Knowledge Builders

how do you insulate a garage attic

by Kayleigh Ernser IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Insulate between a Garage Ceiling and an Attic Floor

  1. Prepare the Attic and Garage. Make sure that your spaces are properly prepared before you start to add insulation. ...
  2. Get the Insulation. Measure the space above your garage ceiling so that you know how much insulation you will need to cover the space.
  3. Lay the Insulation. ...
  4. Finishing. ...

Part of a video titled Insulating Your Garage - YouTube
So where's the insulation go well a good place to start is the garage exterior walls a place where aMoreSo where's the insulation go well a good place to start is the garage exterior walls a place where a lot of air escapes. And cold or heat is transferred. And don't forget the ceiling.

Full Answer

How do you install insulation in a garage?

It might keep the temperatures in your garage a little more stable, but you can spend those insulation dollars in your existing attic—the area above your heated and cooled areas—and really drive that energy bill down. And it only makes sense.

How to insulate a garage that is already drywalled?

How to Insulate Interior Walls That Are Already Drywalled

  1. Use your stud-finder to locate all of the studs on the wall that's going to be insulated. The studs will likely be 16 inches apart.
  2. With your hole saw, cut out a circle at each mark. The hole should be slightly larger than the hose on your rented blower.
  3. Put on your dust mask. ...
  4. Pull out the hose and move to the next hole. ...

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How to properly insulate a garage?

  • Should I insulate a detached garage?
  • What is the best insulation for a detached garage?
  • How can I insulate my detached garage cheaply?
  • Can I insulate a prefab detached garage?
  • And more!

Why insulate a detached garage?

Why You Should Insulate a Detached Garage Comfort Energy Savings Protecting Your Belongings

  • Comfort
  • Energy Savings
  • Protecting Your Belongings


What is the best way to insulate a garage attic?

1:2710:49Insulating a Garage Attic - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipDecided to do a radium barrier. So it's radiant barrier i used two 48 width sections and two 16MoreDecided to do a radium barrier. So it's radiant barrier i used two 48 width sections and two 16 width sections. And it made it a little easier to go around some of these.

Should a garage attic be insulated?

If your home's HVAC system does extend into the garage, then the attic above it should be insulated as it would for any other room of the house. This will serve the same function of keeping hot or cold air inside the garage as it does for the rest of the house.

Should you insulate your garage ceiling?

An insulated ceiling is especially important if you've got a living space above the garage. During the summer, the heat's inexorable journey upwards will find it creeping into the room above, undermining the air conditioning and raising its costs. Winters, in turn, will be cold and drafty.

What is the best way to insulate a garage ceiling?

Fiberglass batts and rigid foam are the types of insulation that tend to work best for garage ceilings. Cellulose or foam insulation is also a good choice, but some homeowners find it easier to work with foam boards and rolls.

Is it worth insulating unheated garage?

The bottom line is that insulating even an unheated detached garage can make it better by making it more livable and prolonging the life of your car and other precious belongings. It does not cost much and you can do it yourself.

How much insulation do I need in my garage attic?

While some ceilings in the southwestern part of the United States require a minimum of R-19 insulation, most attics or ceiling areas require a minimum of R-38 in the ceiling.

Should I insulate my garage ceiling or roof?

Usually, I recommend having insulation on any exterior wall, but there are a couple of times when it's absolutely critical. If you have living space above your garage, or a roof that traps the heat, then insulating your garage ceiling is a no-brainer.

Do you need a vapor barrier in a garage ceiling?

If the garage is heated, you will need a vapor barrier, otherwise you will get frost and mold. Some argue that the car itself will cause the garage to be heated, but this would only be the case if you left the car to warm up in the morning, otherwise it would not have the chance to warm the garage.

How do you insulate a rafter garage ceiling?

Here are the steps to insulate your garage ceiling rafters:Check for damage and measure.Prepare the area.Prepare and install rafter vents.Prepare the insulation.Install the insulation.Install the drywall (optional)

Should you insulate attic ceiling?

Should you insulate your attic roof? Insulation is a wise choice to increase the energy efficiency of your home. Quality insulation will make it more cost-effective to heat and cool your home, The Department of Energy's estimates range from a 10% to 50% savings, depending on several factors.

How much does it cost to insulate garage ceiling?

The cost to insulate a garage ceiling averages $260 to $3,000. This assumes an average size of around 400 sq. ft.

How do I insulate my garage ceiling without drywall?

