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how do you do a blood smear

by Dr. Crystal Hauck Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Blood Smear Technique 1) On one slide (the sample slide), place a small drop of blood 2) Use the second slide as a “spreader” slide. 3) Place the end of the spreader slide on the sample slide so that the short sided edge of the spreader is below the drop of blood.

A thin smear being prepared. Place a small drop of blood on the pre-cleaned, labeled slide, near its frosted end. Bring another slide at a 30-45° angle up to the drop, allowing the drop to spread along the contact line of the 2 slides. Quickly push the upper (spreader) slide toward the unfrosted end of the lower slide.

Full Answer

What should I do before my blood test?

What to Do before a Blood Test

  1. Can You Eat Before a Blood Test? Make sure you don’t eat before your test. ...
  2. Can You Drink Water Before a Blood Test? Can you drink water while fasting for a blood test? ...
  3. Can You Take Medication Before a Blood Test? ...
  4. Keep Yourself Warm Something that you might not know is that keeping yourself warm can greatly help before a blood test. ...

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How can you tell if something is a blood stain?


  • Bloodstains can occur on a variety of surfaces. The type of surface that free falling blood strikes affects the appearance of the resulting spatter.
  • Blood drops on a smooth surface will make a more uniform or regular circular shape.
  • Blood drops on a rough surface will make an irregular shaped stain with rough or jagged edges.

How often should I have my blood tested?

How often should I have my blood tested? It depends on your goals. For wellness reasons, 2-3x/year is ok, and for performance, more information can be found in our blog, here. You can test a couple of times throughout a season/training cycle (beginning, middle, post race, for example) to see how your body is handling the load.

How to lower my blood pressure before a test?

Try to:

  • Change your expectations. For example, plan your day and focus on your priorities. ...
  • Focus on issues you can control and make plans to solve them. If you are having an issue at work, try talking to your manager. ...
  • Avoid stress triggers. Try to avoid triggers when you can. ...
  • Make time to relax and to do activities you enjoy. ...
  • Practice gratitude. ...


What are the three methods of preparing blood smear?

Four different types of smear preparation methods (conventional method, blood film method, drop and rest method, and water-wash method) were carried out according to the standard reference as described below. A drop of sample was placed onto a clean slide and then spread to make a smear of 1 cm diameter.

How a slide of blood smear is prepared?

Using your dominant hand, place the edge of the other slide at an approximately 35-45⁰ angle on the first glass slide, in front of the blood drop. Using gentle pressure, gently pull the second slide back into the blood drop and allow the blood to spread to the edge of the slide.

Which stain is used for blood smear?

Commonly used stain in our environment is Leishman stain which is composed of polychrome methylene blue (basic component) and eosin (acidic component). May-Grunwald Giemsa or Wright-Giemsa stain can also be used.

What are the types of blood smear?

You can read more about how we make money here.Also Known As:Peripheral Smear.Blood Film.Manual Differential.Differential Slide.Red Blood Cell Morphology.Erythrocyte Morphology.Leukocyte Differential.

How do you prepare a blood smear for staining?

1:445:22Blood Smear Preparation and Staining Practical Lab - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipPlace a tiny droplet of the blood at the center of one corner of one of the glass lights. Using aMorePlace a tiny droplet of the blood at the center of one corner of one of the glass lights. Using a second pre clean glass light touch the drop of blood while inclining the slide at a 45-degree angle.

How do you slide on a smear?

Culture from solid media: Using a sterile pipette, add one drop of sterile saline or sterile water to the center of the microscope slide. Aseptically pick a small amount of an isolated colony with a loop and gently mix into the drop of sterile saline or water using circular motions. Mix evenly to make a thin smear.

How do you make a slide of blood with a microscope?

Place clean glass slide on a flat surface. Add one small drop of blood to one end.Take another clean slide, and holding at an angle of about 45 deg, touch the blood with one end of the slide so the blood runs along the edge of the slide by capillary action. ... Make 2 smears, allow to air dry, and label clearly.

What is blood film and how it is prepared?

A blood smear, peripheral blood smear or blood film is a thin layer of blood smeared on a glass microscope slide and then stained in such a way as to allow the various blood cells to be examined microscopically.

What is a blood smear?

A blood smear is used to diagnose and/or monitor numerous conditions including appropriate number and morphology of white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), and/or platelets (PLT). To make a good blood smear, very little equipment is needed (aside from practice in how to create a good smear and a good microscope!).

