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how do you plant amaranth globes

by Mr. Diego Cruickshank PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How To Grow Globe Amaranth From Seed

  • Planting The Seeds. We plant all of our flower seeds indoors in late winter and early spring. ...
  • Maintaining A Moist Medium. Maintaining a moist medium during the germination process is very important. ...
  • Bottom Heat. ...
  • Grow Lights. ...
  • Hardening Off. ...
  • Transplanting Out. ...

Globe amaranth performs best in garden soil, but you can also put them in containers. Space plants 12 to 18 inches (31-46 cm.) apart and keep them moderately moist. Globe amaranth can tolerate periods of dryness, but they perform best with even moisture.May 18, 2021

Full Answer

Can you grow globe amaranth from seed?

These plants will also freely self-seed in the garden, though it will take some time for the volunteers to mature in the spring. You can start globe amaranth from seed, but the plants take about eight weeks from seed to flower, so it's best to start seeds indoors in late winter for earliest blooms.

How do you plant Gomphrena amaranth?

Gomphrena grows well in average garden soil to slightly sandy soil. Plants still bloom in heavy clay but height may be somewhat stunted. Globe amaranth tolerates wet or dry conditions, but don’t plant in areas with standing water.

How far apart to plant amaranth seeds?

Seeds aren’t fussy to start and will germinate in under a week in temperatures between 65-80°F. Thin seedlings 10-12 inches apart after they’ve sprouted. Plant seeds or transplants in the garden 6 to 18-inches apart with 18 inches between rows. Amaranth is a tall plant and can get up to 8-feet tall depending on the variety and conditions.

How do you take care of globe amaranth?

Globe Amaranth Maintenance and Care. Globe amaranth is a low maintenance flower. The plants are light feeders, and if you mulch them with compost, you won’t need to fertilize them at all. Gomphrena is virtually pest-free, but mildew can sometimes be a problem on crowded plants.


How do you plant amaranth seeds from Globes?

0:563:16How to Collect and Grow Globe Amaranth From Seed - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipBut it is not necessary. And quite frankly a waste of time i am liberally sprinkling the white braxMoreBut it is not necessary. And quite frankly a waste of time i am liberally sprinkling the white brax into a container with pre-moistened potting medium that is made up of a mixture of local soil

Do globe amaranth come back every year?

G. globosa is a tender annual in USDA Hardiness Zones 2 through 8, where it blooms continuously from summer through to the first frost. In Zones 9 to 11 it can grow as an annual and be removed at season's end, or it may be left in the ground to return as a short-lived perennial.

Are globe amaranth easy to grow?

Like most true annuals, globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) is easy to grow and it matures fairly quickly. It is a compact plant with upward growing stems that produce cheerful clover-like bracts in a lovely magenta color over a long bloom period.

Do you cut back globe amaranth?

Globe amaranth does not need pinching or deadheading to put on a continuous show of blooms. However, if you want to encourage bushier growth, especially when growing taller varieties, you can pinch back plants by about half early in the growing season, cutting the stems just above a set of leaves.

When should I start globe amaranth?

Start seeds indoors six weeks before the last frost. They will germinate faster if you soak them in water prior to planting. If you wish to sow them outdoors, wait until the soil has warmed and there is no chance of frost. Choose a site in full sun with good drainage.

Is globe amaranth invasive?

Although not native to North America, neither the Gomphrena species nor its cultivars are invasive or aggressive. They may self-seed, but not extensively, and seedlings are easily removed if not wanted in the garden.

Should I pinch globe amaranth?

Pinch out the first flowers to encourage a bushier plant with more flowers or let them grow for a more open look. They will bloom much better if regularly cut.

Is globe amaranth toxic to dogs?

No, do not allow your dog to eat amaranth leaves. They are part of the plant that is toxic for dogs. The leaves, stems, and roots of the amaranth plant are all toxic to dogs. If you think your dog ate the leaves or other parts of the plant, rinse out their mouth with water and contact your vet immediately.

How long does it take to grow amaranth?

three monthsHarvesting and Eating Amaranth Amaranth grains are usually ready to harvest within three months of planting. But you can start picking the leaves long before that. Simply cut the bottommost, older leaves first, taking care to not damage the stems of the inner leaves.

Does amaranth attract bees?

Plan ahead and get seeds of Hopi Red Dye amaranth to plant in this year's garden or around the flowerbeds. In addition to being a great food source, it attracts bees, butterflies and birds. You can eat the leaves and still collect the seeds.

What is globe amaranth good for?

Amaranth is highly vitamin-rich and is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin K, vitamin C, folate and riboflavin. The pretty pink flowers also contain numerous minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron, copper, magnesium, phosphorus and especially manganese.

