Knowledge Builders

how do you make a skunk trap

by Zita Runte V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Build a DIY Skunk Trap Using a Form Tube

  • Step 1 – Determine the Length of the Tube ...
  • Step 2 – Build a Frame Around Back End of the Tube ...
  • Step 3 – Build a Frame for the Front of the Trap ...
  • Step 4 – Attach Both Frames to the Concrete Form Tube ...
  • Step 5 – Install Plywood Pieces That Hold the Front Door ...
  • Step 6 – Cut 3/4″ Plywood for the Front Door ...
More items

  1. Step 1 – Determine the Length of the Tube. ...
  2. Step 2 – Build a Frame Around Back End of the Tube. ...
  3. Step 3 – Build a Frame for the Front of the Trap. ...
  4. Step 4 – Attach Both Frames to the Concrete Form Tube. ...
  5. Step 5 – Install Plywood Pieces That Hold the Front Door. ...
  6. Step 6 – Cut 3/4″ Plywood for the Front Door.
Apr 22, 2021

Full Answer

How to catch a skunk with a live trap?


  1. Remove Food and Shelter Sources. You want the skunk to enter the live trap with the help of bait. ...
  2. Place the Trap. By now, you should have taken note of areas with high skunk activity. ...
  3. Bait and Set the Trap. Using the proper bait will increase your chances of catching a skunk. ...
  4. Monitor the Trap. ...
  5. Relocate the Skunk. ...

What do you do if a skunk approaches you?

What to do – if it is safe to do so

  • Protect yourself. Wear thick leather gloves and have a heavy towel in hand. ...
  • Prepare a container. Have a sturdy box or animal carrier ready to contain the animal. ...
  • Capturing the animal. ...
  • Transport. ...

How to trap a skunk without getting sprayed?

  • 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 cup of baking soda
  • 2 teaspoons of liquid dish soap

What is the best skunk trap?

Best Skunk Traps That Works Effectively Quick Navigation. 1. #6 Tuff Trap – Spray Proof Skunk Trap. 2. Professional Humane Live Animal Trap 28″X12″X12″ Catch Release Cage. 3. Havahart 632 Medium 2-Door Safe Release Live Animal Cage Trap for Squirrels, Rabbits, Skunks. Skunks are small, furry mammals with white and black stripes.

How to make a skunk trap with a mesh screen?

Why did I build a skunk trap?

What Do Skunks Eat?

Where Do Skunks Sleep?

What Repels Skunks?

How to trap a skunk in a door?

How to get rid of skunks in my yard?

See 2 more


What food is irresistible to skunks?

Skunk Trapping Tips Good bait for a skunk includes any of the following: honey, molasses, peanut butter on bread, and fish eggs. Old, slightly spoiled meat also makes a good bait.

What is the best way to trap a skunk?

Trapping TipsTraps should be baited with fish (canned or fresh), fish-flavored cat food, chicken parts, bacon, or peanut butter on bread. ... All traps should be checked in the morning and early evening.Slowly approach the trapped skunk and cover the trap with an old blanket or piece of thick burlap, if not already set.More items...

What attracts skunks the most?

Skunks are opportunists at heart — they're mainly attracted to low-hanging fruit like garbage and pet food left out at night, as well as convenient denning sites, such as wood and rock piles, elevated sheds, and openings under concrete slabs and porches and crawl spaces.

How do you keep a skunk from spraying in a live trap?

How to let a skunk out of a live trapApproach the trap slowly, holding a plastic sheet (like a garbage bag torn open, or a tarp) in front of you.Skunks have poor vision. ... If the skunk stamps its feet or lifts its tail, stop moving. ... When you get close enough, calmly drape the plastic sheet or blanket over the trap.More items...

How do you get rid of skunks permanently?

How to Get Rid of Skunks in Your GardenRemove Food Sources. Skunks are skittish, shy creatures, so if one finds its way into your yard, chances are good it's got a compelling reason to be there: i.e. food. ... Install Lights. Skunks are night-dwelling animals, and don't like bright light. ... Use Skunk Repellents. ... Relocate Them.

What is a skunk's favorite food?

In the spring and summer, a skunk's diet mostly consists of grasshoppers, bees, beetles, beetle larvae, and crickets. During the fall and winter, when food is scarce, skunks will scavenge for fruit, nuts, bird seed, and pet food.

What time do skunks come out?

Skunks are usually nocturnal, coming out well after dark, and heading back to their den around dawn. They breed in the spring from February to May, have a gestation period of 9 weeks, and have approximately 5-8 young per litter.

What home remedy will get rid of skunks?

A bright light or a motion sensor flood light will scare skunks away. Most animals, including skunks, dislike the smell of citrus fruits. Place orange or lemon peels around the yard as a natural skunk repellent. Predator urine (dogs, coyotes) can be used to repel a skunk.

