Knowledge Builders

how do you insulate old drafty windows

by Sammy Orn Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

6 Ways To Insulate Your Drafty Windows (When New Ones Aren’t in the Budget)

  • 1. Caulk carefully Caulking is good for sealing cracks, gaps, and joints less than a quarter of an inch. ...
  • 2. Weatherstrip for a temporary fix When it comes to winter home maintenance, weatherstripping is a cheap and effective way to dodge bone-chilling drafts. ...
  • 3. Seal your windows with plastic ...
  • 4. Hang thermal drapes ...
  • 5. Install cellular shades ...
  • 6. Install storm window inserts ...

  1. Caulk carefully. Caulking is good for sealing cracks, gaps, and joints less than a quarter of an inch. ...
  2. Weatherstrip for a temporary fix. ...
  3. Seal your windows with plastic. ...
  4. Hang thermal drapes. ...
  5. Install cellular shades. ...
  6. Install storm window inserts.
Feb 22, 2021

Full Answer

How to stop your drafty windows from letting out heat?

Insulate It

  • Window Film/Insulator Kits: Try an insulating barrier called window film. ...
  • Removable Magnetic Window Insulation: Use insulating vinyl held by magnets. ...
  • Bubble Wrap: Bubble wrap is a cost-effective way to insulate your leaky apartment windows. ...

How to fix your drafty windows?

Seal It

  • Rope Caulk: Think of this as malleable putty that is lengthened into a long rope. ...
  • Weather Stripping: This is another effective way to tightly seal the frame and sill of your faulty window. ...
  • Draft Snake: Also called a draft blocker or dodger, this foam or fabric tubing can be cut and fit to the spot where your window is leaking air. ...

What are some cheap ways to insulate windows?

How to Soundproof Windows Effectively

  1. Double Glazing. Double glazing offers the best insulation but the main concern is with the cost involved. ...
  2. Build a Window Plug. This is by far the simplest answer to the problem of window noise. ...
  3. Seal the Air Gaps. ...
  4. Add Soundproof Curtains. ...
  5. Install a Quilted Fiberglass Panel. ...
  6. Add Storm Windows. ...
  7. Add An Extra Layer Over the Glass. ...

How do I stop drafty windows?

How do I stop drafts on windows?

  • Use Weatherstripping. Weatherstrips are an inexpensive way to help seal drafty doors and windows.
  • Install New Sweeps.
  • Use Foam Tape.
  • Apply Rigid Foam Insulation And Foil Stripping.
  • Apply Window Film.
  • Hang Insulated Curtains.
  • Use A Door Snake.
  • Re-Caulk Your Windows & Doors.

What is the best way to seal cracks in a window?

What is a storm window insert?

How to tell if a window is drafty?

How to keep drapes from getting cold?

How to seal a gap in a window?

What is a V strip?

How much heat loss can you get from cellular shades?

See 4 more

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How do I stop cold air from coming through my old windows?

Seven Ways to Keep Cold Air from Coming Through WindowsUse Weather Strips. Weather strips are an inexpensive way to seal doors and windows in your home. ... Install New Door Sweeps. ... Apply Foam Tape. ... Insulate with Window Film. ... Hang Insulated Curtains. ... Re-Caulk Windows and Doors. ... Use a Door Snake.

Can old windows be insulated?

Window insulation kits that seal the window with a plastic film are available from your local hardware store and online. These kits include plastic sheeting that you affix to the jambs with double-sided tape. Once in place, heat the plastic with a hairdryer, shrinking it to look like another glass pane.

How do you keep old windows warm in the winter?

5 ways to insulate your apartment windows5 ways to insulate your apartment windows. Use window insulation film. ... Cover your windows with bubble wrap. ... Install removable magnetic window insulation. ... Use rope caulk to seal cracks. ... Add thermal curtains to your windows.

How do you insulate a window from the inside?

0:431:48How to Insulate a Window | The Home Depot - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipMaking sure there are no gaps to shrink the film tight heat it with the hairdryer. Holding it threeMoreMaking sure there are no gaps to shrink the film tight heat it with the hairdryer. Holding it three to five inches away from the plastic film run it over the film quickly from top to bottom.

Are 20 year old windows still good?

Windows that are over 20 years old should definitely be replaced. If you've lived in your home for decades and have never replaced the windows, they are likely original to the house. Replacing your windows will bring you up to date with the latest window technology. Older windows are likely to be made with pane glass.

How do you make an old window more efficient?

