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how do you make hot pepper spray for deer

by Mr. Dan Ebert V Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

A sample recipe is about 1 gallon of water with 1 to 2 ounces of hot pepper powder, 1 to 2 ounces of hot sauce and 1 to 2 ounces of water-soluble glue. If you have a bad deer problem, aim for the higher concentrations.

How to make a deer repellent spray?

In a blender, combine the eggs, garlic, milk, cayenne pepper, and water. Fill a jar with the mixture and let it outdoors to ferment for several days. Fill a spray bottle halfway with the mixture and spray it on plants and the perimeters of your yard or garden. Is vinegar a deer repellent? Is vinegar a deer repellent?

How do you make pepper spray for pest control?

If you want to make hot pepper spray for controlling pests, start by boiling 1 gallon of water with 3 tablespoons of hot pepper flakes. Once the water is boiling, let the mixture simmer for 15 minutes, and then remove the pot from heat to soak the pepper flakes for 24 hours.

How do you make animal repellent with hot peppers?

Hot peppers have a compound in them called capsaicin, which is an irritant to most animals if they smell or taste it. To make the spray, get water, hot pepper flakes or chopped hot peppers, and biodegradable dish soap. You can find hot pepper flakes at most grocery stores in the spice aisle, or you can order packets of the flakes online. 2

How do you make hot pepper spray for dogs?

Making Hot Pepper Spray Gather the supplies for making an anti-pest spray. Hot peppers have a compound in them called capsaicin, which is an irritant to most animals if they smell or taste it. Combine 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water and 3 tbsp (15.9 g) of pepper flakes in a pot.


How do you make deer pepper spray?

1:022:18How to Make Homemade Pepper Spray as Deer Repellent - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAgain pour the water into the blender. And add the cayenne pepper liquefy. The ingredients for oneMoreAgain pour the water into the blender. And add the cayenne pepper liquefy. The ingredients for one or two minutes add 1/4 cup ivory dish liquid. This will make the pepper spray stickier.

Will pepper spray keep deer away?

Hot pepper sprays are also reported to be effective at keeping deer away from plants, while watered down hot sauce, Tabasco sauce, and habanero peppers applied directly to plants can also be used as effective contact repellents.

How do you make homemade deer spray?

Use a funnel to add 8 ounces of white vinegar to an empty 16-ounce spray bottle. Add 6 drops of peppermint essential oil and 4 drops of rosemary essential oil to the spray bottle with the vinegar. Tightly close the spray bottle lid and shake to mix the contents together.

How do you make cayenne pepper deer repellent?

How To: Make and Use Your Own Deer RepellentStep 1: Blend all ingredients. Put eggs, milk or yogurt, garlic, and cayenne pepper along with two to three cups of water into a blender, and puree thoroughly. ... Step 2: “Ripen” the mixture. ... Step 3: Spray the solution. ... Step 4: Store it properly. ... Step 5: Reapply as necessary.

What can I spray to keep deer away?

Homemade sprays with garlic powder and cayenne are almost as effective as commercial sprays, but they need to be reapplied more often since they wash off with rain more easily. Ribbons, reflectors and owl decoys are effective until a deer works up the courage to approach and feed.

What do deers hate the most?

Deer repellents are most often made from putrified eggs, dried blood, garlic, or soaps. Several studies, including this one, have found that egg-based products are the most effective. These include Deer Away, Bobbex, and Liquid Fence. I've used all of these and have had good results.

Will chili powder keep deer away?

Chili powder may help to deter deer from eating your plants. Deer have a strong sense of smell, and the pungent smell of chili powder can help to keep them away. You can sprinkle chili powder around the perimeter of your garden, or directly on the plants that you want to protect.

Does cinnamon deter deer?

Some not-so-awful smells that keep deer away include mint oils (often combined with pepper and garlic), cloves and cinnamon, and citrus.

Does deer like the smell of vinegar?

Deer, as well as other animals, “including cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes and racoons, [don't like] the scent of vinegar even after it has dried.

Does rain wash away cayenne pepper?

Every few days, sprinkle about ¼ cup of cayenne pepper throughout your garden. It gets washed away by rain and blows with the wind so it does need to be replenished, but you can buy it inexpensively, and it often solves the problem of unwanted visitors overnight.