You can also get loose-fill fiberglass, which is suitable for blowing into a garage attic space above a finished ceiling. If the walls and ceiling will remain open (not covered with drywall or plywood), it's a good idea to use paper-faced or encapsulated fiberglass bats that are wrapped in a plastic film.

Should you insulate attic ceiling?

Should you insulate your attic roof? Insulation is a wise choice to increase the energy efficiency of your home. Quality insulation will make it more cost-effective to heat and cool your home, The Department of Energy's estimates range from a 10% to 50% savings, depending on several factors.

Does an attached garage need insulation?

You do not need to insulate the entire garage, you could actually do fine insulating just the internal wall of the garage. By installing insulation in the walls between the actual living space and the garage, you will experience more comfort within your home.

Should a detached garage be insulated?

For most detached garages and HVAC system won't be needed. Including insulation and good quality windows and doors will be more than enough. However if you have additional features like a home gym, office or living space, then HVAC is probably a must have.

How do you insulate a rafter garage ceiling?

Here are the steps to insulate your garage ceiling rafters:Check for damage and measure.Prepare the area.Prepare and install rafter vents.Prepare the insulation.Install the insulation.Install the drywall (optional)

What is the purpose of insulation in an attic?

In an unfinished attic, the goal of insulation is to keep the rooms below cool in summer and warm in winter. That means insulating the attic floor only—not the walls—and having vents in the roof. With a finished attic, insulation must help keep the attic areas comfortable.

Where to hold back insulation from recessed lights in the ceiling?

Hold back insulation from recessed lights in the ceiling beneath the attic floor. Johns Mansville

What do you think of when you think of insulation?

When you think of insulation, you may immediately think of your attic —and for good reason. The attic is one of the primary areas of potential heat loss in your home. Here is how to insulate an unfinished attic.

Where is the eave vent on a rafter?

Make sure the eave vents at the bottom of the rafter and the ridge vent or other vents at the top are free of obstructions so air can move freely.

Does batts and blankets insulation need a barrier?

Batts-and-blankets insulation often comes with a vapor-retardant facing, and some varieties of rigid foam insulation need no extra barrier protection. For other types, it is a good idea to install a thin barrier of polyethylene on the underside of the insulation to prevent moisture from compromising your material.

Can you cover recessed lights in the attic?

Caution: Avoid covering recessed lighting or any other heat-generating fixtures when installing insulation in an attic. See the adjoining photograph for the proper method of holding insulation back from these fixtures.

Is the attic insulated?

A finished attic should be insulated much like the rest of the house, with insulation in the walls and ceiling. If your attic is already finished, it probably is at least partially insulated. However, most older attics are under-insulated so it’s a good idea to raise the R-value where possible.

Why is it important to insulate a garage?

It is important to insulate any walls that separate the garage from air-conditioned rooms in the house. If these walls are not insulated, the temperature of the garage can affect the rooms and make the house’s heating and cooling system work harder to compensate. Weatherize and seal. Protecting your garage and the valuable things inside it makes ...

How to protect your home from the elements?

Install a storm door between the garage and the house to protect your home against the elements, and seal any gaps that may allow wind or rain into the garage. Insulating the attic above a garage that is not connected to an HVAC system has no appreciable effect on home energy bills.

Does insulation help in the garage?

The insulation will keep the naturally hot or cold air in the garage and the artificially warmed or cooled air in the room above it. If someone spends a lot of time in the garage, insulating it may improve their comfort, even if it doesn’t lower any bills.

Does insulate the garage attic lower energy costs?

The general answer to the question of whether insulating a garage attic will lower energy costs is no, at least not appreciably. Since your home’s heating and cooling system usually does not extend into the garage, insulating this area does little to change the cost of running the system.

How to Insulate a Garage Door?

Adding insulation to your garage door can keep your garage 20 degrees cooler in summer and 10-12 degrees warmer in winters.

What insulation is needed for a garage ceiling?

Depending on the geographical requirements, a garage ceiling requires a minimum of R-38 insulation.

How to Measure Insulation Effectiveness – R-value?

R-value is the measure of insulation effectiveness. It varies based on the type, thickness, and density of the insulating material. A higher R number means better insulation and energy efficiency for your garage. But, of course, materials with a higher R-value will also be more expensive.

What type of insulation is best for garages?

