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how do you get cat urine smell out of plants

by Etha Grady Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Remove the soil and wash it thoroughly
  • After washing, place it in a sunny location and let it dry
  • If you still smell cat pee, mix baking soda with water and spray on the soil
  • Trim the leaves if you have a large plant as leaves can carry the smell even after washing

Combine 1 cup of baking soda with 2 cups of water. Stir the solution until the baking soda dissolves into the water, and then pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the plants with the baking soda solution. This will help to absorb any lingering odor.

Full Answer

How to get cat urine out of houseplants?

Take the plant outside. Use a garden hose to spray the plant to remove the cat urine. This will flush the urine off the plant and reduce the smell. If you have a small houseplant, take it to the kitchen and use the sink sprayer to water it until the water washes through the soil to remove the cat urine.

How to get rid of cat Pee smell?

Here are some options to help you get rid of the cat pee smell. Vinegar, while a bit smelly itself, works to remove the lasting odor of sprayed cat urine because vinegar is an acid that neutralizes the alkaline salts that form in dried urine stains. A solution of one part water and one part vinegar can be used to clean walls and floors.

How do I get rid of urine smell from my houseplant?

That will help firstly with removing the smell, but more importantly, it will flush the urine through the soil. Firstly take your houseplant outdoors. Then use a hose or watering can to water the top of the soil enough so it drains right through.

Does cat urine smell bad for plants?

The ammonia stench of urine can be overpowering, and it's not good for your plants. With a few simple measures, you can get the smell of cat urine out of the potting soil and prevent a stinky repeat performance by your kitty.


How do I get rid of cat urine smell in potted plants?

Fill the flowerpot to the rim with fresh water, then leave the faucet or hose dribbling slowly over the soil for approximately one hour. You can also add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water in the top of the pot to help cut the stench of ammonia and discourage repeat performances by the cat.

How do I neutralize cat urine in my garden?

Cat urine is highly acidic. Some resources suggest neutralizing any remaining acidity still in the soil with hydrated lime and thoroughly mixing it into the soil. Once you remove the urine-marked soil, the cats will return and want to refresh their territory.

Is cat urine toxic to plants?

Cat pee can kill your plants if there is too much of it. The cat pee contains urea that will act as a fertilizer and release nitrogen into the soil. But too much of it will cause fertilizer burn. The pee will also contain salt that will build up in the soil and cause dehydration in the plant.

Why is my cat peeing in my potted plants?

Causes of cat peeing in plants This includes materials like dirt, sand, or other soft surfaces cats can easily move with their paws before and after relieving themselves. Cats also like the outdoors, and plants remind them of their preferred setting, so plants are obvious targets for them to get back to nature.

Why does my plant smell like cat pee?

Flowering Pear Some say it smells like cat urine or fish that's been left at room temperature too long. Chemically, the culprit for the foul smell is butyric acid, a compound found in vomit.

Does vinegar neutralize cat urine?

Vinegar, while a bit smelly itself, works to remove the lasting odor of sprayed cat urine because vinegar is an acid that neutralizes the alkaline salts that form in dried urine stains. A solution of one part water and one part vinegar can be used to clean walls and floors.

Why is my cat peeing in my garden?

If you see a cat urinating in your front yard, it is probably because that area has been claimed as his territory. Male cats spray urine around their territory to tell other cats that this is his place: “Back off if you are a male cat”, or “Come and get me if you are a female cat”.

How do you stop cats from peeing and pooping in flower beds?

Dilute and add vinegar to rags and scatter them through your garden to discourage cats from digging or defecating there. You can also make homemade cat repellent spray using dried mustard, cayenne pepper, and various essential oils. Things you find outside can also work well as cat deterrents.

Does cayenne pepper stop cats from peeing?

Cayenne pepper is one of the more effective options to deter inappropriate urination from cats. Unfortunately, it's also one of the more difficult options to use.

How to get cat urine smell out of houseplants?

If you have a small houseplant, take it to the kitchen and use the sink sprayer to water it until the water washes through the soil to remove the cat urine.

How to keep cats from peeing on plants?

1 cup baking soda. Spray bottle. Pruning shears. Potting soil. Save your potted plants from cat urine by making the pot unpleasant for your cat. If you have noticed that cats have been using your houseplants as a place to relieve themselves, you will need to take precautions to save your plants. Cat urine can ruin the soil in your plants by ...

How does cat urine affect plants?