What is a peripheral blood smear?

In veterinary medicine, a peripheral blood smear is often used to complement a complete blood count (CBC) or hematology panel, especially when the CBC is done on a machine where interpretation may be lacking or even unavailable. A blood smear is used to diagnose and/or monitor numerous conditions including appropriate number and morphology ...

Where is the smear on a slide?

The smear is spread across (side to side) both sides of the slide to the edge.

Can you do blood smears in the lab?

In the laboratory, we will not be practicing the blood smear technique, as this is a task typically performed by veterinary paraprofessionals. It is outlined here for your reference in the future.

Can you spread blood on a glass slide?

This same settling phenomenon occurs on the drop of blood you place on your glass slide as well! So be sure not to let your drop sit for more than a few seconds without spreading your sample. Once you place the drop of blood on the slide, be sure to be ready to spread the blood to avoid settling of cells on your slide.

What is the purpose of a blood smear?

A blood smear involves looking at a sample of blood under the microscope after applying special stains and looking for abnormalities or changes in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. There are many reasons why your doctor may order a blood smear. Some of these include: 1 .

Why do doctors look at blood smears?

Unlike automated tests (such as a CBC), a technician or healthcare provider looks at a blood smear under the microscope in order to detect a wide range of changes that give clues to underlying diseases.

What is a good measure of bone marrow?

In addition to information about the different types of blood cells, a blood smear (especially when combined with a reticulocyte count) can often be a good measure of how well the bone marrow is functioning.

What are the findings of the study of white blood cells?

Findings that are noted include: 1 . The number of the type of blood cells. With white blood cells, the number and proportion of the different subtypes of white blood cells, including lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, and monocytes. The relative size of the cells, as well as a variation in size.

What does it mean to evaluate an infection?

to evaluate an infection (identifying the types of white blood cells present can help determine if an infection is viral, bacterial, or parasitic, as well as the severity)

Can a blood smear include native blood cells?

There are a few limitations to a blood smear. If a person has received a blood transfusion, the smear will include a combination of native and donated blood cells. 2 . There are several potential ways in which error can enter into a blood smear.

Is a blood smear dangerous?

There are few risks associated with a blood smear, though bleeding could be of more concern for those who have a low platelet count or are on blood thinners.

Why do you need a blood smear?

Cancer. Leukemia. A blood smear may also be done to monitor the side effects of chemotherapy or to help diagnose an infection, such as malaria.

Where is blood sent?

The blood sample is sent to a lab. There, the lab technician looks at it under a microscope. Or, the blood may be examined by an automated machine.

What is the normal shape of RBCs?

Normally, RBCs are round. This photomicrograph shows normal red blood cells (RBCs) as seen in the microscope after staining. Elliptocytosis is a hereditary disorder of the red blood cells (RBCs). In this condition, the RBCs assume an elliptical shape, rather than the typical round shape.

What is the photomicrograph of RBCs?

This photomicrograph of red blood cells (RBCs) shows both sickle-shaped and Pappenheimer bodies.

What is a crescent shaped red blood cell?

These crescent or sickle-shaped red blood cells (RBCs) are present with Sickle cell anemia, and stand out clearly against the normal round RBCs. These abnormally shaped cells may become entangled and block blood flow in the small blood vessels (capillaries).

What causes red blood cells to have a sickle shape?

The abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to assume a sickle shape, like the ones seen in this photomicrograph. Malarial parasites are visible within the red blood cells. They are stained a dark bluish color. Malaria is a disease caused by parasites.

What is a CBC smear?

Share. A blood smear is a blood test that gives information about the number and shape of blood cells . It is often done as part of or along with a complete blood count (CBC). Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disease in which the red blood cells produce abnormal pigment ...

What is the purpose of blood smear?

The purpose of preparation of blood smear (blood film} is to study the morphology of RBCs, differential leukocyte count and reticulocyte count.

What is the shape of a smear?

It is tongue shaped having head, body and tail. Head is the area where blood drop is placed. Body is the area between head and tall. Tail is the last part of the smear with ragged margins.

How to get pink smear out of slide?

Wash the smear in slow running tap water or with the help of wash bottle till the smear becomes pink in colour. Clean the back of the slide to remove the stain from back side.

How to add Leisman's stain to a smear?

Add Leisman’s stain drop by drop till it covers whole of the smear. Count the number of drops you have put.

Why is a smear fixed?