This is the standard insulation type used in houses, especially in garage spaces. Fiberglass insulation is the cheapest type and easiest to install, making it a perfect option for a DIY project. You can get fiber insulation in the form of:

Why is an insulated garage floor important?

An insulated garage floor makes all the difference. It makes the area more comfortable to work in and can also make your garage more energy efficient.

Why install vapor barrier?

Install vapor barrier to prevent moisture from accumulating on the insulation covering.

What is radiant insulation made of?

Radiant and reflective insulation is made by kraft paper or polyethylene bubbles. Then they are wrapped in aluminum foil which acts as a reflective barrier.

What is the best foam for a garage?

Rigid foam comes in 4 x 8-foot sheets and thicknesses of 1/2 inch to 4 inches. The most common materials include expanded polystyrene (similar to Styrofoam), extruded polystyrene, and polyisocyanurate. Rigid foam offers a high R-value per inch of thickness and can be cut to fit almost any space. It's a good choice for thin walls and for insulating garage doors. If you're turning the garage into living space or a full-time workspace and want to insulate the floor, one option is to use rigid foam covered in plywood or other subfloor material.

What is the best way to seal a garage door?

Air sealing is particularly important with garage doors. Create a seal along sides and top of the door with special garage door trim with an integrated weatherseal strip. Seal along the bottom of the door with a new rubber gasket, or "bottom seal.".

What is cellulose insulation?

Cellulose is a loose-fill insulation that is growing in popularity. Made primarily from recycled newspapers and treated with a fire retardant, cellulose is usually blown into wall and ceiling cavities with a special blowing machine that also aerates the cellulose and fluffs it up.

How thick is rigid foam?

Rigid foam comes in 4-foot by 8-foot sheets and 1/2-inch to 4-inch thicknesses. The most common materials include expanded polystyrene (similar to Styrofoam), extruded polystyrene, and polyisocyanurate. Rigid foam offers a high R-value per inch of thickness and can be cut to fit almost any space.

Can you insulate a garage with insulation?

It's also important to realize the value of air sealing in conjunction with insulation. Garages typically aren't built to be airtight and have lots of air gaps to the outdoors. You can insulate the walls, ceiling, and door of the garage to the highest R-value (the higher the R-value number, the better the material's insulating effectiveness) possible, but if you fail to fill those remaining air gaps, you'll still be wasting a lot of heat.

Is it necessary to insulate an unheated garage?

Some say that insulating an unheated garage that is attached to the house may offer an additional thermal buffer between the exterior of the home and the outdoors. But no state requires this as part of an energy-efficiency mandate. It's also unlikely that this minimum improvement in energy transfer will offset the costs of adding extensive insulation. The walls that are shared with the house, however, should always be insulated to their maximum value.

Does insulation add heat?

It's a popular misconception that insulation adds warmth . In reality, insulation merely slows the transfer of heat through the insulated barrier (wall, ceiling, or floor), which is good for hot and cold climates. Some say that insulating an unheated garage that is attached to the house may offer an additional thermal buffer between the exterior ...

How to cover gaps in a batt?

Place a new layer of unfaced batts perpendicular to the old layer, to cover any gaps in the lower layer. Adjoining batts should be butted snugly together, but not tight enough to compress them.

How to determine R value of insulation?

Grab a tape measure and a flashlight to see what kind of insulation you already have in the attic and how deep it is. Then use the numbers in the chart at right to estimate its R-value. Pull up and dispose of any material that's compressed, water stained, or moldy—it's useless.

What is low clearance attic?

Low-clearance attics with limited headroom for maneuvering during installation

How to cut batts?

Tip: Use a Chef’s Knife to Cut Batts. Some pros prefer it to utility knives because the large blade easily slices through the thick material. Use a piece of plywood as a cutting surface, and stand on a scrap 24 as a straightedge to guide your cuts.

Where to put vapor barrier?

Whether using loose fill or batts, put the vapor barrier closest to the warm side of your installation, where hot, moist air would get in—facing the house's interior in cold climates (beneath floor insulation) and the attic's interior in hot climates (on top of floor insulation). Some regions don't require a vapor barrier.

Can insulation fibers be blown in place?

Insulation fibers are packaged in bags and blown in place to the desired depth and density using special machinery you can rent from a home center. You can pour the fill in place and spread it manually, but the process is much more labor-intensive and the results won't be nearly as good.

Do you need an electrician to insulate electrical boxes?

Note: If you have to insulate around electrical boxes or cables, then support from an electrician might be needed as part of the process too.

