Even adding a few inches of soil on top of roots can inhibit the air available to the roots and cause tree decline. The best solution, one improving the health of the tree, is to remove lawn grass as far as possible from around the tree roots along with the additional soil you added.

Can you put rocks on top of tree roots?

Landscaping/mulching with rock substantially decreases the amount of water needed to support vigorous tree, shrub, plant, and grass growth. Spreading small rocks around trees serves as an inorganic mulch, preventing weed growth, regulating soil temperature, and retaining moisture.

What happens if you cover tree roots?

The roots use up the oxygen, and when it is not replenished, the roots suffocate and die. As they die, they stop absorbing the water the tree needs, and the tree eventually dies of thirst. This can occur agonizingly slowly over years or quickly over a few months.

Can you put landscape fabric over tree roots?

It depends on how big the plants are. A good rule to remember when installing landscape fabric is to set it a few inches close to the plant roots but never too close. It will warm up the soil too much during the summer season and inhibit the exchange of air, water, and nutrients.

How long can a tree live with roots exposed?

It can go for as long as it's not completely dried out or rot over. This could go for weeks. I had planted one rhizome which I forgot to after 4 months, and it still grow. Another can still grow even years after the plant was broken and the roots exposed.

Can you put pavers over tree roots?

If you do decide to take out existing trees to open up space for your paver project, make sure to remove all the tree roots before laying the foundation. Abandoned roots can break down over time making the ground unstable and causing the pavers to sink.

Why are my tree roots above ground?

Trees roots adapt to their environment in order to get needed oxygen, water and nutrients. Above-ground roots are often seen in areas with compacted soil because the compaction deprives roots of oxygen and water that would otherwise be available in loose soil. As trees get older, surface roots grow larger as well.

What grows well over tree roots?

Some of the more popular shade- and root-tolerant woodland plants include understory shrubs such as oakleaf hydrangea, azaleas, euonymus, variegated aucuba, soft-tip yucca, nandina, many hollies, mahonia, and spirea. These generally do very well, as you can see from a drive around any older, established neighborhoods.

What can you do with visible tree roots?

In gardens where the exposed tree roots aren't causing any serious risk other than a trip hazard and a nuisance to mow around, a ground covering (either with drought tolerant and shade loving plants) or a mulch bed will be sufficient to cover-up above-ground tree roots.

What can you plant around a tree that has exposed roots?

Mulch or a wood byproduct is the quickest and easiest way to cover exposed tree roots. Rim the circumference of the tree with a three to five-inch high strip of edging or brick. Once in place, cover the roots with three to four inches of mulch or just enough to cover the roots.

Can you put landscape fabric over tree roots?

It depends on how big the plants are. A good rule to remember when installing landscape fabric is to set it a few inches close to the plant roots but never too close. It will warm up the soil too much during the summer season and inhibit the exchange of air, water, and nutrients.

Can you put pavers over tree roots?

If you do decide to take out existing trees to open up space for your paver project, make sure to remove all the tree roots before laying the foundation. Abandoned roots can break down over time making the ground unstable and causing the pavers to sink.

How deep are tree roots in the soil?

Tree roots are found in the top 18 to 24 inches of soil and spread up to three times the width of the canopy. These shallow roots and the fine network of tiny roots that extend through the soil provide oxygen, nutrients and water to the tree. When blocked by hardscape, the roots have nowhere to grow but up.

How to water a tree without drowning?

A tree-friendly solution is to remove the lawn and add a 2- to 4-inch layer of organic mulch over the roots and all the way out to the edge of the canopy, or drip line.

Why do trees kill lawns?

Competition for nutrients, erosion and foot traffic are also factors. Lawns growing under trees compete for nutrients and water. Tree roots killing a lawn is not uncommon, especially in deep shade. The bare soil around the roots may be washed away or compacted by pedestrians walking under the tree. In any case, the roots gradually become exposed by either erosion or rising above the competing vegetation.

What tree has shallow spreading roots?

