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how do you implement lazy loading in lightning component

by Litzy Berge Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Lightning is already a lazy-loading framework, by definition. Your initial component graph is calculated, a single request is made to the server to load/cache all of your components, they are then initialized, and then a second rendering cycle occurs when you receive your callback from $A.enqueueAction and you set your attributes.

Full Answer

What is lazy loading in Lightning?

Lazy loading is a technique that allows you to load data or javascript component asynchronously and increases the performance and data will reflect on the fly. Lightning Data tables are an enhanced version of an HTML table and are used to display tabular data.

What is lazy loading in Salesforce and how to use it?

Lazy loading in Salesforce allows you to load the data only when it is required. It wouldn’t keep on loading if you don’t want it to load. With infinite loading, you can scroll and load a subset of data. Similarly, if you scroll more, you can load more data. So, without any delay, let’s just jump into this solution!

Is there a code sample for infinite loading in Lightning DataTable?

In lightning dataTable there is a code sample for infinite loading. Heading as given below A participant with no previous projects is considered to have no reliability rating, and therefore gets no bonus. Reliability bonus does not apply to Digital Run winnings.

How to create a lightning component in Salesforce?

Go to developer console > new > create a lightning component. The table will be populated during initialization and the table data is loaded using the init handler. checkboxes select the entire row of data and invoke the onrowselection event handler.


How do you implement lazy loading in Aura component?

It is possible to create a lazy load logic when div is scrolled. Fix the height of the div containing the table. Allow scroll on overflow. Use the onscroll event handler to provide custom logic to load next set of data.

How do you implement lazy loading?

To lazy load an image, display a lightweight placeholder image, and replace with the real full-size image on scroll. There are several technical approaches to lazy loading images: Inline tags, using JavaScript to populate the tag if image is in viewport. Event handlers such as scroll or resize.

What is lazy loading in lightning?

Lazy loading in Salesforce allows you to load the data only when it is required. It wouldn't keep on loading if you don't want it to load. With infinite loading, you can scroll and load a subset of data. Similarly, if you scroll more, you can load more data.

How does Salesforce implement lazy loading?

Lazy LoadingUse the rerender attribute on Visualforce components to update the component without updating the entire page.Use JavaScript Remoting to call functions in your controller through JavaScript, and to retrieve ancillary or static data.Create a custom component to show and hide data according to user actions.

What is lazy loading and how can we achieve this?

Lazy loading helps us to download the web pages in chunks instead of downloading everything in a big bundle. To implement the Lazy Loading in Angular we need to create a routing module and a module. ts file for the component we need to lazy load. In the above image, we have created two files which are posts-routing.

What is the purpose of lazy loading?

Lazy loading, also known as dynamic function loading , is a mode that allows a developer to specify what components of a program should not be loaded into storage by default when a program is started.

How do you use lazy loading in LWC?

Lazy loading helps you to load the data only when it is required. Infinite scrolling (enable-infinite-loading) enables you to load a subset of data and then load more data when users scroll to the end of the table.

How can you improve the performance of the Lightning component?

15 ways to improve performance of Lightning Components in...Use Storable Action. ... Use Lightning Data Service. ... Custom Cache. ... Lazy Instantiation of Component. ... Conditional rendering. ... Use of Unbound Expression. ... Use aura:method for Component Communications. ... Limit event handlers.More items...•

How do I use LWC connectedCallback?

connectedCallback() in Lightning Web Component flows from parent to child. For Example if we have a parent and child component, connectedCallback() defined in parent component will get fire first then child component. We can't access child elements from the callbacks because they don't exist yet.

What is lazy loading in VF page?

Lazy Loading is a technique in which a Visualforce page will load the required features first and delay the rest. So, this way the user will have faster access to required features, and improved responsiveness of a large page.

How do you implement lazy loading in react?

General instructionsWe will perform lazy loading with React suspense and without it.First of all, create the app using npm create-react-app npm create-react-app my-app.Now run the app by running following command in the project directory root npm start.More items...

How do you implement lazy loading in HTML?

The loading attribute specifies whether a browser should load an image immediately or to defer loading of off-screen images until for example the user scrolls near them. Tip: Add loading="lazy" only to images which are positioned below the fold.

Which design pattern can you use to implement lazy loading?

There are four common ways of implementing the lazy load design pattern: lazy initialization; a virtual proxy; a ghost, and a value holder.

How do I use lazy loading in Entity Framework?

Lazy loading means delaying the loading of related data, until you specifically request for it.When using POCO entity types, lazy loading is achieved by creating instances of derived proxy types and then overriding virtual properties to add the loading hook.Lazy loading is pretty much the default.More items...


So now you know how to enable lazy loading in Salesforce LWC! Didn’t this solution just end all of your problems? We really hope that you found this solution helpful. If you try this out for your business, then do share your experiences with us. We will be back with another Salesforce solution soon. Till then, happy learning!

Piyush Singhal

Piyush, a seasoned Salesforce professional started HIC Global Solutions in 2015 after filling senior development positions at front-running company names in the Salesforce development industry.

Why don't you use timers in Lightning?

Don't use timers, afterRender, or dynamic component generation just to try and shave off startup time, because the end result will be longer waits until your application/component is usable. The worse offenders in Lightning are rendering cycles and multiple trips to the server, plus Locker Service, which adds additional overhead.

Can statically referenced components be loaded during initial load?

This results in better overall performance in exchange for some additional loading time. The only real benefit you can get out of this is to pre-cache components that you're not using on start-up but that you might need during execution.


1.How to do lazy loading in lightning components


25 hours ago  · component.set(“v.initRows”,component.get(“v.initRows”)+10vent.getSource().set(“v.isLoading”, false); component.set(‘v.Opplistpplist); component.set(“v.locallimit”,Opplist.length } }); …

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30 hours ago  · Lazy loading in Lightning Web Component Step 1) Apex Class with offSet LazyLoadingController public with sharing class LazyLoadingController { @AuraEnabled...

3.Salesforce lazy loading in Lightning web Component


19 hours ago  · In lightning dataTable there is a code sample for infinite loading. Heading as given below. A participant with no previous projects is considered to have no reliability rating, …

4.Lazy Loading for Lightning Components - Salesforce …


5 hours ago  · It wouldn’t keep on loading if you don’t want it to load. With infinite loading, you can scroll and load a subset of data. Similarly, if you scroll more, you can load more data. …

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33 hours ago  · Today, in this thoughtful solution by our Salesforce developers, we’re going to share with you how you can enable lazy loading in Salesforce LWC. Lazy loading in …

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