Knowledge Builders

how do you refinish etched marble

by Bryce Schuppe Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Polish Marble

  • STEP 1: Start with a clean slate: Brush off crumb and dust particles, spray with a mild cleanser, and wipe. ...
  • STEP 2: Remove stains with a commercial or homemade poultice left to sit overnight. ...
  • STEP 3: Buff out etching with a polishing powder. ...
  • STEP 4: Seal the marble for shine and resistance to future staining and etching. ...

Full Answer

How do you fix etched honed marble?

Sprinkle a scrubbing cleanser onto the surface with a few drops of water. Take a scouring pad, and move in a circular motion to hone the material. After just a few minutes, the surface will dry and you will see a restored material.

How do you fix etching on marble floors?

Repairing Etch Marks On Honed Marble With honed marble, sprinkling a scrubbing cleanser with a few drops of water should help. Using a scouring pad, move the solution in a circular motion to hone the material. The surface should dry after a few minutes and the marble is restored.

What is an etch mark on marble?

What is etching on marble? Marble etching is physical damage to the stone, generally caused by the marble coming into contact with certain substances containing acids including coffee, citrus, wine, tomatoes, alcohol and juice.

How do you fix an etched stone?

How to Repair Granite EtchingStep #1: Clean the Etched Granite. ... Step #2: Wipe Away the Soapy Residue. ... Step #3: Apply Polishing Powder. ... Step #4: Use a Buffing Pad. ... Step #5: Wipe Away the Powder Paste Residue. ... Step #6: Apply Stone Polishing Compound.

Can you restore etched marble?

Luckily, marble repair for etching is simple, but again... the method depends on the finish type and the etching severity. Restore dull spot etching on polished marble finishes using the Marble Polish / Etch Remover, which is engineered specifically for marble repair and will restore the shine and color like new.

Can you remove etching from marble?

When a polished marble countertop has only a few etch marks, it's often possible to restore the shine for $10 $15 by rubbing with a soft cloth and a paste made of water and a marble polishing powder, such as Miracle Sealants' Water Ring & Etch Remover or M3 Technologies' Majestic Etch Remover.

Will baking soda remove etch marks from marble?

Baking soda will not etch marble. It's probable that what he was seeing was white residue left over from the baking soda. (If it were not, our first concern would be that he had scrubbed the baking soda and scratched the finish. If he had, then we would have needed to re-polish the area.)

Can marble be refinished?

Luckily, there's a solution! The Marble Refinishing Kit helps to remove etching, watermarks, dullness and even small scratches from your marble surfaces, while restoring the natural stone to its original polished look.

Can you use baking soda on marble?

Although baking soda is a versatile and effective cleaner, you shouldn't use it on marble every day, as frequent use could dull your marble countertops. Instead, you can give your counter a quick clean daily (or as needed) with a little dish soap and a damp rag.

Can etched stone be repaired?

The Solution: For light scratches in darker limestone, blot mineral oil into the scratch. If your stone is lightly colored, honed or polished, use super fine sandpaper, working your way up to finer and finer grits until the scratch disappears. Deeper and larger scratches should be buffed out by a professional.

How do you remove lemon etching from marble?

0:242:55Easy Fix for Marble Damaged by Vinegar or Lemon Juice - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd what you could do is believe it or not you could actually buff all these things out with a veryMoreAnd what you could do is believe it or not you could actually buff all these things out with a very very fine sandpaper. And then we'll remove. And bring the shine back to the marble.

Does sealing marble prevent etching?

However, like all sealers, '15- year' sealers cannot prevent etching and unfortunately, they do not prevent stains for 15 years either.

Will baking soda remove etch marks from marble?

Baking soda will not etch marble. It's probable that what he was seeing was white residue left over from the baking soda. (If it were not, our first concern would be that he had scrubbed the baking soda and scratched the finish. If he had, then we would have needed to re-polish the area.)

How do you remove lemon etching from marble?

0:242:55Easy Fix for Marble Damaged by Vinegar or Lemon Juice - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd what you could do is believe it or not you could actually buff all these things out with a veryMoreAnd what you could do is believe it or not you could actually buff all these things out with a very very fine sandpaper. And then we'll remove. And bring the shine back to the marble.

Can you use baking soda on marble?

Although baking soda is a versatile and effective cleaner, you shouldn't use it on marble every day, as frequent use could dull your marble countertops. Instead, you can give your counter a quick clean daily (or as needed) with a little dish soap and a damp rag.

How do you restore etched granite?

Clean the area again with a wet rag to remove debris. Then, using a putty knife, fix divots or etchings using an epoxy that is designed specifically for repairing granite. Allow the epoxy the dry for the recommended time. Finally, apply granite finish to seal the repair.