Maple tree roots are notorious for developing large surface roots that interfere with mowing and lift sidewalks. Weeping willow ( Salix babylonica) has shallow, spreading roots that not only make it difficult to mow but also invade sewer and drain pipes in USDA zones 6 through 8, warns the Missouri Botanical Garden.

What type of tree has exposed roots?

Some tree species are more likely to have exposed roots than others. Popular shade trees like the red maple (Acer rubrum), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 9, tend to be shallow rooted. Maple tree roots are notorious for developing large surface roots that interfere with mowing and lift sidewalks. Weeping willow (Salix babylonica) has shallow, spreading roots that not only make it difficult to mow but also invade sewer and drain pipes in USDA zones 6 through 8, warns the Missouri Botanical Garden.

Can you run over tree roots with a mower?

Exposed tree roots above ground are not just unattractive; you risk harming the tree by running over the roots with a mower. Damaging the bark on the exposed roots makes them vulnerable to insects and diseases. While covering the roots with soil and sod might appear to be a quick and easy solution, it can harm your tree's health.

Can tree roots kill grass?

Tree roots killing a lawn is not uncommon, especially in deep shade. The bare soil around the roots may be washed away or compacted by pedestrians walking under the tree. In any case, the roots gradually become exposed by either erosion or rising above the competing vegetation.

How Many Exposed Tree Roots Can I Cut?

Instead of removing all of the exposed roots from the tree, you will need to limit the number of roots you cut to those roots that are exposed outside of the drip line.

How to remove exposed roots from a tree?

You can remove them by making sure that you only cut any that are outside of the dripline of the tree or by taking the diameter of the tree and multiplying it by 10. This will give you the total length in inches from the trunk ...

What happens if mulch is too high?

If the mulch is too high, water will not be able to penetrate the roots, which will cause the roots to die. When these roots die, they significantly weaken the tree and will increase the risk of the tree falling.

How far should mulch be spread out?

Mulch beds should extend out from the trunk almost as wide as the drip line of the tree. The mulch should be spread out and no higher than 3” to keep the roots underneath the surface of the mulch without becoming dehydrated.

What happens if you leave tree roots above ground?

Leaving exposed tree roots that are above the ground can cause damage to the yard and other surrounding plants by changing the elevation of the terrain and draining the nearby plants of water and nutrients. Table Of Contents.

How deep should mulch be?

Mulch beds should extend out from the trunk almost as wide as the canopy of the tree. The mulch should be spread out and no deeper than 3” to keep the roots underneath the surface of the mulch without becoming dehydrated.

What do we think of tree roots?

When we think of tree roots, we often think of roots that have grown deep down into the ground to give our trees the solid foundation on which they stand.

What to do if you see tree roots?

So what can you do for a tree with roots showing? Once you see exposed tree roots, there’s usually little you can do about it. While some people may choose a root barrier of some kind, such as fabric or plastic, this is only a short-term fix that may or may not even be successful. Eventually, time will have its way and the roots will return via cracks or other nooks and crannies within the barrier material. It’s not advisable to try and prune or cut away any of these roots, as this will likely damage the tree itself. This should only be done as a last resort, such as when the roots are causing damage to nearby structures or others areas.

How to help a tree grow?

Adding topsoil to the exposed root area and overplanting with grass may help some, but this too might be short term. As the tree grows, so will the roots. It’s only a matter of time before they resurface. No to mention that too much soil placed on the roots can harm the roots and therefore the tree.

Why do maple trees have roots?

Older trees showing roots is common too. However, this most often happens when there’s little topsoil in the area. This can occur over some time or as a result of poor planting practices.

Where are tree roots located?

A tree’s feeder roots are normally found within the uppermost portion of the ground, about 8 to 12 inches (20-31 cm.), while those responsible for anchoring and supporting the tree run much deeper. These shallow feeder root systems make the tree more susceptible to falling over from strong winds. As the tree grows, so do the feeder roots. This is why some of the older trees you see have exposed roots. Feeder roots are also commonly seen along the tree’s drip line, spreading out in various directions from the base. Anchoring roots will be more concentrated towards the base itself.