How much does it cost to insulate an attic?

For cellulose, the insulation costs range between $3.7 and 3.8. Depending on your area of residence, attic insulation costs can range between $1.5- $s.5. The average total attic insulation costs are $2,100.

How Much Attic Insulation Do I need?

R-value measures attic insulation levels. Materials with high R-value are considered the best for insulation.

What Is The Best Insulation For An Attic?

When thinking about the best way to insulate your attic, consider the R-value. The materials with the higher R-value are the best insulation for an attic. The average cost of insulation will also guide you to make the best choice for your attic.

What is the most popular insulation type in the attic?

Fiberglass blankets insulation- Fiberglass is by far the most popular attic insulation type. Being made of large pieces like it is impossible to cover whole parts of the attic

Why is it important to insulate the attic?

With the increase in average energy costs every winter season , it is more important to have proper insulation for your attic to reduce the costs. The goal of attic insulation is to ensure the rooms below it have adequate heat.

What is the R value of insulation?

R-value is the resistance of an insulating material to conductive heat. A material with the highest R-value is considered the most effective. The factors that affect the R-value of material include aging, heat, and moisture accumulation. Increasing the insulation thickness will increase the R-value.

How to ensure good thermal resistance in an attic?

In an unfinished attic, the best way to ensure good thermal resistance is by attic floor insulation. On attic floors,

What should I know about garage insulation?

The Most Important Thing You Should Know About Garage Insulation!! No matter how much garage insulation you install, without a secondary heating or cooling source, like a garage mini split , you will never achieve a totally comfortable garage (unless you like really hot or cold temperatures).

Why is it important to insulate garage walls?

Insulating the garage walls is a very controversial topic as one could say that insulating garage walls is important if the garage walls aren’t sealed properly, have a lot of holes or cracks, aren’t using the right drywall or you can literally feel cool or warm air blowing through them. Otherwise, insulating the garage attic ...

Should I Insulate My Attached Garage?

Yes, insulating an attached garage is a must if you don’t have a central a/c or heating system that extends into the garage space.

Should I Install a Mini Split AC for My Garage?

Yes, installing a mini split ac unit for your garage will cool and heat it fast. However, if you want to cool or heat your garage efficiently, installing a garage mini split along with garage door and garage attic insulation are the most important steps to achieving that goal. The mini split will help cool or heat the space, and the garage attic and door insulation will seal the heat or cool air in for longer. Without insulation though, your mini split heating and cooling unit will have to run longer and cost you more money in electricity.

How can I make my garage more comfortable?

The real key to achieving a totally comfortable garage is by installing garage attic insulation, garage door insulation, and a garage heating and cooling unit , also known a garage mini split (And, install garage wall insulation if walls are in really poor shape).

When should I install a mini split?

When You Should Install A Garage Mini Split. Yes, you should install a garage mini split if: You plan on people being in the garage for longer than 30 minutes. You plan on having pets in the garage while you are away. You have items that get damaged due to too high or too low temperatures.

Is a garage door insulation good?

Your garage door is just as important to insulate as garage attic insulation. The garage door typically has gaps and small cracks where air can get through easily.

Why insulate a home?

The primary reason to insulate any part of the home is to provide a thermal barrier between conditioned (heated or cooled) interior space and the outdoors or unheated spaces , such as an unfinished attic.

Is it better to insulate the ceiling of an unconditioned garage?

Unconditioned Garage. In general, if you're not heating or cooling your garage, there is little benefit to insulating the ceiling because there's no costly heated or cooled air to keep in. However, if your attic gets very hot in the summer, insulating the ceiling may reduce some of the heat transferred from the attic to ...


1.How to Insulate a Garage (A Complete Guide)


19 hours ago  · Insulating the attic above the garage will help keep temperatures in the garage a bit more stable, but it won’t have any appreciable effect on energy bills. When You Should Insulate the Garage. If your home’s HVAC system does extend into the garage, then the attic above it should be insulated as it would for any other room of the house. This will serve the same …

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28 hours ago Spray foam insulation- Made of polyurethane, spray foam installations are expensive, and you cannot do it for yourself. However, spray foam by far the best insulation for an attic. There are two types of spray foam insulation: open cell and closed cell. When done well, both types can be very effective in an attic.

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33 hours ago  · Insulating the attic above the garage will not save you a lot of money, so that should not be your primary concern. Writers from This Old House post that insulating a garage attic can cost around ...

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