Cat urine can ruin the soil in your plants by altering the pH balance, and it leaves behind an unpleasant odor in your house. Save your plants by flushing the urine out with water, and restore the pH balance in the soil. Advertisement.

How to get rid of odor from plants?

Combine 1 cup of baking soda with 2 cups of water. Stir the solution until the baking soda dissolves into the water, and then pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the plants with the baking soda solution. This will help to absorb any lingering odor.

How to repot a sage plant?

Repot the plant with new soil if the plant does not seem to be thriving after one to two weeks. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and throw out the soil. Clean the pot out thoroughly, and then add new soil to the pot. Make sure you use a pot with adequate drainage holes. Fill a spray bottle with water.

How long does it take for a sage plant to dry?

Do not water the plant until the soils dries, which can take anywhere from one to two weeks. Advertisement.

Why Does My House Plant Smells Like Cat Pee?

Unlike other plants that offer a pleasant smell, some plants can smell unusual or weird because of their compounds. These plants can have a very distinctive odor, which may resemble a cat’s urine.

Which Plants Smell Like Cat Urine?

Although many plants smell like urine, we have concentrated on the more common ones in home gardens.

How do I get rid of cat urine smell in potted plants?

Sometimes you may ask yourself this question, why does my soil smell like pee? While houseplants that emit a pee-like odor can be responsible, they can also be the work of your beloved pets – cats.

Why does my plant smell like ammonia?

If your plant is emitting a weird or rotten smell, like ammonia, it is an indication that the soil below lacks oxygen. If your pot has a flawed drainage system, the water takes up all the empty spaces, leaving no room for oxygen.

Frequently Asked Questions About Plants Smelling Like Cat Pee

Plants like boxwood, valerian, Viburnum Tinus, sage, mint, blackcurrants, and even lilies give a distinctive odor, similar to cat urine.

How to get rid of cat urine smell in soil?

How to neutralize cat urine in soil. Firstly, rinse the soil out thoroughly so that the water flushes right through. Then, let the plant drain and dry out. A mixture of two parts water to a part baking soda can then be sprayed on to the plant – this will remove any remaining odor.

How to get rid of pee smell in houseplants?

Firstly take your houseplant outdoors. Then use a hose or watering can to water the top of the soil enough so it drains right through.

How to get rid of a stinky plant?

You will need to completely rinse the plant from head to toe and wash out the soil in order to get rid of the smell. Then, neutralize any remaining smell by mixing one part baking soda to two parts water in order to make a spray. This should help take out the rest of the smell. If not, you will need to repot the plant.

How to deter cats from eating my plants?

Try to put something directly on the surface of the soil that will deter your cat without harming it or the plant. Tinfoil is a good solution, as is a clear plastic cover. You can also buy cat repellant sprays.

How to keep cats from peeing on potted plants?

Try putting tinfoil over the soil – cats hate the noise and feel from walking on it. You could also try a clear plastic screen, cut to the shape of the pot, to prevent your cat urinating directly on to the soil.

Why trim a cat's pee plant?

If the plant is particularly large, or if your cat has been urinating on it for an extensive amount of time, it may be best to trim it back a little in order for it to bring fresh regrowth that hasn’t been affected by the urine.

Can you water a plant that has been flushed?

This is to ensure that the plant does not suffer from any conditions caused by damp soil – such as root rot. Once flushed, place the plant in a warm or sunny location to help the soil begin to dry out. Then, you shouldn’t water the plant again until the soil has dried right out.

How to keep a cat from peeing in a pot?

Cover the surface of the soil with large rocks to keep the cat from urinating in the pot again. Keep the cat's litter box clean and fresh so the cat doesn't go looking for planting pots.

Why do cats pee in houseplants?

Cats like to urinate in houseplants because the soil is usually soft and moist. The smell of the ammonia in the urine isn't appealing to the noses of most homeowners and so the soil must be cleansed of the stench. The soil can be cleansed of the urine by rinsing it with water and some white vinegar, but a control method should be put in place ...

How to get rid of ammonia buildup in soil?

Add a capful of white vinegar to the surface of the soil while the water is running to counteract and neutralize the ammonia buildup in the soil. Rinse the soil for another hour.

How to keep cats out of flower garden?

Place mothballs throughout the bed, particularly near areas where the cats are entering the bed. Install a motion-activated sprinkler head in the flower garden.

What to do if cats chew on my plants?

