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how do you prepare for cataract surgery

by Jaylan Von Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery

  • Understanding Cataracts. In most cases, the development of cataracts is considered a normal process of aging, and a large majority of individuals over the age of 50 suffer from them.
  • Pre-surgical Evaluation. ...
  • Cataract Lens choice. ...
  • The Night before Cataract Surgery. ...
  • The Day of Cataract Surgery. ...
  • After the Procedure. ...

Full Answer

What can I expect during and after my cataract surgery?

You should be able to go home on the same day as your cataract surgery. You may have a pad and plastic shield over your treated eye when you leave hospital, which can usually be removed the day after surgery. Feeling should start to return to your eye within a few hours of surgery, but it may take a few days for your vision to fully return.

What questions should you ask before cataract surgery?

When considering cataract surgery, keep these questions in mind:

  • Can you see to safely do your job and to drive?
  • Do you have problems reading or watching television?
  • Is it difficult to cook, shop, do yardwork, climb stairs or take medications?
  • Do vision problems affect your level of independence?
  • Do bright lights make it more difficult to see?

How long is the recovery time after cataract surgery?

The recovery time for cataract surgery is short. Any soreness and discomfort should disappear within a couple of days. However, depending on the nature and size of your cataracts, and your physiology and ability and heal, full recovery could take anything from four weeks to six weeks.

What should you expect after cataract surgery?

  • Loss of vision
  • Decreasing vision
  • Increasing pain
  • Increasing redness,
  • Sticky discharge from the eye
  • Cloudiness of the cornea (the clear window of the eye)
  • A shadow in the vision that increases in size


Do and don'ts before cataract surgery?

Unless otherwise instructed by Dr. Silk, do not eat or drink past midnight on the day before your appointment. It's also important to abstain from consuming any alcoholic beverages (like wine, beer, or liquor) for at least 24 hours prior to cataract surgery.

How do you prepare your eyes for cataract surgery?

For surgical site preparation in cataract surgery, a drop of 5% povidone-iodine should first be instilled in the operative eye (see Watch It Now). Next, the eyelashes and eyelid margins are carefully scrubbed with cotton-tipped applicators soaked in 10% povidone-iodine.

Can you brush your teeth before cataract surgery?

Yes, it is ok to brush your teeth prior to cataract surgery. If you have been asked to fast prior to the surgery, you should use as little water as possible and try to not drink anything during or after brushing your teeth.

Do you have to take your clothes off for cataract surgery?

Dress comfortably: During surgery, you won't need to change into a gown, so practitioners advise wearing comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. No change of clothes is necessary, though you may want to bring an extra shirt as fluids used in the surgery may drip down, Make sure to wear a shirt or top that has buttons.

What happens if you blink during cataract surgery?

The eye drops act as an anesthetic. As you blink, the drops spread over your eye, numbing the surface. This allows you to feel no pain or discomfort during the surgery. When the eye is completely numb, an instrument will be used to hold your eye open while the procedure is completed.

How can I overcome my fear of cataract surgery?

How to Overcome the Fear of Cataract SurgeryTip #1: Know the numbers. Sometimes, it's helpful to know the specific data. ... Tip #2: Keep the benefits in mind. The reason you're a candidate for this surgery is because you need it. ... Tip #3: Learn more about the surgery. ... Tip #4: Speak with your medical team.

How many days rest is required after cataract surgery?

Most people see better 1 to 3 days after surgery. But it could take 3 to 10 weeks to get the full benefits of surgery and to see as clearly as possible. Your doctor may send you home with a bandage, patch, or clear shield on your eye. This will keep you from rubbing your eye.

How soon can you drive after cataract surgery in one eye?

Most patients are able to resume driving 24 hours after cataract surgery.

How soon can I eat after cataract surgery?

We advise all of our patients to avoid cooking for at least one week after cataract surgery. After surgery, your eyes will need time to heal. They might be more sensitive than normal, so it's important to avoid any activities that may cause them any stress.

Do they cover your face during cataract surgery?

At the beginning of surgery, your ophthalmic surgeon will clean the skin around the eye and place a plastic cover on the eyelid so that partially covers your face and if your surgery is under local anaesthetic you have some oxygen to breathe and space around your mouth to feel comfortable and non-claustrophobic.