Fixation of smear is because of precipitation of proteins by alcohol which prevent washing off of the film.

How to select a spreader?

Selection of a spreader: Take one slide a spreader which has smooth edge. It should be done by careful look on the narrow edge of the slide or by moving a thumb smoothly on its edge. But, the slide should be washed with soap and water after touching its edge, to remove grease particles from its edges.

Why are blood smear slides important?

Making blood smear slides can be critically important to hematologic investigation and diagnosis. They can be a useful tool to assess everything from white blood cell disorders, such as leukemias, to various types of acquired or congenital anemias, to broader organ issues like liver or kidney disease.

What should the end of a smear be?

The end of the smear should be thin enough that it has a rainbow-like reflectiveness about it, and there should be no streaks at the very edge. Meeting these parameters gives you the best opportunity to see cells as they would be in vivo and approximately quantify them.

How to get blood to spread down a pusher slide?

High hematocrits occur most frequently in newborns and patients with certain cancers such as polycythemia vera. You must push more slowly to ensure that the blood spreads far enough down the slide. Using a larger drop size can help get enough blood to spread the desired two-thirds to three-fourths of the length of the slide. You can also change the angle of the pusher slide. Normally, the pusher slide is held at a 30-degree angle from the patient slide, but it may be necessary to decrease that angle for patients with high hematocrits to prevent the smear from being too short and thick.

What is the main parameter that affects how the blood pushes?

Pusher slide angle. In my experience, the main parameter that affects how the blood pushes is the hematocrit level . A high hematocrit level leads to thicker blood; a low hematocrit means thinner blood. The thickness of the blood affects how quickly it spreads against the pusher slide and how far down the slide it pushes.

How to hold a patient slide?

Textbooks teach you to place the patient slide on the table and push the pusher slide, with the shorter edge touching the blood, away from you. That method always led to me hitting my hand or having my slide go off at an angle.

How many slides are needed for a wedge smear?

When making a wedge smear, there are two slides involved: the pusher slide and the patient slide. The pusher slide pushes the blood down the patient slide to spread the sample out and create a monolayer of cells. To make your slide, there are just four steps to follow:

Where to place blood drop on patient slide?

Place a drop of blood on the patient slide near the frosted edge.

What to ask when viewing a blood smear?

If when viewing your dried blood smear through a microscope you are seeing refractiles, there are some questions to ask yourself and factors to consider. Firstly, what stain and technique are you using? Perhaps there is a problem with the optics and magnifications. What are these specifications? Lastly, perhaps your problem is with the specimen or your specimen preparation like poor spreading technique.

How to view blood smears under microscope?

Importantly, viewing blood smears under the microscope needs to be done shortly after blood collection employing sterile technique (**wearing gloves) from a disinfected site (wiping off 1st drop of blood). Using a high quality clean glass slide (flat, no distortions and corrosion resistant) of 75mm X 25mm and 1mm thickness is ideal. Then place the blood drop 1cm from the end of the slide.

What blood cells stain pink?

Red blood cells will stain pink, platelets appear as small blue/purple and cytoplasmic granules stain pink to violet. W hite blood cells comprise Granulocytes which include Neutrophils , Eosinophils and Basophils and Agranulocytes which include Lymphocytes and Monocytes . Neutrophils are displayed as a deep blue/purple nucleus under the microscope.

What is the name of the stain used to stain Romanowsky?

When staining either Romanowsky, Wright's or Giemsa stain are used or a combination thereof, usually simply Wright's stain.

When is a blood smear performed for microscopy?

In general, performing and viewing a blood smear for microscopy analysis is usually warranted when the hematology analyzers employed in laboratories indicate some abnormalities.

What is a hematology analyzer?

Hematology analyzers provide complete blood cell counts and differential counts of white blood cells estimating cell number but offer limited morphological information and do not identify abnormalities.

Why is a blood smear important?

It is vital to keep in mind sterility, quality control and proper technique in handling your blood smear.

What to do when looking at blood smears?

When you look at a blood smear, it’s best to have a plan, and it’s best to try to follow it each time. It might sound boring – but you’ll make a much more accurate and complete assessment that way. Otherwise, the temptation is to just put the slide under the microscope, scan around to see if you see anything weird, ...

What to evaluate on a blood smear?

1. Red blood cell number. First, make sure you’re in the right part of the smear.

Can you tell if a red cell is microcytic or macrocytic?