How do you harvest amaranth globe?

Drying Gomphrena Flowers The stems can also be removed and the flowers attached to wreaths using hot glue if desired. For drying, harvest Gomphrena after the flowers have fully opened. Strip the velvety leaves and gather them into bunches using string or a light wrapping with rubber bands.

What's the difference between annual and perennial?

So, what's the difference? Perennial plants regrow every spring, while annual plants live for only one growing season, then die off. Perennials generally have a shorter blooming period compared to annuals, so it's common for gardeners to use a combination of both plants in their yard.

Do Gomphrena reseed?

Gomphrena stems make long-lasting cut flowers. In warm climates, gomphrena sometimes reseeds but it is never invasive.

How tall does globe amaranth get?

Gomphrena grows one to two feet tall and about a foot wide with stiff, erect branched stems. The opposite leaves are long and slender. They start out wooly-white when young, but lose this characteristic as they age but remain hairy.

Should I pinch amaranth?

For best results and more manageable blooms, it's advisable to “pinch” the plants. If they are not pinched, they tend to grow very large (over 6 foot tall!) and have thick stems that are much too big to use in most floral arrangements (below, you will see an example of Amaranth plants I forgot to pinch!

How to increase germination rate of globe amaranth?

Plant many more seeds than you need, as germination rates are low. You may increase your germination success by using an electric heat mat. Don't worry about spending money to buy enough seeds for your flowerbed; it’s easy to collect seed from globe amaranth flowers.

What is the flavor of globe amaranth?

Though the stiff blooms aren't exactly pleasing to the palate, the fresh or dried blossoms produce a vibrant pink hot tea with a mild grassy flavor. The stiff, uniform flowers of globe amaranth make it a popularly featured ingredient in blooming teapots . Read More.

What is the best plant to plant in a container garden?

Globe amaranth works well in container gardens as a tall accent plant. Combine it with a mounding plant such as vinca, and a trailing plant such as petunias for a full, lush look. Include globe amaranth in your butterfly garden, or grow globe amaranth with other flowers that you can dry for crafts, like paper daisy or statice .

What flowers go well with lavender lady?

No Victorian cottage garden should be without 'Lavender Lady', whose dusky pink flowers pair well with white or pastel blooms in the landscape. Gardeners who appreciate a riot of colors should try the Gomphrena ' QIS Formula Mix', which includes pink, orange, red, purple, and white blooms.

Is globe amaranth a perennial or annual?

If you aren't familiar with globe amaranth flowers, there are several reasons to get to know this low-care landscape plant. Like most true annuals, globe amaranth ( Gomphrena globosa) is easy to grow and it matures fairly quickly. It is a compact plant with upward growing stems that produce cheerful clover-like bracts in a lovely magenta color ...

Does amaranth need to be deadheaded?

It is a low maintenance flower with a preference for well-drained soil and a full sun location. Globe amaranth will bloom freely throughout the season without deadheading, but you will probably want to add some of these long-lasting blooms to your vase, so shear away.

Does globe amaranth grow in the same soil?

If you find that globe amaranth grows well in your garden, then consider planting other garden amaranth varieties with it, as they all thrive in the same growing conditions of hot sunshine and average soil and moisture conditions.

How to harvest globe amaranth?

Harvest the flowers when they first open with a good length of stiff stem. Tie the stems together and hang the bundle in a cool, dry location. Once dried, they may be used with the stems or remove the flowers and add to potpourri. The flowers also work nicely in fresh flower arrangements. General care of globe amaranth flowers is ...

How tall does a globe amaranth grow?

Globe amaranth plants ( Gomphrena globosa) grow from 6 to 12 inches (15-31 cm.) high. They have fine white hairs covering young growth, which matures to thick green stems. The leaves are oval and arranged alternately along the stem. The blooms of globe amaranth start in June and may last until October. The flower heads are clusters of florets that resemble large clover flowers. They range in color from pink, yellow, white, and lavender.

What color is globe amaranth?

They range in color from pink, yellow, white, and lavender. An interesting bit of globe amaranth info is that the flowers dry well. They make excellent additions to everlasting bouquets to brighten the interior of your home. Growing globe amaranth from seed is common in most zones, but the plants are also readily available in most nurseries ...

How long do amaranth flowers last?

Change the water every couple of days and cut off a tiny bit of stem to open up the capillaries again. Amaranth flowers can last up to a week with good care. Expect the plants to die back when cold temperatures appear, but don’t get distressed!

Where is Globe Amaranth native to?