If cats are chewing your garden plants, try growing a patch of catnip just for the cats. They will chew on the catnip but likely leave the rest of your plants alone. Mothballs are toxic, so do not place them in areas where children can get them. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006.

How to keep cats from walking in flower beds?

Cut a length of chicken wire to fit over the garden bed, using a pair of wire snips. Cut out holes in the wire for any existing plants in the garden, then slide the wire over the plants and lay it flat over the garden bed. This discourages the cats from walking in or scratching up the flower bed. To you, a flower garden may look like a patch ...

What does a tabby cat look like in a flower garden?

To you, a flower garden may look like a patch of land to grow some pretty flowers, but to neighborhood cats it looks like an inviting litter box. The salts and acids in cat urine kill plants, ruining your flower bed.

How to keep cats out of bed?

Spray the bed with chili or onion oil spray or a commercial cat repellent. Spray after rainstorms, irrigation or as recommended on the container. Fill a blender half full with citrus peels, such as those from oranges or lemons.

Can cats dig in flower beds?

Cats also dig in garden beds to cover their waste, which can uproot plants and kill them even faster. Discourage the cats from entering your flower beds and they likely will find a more inviting place to use, far from your flowers. Cut a length of chicken wire to fit over the garden bed, using a pair of wire snips.

Can cats get mothballs?

Warning. Mothballs are toxic, so do not place them in areas where children can get them. If cats are chewing your garden plants, try growing a patch of catnip just for the cats. They will chew on the catnip but likely leave the rest of your plants alone.

How to get rid of urine smell in yard?

Washing the area with water on a daily basis will cut down on the urine smell. This will wash away urine before it can harden and crystalize into the soil, making it harder to get out. If you have night visitors of the four-legged variety, spray down the outdoor area in the morning.

What is cat urine soaked soil?

Urine-soaked soil is a whole other animal compared to pee-saturated fabric, tile or carpeting that has been previously marked. To neutralize the cat urine in soil odor, you may need to try a few things to find what works best for you as well as your four-legged friends. There are a few simple tricks in order to get rid of ...

Why does my cat spray my yard?

If the smell is rather heavy and penetrating, your cat or neighborhood cats could be spraying your yard. If it's your cat, it could be that you moved locations or moved furniture around, causing the furry friend to become stressed and lose its cool as well as bladder. If you have an unneutered feline friend in the home, ...

How to get rid of smell in soil?

For serious scent issues, sprinkle baking soda directly on the soiled soil. A mix of one tablespoon of baking soda and 24 ounces of water in a spray bottle can be a good odor reducer when sprayed directly on the soiled spot. Advertisement.

What happens if you have an unneutered cat?

If you have an unneutered feline friend in the home, it could be inadvertently attracting other cats to come and release inappropriately in your yard. A vet can assist you with curbing your cat's overactive bladder and inappropriate spraying around the house.

What to put on cat paws to keep them from peeing?

The oils in the citrus may deter the feline from returning to that spot to urinate. Sprinkling cayenne pepper on the area will keep the cat from returning after a few applications. They won't like the scent or the traces of the hot pepper on their paws.

Can cats use rhododendron markers indoors?

They can be used indoors on plants as well if you have an indoor cat who has a knack for marking rhododendrons and other leafy greens in the living room. They are long lasting and tend to either work well quickly or not at all, so be prepared to try a few before you find the right one that works for you and your cat.

What is the best way to get rid of cat urine smell?

Enzyme-Based Cleaners. For odor elimination in carpets, couch cushions, mattresses, and linens, you can try an enzyme -based cleaner. The enzymes in these products actually break down the acid in cat urine, helping to get rid of the smell at the same time.

What can I use to get rid of cat pee smell?

Several products can help neutralize cat pee odor, including vinegar or baking soda and enzymatic cleaners. Here are some options to help you get rid of the cat pee smell.

How to keep cats from peeing on a cushion?

Since cushions take days to dry, lay aluminum foil down before putting the cushion back, then put a second layer of foil over the top of the cushion to discourage your cat from peeing on the cushion again .

Why do older cats not have litter boxes?

Another possible reason that an older cat may forego the litter box is arthritis. “As cats age, they can get arthritis, which makes it harder for them to get into the box,” Dr. Kornreich said. “Perhaps the sides are too tall, or the box is located in a place that requires the cat to do some kind of arduous physical activity to get to, such as up or down a flight of stairs.”

Why does my cat pee outside the litter box?

Medical issues related to inappropriate urination can include urinary tract infections, kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and feline lower urinary tract disease. These can cause a cat to urinate outside the litter box, particularly if they associate the litter box with pain.