How many days after cataract surgery can you wash your face?

How Do You Wash Your Face After Cataract Surgery? Your surgery should not come at the expense of your hygiene, however you should avoid exposing your eye to direct water contact for at least a week. You can resume washing your face the day after your surgery while being careful to not touch your eye.

Should I keep my eye closed after cataract surgery?

Keep Your Eyes Protected Directly after your surgery, your eye(s) are covered with a clear, protective shield to protect against rubbing, dirt, and pollutants.

How many hours before cataract surgery can you eat?

What is the correct way for fasting before cataract surgery? NO solid food is to be eaten for at least 6 hours prior to your admission time. NO fluids (except water, black tea or black coffee) are to be taken for at least 2 hours before your admission time.

What medications should be stopped before cataract surgery?

1. MEDICATIONS To minimize the risk of blood loss during your surgery, you must avoid or stop taking medications that contain aspirin, that are anti-inflammatory medications, or contain blood thinning agents. These should be discontinued 7-10 days prior to your surgery.

What kind of physical do you need before cataract surgery?

If you're going to have eye surgery, such as to remove cataracts, you may be given some medical tests first. For example, you may have an electrocardiogram (EKG) to check the health of your heart, or a complete blood count (CBC) to check that you have a healthy number of red blood cells.

How many days before cataract surgery do you start eye drops?

You will begin taking eye drops about 2 days before cataract surgery. There are three types of drops: an antibiotic and two anti-inflammatory medications.

What to do if you don't understand cataract surgery?

If there is anything you do not understand about the process and procedures around having a cataract surgery, simply ask your doctor for clarification. It is important to be on the same page to ensure a successful surgery and recovery.

What to wear to cataract surgery?

What you wear to your cataract surgery is up to you, however we recommend clean, comfortable, and loose-fitting clothing. Having a shirt that buttons up the front can be helpful as occasionally the fluid used to wash out the cataract may drip down and get your clothing damp. With this in mind, it may be a good idea to bring a spare shirt in case you need to change after the surgery.

How long does cataract surgery take?

The surgery itself usually takes an hour or less to perform, and is conducted by an ophthalmologist. It is an entirely painless procedure as you will receive local anesthetics to numb the eye, and will likely receive a sedative to help you relax.

What is cataract in 2020?

Written by Lisa McIntire. A cataract is a common medical condition where protein builds up in the lens of the eye, making it progressively more opaque and cloudy. This creates blurred or compromised vision that will likely worsen as the severity of the cataract increases.

How long does it take for vision to improve after cataract surgery?

You will have appointments with your eye doctor to monitor the healing process, and should expect to be fully healed from the surgery around one month from the operation.

Is cataract surgery safe?

While cataract surgery is generally safe, there are a number of things that you should do in advance to ensure a successful operation: About a week before your surgery, your doctor will measure the size and shape of your eye with a painless ultrasound test. The purpose of this is to determine the right type of lens implant to utilize during ...

What to take for eye surgery?

To help reduce the risk of complications, you may be prescribed antibiotic and/or anti-inflammatory eye drops to take in the days leading up to your surgery.

How to avoid cataract surgery?

Do not wear contact lenses. Avoid wearing contact lenses during the three days leading up to surgery. These may cause irritation to your eye, which could delay the cataract procedure. Get plenty of rest and wear your eye glasses instead. 5. Wear comfortable clothes and avoid cosmetics.

How to prevent infection after cataract surgery?

Dr. Silk will walk you through this regimen. Make sure to follow the treatment instructions and apply eye drops as indicated to help prevent any infection. The drops may be used on the day of the surgery, too.

What to wear to a surgical procedure?

Avoid wearing any makeup, perfume or cologne, aftershave, spray-on deodorant, or hairspray to the surgical center.

How long does it take to recover from cataract surgery?

We recommend requesting at least two or three days off from work to allow yourself proper recovery time.

What to wear for surgery?

We think you look great exactly as you are, so please don’t dress up for surgery. Wear warm, comfortable, and practical clothing ( avoid high heels) on the day of your surgery. Flat shoes with good, non-slip treading are best.

Can you drink alcohol before cataract surgery?

It’s also important to abstain from consuming any alcoholic beverages (like wine, beer, or liquor) for at least 24 hours prior to cataract surgery.

