Knowledge Builders

how do you keep birds from building a nest on your porch

by Prof. Cade Harber Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

13 Ways Keep Birds From Building Nests On Porch.

  • 1. Trim Trees and Shrubs Near Your Porch. Birds love to build their nests in trees and shrubs. If you have any trees or shrubs near your porch, trim ...
  • 2. Install a Bird Net Over Your Porch.
  • 3. Remove Dried Leaves, Twigs.
  • 4. Change the Light Fixtures.
  • 5. Put up A Fake Owl or Hawk.

  1. Trim Trees and Shrubs Near Your Porch.
  2. Install a Bird Net Over Your Porch.
  3. Remove Dried Leaves, Twigs.
  4. Change the Light Fixtures.
  5. Put up A Fake Owl or Hawk.
  6. Install Sets of Bird Spikes.
  7. Use Ultrasonic Devices.
  8. Hang Reflective And Shiny Objects.

Full Answer

How to stop birds from nesting on your porch?

The best way to stop birds from nesting on your porch, is to make sure that there are no places for them to build their nests. Read more in detail here: how to keep birds from making nests in unwanted places. The last thing you want while you’re sitting on your porch is to get dive-bombed by a mother bird because you’re too near to her nest.

How to attract birds to your porch?

Most bird species use plenty of twigs, tree branches, and dried leaves to build their nest. These materials are attractive to birds since they are very advantageous for building nest sites. The more of these materials there are in your porch, the quicker birds will notice and decide on your porch to build their nest.

How do you keep birds out of your yard?

One way to discourage birds from hanging out and nesting in unwanted places is to spray a citrus-based repellent in the area. Most birds don’t like the smell of citrus, making it an affordable and simple remedy. An added benefit is citrus fragrances can be soothing for humans and add a nice aromatherapeutic element to your outdoor space.

How do you stop birds from nesting in dryer vents?

Block Cavity Entrances: Cavity-nesting birds may investigate a wide range of unsuitable nest sites, such as dryer vents, pipe fittings, chimneys, or small holes that lead to attics or other places they are not welcome.


How do you stop birds from making a nest?

How to Stop Birds From Building a Nest Near Your HomePrune the Garden. ... Create More Attractive Nesting Options. ... Remove Food Sources. ... Create Barriers. ... Block Cavity Entrances. ... Use Mirrors. ... Create Slopes. ... Common Spaces Birds Build Nests on Commercial Properties.More items...•

Why are birds nesting on my porch?

One reason why birds keep flocking on your deck is the presence of materials they utilize for nest building. Eliminate dried leaves, branches, and anything that can be used as a building block of a nesting location.

What keeps birds off your patio?

To get rid of birds pooping on patio or deck, repel them with shiny, moving things. Hang mirrors, old CDs, metallic streamers, or metal windchimes. As they blow in the wind, birds will feel apprehensive. Also, make your yard less welcoming by not leaving out food or water.

What scent will repel birds?

Primarily, birds dislike really strong smells because they find them quite irritating. These include peppermint oil, citronella, lemon, cayenne pepper, chili, garlic and vinegar. By using this information, we can apply these strong scents to areas that we want the birds to stay away from.

What is the best bird deterrent?

BEST OVERALL: Aspectek Stainless Steel Bird Spikes.BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Bird B Gone Enviro-Spike Bird Spike.BEST FAKE OWL: Dalen Gardeneer Natural Enemy Scarecrow Owl Decoy.BEST SPIKES: Bird-X STS-10-R Stainless Steel Bird Spikes.BEST HANGING: De-Bird: Repellent Disks – Bird Proof Your House.

How do I get rid of birds on my porch?

To keep birds off your porch, hang foil, pie plates, small mirrors, or CDs around the area to reflect light since the sun bothers their eyes. For a noisy way to keep birds away, hang metal wind chimes on your porch. Another way to deter birds is to put fake owls near your porch to scare them away.

What home remedy keeps birds away?

How to get rid of birds naturallyBaking soda: Sprinkle baking soda where you have noticed birds in your yard. ... Chili pepper mixture: Mix 24 chili peppers (green or red) with half a gallon of water and a quarter cup of vinegar. ... Bird netting: Place some bird netting over the area you want the birds to stay out of.

Does aluminum foil keep birds away?

Birds don't like the feel of the foil under their beaks and will stay away. You can also hang strips of aluminum foil (or shiny party streamers) from the trees or other high points around your home and garden. The sun reflects off the shiny surface and bothers their eyes, deterring them from coming near.

What does it mean when a bird builds a nest in your backyard?

If there is a nest in your yard, it is a lucky symbol. It represents life, growth, health, family stability, & beauty among other fortunate things. Nests symbolize good karma returning to you for your good care & responsible keeping of your environment. Nests are good luck for everyone who lives there.