Why do people refinish marble?

There are a lot of reasons why people refinish their marble, including lifting stains and getting rid of water marks, etch marks, chips, scratches, and cracks. Chips and cracks can come from being struck by something hard and heavy, like accidentally hitting a cast iron pan or heavy pot on your counters. Marring and burns can be created by hot pots and pans being set directly on the counter instead of on a trivet or potholder. Dulling takes place when using the wrong cleaners or having repeated exposure to acidic ingredients, which etches and dulls the stone. Staining happens when strong liquids sit on a counter too long, or if the counter they’re spilled on hasn’t been resealed properly or recently. Refinishing is generally regarded as not a DIY job; it requires much skill and experience to properly refinish marble to preserve its aesthetics while best protecting it.

How much does it cost to refinish a kitchen counter?

Refinishing can be expensive, but it’s a worthwhile investment in order to restore and protect your counters from future stains and breaks. Typically, refinishing is $35-100 per hour of labor, plus the cost of any materials. Polishing stone with sealant is ballparked to be around $2 to $8 per square foot of stone. Minor fixes are usually around $200, but can reach $800 or more depending on their severity. Truly restoring a kitchen’s worth of countertops is usually at least $1,000, if not significantly more. Luckily, high quality materials need refinishing the least due to their durable qualities. Unfortunately, these same materials are the ones that are a bit more costly to repair over time. In general, it pays off to choose more expensive materials, as the occasional high-cost repair is ultimately cheaper than several mid-cost repairs for lower-quality materials.

How long does it take to restore marble?

With just a few sheets of paper towel, a cup of water and about 15 minutes of labour you can restore the look of you marble countertop! Learn more about Marble Refinishing Kit here.

What happens if you wear a marble?

Unfortunately, after some wear and tear you might start to notice rings or watermarks on your marble surfaces that can diminish the look and natural beauty of your stone.

How to polish a sanded surface?

Polish the area by applying high pressure in a circular motion (50 to 100 circles). Polis h 1-2 cm beyond the sanded area. Clean the area with a sponge, spray some R-311 Countertop Spray and dry it with a paper towel or microfiber cloth. Check the area is smooth and shinny. If necessary, repeat this step.

Where is Marble Clinic?

The Marble Clinic services the Greater Toronto Area and will happily provide a free consultation .

Why do people refinish marble?from

There are a lot of reasons why people refinish their marble, including lifting stains and getting rid of water marks, etch marks, chips, scratches, and cracks. Chips and cracks can come from being struck by something hard and heavy, like accidentally hitting a cast iron pan or heavy pot on your counters. Marring and burns can be created by hot pots and pans being set directly on the counter instead of on a trivet or potholder. Dulling takes place when using the wrong cleaners or having repeated exposure to acidic ingredients, which etches and dulls the stone. Staining happens when strong liquids sit on a counter too long, or if the counter they’re spilled on hasn’t been resealed properly or recently. Refinishing is generally regarded as not a DIY job; it requires much skill and experience to properly refinish marble to preserve its aesthetics while best protecting it.

How to clean scratches off tile?from

Concentrate the grinder for at least 30 seconds on each tile to thoroughly remove scratches and other contaminants on the surface. Apply more water as needed. Move the grinder in small circular motions to polish the entire surface evenly.

How to remove a buffing compound?from

Pour additional water on the buffed surface to remove excess compound. Wipe the area dry with a terry cloth towel. Pay special attention to the surrounding areas and fixtures that may have been splashed with the buffing compound during the buffing process. Remove any excess compound with a wet towel or sponge and wipe it dry.

Can you refinish marble tile?from

Like any other flooring material, they are susceptible to scratches and discoloration that may dull the finish. It is easy to refinish marble tiles using a few simple tools and cleaning products that you can purchase at the hardware or home improvement store. Remember to wear appropriate clothing and to use safety equipment such as gloves and goggles when handling chemicals and power tools.

Does the marble refinishing kit include buffer?from

Note: This kit does not include buffer. We provide buffer in our standard marble refinishing kit with buffer.

How to remove etch marks on marble?

MB-11 Marble Polishing Powder works as an abrasive that actually polishes the marble’s surface. It removes the etch mark by re-polishing the stone's surface , and in about 15 or 20 seconds, this well designed marble polish will have the stone looking brand new. If the etching covers a large area, we recommend calling a Stone Restoration Professional to restore the stone. The Stone Pro will be necessary as he or she will need to use certain stone restoration tools such as a hand machine, diamond abrasives and certain polishing powders to refinish the surface of the stone. If you are not sure what to do about the etching on your stone, feel free to email us a picture to [email protected]. We will be happy to take a look and offer the best solution for you.

