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how do you plant thuja plicata

by Jarret Glover Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Then all you need to do is:

  • Place the plant vertically and cover the roots with soil.
  • Fill the hole with water and once it sinks into the ground - refill it with soil.
  • Even the surface and water the plant again.
  • You can put a garden foil and tree bark on top of the ground - it prevents the water from evaporating.

This species grows in full sun to full shade and prefers consistently moist, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.0 to 8.0. It does not tolerate drought. Use as a specimen for large yards, at the edges of ponds, streams, or bogs, and for screening.

Full Answer

How do you propagate Thuja?

Propagate in summer using fresh cuttings. Thuja grows easily in both full sun and partial shade. However, exposure to cold harsh winds can be damaging to young plants. Thuja grows in most soil types. But the best soil for it is fertile soil that has ability to retain moisture.

How tall do Thuja plicata trees grow?

It gets around 15 to 30 feet tall and can spread up to 12 feet. It has an upright growth pattern while the Thuja Plicata plant grows and spreads in a horizontal direction. A single tree forms a compact narrow pyramid when it gets matured. The leaves of the Thuja Plicata ‘Virescens’ remain green throughout the year.

What is the best soil for Thuja?

Thuja grows in most soil types. But the best soil for it is fertile soil that has ability to retain moisture. It also tolerates very chalky soils. Water thuja deeply. Soil around it should be kept moist and covered, constantly, from a mulch of organic material.

How do you take care of Thuja plicata virescens?

The plant needs average quantities of water. These hedges require a combination of full to partial sun. Thuja Plicata Virescens dwell well in cooler regions as they are native to the forests with moist soils. The Hedge needs a minimum trimming frequency of once or twice a year.


How do you plant Thuja?

Dig a hole twice as wide and a little deeper than the container the Green Giant arrived in. Do not add any evergreen fertilizer or amendments. Mound up some soil in the middle of the hole, 3-6 inches high, and place the center of the root mass on top of the mound, spreading roots out in all directions around the hole.

How far apart should I plant Thuja?

For almost instant privacy diagonally stagger your trees 6-8 feet apart. For a traditional straight hedgerow, plant your Thuja Green Giants 5-6 feet apart.

How far from a fence should I plant a Thuja Green Giant?

If your screen or hedge is against a building, plant 6 feet from the wall, to protect the foundations. If you are planting against a fence, plant 3 feet from the fence so that the lower part of the plants remains bushy and the hedge remains on your side of the property line.

How do you take care of Thuja plicata?

Although they prefer slightly acidic soil, they adjust fine to soils that are alkaline and very acidic. After planting your Thuja Green Giant, keep the soil moist but not soggy or oversaturated. Thujas won't do well if they sit in standing water, so avoid low areas of your yard where standing water could collect.

How can I make my Thuja grow faster?

For the quickest growth in that first season, water-soluble fertilizer gives the best results. This soaks right down into the root zone, and it is quickly absorbed and used by the trees. Look for a blend made for evergreen hedges and follow the directions.

What is the fastest growing tree for privacy?

What are the fastest-growing trees for privacy? Hybrid poplar tops the list. It can grow upwards of five feet per year. The Leyland cypress, green giant arborvitae, and silver maple are all close seconds because they add about two feet to their height each year.

What happens if you plant green giants too close together?

The second problem is that plants naturally compete with each other for light, so by crowding them together they grow tall and skinny, and the lower branches quickly die, leaving your hedge bare and thin. A tall thin hedge is also much more likely to bend over or even break in a storm, strong winds or a blizzard.

Are Thuja tree roots invasive?

Thuja Green Giant roots are not known to be invasive or aggressive.

When can I plant Thuja?

The best time to plant thuja trees is between early spring and late autumn. The only exception is balled and burlapped plants - the latest time they can be planted is mid-August. Do not plant your trees later than 6 weeks before the first freezes.

How quickly does Thuja plicata grow?

Thuja Plicata Martin is characterized by fast, upright growth habit. This plant is suitable for a hedge. It produces a pleasant scent when you rub the leaves against something or between your fingers. This variety can achieve a growth rate of 40-60cm a year when grown under optimal conditions.