Why do birds nest at my house?

Birds prefer to build their nests in higher places as this helps them survey the area around them. A house gives them a perfect vantage point with spots that are high enough for them to feel safe from predators, look for food, hatch their eggs, and even protect them from extreme temperatures.

Should I get rid of bird nest?

Never attempt to remove or relocate a nest if there are birds or eggs present. It is best to wait until after nesting season for any removal or relocation. Eggs in a nest without signs of the parents don't necessarily mean the nest has been abandoned.

What does a bird nest symbolize?

The many varied versions of the legend include in that prosperity: health, happiness, friendship, and good luck. Nests it turns out are not where birds sleep (roost) - they are for keeping eggs and chicks in place. They are a home for new life.

How to keep birds from flocking to my porch?

If the birds still continue to flock to your porch, one of the best things that you can do is place a bird feeder at a distance . For instance, you can choose a corner in your backyard to place the bird feeder. It won’t take long before the birds find the feeder in a less invasive position, and they are going to move away.

What are some good ways to get rid of birds?

If you don’t mind a bit of sound, wind chimes are a great idea. They are an excellent investment and are going to help you get rid of birds that tend to sit around the porch.

Why do birds flock to my porch?

One of the main reasons why you usually have birds flocking around your porch is because there are different kinds of materials that the birds can use for building their nest. If the birds see anything that they can use for building their nest, they are going to revisit the place again and again.

Why is a porch important?

Remember, the porch plays an important role in the curb appeal of your property. If a person walking by sees a porch that is littered with bird droppings and feathers, they will create an image in their minds that the place is equally dirty on the inside.

What birds like to sit on a porch?

Pigeons, sparrows, crows, and many other birds love to sit down on your porch and just rest. If you have spent a considerable amount of money on building your porch, the last thing that you would want is to go out one fine morning and see it covered with bird droppings.

Why do you need wire mesh on a porch?

The wire mesh is going to prevent blowing dust from entering the porch, and it will keep all other things at bay. Wire mesh is a permanent solution that’s going to keep all birds at bay.

What happens if birds rest on tree branches?

If there are, there is a pretty high chance that the birds resting on the branches will drop some unpleasant souvenirs on your porch.

How to keep birds from nesting on porch?

Start with mounting a plastic hawk. Seeing their predator can scare birds from your area and keep them from nesting on your porch. To prevent birds from growing accustomed to the plastic hawk, move its position regularly. Random flashes of light can startle birds that are trying to find quiet, undisturbed places for nesting.

How to keep birds out of birdhouse?

If you have unwanted birds nesting inside your birdhouses, easily keep them out by changing the size of the entrance holes. Install a front plate or small piece of pipe to create a tunnel to the birdhouse entrance. Keeping dryer vents, pipe fittings, chimneys and small holes blocked around your home can deter birds from forming nests.

How to discourage birds from nesting on ledges?

Many birds enjoy nesting on ledges since they are flat. Adding a slope to these ledges can easily discourage birds from forming a nest there. Use blocks, boards and other material you have on hand to create a slope steeper than 45 degrees. Instead of building a slope, loose springs can also be easily attached to ledges using hardware staples ...

How to make birds think their nesting site is already claimed?

Random flashes of light can startle birds that are trying to find quiet, undisturbed places for nesting. Incorporating mirrors can make birds think that their nesting site is already claimed. Use items from around the house such as a piece of aluminum foil and reflective wind chimes to try this tactic.

Where do pigeons nest?

Pigeons rarely nest in trees, so the awning or window sill above your porch is a perfect spot to nest. Sparrows like to find small places to nest, so if you have any gaps in your porch roof, they’ll likely nest there. Starlings are similar in that they prefer small spaces to nest.

Do birds build nests on decks?

Once they start building nests on your porch or deck, they can quickly become a problem.

Why do birds like nesting on porches?

Birds can nest on your porch for long periods without you realizing what the problem is. You may have done everything right to keep birds from building nests on your porch without registering any significant difference. Birds like nesting on porches for several reasons;

How to Keep Birds from Building Nests on Your Porch

Birds will not only build nests on your porch. Bird droppings can also pose significant risks to people, livestock, and property. It is not healthy to allow birds within your porch as they can contaminate uncovered food or water. Therefore, they can transmit diseases to humans and livestock.

What to do if a bird makes a nest on your porch

If birds make their nests on your porch, you will need to determine what birds are causing the problem. Secondly, know the methods that you can use to drive them away. Also, be aware of your area’s laws concerning bird protection.

How to keep birds out of birdhouse?