Here's how to make old windows energy efficient:To prevent air leaks, use caulking and weatherstrips. The most cost-effective tools you can use on your older windows are caulking and weatherstripping. ... Install window inserts. ... Hang interior or exterior shutters. ... Utilize solar window film. ... Add storm windows.

Can old windows make a house cold?

Many old windows are single paned or have cracked, rotting seals that allow cold air to penetrate the walls. Replacing your windows with energy efficient, professional grade windows from Lakeside Renovation & Design is your best option here. This can significantly reduce the cold drafts you feel while at home.

What is the cheapest way to insulate an old house?

You can simply use a foil for insulation as a cost-effective alternative. By stapling the foil sheets to your attic, the heat reflects down into your living space. Hence, it lowers your heating costs. Attic Insulation Installation Services in Lincolnwood provide satisfactory assistance and properly insulates your home.

What are the best window coverings to keep cold out?

Best Window Coverings To Keep the Cold OutCellular Shades. Cellular shades are one of the best winter window covering options available. ... Roman Shades. Roman shades do a pretty good job at increasing your insulation while also improving the overall look and feel of your room. ... Insulated Curtains. ... Insulated Window Blinds.

What is the cheapest way to insulate windows for winter?

Here are the best ways to insulate windows for winter.Install Low-E Storm Windows Over the Existing Frames.Re-Caulk to Insulate Windows for Winter.Air Seal Windows with Foam Tape.Install Plastic Film Around the Glass.Insulate Windows for Winter With Bubble Wrap.Invest in Thermal Curtains.

Is it better to insulate windows from the inside or outside?

The best thing to prevent the window from heating up, they said, was to place the insulation on the outside. We figured the same principle would hold true in the cold. So far this year, putting the insulation on the outside has proven more beneficial than having the insulation on the inside.

Does putting blankets on windows Help?

Window blankets are a very effective way to improve heat retention by keeping out drafts. They can also be used to reduce heat coming into a window.

Can old windows be efficient?

“Every single historical wood and steel window can be repaired and made to be as or more energy efficient than a replacement window.”

Can old windows make house cold?

Many old windows are single paned or have cracked, rotting seals that allow cold air to penetrate the walls. Replacing your windows with energy efficient, professional grade windows from Lakeside Renovation & Design is your best option here. This can significantly reduce the cold drafts you feel while at home.

Why you should not replace old windows?

“People replace 200-year-old windows with new vinyl ones that are guaranteed for five years. They are made of oil products and evil gases and soon their useful life is over and they end up in the landfill. Old windows are made of clean wood and glass, and, once rebuilt, are good for another 200 years."

Insulating old double-hung windows - YouTube

How-To: A quick, easy, cheap way to insulate old, loose, double-hung windows from air infiltration

How to Winterize Old Windows Without Plastic | Indow

Winterize Old Windows Without Plastic. Kester loves his family home’s historic authenticity. But it needed winter window insulation and he didn’t want to use plastic sheeting on his old windows.

How to weather strip a window?

Cut two strips of self-stick vinyl or silicone gasket-style weather stripping the same width as the sash. Raise the lower sash, and apply one strip along its bottom. Close the window. Slide down the upper sash, and apply the other strip along its top. Close the window.

How to clean a window frame?

Step 1: Clean Inside the Window Frame. Using a rag dampened with water and a little soap, wipe inside the window jamb and along the bottom of the lower sash and the top of the upper sash. Let dry. Clean Inside Window Frame. wipe down window frame. From: HGTV Magazine. Photo by: Brown Bird Design.

How to make a vinyl window sash?

Cut four strips of self-stick vinyl V-channel an inch longer than the height of the lower sash. Raise the lower sash. Apply a strip inside the jamb, leaving the backing on the top inch. Feed that extra inch up under the side of the sash. Repeat for the other side. Close the window, remove the extra backing, and press the strips in place. Repeat for the upper sash, but feed the extra inch of V-channel down.

How long does foam weather stripping last?

"I advise avoiding foam weather stripping. Yes, it’s cheap, but it’ll only last a year or two, compared with three or more years for vinyl or silicone." —Chip Wade, host of Elbow Room

What is the secret ingredient in window washing?

Our favorite window washing technique includes a secret ingredient: vinegar! Learn how to clean your windows inside and out with this simple DIY solution.

Can low humidity cause allergies?

During the winter months, low humidity in your home can become an issue, leading to worsening allergies, dry skin, static electricity and increased susceptibility to colds and flu. Find ways to add moisture to the air without the expense of buying and running a humidifier. How to Winterize Your Lawn.

Why are my windows drafty?