How to clean cat urine from linens?

One important rule with linens and clothing is: NEVER use bleach—when mixed with ammonia and cat urine, it can cause harmful gases. 1. Rinse the Spot With Cool Water. If your bed linens and clothing are machine washable, first rinse the spot in a sink with cool water.

How to help a cat with anxiety?

To ease anxiety, try a plug-in diffuser that releases a synthetic cat pheromone developed to reassure your cat. If your cat is spraying out of stress or anxiety, discuss these issues with your veterinarian and work with them to develop a solution to minimize your cat’s stress.


How to Neutralize Cat Urine in Soil

Firstly, rinse the soil out thoroughly so that the water flushes right through. Then, let the plant drain and dry out. A mixture of two parts water to a part baking soda can then be sprayed on to the plant – this will remove any remaining odor. Afterwards, place some cat deterrent materials on to the soil – you can either bu…
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Step 1 – Removing The Existing Urine from The Soil

  • Wash the soil out with water The first step is to try to remove as much of the urine as possible. That will help firstly with removing the smell, but more importantly, it will flush the urine through the soil. Firstly take your houseplant outdoors. Then use a hose or watering can to water the top of the soil enough so it drains right through.
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Step 2 – Taking Preventative Measures

  • Urine removed, the next step is to make sure that your cat stays away from your plant in the future. There are a lot of tips and ideas going around online – some aren’t exactly cat friendly (such as putting disposable forks upright in the soil, or filling your plant pot with pine cones!) In fact, there are a lot of tips that include adding things to the soil that will deter your cat from payi…
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Frequently Asked Questions About How to Neutralize Cat Urine in Soil

  • How do I get my cat to stop urinating on my plants?
    Try to put something directly on the surface of the soil that will deter your cat without harming it or the plant. Tinfoil is a good solution, as is a clear plastic cover. You can also buy cat repellant sprays.
  • How do I get the smell of cat urine off my plants?
    You will need to completely rinse the plant from head to toe and wash out the soil in order to get rid of the smell. Then, neutralize any remaining smell by mixing one part baking soda to two parts water in order to make a spray. This should help take out the rest of the smell. If not, you will nee…
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  • It sure is annoying and a little smelly if your cat continues to urinate in your houseplant. Follow this guide in order to keep your plants healthy and smell-free!
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1.Videos of How Do You Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Plants


25 hours ago Step 1. Take the plant outside. Use a garden hose to spray the plant to remove the cat urine. This will flush the urine off the plant and reduce the smell. If you have a small houseplant, take it to the kitchen and use the sink sprayer to water it until the water washes through the soil to …

2.How to Neutralize Cat Urine in Garden Soil? - Xoxo Pet


29 hours ago How do you neutralize cat urine in garden soil? Cat urine should not pose a problem for your soil, unless there is a large quantity in a small area. Then, use plenty of water to dilute it in the soil. Cats return to an area to defecate because they can smell where they went before, so removing the soil around the feces should reduce the repeet visits.

3.How to Save a Plant From Cat Urine - Hunker


21 hours ago So to get rid of the smell, you can neutralize the cat urine. Here are the steps you need to follow to get rid of cat urine smell in potted plants: If you still smell cat pee, mix baking soda with water and spray on the soil. Trim the leaves if you have a large plant as …

4.Here’s Why Your House Plant Smells Like Cat Pee …


17 hours ago  · Spray the bed with chili or onion oil spray or a commercial cat repellent. Spray after rainstorms, irrigation or as recommended on the container. Fill a blender half full with citrus peels, such as those from oranges or lemons. Blend them until they are shredded coarsely, then spread them out on the garden bed so their scent deters the cats.

5.How to Neutralize Cat Urine in Soil — Step-by-step Guide


5 hours ago  · Easy. Laying mulch or sand in areas throughout your yard where cats tend to urinate or spray will create a natural litter box that absorbs odors and helps keep surrounding areas free of foul smells. You can clean out the area occasionally and add new mulch or sand to keep the area free of offensive smells.

6.How to Get Cat Urine Out of Potting Soil | eHow


15 hours ago

7.How to Keep Cat Urine Out of Your Flower Beds - Garden …


25 hours ago

8.How to Remove Cat Urine Smell From Dirt - Hunker


7 hours ago

9.The Ultimate Guide to Eliminating Cat Pee Smell | PetMD


29 hours ago

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