Restricting Entrance Holes: When unwanted birds take over birdhouses, changing the entrance hole size is an easy way to keep them out. This is especially effective when larger birds such as European starlings or house sparrows are taking over houses meant for wrens, bluebirds, or swallows. A front plate or a small section of pipe to create a tunnel to the entrance are easy ways to fix bird house entrances so unwanted birds stay away.

How to discourage birds from nesting?

It is illegal to disturb nesting birds or do any damage to an active nest or eggs, but birders can discourage nesting attempts before eggs have been laid. 1 Ideally, it is best to make an area unsuitable for nesting long before the birds show an interest in building a nest, and these techniques can help.

Why aren't nests welcome?

There are many reasons why nests aren't always welcome. Different birders have different opinions about nesting birds, but in some cases, nesting birds aren't desirable, such as: Featured Video. Invasive Species: Invasive birds usurp nesting areas from native species, and their prolific breeding can take over territories ...

How to prevent birds from nesting on ledges?

The open coils of the spring are not suitable for nesting, and a simple spring is easy to attach with hardware staples or clips. For the best results, choose a spring with at least an inch between each coil so the spring's surface is suitably unstable. A children's spring toy is the perfect option.

Why do birds move on?

Add several small mirrors to unwelcome nesting sites and birds may not only move on because of the light, but their own reflections could fool the birds that the site is already claimed. Mylar strips, reflective wind chimes, and pieces of aluminum foil dangling in a small mobile are other options.

What bird is taking over my birdhouse?

Restricting Entrance Holes: When unwanted birds take over birdhouses, changing the entrance hole size is an easy way to keep them out. This is especially effective when larger birds such as European starlings or house sparrows are taking over houses meant for wrens, bluebirds, or swallows.

What to use to make birds nervous?

A children's spring toy is the perfect option. Light Flashes: Birds like quiet, undisturbed places for nesting, and random flashes of light can make the birds more nervous and less likely to build their nest in that location.

1. Clean up yard debris

Birds seek out dried leaves, grasses and twigs to build their nest. The fewer materials you have available in your yard, especially on your porch, balcony, or playground area, the less chances they will continuously visit and build a nearby nest.

2. Keep food sources away

When birds find a location with ample food it’s no surprise they decide to stay. Besides limiting building materials, always get rid of any food sources in unwanted areas too. These can include:

3. Make a natural repellent

One way to discourage birds from hanging out and nesting in unwanted places is to spray a citrus-based repellent in the area. Most birds don’t like the smell of citrus, making it an affordable and simple remedy. An added benefit is citrus fragrances can be soothing for humans and add a nice aromatherapeutic element to your outdoor space.

4. Use bird-specific repellents

Other types of repellents are available to keep birds away from specific areas around your home. Bird spikes can be attached to roofs, gutters and railings and prevent birds from finding enough room to land and nest between the spikes. Nobody wants to sit on a pin cushion!

5. Modify your light fixtures

Birds are attracted to the warmth from light sources and often will choose to nest near or on these fixtures. While you probably don’t want to remove light fixtures completely for nighttime safety reasons, you can modify them to discourage birds from nesting.

6. Show there are predators

To ensure their safety and the safety of their young, birds want to make sure the area they nest in is free from potential threats.

7. Hang shiny and reflective things

Shiny or reflective objects can disorient a bird’s sense of direction and confuse them enough to keep them from landing nearby. You can easily place strips of flash tape around the locations you don’t want them nesting. Other objects you can use include:


1.How to Keep Birds From Nesting on Porch – 7 Effective …


26 hours ago One way to keep birds from nesting on your porch is to apply a bird repellent gel or spray around the area. These products usually contain a combination of ingredients that birds find offensive, …

2.How to Keep Birds From Building Nests on Your Porch


34 hours ago  · It takes just about a minute to assemble and then you have something that looks like this. First I had to take down the nests. You could attach them with screws but I decided …

3.How to Keep Birds from Nesting on Your Porch | Bird …


12 hours ago  · You may need to do a few things to prevent birds from nesting on your porch, such as: Use items to frighten birds away. Continue to remove their nests. A bird feeder placed far …

4.Videos of How Do You Keep Birds From Building A Nest on your P…


5 hours ago Here is how to keep birds from building nests on your porch. First, you must not throw food items around the porch. Most birds are generalists in their mode of eating and will feed on nearly …

5.How to Keep Birds from Building Nests on Your Porch


5 hours ago  · Removing the nest and disposing of it in an exterior trash bag or a tightly sealed container after it has dried is the best option. Put it in the garbage and take it to a location far …

6.How to Keep Birds From Building Nests - The Spruce


27 hours ago Small berries. If you like having bird feeders, try to keep them a good distance away from more heavily trafficked areas like your deck, patio, or front door. 3. Make a natural repellent. One way …

7.How to Keep Birds From Making Nests in Unwanted …


29 hours ago

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