Drafty windows make your home cold in winter as heat flows outside. In summer, they force your air conditioner to work extra hard — leading to high energy bills all year. Window replacement is one solution, but it can be expensive and disruptive. For homes built before 1978, it also carries the risk of lead paint contamination. Insulated home windows make a huge difference in comfort and energy savings and can be as easy as installing window inserts.

What is an acrylic insert?

Our acrylic inserts are edged with a soft, patented silicone compression tube that presses into the interior of your window frames to seal drafts. You’ll feel warmer in winter and cooler in summer, while saving up to 20% on your energy bills.

What color is a window insert?

Each insert has a tube that edges the clear acrylic. This tubing should blend into your window frame. It comes in three colors: white, brown, and black.

Does thermal acrylic reduce the temperature of windows?

The thermal acrylic increases the surface temperature of your existing windows, which raises the overall room temperature and lowers your energy bills. Another benefit? Due to the airtight seal, Indow inserts often reduce or eliminate window condensation.

Do insulate windows make a difference?

Insulated home windows make a huge difference in comfort and energy savings and can be as easy as installing window inserts. Whether you’re trying to keep historic windows to preserve the value of your home or want to enhance the performance of newer windows, Indow inserts will regulate the temperature to make you comfortable year-round.

How to warm a room when it's cold outside?

When it’s frigid outside, keep everything closed. If it’s cold (but not frigid) and the room gets direct sunlight, raise the blinds, open the drapes, and let the sunshine in to help warm the space. Also, pairing a cornice with close-fitting drapes that hang snugly to the window reduces airflow by 25 percent.

How to fill gaps in windows?

If you have gaps in your windows that you can insert a fingertip into, fill them with gap filler. Backer Rod is a foam rope that comes on a roll and in various sizes to fill large gaps. Press it into the gaps and trim with scissors.

What is mortar in windows?

Mortite is a clay-like substance on a roll that you press into windows gaps, sealing out winter winds. In the summer, simply peel it off to open the window.

How to winterize a house?

1. Lock Your Windows and Apply Weatherstripping. Photo by Carl Tremblay. The most important thing people forget to do when winterizing the home is to lock the windows. Window locks pull the sashes together, closing up the space that air leaks through.

What is a door snake?

Door snakes are long tubes filled with sand that are placed the foot of a door to block drafts. If a door snake isn’t sufficient, try hanging an old quilt over your door to block drafts from the perimeter.

Why do we need to seal windows and doors in winter?

If winter winds have you reaching for your overcoat— while you’re inside inside the house—it’s time to seal up some windows and doors. Air gaps not only allow the cold in; they allow the heat to escape, leading to unnecessarily high energy costs.

Do cornices help with airflow?

Also, pairing a cornice with close-fitting drapes that hang snugly to the window reduces airflow by 25 percent. If you live in the great white North, rarely venturing out for fear of frostbite, you likely won’t mind having non-operational windows in the wintertime.

How to detect a leak in a window?

Feel around the window frame during the next cold or windy day. If you can feel air coming through the seals, you'll need to insulate the window. To detect small leaks, you may need to moisten your fingertips before running them along the seams.

What is wikihow wiki?

X. wikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 78,037 times.

Why do we insulate windows?

Insulating your windows can drastically reduce the amount of money you spend on heating or cooling your home. There are multiple ways to insulate your windows, and many are both inexpensive and easy to use.

How to check if a window is open on a sunny day?

Perform a light check. On the next sunny day, look around the edges of the window frame and determine if any light peeks through.

What is the main source of air leakage?

Seal the gap between the upper and lower sashes on wooden double hung windows. This is often the main source of air leakage. Large paint drops on either surface create a gap.

How to make a draft snake for sliding windows?

Make a draft snake for sliding windows and steel casement windows. Sew a simple fabric tube to match the width of the window. Fill it with dried rice or polyester stuffing, then place it along the bottom of your window inside your home.

What does it mean when you see moisture in the middle of a window?

Moisture that builds up in the middle of the window panel may indicate some type of crack or chip in the glass.

What Causes Windows To Become Drafty?

The fact that windows become drafty has a lot to do with certain factors, so it is very important to identify the issue before even thinking of fixing it. The factors that cause windows to become drafty are the following:

Wooden Windows And Frames

Wood is probably the most popular and commonly used option for windows and frames. Because wood expands and retracts permanently because of temperature or moisture, it is very common for wooden windows to become drafty.

Aluminum Windows And Frames

Aluminum is another popular material in the manufacturing of windows and frames. Unlike its wooden counterpart, aluminum windows hardly become drafty, but if they do, it requires you to investigate why the window is drafty.