Red cell size. Normally, if all the red cells are roughly the same size, your eye won’t be able to tell if they’re microcytic (small) or macrocytic (large). So you have to just look at the MCV for that. What your eye can see, however, is a range of sizes.

What is the best way to make a blood smear?

 Always start with room temperature, well-mixed, clot free, EDTA anticoagulated blood (heparin is used for some exotic species).

What are the lines on a smear called?

Often there is streaking in the smear. Linear lines arranged horizontally to the leading edge are called hesitation marks and they indicate hesitation in the forward motion. Excessive downward pressure will produce short slides with hesitation mark s and a poorly developed feather edge and monolayer region.

How to tell if a microscope is off?

Look into the microscope while you close it down, you should see the light reduced to the center of the field as you close it. If your microscope is really off, instead of seeing a central circle of light, everything may just get really dim. Inexpensive microscopes may not have a field diaphragm.

How to examine a slide with a microscope?

The procedure is as follows; 1. Focus on a slide at 10x 2. Close down the field diaphragm; this is located at the base of the microscope where light comes out.

How long should a cytology smear be fixed?

For very thin cytology smears and for blood smears, 5 or 6 dips in the fixative solution should be adequate, but for thick cytology smears, up to 120 seconds may be required for adequate fixation. When in doubt, fix them a little longer.  Under-staining of the specimen.

What color is the cytoplasm stain?

Romanowsky-type stains give good nuclear and cytoplasmic detail. Red blood cells stain red-orange, nuclei stain blue-purple and cytoplasm stains blue to pink.


Purpose of Test

A blood smear test involves looking at a sample of blood under a microscope. First, special stains are applied to the sample. They highlight the number, shape, and any abnormalities or changes in three types of cells evaluated in the blood smear. These blood cells are:3 1. Red blood cells (RBCs), which transport oxygen …
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Before The Test

  • There is no special preparation prior to having a blood smear test. You won't need to restrict eating or activity. It's important to bring your insurance card to your appointment. You should also bring copies of any medical records you were asked to collect.
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During The Test

  • The technician will begin by finding a vein and cleansing the area with antiseptic. The technician will tie a tourniquet or tight band to your arm to make the vein easier to see. Then they'll insert a needle. You may feel a sharp sting and some pressure as the sample is drawn. You will be asked to press on the site once the needle is removed. That's to limit bleeding. Then a bandage is appli…
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After The Test

  • You will be able to leave the lab when your blood smear test is done. You'll either return to your treatment room or go home. You'll receive a call with the results. Side effects are uncommon but may include bruising at the site of the blood draw or continued bleeding. In rare cases, infection can happen. When your sample arrives in the lab, a technologist will carefully prepare the slide. …
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Interpreting Results

  • Blood smear tests can reveal important information about many blood-related conditions. Sometimes a diagnosis can be made based on the blood smear alone, such as with hereditary elliptocytosis, which causes blood cells to have an unusual shape.9Other times, further testing will be needed. The blood smear results offer a "second look" at several findings from a CBC. These …
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  • A blood smear is a test that allows a healthcare provider to take a close look at a blood sample under a microscope. Up close, the smear shows how many of each type of blood cell is present. The sizes, shapes, and colors of the cells can be seen, along with any parasites or fragments in the blood. The process is simple: A technician draws a small sample of your blood using a needl…
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1.Blood Smear: Purpose, Procedure, and Results - Healthline


3 hours ago Hold the spreader slide at an angle of 30-45 o (relative to the sample slide) and bring the spreader slide back against the drop of blood so that the blood spreads in a thin line via capillary action …

2.Videos of How Do You Do a Blood Smear


6 hours ago the drop of blood and, as soon as you see the drop spreading along the edge of the spreader slide, push the spreader slide forward in a smooth, moderately fast motion; apply only enough A well …

3.Module 6.2: Blood Smear Procedure - University of …


35 hours ago

4.Blood Smear: Uses, Side Effects, Procedure, Results


35 hours ago

5.Blood smear Information | Mount Sinai - New York


25 hours ago

6.Blood Smear (blood film) Preparation Procedure & Staining:


36 hours ago

7.Technique and Tips for Making Perfect Blood Smears


31 hours ago

8.Blood Smear in Microscopy - Process/Technique, …


14 hours ago

9.How to read a blood smear | Pathology Student


23 hours ago

10.BLOOD SMEAR BASICS - NC State Veterinary Medicine


10 hours ago

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