Globe amaranth plants are native to Central America but do well in all the USDA plant hardiness zones. The plant is a tender annual, but it tends to reseed itself for years of consistent blooms in the same area. Learning how to grow globe amaranth is easy and its round blooms will attract butterflies and important garden pollinators.

How to start a sage plant indoors?

Start seeds indoors six weeks before the last frost. They will germinate faster if you soak them in water prior to planting. If you wish to sow them outdoors, wait until the soil has warmed and there is no chance of frost. Choose a site in full sun with good drainage.

When do globe amaranths bloom?

The leaves are oval and arranged alternately along the stem. The blooms of globe amaranth start in June and may last until October. The flower heads are clusters of florets that resemble large clover flowers. They range in color from pink, yellow, white, and lavender.

Plant History and Cultivation

These unique flowers originated in Central America and came north in the 1700s.

How to Grow

It is good practice to cut the flower stems to have consistent blooms.


There are several popular varieties of this particular flower. Figuring out which variety is best for your garden will depend on a variety of different factors, including your hardiness zone, soil type, and what the climate is like where you live. Let’s look at the most popular varieties.


When dried, this plant holds color well for almost an infinite amount of time.

Plant Uses

Other than being used as cut or dried flowers, they also have medicinal properties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. This plant is native to the southern part of the United States, Mexico, Central America, and South America, so this plant will thrive in warm, dry conditions with full sun. In fact, if planted as a transplant in the garden in late Spring when conditions are still quite cool, you may notice that it will take your gomphrena a while to grow.

Final Thoughts

Globe amaranth is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a plant that is tolerant of hot, dry conditions and full sun.

How far apart should I plant a sage plant?

When growing in the ground, each plant should be planted at least 10-12 inch or 20-25 cm apart from next one. Every row should be at least 12-15 inch or 25-30 cm apart. You change this length if you want, but I prefer this for best bloom in flowering season. Providing proper gaps between each plant will help them to develop new branches. More branches mean more flowers.

How do you grow gomphrena?

You can grow gomphrena from its seeds as well as from cuttings. Growing amaranth from seeds is the most common way. Commercial farmers always prefer cutting over seeds. Though, there is no significant difference in plant quality grown in either way.

How tall does Gomphrena Haageana grow?

Though you can find shorter plants blooming in the flowering season. Sometimes in better soil quality and climatic conditions, these plants can grow up to 30 inches or 60 cm taller covering half a meter area in diameter. The maximum height of Gomphrena Haageana is a little bit taller than gomphrena globosa.

How many flowers are in a Gomphrena plant?

It is easily identified from distances due to the numbers and bright color. You can easily find 1000’s of flowers in a single gomphrena plant. Each flower of gomphrena or globe amaranth is not a single flower.

When should I harvest gomphrena seeds?

You can easily harvest gomphrena seeds anytime throughout the year. The best seed to harvest is that which is dried by itself on the plant. I know it is very hard to wait for 3 to 4 months to get self-dried gomphrena flowers. That’s why I recommend leaving the flowers in the plant that blooms after the first monsoon or rainy season. These flowers will be ready to harvest before the frost. Meanwhile, follow these step to harvest gomphrena.

How many flowers are in a globe?

Technically it is a bunch of tiny flowers. You can even notice individual bloom in each of these tiny flowers. Every globe contains around 100 individual flowers. Each flower is expected to develop one seed, which you can grow again.

Can I sow seeds in the ground?

Step1: You can sow the seeds directly in the ground also , but I recommend to grow seedlings before transplanting them to your garden.

How to grow amaranth seeds outdoors?

If you direct seed outdoors, wait for soil temps to reach 65°F. Amaranth seeds are small, so sprinkle them onto prepared soil and top with a thin layer of earth.

What soil is best for amaranth?

Soil Requirements. Amaranth is flexible when it comes to soil but prefers well-drained earth with a pH between 6.0 to 7.5 , so spread some cottonseed meal or coffee grounds in the row where you are going to plant. If you can, it’s best to do this in the fall before spring planting.

What causes a bump on the root of an amaranth plant?

These microscopic worm-shaped invertebrates are parasites that eat your plant’s roots. As they munch down on your plant, they excrete an enzyme which causes swelling . This is the bump or gall you may see on plant roots. You can buy organic soil soaks that contain saponins to kill the nematodes.

How many varieties of amaranth are there?

Amaranth Varieties. Different species of amaranth will produce different qualities of leaves, flowers or seeds. There are over 70 different varieties, so there are plenty of options depending on your goals. Below are a few types to help you pick.

Why is amaranth considered an ancient grain?

You often hear amaranth called an ancient grain because it was once grown and harvested by Aztec and Inca civilizations. Technically, while we think of amaranth as one, it’s not related to true grains such as corn or wheat.