What smells will keep deer away?

What smells work best at deterring deer? Some smells that deer react negatively to include eggs, garlic, cloves, and mint. They're also driven away if they smell danger, so using predator scents, such as wolf urine, may work.

Will cayenne pepper hurt deer?

They like their food without the heat, thank you very much. In addition to being a bit painful to chew on, cayenne pepper also irritates a deer's senses. If the pepper makes its way into their nose or eyes, it will cause them to burn, similar to when we get soap or shampoo in our eyes.

What kind of pepper keeps deer away?

Cayenne pepper spray is a taste repellent. It is applied to the plant and when an animal tries to taste it, it is repelled by the hot pepper taste. Spraying cayenne pepper on plants will keep deer, rabbits and squirrels as well as stray animals from eating them.

Does aluminum foil keep deer away?

Here are some tips for using aluminum foil in the garden for pest control: – wrap aluminum foil around the trunks of young trees to prevent deer and other animals from nibbling.

What smell makes deer go away?

Deer have a heightened sense of smell, which they use to effectively find food. You can take advantage of this trait and repel deer by using smells they dislike, such as marigolds, putrescent egg solids, mint, wolf urine, tansy, garlic, thyme, oregano, sage, rosemary, and lavender.

What do deer not like to walk on?

Deer don't like to walk on unstable surfaces. If they make a beeline for certain plants, place a sheet of welded-wire fencing on the ground in their pathway.

Does Cayenne Pepper Deter Deer?

All the information out there leads to a resounding YES! Deer can definitely be repelled by cayenne pepper.

How to Use Cayenne Pepper To Repel Deer

As previously mentioned, there are three main ways to use cayenne pepper to repel deer. BONUS! Cayenne pepper repels more than just deer. But more on that later.

Other Animals and Insects That Cayenne Pepper Repels

If you’ve got beef with other pests in addition to deer, you may be surprised to see a decrease in their presence as well.

What Is The Best Homemade Deer Repellent?

Here’s the big question. Is cayenne pepper the best we can do, or is there some other DIY deterrent that works even better?

Wrapping Things Up

Cayenne pepper is an all-around amazing vegetable. It adds spice to dishes, has plenty of health benefits, AND deters pesky deer!

Is vinegar a deer repellent?

Vinegar is excellent for usage inside the home, but it may also be used outdoors! Even after it has dried, deer, as well as other animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, and racoons, dislike the smell of vinegar.

Is it true that coffee grounds deter deer?

Then, once a week, I just throw coffee grinds about the plants in the air. The scent of coffee grinds is said to repel deer.

Is red pepper effective in deterring deer?

Plants should be sprayed with a homemade hot pepper spray (1 gallon water, 4-5 tablespoons of cayenne pepper and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil). 6. Chicken feathers, ammonia, scented fabric softener strips, or fish meal are all good alternatives. Deer will be deterred by blood meal/dried blood, however it may bring predators to your yard.

Is it true that bleach repels deer?

The majority of chlorine bleach in the home is water. When it evaporates, sodium is left behind. So, after a few hours or days, your bleach has worn off and you’re left with salt, which is what attracts deer.

What odor does a deer find repulsive?

Plants that are extremely fragrant and in the unpleasant smell group for deer are considered repellent. Perennial plants like artemisia, tansy, and yarrow are common examples. Mint, thyme, tarragon, oregano, dill, and chives are examples of culinary herbs that may be interplanted throughout the garden.

Is it true that spicy sauce kills plants?

The combination of hot sauce and other harmless substances, such as mild dish detergent, may deter a variety of insects, including garden mites, worms, and caterpillars, while causing no damage to the plant or the gardener.

Is peppermint oil effective in keeping deer away?

Peppermint and lemongrass oils are combined in the Mint Scent Deer Repellent to successfully and pleasantly deter deer. Many insects are attracted to botanical oils, so while you’re spraying for deer, you’re also helping to reduce bug infestations.

Is vinegar a deer repellent?

Vinegar is fantastic for usage inside the home, but it may also be used outdoors! Even after it has dried, deer, as well as other animals such as cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, and racoons, dislike the smell of vinegar.