Does Irish spring soap keep skunks away?

Did you know Irish Spring Soap can repel skunks? While there is no scientific evidence to back up the claim, the smell of Irish Spring Soap is believed to signal to skunks that the object they are smelling is unedible, and thus, they steer clear.

Can a skunk spray when in a trap?

Once You've Caught a Skunk in a Live Trap, Calmness Is Key Understandably, a trapped skunk will be frightened, which increases the risk of spraying.

Will a skunk spray if you shoot it?

Since skunks often release their odor when shot, avoid shooting them in areas where their odor may be a problem.

What is the best skunk repellent?

BEST OVERALL: Natural Armor Animal & Rodent Repellent Spray.BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK: Bonide BND2361 Repels-All Animal Repellent.BEST ODOR-BASED: PredatorPee Original Coyote Urine.BEST NATURAL: Essentially KateS Peppermint Essential Oil.BEST ELECTRONIC: Heyouou Ultrasonic Solar Powered Animal Repeller.More items...•

Will a skunk spray in a trap?

Once You've Caught a Skunk in a Live Trap, Calmness Is Key Understandably, a trapped skunk will be frightened, which increases the risk of spraying. The best way to calm the animal is to cover the cage, as the darkness will have a soothing effect.

How do you trap a smart skunk?

2:104:41How to Catch a Skunk with a Live Trap - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIt's important to put the bait at the far end of the trap. Behind the trigger plate. So that whenMoreIt's important to put the bait at the far end of the trap. Behind the trigger plate. So that when the animal comes in to feed on the bait well activate the trigger.

Can you shoot a skunk without it spraying?

A skunk will almost always spray when it is killed and your best bet for not getting sprayed is of course, for you to be a good distance away. This is why a lot of people opt to shoot, but by all means, do this only if it is safe to.

Will a skunk go in a trap?

The best live traps for skunks are medium to large (25-35 inches long). Most traditional/professional style traps require that you manually lift and hold the door open to release the skunk - this positions the user close to the door as the skunk exits.

How to make a skunk trap?

Homemade Skunk Trap. Start by making a square frame. Cut a 2×4 into two pieces that are 12 inches in length and two pieces that are 15 inches, and attach them with screws to form a backside frame. Cut another 2×4 into two 12-inch sections, two 24-inch sections, and one 15-inch section.

Why Use Homemade Skunk Traps and Live Traps?

Trapping is a good form of skunk control, whether you use commercial traps or homemade skunk traps. It’s also a great way to get rid of chipmunks naturally. But, why are live cage traps more beneficial than using lethal traps or repellents?

What to bait a skunk in?

Baiting skunks into the trap only works if you use foods they crave, such as peanut butter, marshmallows, cat food, sardines, or crispy bacon. Set the trap in a location where you notice skunk activity and place the bait in the appropriate section of the cage.

How to keep skunks out of backyard?

Understanding Skunks before Trapping. Before using a DIY skunk trap to keep skunks out of your backyard, it’s a good idea to understand these animals’ habits and why they decided to start hanging out in your yard. Understanding skunks, what they eat, and where they sleep makes trapping them easier.

What to do if you are not comfortable with a trap?

If you are not comfortable using a trap or it does not give you the success you want, you can try a homemade skunk repellent made from ingredients you already have at home. You may find that your skunk repellent also serves as a natural deterrent for raccoons and other small pesky animals.

Why do you need to remove skunks from your yard?

Skunk removal is necessary to keep your yard safe from unwanted guests and prevent skunk odor from accidental encounters. But, what do you do with the captured animal after using homemade skunk traps?

How effective are skunk traps?

There are various skunk traps on the market, and all of them are relatively effective as long as you use the right skunk trap bait. We’ll show you how to set up a live trap using a variety of baits. tb1234.

How to get rid of skunks?

Find a way is to trap it and send it away. Killing skunks will create long-lasting air pollution that is almost impossible to eradicate. Therefore, it is advisable to trap the animal; after that, you can embark on preventive measures against the re-visitation of skunks.

How do you know if a skunk is about to spray?

But if it eventually sees you, know that it will get furious and agitated, so you have no option than to watch out till it gets calm. There are three (3) ways to know when a skunk is about to spray, and they are as follows: It will raise its tail. Once this happens, just know it is pissed so back off.

How long does skunk spray last?

The horrible odor of the spray will take over the house and is capable of lingering for more up to 6months. The frustrating aspect is that it is almost impossible to get rid of the smell without getting rid of the skunks.

How high should a skunk cage be?

Step 1- Get a live cage trap that is at least 30 inches long and 15 inches high so there can be enough room, and it won’t look suspicious to the skunk.

Why do skunks spray?

When a female skunk sprays, the landlords are the ones to bear the brunt.