Can you drive home after surgery?

7. Prepare for your recovery. Most patients go home the same day of surgery, but you won’t be permitted to drive and will need to arrange for a ride. We recommend asking a friend or family member to accompany you to the surgical center, wait for you during the procedure, and drive you home after.

What is the only definitive treatment for cataracts?

Surgery, which is the only definitive treatment for cataracts, should be considered when the cataracts get to a point where they are affecting a patient’s ability to see well enough to do the things they need or want to do.

What to expect after cataract surgery?

People who have had cataract surgery have varying accounts of their experience but some of the common things that one can expect include; a feeling of grogginess due to the anesthesia, a mild amount of discomfort, and some itching and redness as well as a little fluid discharge from the eye.

What is the eye exam?

A detailed examination of the eye is done by the eye surgeon before the procedure is scheduled. This will include a detailed medical history, a full examination of each eye and a series of diagnostic tests. This information is essential to the surgeon in determining what options the patient has regarding the type of lens implant that is placed in the eye at the time of cataract surgery.

How to dress for a surgery appointment?

Get up early and dress for your appointment in loose, comfortable clothing. Try to be at least an hour early for your appointment. This will help alleviate any unnecessary stress prior to your surgery and allow you to ask any last minute questions you may have and complete any final paperwork.

Do you have to see a primary care physician before cataract surgery?

The patient may also be advised to see their primary care physician before the procedure to ensure that there is no medical condition that precludes them from having surgery. The physician will likely check blood glucose levels, blood pressure and the stability of any other conditions they are currently treating. The physician will also review any medications their patient is currently taking. Once the physician has cleared the patient for cataract surgery, the cataract surgeon will set a date for the procedure.

Can advanced lens implants be used for bifocals?

Now, however, advanced lens implants are available, to qualified patients. These lenses can sometimes rid the patient of the need for prescription lenses or bifocals. Additional diagnostic testing will be required for patients who choose an advanced lens implant in order to make sure they receive the optimal outcome.

Do you have to have a pre-surgical evaluation before cataract surgery?

Prior to cataract surgery, all patients have a pre-surgical evaluation with the cataract surgeon. There have been many advancements related to cataract surgery in the area of diagnostic testing and treatment, so it is helpful for prospective patients to understand what their options are before undergoing cataract surgery.

When is cataract surgery recommended?

When a cataract interferes with the treatment of another eye problem, cataract surgery may be recommended. For example, doctors may recommend cataract surgery if a cataract makes it difficult for your eye doctor to examine the back of your eye to monitor or treat other eye problems, such as age-related macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy.

How long after cataract surgery do you need glasses?

Your doctor will let you know when your eyes have healed enough for you to get a final prescription for eyeglasses. This is usually between one and three months after surgery.

What happens after cataract surgery?

Once the cataract has been removed by either phacoemulsification or extracapsular extraction, the artificial lens is implanted into the empty lens capsule.

What is the procedure called to close a tiny incision in the cornea?

Stitches may be used to close the tiny incision in your cornea at the completion of the procedure. Making an incision in the eye and removing the lens in one piece. A less frequently used procedure called extracapsular cataract extraction requires a larger incision than that used for phacoemulsification.

How to break up lens?

Using an ultrasound probe to break up the lens for removal. During a procedure called phacoemulsification (fak-o-e-mul-sih-fih-KAY-shun), your surgeon makes a tiny incision in the front of your eye (cornea) and inserts a needle-thin probe into the lens substance where the cataract has formed.

Why does cataract surgery not improve vision?

Occasionally, cataract surgery fails to improve vision because of underlying eye damage from other conditions, such as glaucoma or macular degeneration. If possible, it may be beneficial to evaluate and treat other eye problems before making the decision to have cataract surgery.

How long does it take for your eye to heal after cataract surgery?

You'll usually see your eye doctor a day or two after your surgery, the following week, and then again after about a month to monitor healing. It's normal to feel itching and mild discomfort for a couple of days after surgery. Avoid rubbing or pushing on your eye.

What to take the night before cataract surgery?

Your eye care provider may give you eye drops or medication to take the evening before the surgery. Make certain you follow those instructions precisely. You will also need to abstain from alcohol the night before your cataract surgery.

What to wear to cataract surgery?