Do trees have above ground roots?

If you’ve ever noticed a tree with above ground roots and wondered what to do about it, then you’re not alone. Surface tree roots are more common than one might think but are generally not a major cause for alarm.

Why do tree roots stick up?

Even if they are not in a lawn area, tree roots sticking up above-ground create an unusable space.

What tree causes quaking?

Maple trees ( Acer) are especially apt to cause these issues. So are beech trees ( Fagus ), and anything in the willow family, such as the quaking aspen ( Populus tremuloides ). As a result of such problems, you may be wondering if you can put topsoil over the roots to cover them up or create a shade garden under the tree.

What is considered a small amount of soil?

So what is considered a "small amount?" A 2-inch layer of soil is about right. Better yet, mix in some compost before applying the soil, so that the resulting mix will be lighter and fluffier, thereby reducing the likelihood of suffocating the roots. Sow grass seed over the area to try to keep the soil from washing away. If, a year or so later, you find that the soil did not hold (for whatever reason) and the roots are showing above-ground once again, repeat the procedure.

Why do roots come to the surface?

In fact, if you suffer from exposed roots, there is a good chance that lack of oxygen was the reason that the roots came to the surface, in the first place: They were getting insufficient oxygen with which to breathe, perhaps due to their growing in compacted soil.

How to dress up under a tree?

An alternative idea to "dress up" the area under the tree might be to spread a thin (2 inches) layer of mulch over the tree roots, then lay out container gardens (potted plants) with plants of varying heights and textures. If you find attractive pots and hit upon a color scheme that pleases you, then you may end up with a "garden" that is the envy of the neighborhood.

Is it safe to spread topsoil on the ground?

It does seem, at first glance, like it would be perfectly safe to have topsoil brought in and spread it on top of the exposed roots. After all, soil can't be a bad thing for roots, right? It is in their nature, is it not, to grow in the dirt? One can readily see why so many homeowners make this landscaping mistake .

Do tree roots stick up above ground?

Even if they are not in a lawn area, tree roots sticking up above-ground create an unusable space.

What happens when a tree roots are damaged?

For example, foot traffic, vehicles driving over or parking on roots, and mowers and string trimmers can all damage roots. When roots are injured, they can no longer do their job of transporting water and nutrients from the soil to all parts of the tree. This stresses the tree and can lead to branch and leaf dieback.

How to fix compacted soil?

If you have compacted soil, have it repaired professionally. The best (and least damaging) way to improve compacted soil is to use an airspade around a tree’s roots to loosen the soil, incorporate compost to add nutrients, and then fill it back in. Ideally, you’d then spread a layer of wood chip mulch out to the drip line to eliminate future compaction. Or compromise with a mulch ring around the tree with grass seed (or sod) farther away.

How to kill a tree that is already growing?

Bury roots with more soil. A tree that’s already growing should never have the soil level around its roots changed. Burying roots may hide them from your view but you’ll suffocate the roots, killing them and stressing your tree. When you kill roots, you’re cutting off the established lifeline of water and nutrients that the tree depends on.

What happens when a tree roots grow in a heavy traffic area?

Heavy traffic areas. If a tree’s roots are growing in areas that are used by both pedestrians and vehicles, surface soil will wear away and become compacted from use. Any roots that were growing near the surface will become exposed as the soil around them wears away.

How to stop grass from growing under a tree?

Cover exposed roots with a layer of organic mulch . This is a good solution when the lawn is growing beneath a tree and struggling. A tidy, even circle of mulch beneath a tree’s crown is an easy way to resolve tree root and turfgrass conflict; mulch will protect roots and kill the grass. Just be sure to keep mulch pulled well back from the tree’s trunk.

Why do people use root barriers?