Why are skunks bad for housing?

The problems with housing skunks are caused by skunks themselves. They tamper with the vegetables in the garden, burrow holes around the garden. And the worst of all is during the breeding season when female skunks are in ‘heat’- this is when the female reproductive cycle begins.

Why do skunks migrate to their homes?

Skunks are shy animals and love to stay away from places where there are lots of people or lots of other animals.

What is the best way to trap a skunk?

If you're having a problem with a nuisance skunk, consider trapping it yourself using a live trap baited with a Dorito smeared with peanut butter. The combination works great for trapping skunks and it saves you from hiring an expensive professional to do the job for you.

How to get rid of a skunk in a trap?

Walk slowly and talk in a low soothing voice to let the skunk know you're there. Gently place the blanket over the trap, coving the entire trap. Since skunks generally do not spray things they can not see, the blanket will calm the skunk down and prevent you from being sprayed.

What Causes A Skunk To Spray?

Despite what many people may think, skunks only spray as a last resort.

What bait do skunks eat?

Since skunks are not picky eaters, there are a lot of different baits that will work such as canned cat food, sardines or tuna fish. However, a Dorito chip smeared with peanut butter is by far the best skunk bait I have ever tried.

How long does a skunk smell last?

This awful spray can reach a distance of 15 feet and the smell can linger for up to 2 weeks. What's the best way to get skunk odor off your clothing or your pet? I've had a lot of dogs sprayed by a skunk.

What is a 2 door skunk trap?

The 2 door models have openings at both ends of the trap with a pan trigger in the middle. The 2 door model makes it difficult to release the skunk while standing in a safe location. I find the single door trap performs great and I don't see any advantages of using a 2 door trap.

How to scare a skunk?

You can stake down the trap or place a rock or brick on top to help make the trap sturdy. A shaky or wobbly trap can scare the skunk.

How to make a skunk trap with a mesh screen?

Cut one piece of 3/4″ plywood to 15″ x 15″ and attach it on the backside of the skunk trap using wood screws or pocket hole screws. You could add a small glass window on the back piece, to see what you caught. Or add a mesh screen instead of 3/4″ plywood.

Why did I build a skunk trap?

So I decided to build a skunk trap so that I could relocate them, away from our house. I used scrap wood that was laying around in my garage.

What Do Skunks Eat?

They are omnivores meaning they eat both vegetables and meat. They love:

Where Do Skunks Sleep?

They have sharp front claws they use to dig dens for themselves and their babies. Skunks like fields, woodlands, and urban areas.

What Repels Skunks?

Skunks hate quite a few certain smells. Citrus, ammonia, and urine from any of their predators will deter them from your property.

How to trap a skunk in a door?

Place the bait on the 5″x24″ board next to the string. Once the skunk gets in the tube and walks up to get the bait, the weight of the skunk will press down on the floor and pull the string and the pin. Once the pin is pulled out of the hole in the door, the door drops down and will trap the skunk.

How to get rid of skunks in my yard?

If you have a skunk problem in your backyard, one of the ways to get rid of them is to build a DIY Spray Proof Skunk Trap using a concrete form tube. An enclosed tube will keep the skunk from spaying you ...


1.Videos of How Do You Make a Skunk Trap


24 hours ago  · Can you trap a skunk without getting sprayed? For A List Of My Top Mouse Traps Recommendations Check Out My Online Affiliate Store:

2.How to Build a DIY Skunk Trap Using a Form Tube


4 hours ago tb1234. Start by making a square frame. Cut a 2×4 into two pieces that are 12 inches in length and two pieces that are 15 inches, and attach them with screws to form a backside frame. Cut …

3.How To Trap A Skunk Without Getting Sprayed. Catching …


17 hours ago You can trap a skunk by following these steps Step 1- Get a live cage trap that is at least 30 inches long and 15 inches high so there can be enough room, and it won’t look suspicious to …

4.7 Simple Ways to Trap a Skunk - Tips Bulletin


7 hours ago Skunks 1 Select a Skunk Trap. The best live traps for skunks are medium to large (25-35 inches long). Most... 2 Determine Trap Placement. Place your trap in an area where you've seen the …

5.How Trap A Skunk - 5 Smart Steps to Catch One - VerminKill


4 hours ago  · If you’re looking for the most humane skunk trap option, live traps are your best bet. These skunk traps allow you to catch skunks and release them back into the wild without …

6.Trapping Skunks - Best Way Without Getting Sprayed


25 hours ago  · You can purchase one at your local hardware store or online. Once you have the trap, set it up in an area where you have seen the skunk before. If possible, try to bait the trap …

7.DIY Skunk Trap - YouTube


9 hours ago

8.How to Catch a Skunk with a Live Trap - YouTube


23 hours ago

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