Is it true that coffee grounds deter deer?

Then, once a week, I just scatter coffee grinds about the plants in the air. The fragrance of coffee grinds is said to repel deer.

Is red pepper effective in deterring deer?

Plants should be sprayed with a homemade hot pepper spray (1 gallon water, 4-5 tablespoons of cayenne pepper and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil). 6. Chicken feathers, ammonia, scented fabric softener strips, or fish meal are all good alternatives. Deer will be deterred by blood meal/dried blood, however it may bring predators to your yard.

Is it true that bleach repels deer?

The majority of chlorine bleach in the home is water. When it evaporates, sodium is left behind. So, after a few hours or days, your bleach has worn off and you’re left with salt, which is what attracts deer.

What odor does a deer find repulsive?

Plants that are very fragrant and in the disagreeable fragrance group for deer are considered repellent. Perennial plants like artemisia, tansy, and yarrow are common examples. Mint, thyme, tarragon, oregano, dill, and chives are examples of culinary herbs that may be interplanted throughout the garden.

Is it true that spicy sauce kills plants?

The combination of hot sauce and other harmless chemicals, such as mild dish detergent, may deter a variety of insects, including garden mites, worms, and caterpillars, while causing no damage to the plant or the gardener.

Is peppermint oil effective in keeping deer away?

Peppermint and lemongrass oils are combined in the Mint Scent Deer Repellent to successfully and delightfully deter deer. Many insects are attracted to botanical oils, so while you’re spraying for deer, you’re also helping to minimize pest infestations.


Pepper spray works by swelling the mucus membrane of the person it's sprayed at.


While you're mixing the pepper spray, make absolutely sure you don't put your hands near your eyes. The chemicals are specifically designed to cause pain in your eyes. Use eye goggles if you have a set of them at hand.

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Why It Works

Hot sauce is not harmful to deer. Rather, it creates a burning sensation in their mouths and throats, akin to what humans feel when they eat it. Because deer are both averse to this feeling as well as suspicious of new sensations, they will move on and not touch plants treated with hot sauce again.

How to Make It

Hot sauce repellents are simple solutions of hot sauce and water. You should also add a surfactant, which helps the solution stick to the leaves instead of simply running off once applied. Oil or glue both work well, and commercial retention additives can also work.

How to Apply It

Apply repellent on a dry day when temperatures are above freezing. Spray the solution using a spray bottle or applicator to all parts of leaves and stems that you want deer to avoid. Spray thoroughly, until these parts are entirely coated. Deer usually target tender new growth, so concentrate your applications there.


Be aware that for hot sauce to work effectively as a repellent, the deer will actually have to taste it. This means you will lose some new growth on your plants, so apply the hot sauce pre-emptively -- before you plant more of something, say, or before ornamentals flower.


1.Videos of How Do You Make Hot Pepper Spray For Deer


14 hours ago  · Pour the water into the blender and add the cayenne pepper. Fill your plant sprayer with the repellent and apply it to your plants.

2.How to Get Rid of Animal Pests With Hot Pepper Spray: …


6 hours ago  · Ingredients 1 gallon of water 10 to 12 hot peppers chopped fine or 5 tablespoons of hot pepper flakes (cayenne works well for dry) 10 individual cloves of garlic, …

3.3 Ways Cayenne Pepper Repels Deer (and How to Use …


2 hours ago  · To make pepper spray, combine four tablespoons Tabasco (or any other red pepper hot sauce) with one teaspoon dish soap in a quart of water. Combine all …

4.How do you make hot sauce deer repellent? - From …


27 hours ago  · To make pepper spray, combine four tablespoons Tabasco (or any other red pepper hot sauce) with one teaspoon dish soap in a quart of water. Combine all ingredients in …

5.How do you make hot sauce deer repellent?


10 hours ago How to Apply It Apply repellent on a dry day when temperatures are above freezing. Spray the solution using a spray bottle or applicator to all parts of leaves and stems that you want deer...

6.How to Make Pepper Spray (with Pictures) - wikiHow


29 hours ago

7.Hot Sauce as Deer Repellent | Home Guides | SF Gate


3 hours ago

8.How to Make an Animal Repellent Out of Hot Peppers


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