Do not eat or drink anything on the morning of your cataract surgery. Dress in comfortable clothing and do not wear makeup, cosmetics, perfume or cologne to the surgical center. Aim to arrive about 30 minutes early in case you have any last-minute paperwork to fill out or questions to discuss.

Why do cataracts happen?

The most common cause of cataracts is the normal aging process. As we grow older, the lens of the eye tends to gradually lose its clarity and become cloudy. The result is a decrease in the quality of vision. The time to consider cataract surgery is when the quality of your life begins to suffer.

How long before cataract surgery do you have to have an appointment?

About one week before cataract surgery, you will have an appointment with your eye doctor to perform a few tests. These tests are painless and allow the doctor to determine which lens implant to use during your surgery.

What to expect during cataract exam?

During your cataract evaluation, your eyes will be examined by a doctor. This is to assess the overall health of your eye. Should you be diagnosed with cataracts during that exam, you will likely meet with a patient care counselor who will talk to you about what to expect before during and after cataract surgery.

How long does it take for your eyes to adjust after cataract surgery?

Most patients are able to return to normal activities within 48 hours of surgery, but those first hours can be tricky as your eyes adjust. If you or your loved one lives alone, it is highly recommended to plan for someone to help out with chores and to be on call for additional help.

Do you need to test for advanced technology lenses?

These lenses are not for everyone and some additional testing is necessary to determine if you are a candidate for advanced technology lenses. Most patients who have chosen advanced technology intraocular lenses are very happy with the results.

How long does it take to see an ophthalmologist after cataract surgery?

You will see your ophthalmologist for several postoperative visits—typically one day, one week, one month, two months, and six months after surgery. At each appointment, the doctor will examine your eye, test your visual acuity, and measure your eye pressure. Within one to three months after surgery, your doctor will determine your eyeglass prescription if recommended for driving or reading.

How does cataract surgery work?

Unlike the surgeries of antiquity, today's cataract surgery uses small incisions and suction to remove the cloudy lens, and then replaces it with an artificial plastic lens.

What is the oldest surgery?

Cataract surgery is one of the oldest procedures still being performed today. Ancient Egyptians used a surgical technique known as "couching," in which a sharp needle was used to slide the cloudy lens out of the field of vision and into the vitreous cavity in the back of the eye. Later, the Romans used a method called "needling" to slice up ...

How long before eye surgery should you take antibiotics?

Your surgeon may prescribe antibiotic or anti-inflammatory eyedrops for a few days before your procedure to reduce the risk of complications.

How long does it take to see an ophthalmologist?

You will see your ophthalmologist for several postoperative visits—typically one day, one week, one month, two months, and six months after surgery. At each appointment, the doctor will examine your eye, test your visual acuity, and measure your eye pressure. Within one to three months after surgery, your doctor will determine your eyeglass ...

Can you be awake after cataract surgery?

You will be awake, but you may receive a sedative intravenously to relax you. You'll get local anesthesia to prevent block pain. Operating room staff will apply various drops to the eye before and after the surgery, according to the doctor's orders.

Can cataract surgery cause bleeding?

Cataract surgery doesn't generally cause major bleeding, though your ophthalmologist might recommend that you stop taking aspirin or anti-clotting drugs ahead of your procedure as a precaution. But don't stop taking any medications on your own without first checking with the doctor who prescribed them.

How to get cataract surgery?

Follow these guidelines the day of your cataract surgery: 1 Do not eat or drink for 8 hours prior. 2 If you need to take a daily medication, do so with a small sip of water. 3 Do not consume alcohol. 4 Remove hearing aids & contact lenses from the side that is receiving the surgical procedure. 5 Remove make up or false lashes from your face prior to surgery. 6 Don’t apply lotions/moisturizers too your face.

How long after cataract surgery do you have to follow up?

You will also have to attend your follow up visits you scheduled prior to your cataract surgery. These will typically include a day-after, week-after, and month-after follow up per surgery. Cataract surgery is one of the most safe, effective, and frequent surgeries performed in the U.S. today.

Is cataract surgery safe?

Thanks to advanced cataract surgical procedures and lens implant technology, cataract surgery is not only one of the most frequently performed surgical procedures in the United States, but it is also one of the safest and most successful surgical procedures that you can have.