People sometimes turn to root barriers as a way to stop roots from spreading above ground. However, root barriers are only a temporary fix. Root barriers may send some roots away from where they aren’t wanted, but they’re not a solution to tree root problems and won’t fix existing exposed roots. And excavating soil to bury a root barrier can make roots want to grow there because the soil is loose and there’s lots of water and oxygen.

What is the lifeline of a tree?

A tree’s roots are its lifeline, even if those roots are growing above ground. Roots seek out water and nutrients from the soil to support tree growth. Wherever they find these, trees will send roots growing in that direction.


Start with Some Don’ts

Before we provide you with three options to fix this issue properly, let’s take a moment to cover some things you should avoid in this situation. 1. Don’t pull up the roots. Okay – so this one might be obvious, but people have tried before it. You can’t simply cut away those exposed roots and expect the underground roots to c…
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Option #1 – Use Mulch

  • In most cases, this is going to be the best way to proceed. With mulch, you can fill in the gaps between the roots, bringing the level of the mulch roughly up even with the top of the roots. This will improve the appearance of the area and it should also make it a little safer and less of a tripping hazard. As an additional benefit, the mulch should help hold moisture and nutrients in th…
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Option #2 – Stepping Stones

  • If you aren’t worried about the way the tree roots look and you simply want to navigate the area safely, consider using stepping stones like concrete pavers. Depending on the layout of the roots, you might be able to place stones throughout the area, in between the roots, in a way that creates a path from one part of your property to another. This might be your best bet if the tree with exp…
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Option #3 – Plant Some Ground Cover

  • We mentioned earlier that growing grass on top of the roots isn’t a great idea, as it will be hard to maintain and may not grow very well. With that said, you might use a ground cover plant to accomplish a similar mission. With ground cover, you won’t have to mow the area, and the maintenance that is required should be minimal. Also, there are plenty of options for ground cov…
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Get Help to Find The Right Solution

  • Without experience in dealing with this kind of problem, you might struggle to decide exactly how to proceed. Not to worry – TLC does this kind of work regularly, and we’ll be happy to bring our knowledge to your situation. Give us a call or reach out through our websiteand we can work with you to decide how best to handle this part of your landscape. Thank you for taking the time to vi…
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1.Videos of How Do You Cover Tree Roots Above Ground


21 hours ago  · How to Prevent Roots From Growing Above Ground Plant the right tree in the right place. Trying to fit a big tree in a small planting area ensures future root problems. Water your …

2.What To Do With Tree Roots Growing Above Ground


10 hours ago  · Yes, in fact, mulch is the best way to cover tree roots above ground. When you add 2-3 inches of organic mulch, you get double the benefits. It gives your landscape a clean look …

3.The Best Way to Cover Your Exposed Tree Roots


28 hours ago  · Watch More: Covering exposed tree roots is something that you might need to do in wet or swampy conditions, among other situations. …

4.How to Cover Exposed Tree Roots | Home Guides | SF Gate


34 hours ago  · Alternatives To Removing Tree Roots Above Ground Raise The Surface. If cutting exposed tree roots above the ground is not an option, you can always cover exposed tree...

5.How to Cover Exposed Tree Roots : Tree Trimming & Care


27 hours ago  · Adding topsoil to the exposed root area and overplanting with grass may help some, but this too might be short term. As the tree grows, so will the roots. It’s only a matter of …

6.Above Ground Tree Root Removal - Exposed Roots In Lawn


10 hours ago How Do You Cover Tree Roots Above Ground. Do use an organic material such as wood chips or shredded wood. Spread it in an even layer 3 to 4 inches deep over the surface of the soil. Do …

7.Trees Showing Roots: Trees With Above Ground Roots


7 hours ago Don’t remove more than 15 percent of the tree roots at one time. Make sure your tree is fully recovered after two to three years. It’s only then that you can consider cutting more roots. …

8.Why You Shouldn't Put Soil Over a Tree's Exposed Roots


11 hours ago  · Spread a thin (2-inch) layer of mulch over the tree roots and let them be. In extreme cases, where exposed roots are sticking up higher than 2 inches above-ground, it is best to just …

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