It is extremely difficult to control the temperature inside a home if drafty windows or other gaps let in drafts. Using towels to stuff spaces under doors is another way to keep drafts out, but that is an article for another day, so I hope that the information in this article was helpful and will assist in the fight against drafty windows.


Whether you live in a century-old Colonial home along the Mid-Atlantic coast or a stately Victorian in downtown Pittsburgh, you’ve likely experienced one of the major shortcomings of historical homes—they don’t keep the winter chill out as effectively as newer homes do. Often, the main culprit is the home’s windows.


So, what can you do to prepare your home for the winter season when your windows are worn out, drafty, or just plain old? For starters, you could upgrade your home with new, energy-efficient windows.

What causes drafty windows?

Winter winds and older windows might seem like the source of your drafty house problems, but air leaks and poor insulation are usually the primary culprit.

How do I stop cold air from coming through my windows? 4 alternatives to installing new windows

Most people assume that if they have drafty windows they need to install new windows to resolve the problem.

How to seal old windows to stop cold air from coming through for good

What it is: Air sealing windows is the act of carefully detecting air leaks and closing them up with caulk, insulation, or other heat escape barriers. Sealing your old windows is just one step in the process of getting rid of drafts in your house once and for all.

Wondering how to fix drafty windows the permanent way? Get expert advice and solutions with Sealed

Fixing drafty windows can be a challenging project—one that can leave you with continued unwanted airflow if your home hasn’t been professionally sealed and insulated.

What is the best way to seal cracks in a window?

Caulking is good for sealing cracks, gaps, and joints less than a quarter of an inch. On the inside, keep bitter drafts out by caulking between the interior window trim and the wall. You can also apply caulk to the exterior perimeter of the window. Just be sure not to caulk weep holes, the small rectangular holes found on the bottom of the exterior side of the window frame.

What is a storm window insert?

Storm window inserts are clear inserts that look just like a traditional window but are installed inside the window jamb, and over older, single-pane windows to reduce heat loss. They’re light and easy to install and require no nails or screws.

How to tell if a window is drafty?

You can also look for visible cracks and gaps around the window frame, or try the old-school trick of shu tting your window on a dollar bill. If you can pull the bill out easily, you have drafty windows.

How to keep drapes from getting cold?

Then to better block those bitter drafts, make sure the drapes overlap in the center. Then use Velcro or magnetic tape to attach the sides of the drapes to the wall and bottom. An interior decorator may not approve, but it’s a good option especially for windows that don’t let in warm sunshine during the day.

How to seal a gap in a window?

The trick is to seal the gap without layering it on too thick. Apply weatherstripping to the sash and frame . Make sure you can still open and close the windows with the weatherstripping in place. Find more information on choosing the right weatherstripping and instructions here.

What is a V strip?

It comes in a variety of materials and thicknesses and is used on doors, too. Foam weatherstripping is good for the top and bottom of window sashes, and tension seal (or V strip) is ideal for the side of sliding and double-hung windows. The trick is to seal the gap without layering it on too thick.

How much heat loss can you get from cellular shades?

You can reduce heat loss by as much as 40% when you install cellular shades (also known as honeycomb shades), according to the EPA. They can be pricey but, according to Swann, they’re considered one of the best ways to insulate your windows.


1.Videos of How Do You Insulate Old Drafty Windows


36 hours ago  · 6 Ways To Insulate Your Drafty Windows (When New Ones Aren’t in the Budget) 1. Caulk carefully. Caulking is good for sealing cracks, gaps, and joints less than a quarter of an …

2.6 Ways To Insulate Old Windows (When New Ones Aren't …


30 hours ago  · Insulation Of Wooden Windows. After all the fixes have been done, you can further insulate the windows against adverse weather conditions like freezing temperatures. You can …

3.Insulating Drafty Windows with Window Inserts | Indow


32 hours ago Certainly, you don’t find these in modern contemporary houses. We are now hiring for installation, sales and customer service positions. Apply Now! 50% Off Installation Learn More! Call Us Now …

4.8 Ways to Fix Drafty Windows and Doors - This Old House


5 hours ago Insulating old windows Whole-house insulation and air sealing (this solves the drafty home problem for good!) Installing temporary fixes to decrease drafts today But fixing window drafts …

5.How to Insulate Windows (with Pictures) - wikiHow


12 hours ago

6.How To Fix And Insulate Drafty Windows? - HowTL


29 hours ago

7.How to Insulate Old Windows for Winter | West Shore Home


31 hours ago

8.Stop drafty windows: How to fix them for good | Sealed


36 hours ago

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