Cataract surgery is a procedure to remove the lens of your eye and, in most cases, replace it with an artificial lens. Normally, the lens of your eye is clear. A cataract causes the lens to become cloudy, which eventually affects your vision. Cataract surgery is performed by an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) on an outpatient basis, …
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Why It's Done

  • Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts. Cataracts can cause blurry vision and increase the glare from lights. If a cataract makes it difficult for you to carry out your normal activities, your doctor may suggest cataract surgery. When a cataract interferes with the treatment of another eye problem, cataract surgery may be recommended. For example, doctors may recommend cat…
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  • Complications after cataract surgery are uncommon, and most can be treated successfully. Cataract surgery risks include: 1. Inflammation 2. Infection 3. Bleeding 4. Swelling 5. Drooping eyelid 6. Dislocation of artificial lens 7. Retinal detachment 8. Glaucoma 9. Secondary cataract 10. Loss of vision Your risk of complications is greater if you have another eye disease or a serious …
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How You Prepare

  • Food and medications
    You may be instructed not to eat or drink anything 12 hours before cataract surgery. Your doctor may also advise you to temporarily stop taking any medication that could increase your risk of bleeding during the procedure. Let your doctor know if you take any medications for prostate pr…
  • Other precautions
    Normally you can go home on the same day as your surgery, but you won't be able to drive, so arrange for a ride home. Also arrange for help around home, if necessary, because your doctor may limit activities, such as bending and lifting, for about a week after your surgery.
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What You Can Expect

  • Before the procedure
    A week or so before your surgery, your doctor performs a painless ultrasound test to measure the size and shape of your eye. This helps determine the right type of lens implant (intraocular lens, or IOL). Nearly everyone who has cataract surgery will be given IOLs. These lenses improve your vi…
  • During the procedure
    Cataract surgery, usually an outpatient procedure, takes an hour or less to perform. First, your doctor will place eyedrops in your eye to dilate your pupil. You'll receive local anesthetics to numb the area, and you may be given a sedative to help you relax. If you're given a sedative, you may re…
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  • Cataract surgery successfully restores vision in the majority of people who have the procedure. People who've had cataract surgery may develop a secondary cataract. The medical term for this common complication is known as posterior capsule opacification (PCO). This happens when the back of the lens capsule — the part of the lens that wasn't removed during surgery and that now …
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Clinical Trials

  • Explore Mayo Clinic studiesof tests and procedures to help prevent, detect, treat or manage conditions.
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1.Videos of How Do You Prepare for Cataract Surgery


24 hours ago  · Things to Avoid Before Cataract Surgery. Because cataract surgery involves cutting of the lens, some minimal bleeding can occur. While it is not usually significant, your ophthalmologist may ... You should avoid wearing contact lenses for at least three days prior to your surgery and opt to wear ...

2.Cataract Surgery: How To Prepare - Verywell Health


14 hours ago  · Preparing for your cataract surgery: Food. Before most surgery, your doctor will not want you to eat anything after midnight on the night prior to your procedure. This mostly has to do with the type of anesthesia or sedation you have and the rules for the facility you have your procedure at. There is a trend in cataract surgery to use oral sedatives, rather than stronger IV …

3.Preparing for Cataract Surgery: A List of Dos & Don'ts


8 hours ago It is absolutely in your best interest to cease smoking for two weeks prior to cataract surgery. Eating on the day of surgery. You may be advised not to eat or drink anything for 6 to 12 hours before surgery. Eating before a scheduled surgery will likely cause it to be postponed.

4.How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery - Nethery Eye …


22 hours ago  · The procedure itself usually lasts less than half an hour. You will be awake, but you may receive a sedative intravenously to relax you. You'll get local anesthesia to prevent block pain. Operating room staff will apply various drops to the eye before and after the surgery, according to the doctor's orders.

5.Cataract surgery - Mayo Clinic


8 hours ago  · Most people are concerned about what they should and shouldn’t do on the day they are having their cataract surgery performed. The day might make you anxious, but there is very little you need to do to prepare. Follow these guidelines the day of your cataract surgery: Do not eat or drink for 8 hours prior.

6.How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery - Barnet Dulaney …


7 hours ago

7.Cataract surgery: What to expect before, during and after


23 hours ago

8.How to Prepare for Cataract Surgery | Silk Vision


31 hours ago

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