How fast do Thuja plicata grow?

2-3 feet per yearThe growth rate is fast, typically 2-3 feet per year. This tree will suffer in hot humid climates but may be able to grow in the NC mountains. This species grows in full sun to full shade and prefers consistently moist, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.0 to 8.0. It does not tolerate drought.

How often should I water Thuja?

So here is what to do: Water once a week for the first two months – allowing extra or less based on the points just raised. Then reduce that to every two weeks for the rest of the first growing season. In the second season, water whenever the soil looks dry for the top few inches.

How wide does a Thuja Green Giant grow?

12–20'Mature Size. The green giant arborvitae grows to a height of 50–60' and a spread of 12–20' at maturity.

How quickly do Thuja trees grow?

3 feet per yearThese trees can grow up to 3 feet per year until maturity in ideal growing conditions. Their ultimate height is 50-60 feet tall and their width can be up to 12-20 feet. Thuja Green Giants grow in a uniform, columnar shape, without homeowners having to worry about pruning or shearing.

What happens if you plant green giants too close together?

The second problem is that plants naturally compete with each other for light, so by crowding them together they grow tall and skinny, and the lower branches quickly die, leaving your hedge bare and thin. A tall thin hedge is also much more likely to bend over or even break in a storm, strong winds or a blizzard.

How far apart should I plant emerald green arborvitae?

Emerald Green Arborvitae Spacing For a privacy hedge, plant about 3 feet apart on center. This evergreen tree has very dense foliage and is fairly even in width from top to bottom, so you want to avoid planting Emerald Green trees too close.

What is a thuja plicata?

The thuja plicata virescens is a cultivar of the plant Western Red Cedar belonging to the family Cupressaceae (Cypress) and the genus Thuja. It has dark green foliage of a unique scale-like pattern with the specific shine adding to its beauty.

Where do Thuja Plicata Virescens live?

Thuja Plicata Virescens dwell well in cooler regions as they are native to the forests with moist soils.

How long does it take for a Thuja Virescens hedge to grow?

If you want a quick hedge filling then reduce the gap up to 2 feet to enhance the hedge forming ability of the plant. The Thuja Virescens hedge needs 7 to 12 months to gain good shape after the plantation.

How many species of thyia are there?

It has 5 main species: It derives its name from the word “thyia” in the ancient Greek language which means “sacrifice”. The specific aroma which comes from some members of the genus on being crushed gives reference to this name. Thuja Koraiensis. Thuja Standishii. Autchuenesis.

Where is Thuja Occidentalis native to?

Thuja Occidentalis is evergreen coniferous trees in the cypress family. These are native to Canada and Northeastern regions of the USA.

Is Thuja Occidentalis a good food for deer?

Deer Resistance. The Thuja Occidentalis is a preferred food for the deer so they can easily destroy the plants while roaming in the city. Thuja Plicata Virescens is not eatable for the deer. This deer resistance makes it a preferable option as compared to others.

How tall is the Thuja?

It is the tallest of all other species of the Thuja. It gets around 15 to 30 feet tall and can spread up to 12 feet.

How to regrow Thuja?

To remedy the issue, increase watering and prune away any brown or yellowing foliage. Unlike Cupressus Leylandii, Thuja will regrow if the dead foliage is cut back. In fact, Thuja will naturally have some browning regardless of the conditions, but pruning and feeding will assist in producing new foliage each year.

How to keep Thuja plants from browning in winter?

The key is to provide enough moisture to the root system. In winter, this can be achieved by placing a layer of mulch mixture to protect the roots from drying out. In case your Thuja already has browning foliage, simply cut back the dead growth- and the foliage will regenerate in the spring. 2019-08-07T09:00:27+00:00.

Why are my thujas turning yellow?

This will ensure your new Thujas do not dry out or get yellowing or browning of the foliage- which is a common symptom of insufficient watering. Feeding. After your Thuja root balls have been thoroughly soaked, you should also use liquid fertiliser to encourage new growth.