What is the best fertilizer for amaranth?

Amaranth likes nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, so a garden with lots of compost manure will make them happy. In addition, I like to use fish emulsion on my leaf crops.

Is amaranth related to wheat?

Technically, while we think of amaranth as one, it’s not related to true grains such as corn or wheat. Amaranth is related to spinach and swiss chard. I first started growing amaranth because I was taking the plant’s vibrant red flowers to the farmers market.

How much water does an amaranth plant need?

Amaranth plants have average needs for water, requiring no more than 1 inch per week. Take care not to overwater your plant, or you run the risk of root rot or fungal diseases .

How to harvest amaranth grains?

To harvest amaranth grains, let the plant go all the way to flower. Keep an eye on the flowers as they bloom and begin to die back. Before they all turn brown, cut the flowers off and place them in bags, where they will dry. Shake the bag once they are dry, or knock the seeds loose over a cloth.

What does red leaf amaranth taste like?

Red-leaf amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor): This varietal has especially nutritious foliage that tastes like slightly tangy spinach. 'Molten Fire' and ' Joseph's Coat ' are popular cultivars of this species.

How long does it take for amaranth to grow?

When planting amaranth outdoors, sow seeds about 4 inches apart, barely covering them with soil. Germination generally takes seven to 14 days. As they sprout, thin the plants out to a spacing of 10 to 18 inches.

What are the pests that can be found in amaranth?

Amaranth can fall prey to many of the same pests and diseases that affect other vegetables. Aphids and flea beetles are common; insecticidal soaps are a good remedy for the former, and floating row covers will protect the plants from the latter.

Where is amaranth native to?

But those sold as edible varieties are selected for their good seed production and especially tasty leaves. Amaranth is native to North America and Central America, and is usually planted from seed as soon as the last frost has passed in the spring.

Is amaranth an ornamental plant?

Today, most gardeners are familiar with the species as ornamental plants, and many don't even realize that amaranths are also edible plants that can be grown for their grain-like seeds and edible leaves. In fact, this was once the primary reason amaranth served as a staple in home cottage gardens. Historically, the use of amaranth as an ornamental ...

How to harvest amaranth seeds?

Another way to harvest the amaranth is once the seeds begin to readily fall from the tassels, take the seed heads in your hands and rub them over a bucket to catch the seed. The latter method will require multiple harvests in this manner to remove any remaining seeds as they dry.

When is amaranth ready to harvest?

They are ready to harvest when they begin to fall from the flower head (tassel). Give the tassel a gentle shake. If you see seeds falling from the tassel, it’s amaranth harvest time.

How many species of amaranth are there?

While of the 60-70 species of amaranth, 40 are considered native to the Americas, you are likely growing one of three: A. hypochondriacus (Prince’s Feather), A. cruentus (Purple Amaranth) or A. tricolor (Tampala, which is grown chiefly for its leaves). The seeds from the first two are off-white to pale pink, while the latter is black and shiny.

How long does amaranth seed last?

Stir the seed around on occasion until they are completely dry. Store them in an air tight container in a cool, dry area for up to 6 months.

When do amaranth seeds ripen?

Seeds ripen about three months after planting, usually in the mid- to late summer, depending on your climate and when you planted .

Is amaranth a nutrient rich plant?

If you are growing amaranth, it’s no wonder, with its nutrient rich greens and seeds. Plus, the seed heads are truly lovely and add a unique focal point to the landscape. So when the amaranth seed heads are plainly visible, is it time to harvest the amaranth? How do you know when to harvest amaranth? Read on to find out how to harvest amaranth and other information about harvesting amaranth grains.

Is amaranth a contaminant?

The seeds from the first two are off-white to pale pink, while the latter is black and shiny. Harvesting amaranth grains from all types of amaranth is okay but, in some arenas, mixing the black se ed in with the paler grains is considered to be a contaminant, which is purely cosmetic in thinking since they are all edible.


1.Videos of How Do You Plant Amaranth Globes


1 hours ago  · Cut the flower heads or whole stems off the plant. Crush the globe gently within your hand to loosen the seeds and remove the colorful, papery husks (bracts). Store the seeds …

2.How to Grow Globe Amaranth (Beginner's Guide)


32 hours ago 1. Grow gomphrena from seed or transplant. Start seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before your last frost date . Surface sow seeds on the soil. Gomphrena needs light to sprout. Plant transplants when …

3.Globe Amaranth Info: Learn How To Grow Globe …


16 hours ago  · Set out bedding plants 2 to 3 weeks after the last spring frost date. If growing from seeds, start them indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost or scatter them directly in …

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