What is a Thuja tree?

Thuja Care. Thuja is a coniferous plant popular for hedging as it stays dense and bushy and can create a great habitat for birds. There are many varieties of Thuja, but the most popular cultivars belong to the Thuja Plicata ( Western Red Cedar) and Thuja Occidentalis ( Northern White Cedar) groups. Even with the diversity ...

How to keep Thuja from drying out?

To prevent Thuja drying in the winter, when it should not be watered, rely on mulch to protect the roots and keep moisture at an optimal level. A combination of composted bark chippings mixed with compost is our prefered choice.

Why is my Thuja plant turning brown?

If the foliage of your new plant turns from green (or golden, like in the case of Thuja Occidentalis Golden Globe or Thuja occidentalis Fire Chief White Cedar Congabe) to a dull brown, it is a sign that something is wrong with the plant. Usually, the underlying issue is that the root system is not getting enough water.

How to prevent thuja from browning?

To prevent common Thuja problems such as browning, make sure to water properly and feed with a liquid fertiliser. As a rule of thumb, most Thuja cultivars under 3 years of age will do well if watered every other day. The key is to provide enough moisture to the root system.

How to tell if a thuja tree is disease free?

One way to know if something is wrong with your thuja is by watching the evergreen needles. If they change color, turn brown, fall off you know that something is wrong.

How much water does a giant shrub need?

Your Green Giant shrub will need about an inch of water, either from rainfall or irrigation, per week. Renew the mulch layer as needed to protect the roots from drying out, freezing, or overheating, and to smother weeds. Use an organic mulch that will decompose and add nutrients to the soil. Try to maintain a mulch layer 3-6 inches deep around the tree at all times, but keep it a couple of inches away from the trunk itself.

How fast does an arborvitae grow?

You may be wondering how fast do arborvitae grow? The thuja green giant arborvitae growth rate puts on 3-5 feet per year of height. A row of rich Green Giants will quickly create a privacy screen that blocks the wind and snow, and blocks the view. The dark green foliage of the green giant plant can grow in a wide range of soils. The green needles may darken to reddish brown or bronze slightly in winter.

What is the best soil for a green giant?

Green Giant performs best on moist, fertile, well-drained, loamy soils in full sun to partial shade. It will not survive on varieties of soils that are wet sites, poorly drained, or ones that stay soggy, and it doesn’t like highly compacted soils. Ideal conditions in USDA planting zones 5 and 6, at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is best; in warmer climates, a little shade, especially in the afternoon, won’t hurt. Check out our Where Should I Plant Thuja Green Giant blog for more info. As always, perform a soil test if you are unsure.

How to loosen stuck roots on a plant?

If the plant is stuck, you can slip a long-bladed knife around the inside edge to loosen it. Gently loosen some of the roots along the sides and bottom of the root mass, and pull them outward so they are not encircling the root mass. It shouldn’t be necessary to prune any of the roots unless they are wound around the circumference of the pot. In that case the offending roots should be shortened so that when they are in the ground they will grow outward and not continue growing in a circle.

Is a Thuja tree a living tree?

Thuja Green Giant tree has become one of the most popular trees for creating a living screen. It’s no wonder: Green Giant is an evergreen plant throughout the year; it is adaptable to most soil types; it is tolerant of light shade and of moderate drought; and it grows extremely fast. Thuja arborvitae has been called the tree of life in latin and was brought to North America to be put in the United States National Arboretum in 1967 from Denmark.

Do green thujas need water?

Newly planted green Thujas will need plenty of water the first growing season to establish strong roots.

How fast does Arborvitae grow?

Arborvitae are a slow growing plant variety (generally less than 12 inches per year of new growth), which is why I believe when this crossed hybrid was found to be a more rapid grower, it become the "spokes tree" for the variety.

How tall are arborvitae?

When field transplanting, we typically used Green Giant liners that were 6 to 8 inches tall. At the end of the first growing season, the field plants varied from 10 inches to 30 inches tall. By the end of the second summer, their heights often reached 22 to 40 inches. Arborvitae are a slow growing plant variety ...

Can Thuja Green Giants grow fast?

While I am not a fan of seeing the Thuja Green Giants. advertised as one that puts on amazing growth each year, these are plants that be used for hedges, privacy screens and even as specimen trees. Having real expectations that it will not grow as quickly as some of the faster growing deciduous trees do, but appreciate its uniqueness and you will not be disappointed.

What kind of soil does Thuja like?

The thuja shrub copes well with any type of soil.

How tall can a thuja grow?

Pruning thuja shrubs and thuja hedges. If your thuja is never pruned, it can grow to reach nearly 65 feet (20 meters) and its bearing will be a distinctive cone. For hedges, select the pruning height you are comfortable with as well as the thickness.

Where is Thuja native to?

Learn more about thuja. The thuja tree is native to North America, where it’s commonly called Arborvitae, which means “tree of life” in Latin. This name was given it for its evergreen foliage that stays put from January to December.

Is Thuja a hedge?

Thuja, a true hedge conifer. Thuja isn’t the most elegant conifer, nor is it a hedge shrub that is particularly supportive of biodiversity, but it does, however, excel in cutting off the view for intrusive onlookers.

Can thuja be wiped out?

Thuja is very disease-resistant and resists fungus, too. Although it’s rare, an occurrence of fire blight can wipe a complete hedge out in only a few days. Branches turn brown and die and this can lead to the death of the entire tree. Be careful!

How to propagate thuja?

Trying to propagate thuja cuttings during any other time of the year results in less than satisfactory results. Take thuja cuttings from healthy trees to keep the spread of disease to a minimum. Make the cuttings about 6 to 8 inches long. Remove the bottom 4 inches of vegetation from the stem of the cuttings.

How to keep thuja from growing?

Remove the plastic when the roots develop, and move the growing tray into direct sunlight. Keep watering and maintaining the thuja cuttings until a healthy root system develops.

How to get rid of thuja cuttings?

Dip the thuja cuttings into the rooting compound and stick them in the holes. Remove air pockets by tamping the soil around the plant cuttings. Air pockets breed bacteria, which kills cuttings. Fill the growing tray with potting soil. Remove air pockets by tamping the soil around the plant cuttings.

How to remove air pockets from a plant?

Remove air pockets by tamping the soil around the plant cuttings.

How tall does a Green Giant Thuja tree grow?

The green giant thuja remains in the public domain of plants, allowing anyone the right to propagate its cuttings. This majestic conifer grows upwards to 60 feet during its lifetime, making it a good specimen for wind breaks and privacy hedging.

When does Thuja deliver cuttings?

Thuja delivers quality cuttings in the winter after the tree reaches dormancy.

How to ventilate a growing tray?

Ventilate the growing tray daily by removing the plastic for at least an hour a day. Check for mold growth and discard any infected or dead cuttings, so contamination does not spread through the entire tray.


1.Videos of How Do You Plant Thuja Plicata


9 hours ago  · Care of Thuja Plicata Virescens. Soil Requirements. The conifer grows in a variety of PH of the soil. They even grow on soils with chock contamination. However, it dwells great …

2.How to Plant Thuja | Care and Growing Arborvitae


28 hours ago  · Or better yet for a unique green giant hedge, plant them in two rows, 4 feet apart, with the trees staggered 8-15 feet apart within each row. The row (s) should be at least 6-8 …

3.Thuja Care and Planting Advice - Paramount Plants and …


25 hours ago Plant Type: Tree. Distribution: Thuja plicata grows from Alaska to northern California (including British Columbia) and east to Alberta, Idaho, and Montana. In Washington, this tree grows on …



15 hours ago  · Avoid contamination of the master supply of rooting compound by pouring 2 tablespoons of the compound into a separate dish. Dip the thuja cuttings into the rooting …

5.Planting and Growing The Thuja Green Giant Arborvitae


20 hours ago

6.Thuja plicata - WNPS Home


13 hours ago

7.Thuja, a true hedge conifer - Nature and garden


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8.Garden Guides | How to Propagate Thuja Cuttings


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