What happens when acid touches marble?

Unfortunately if acids come into contact with a marble surface (or other calcite based stones such as travertine and limestone), the acid will quickly react with the marble creating light, dull marks on the surface called etching. Many times the etching is very light and can only be seen at an angle, or the they can be quite white in appearance ...

What tools do you need to refinish a stone?

The Stone Pro will be necessary as he or she will need to use certain stone restoration tools such as a hand machine, diamond abrasives and certain polishing powders to refinish the surface of the stone.

Is there a special tool to repair water stains on polished stone?

Ideal to spot repair those strange “water stains” (acid etching, that is) from polished stone floors. No special tool is necessary. It is important to remember that an etch mark is always lighter than the stone, whereas a stain is always darker than the stone.

How to remove discoloration from marble counter?from

While there are commercial marble stain removers—often called poultices—you can also make your own by slowly mixing one tablespoon of ammonia into a half-cup of hydrogen peroxide and slowly adding just enough baking soda to make a thick, creamy texture.

How to buff a marble?from

Use another clean, dry cloth to buff the sealer into the marble, using circular motions. Continue to buff the marble until the sealer is completely soaked into the stone, and the marble feels dry. If the surface has a tacky or sticky feel, continue to buff until the marble is smooth to the touch, and has a high level of shine.

How to get vinegar stains off marble?from

You have to buff and refinish it. Vinegar stains happen from acid eating into the marble and then dust penetrating the "bald" porous surface. You have to make sure the top dust is buffed off and then seal the spot so that new dust doesn't accumulate in it.

How to clean a marble countertop after sealing?from

Consult your container for the application time. After your sealant has been on the marble for the recommended time, use a dry cloth to wipe the surface dry.

How long does it take to seal a countertop?from

For countertops, you’re going to want to opt for the impregnator sealant, and then follow the simple steps below: Spray your sealant onto your countertop and then wait the suggested time (usually 10-20 min) that should be listed on the directions of the bottle.

What to do if sealant is drying faster than expected?from

If your sealant is drying quicker than expected, add more sealant. All drying means is that the sealant is working, but if it dries, adding a little more will help with the final outcome. This will prevent the streaking that occurs if sealant is allowed to dry. Wipe all sealant off with a dry cloth.

How long do you have to wait to polish marble?from

If you have stains, remove them with a poultice before polishing. Keep in mind that if you use a poultice you will need to wait at least 24 hours to continue to the next step.

What is the shine on marble?

It's a common myth that the shine on marble countertops and floor tile is achieved by applying some type of chemical or "polish" to the surface. Not exactly. The "shine" on marble is not something that sits on top of the marble... it is part of the marble itself.

What happens if you use acidic cleaner on marble?

It's like a chemical burn. If you use the wrong products for cleaning marble (too acidic or too alkaline) you can destroy the shiny finish over the entire surface making your whole marble countertop or floor "dull". Etching begins on contact and the longer the exposure the more severe the etching.

What is a dull water spot on marble?

Those dull "water spots" and "glass-rings" (etch marks) are baffling. And often people hold false assumptions and have incorrect ideas about how to polish marble or how marble polishing is actually performed to create a shiny surface finish. Many think that the shine or polish on marble comes from applying a potion, ...

What is polished stone?

A "polished" finish is the shiny, high-gloss type of finish with the deepest color saturation commonly seen on marble and granite countertops.

What is a whitish spot on marble?

Marble (travertine, limestone and any "calcitic" stone too) is sensitive and reactive with certain types of foods, products and chemicals, which can damage the surface finish leaving dull and/or lighter-colored whitish spot often described as a "water spot", "water stain", "glass-ring", or "ghost stain".

What happens if you spill orange juice on marble?

So, if you spill acidic orange juice (or any of the many other acidic foods and drinks) on marble it will corrode the surface.

Is marble shiny or dull?

Also, some believe that all marble is supposed to be shiny and that the dull etch marks are some type of "stain".

How to remove etching from marble?

Wipe the etched areas with a water-dampened cloth, and sprinkle a small amount of marble polishing powder onto the etched spots. Gently buff the powder into the blemishes with your damp cloth according to the product’s instructions. Follow with a clean, damp rag to remove the powder residue, then wipe the marble dry to reveal its restored shine.

How to restore marble finish?

The first step to restoring your marble’s shine is to clean them. Of course, you probably whisk away crumbs regularly and quickly wipe up any spills or splatters, but when it’s time to really polish up your marble’s finish, you’ll go a little deeper than that.

How to get rid of crumbly poultice on marble?

Carefully scrape the crumbly poultice away with a razor blade without gouging or digging at the marble surface. Clean away any remaining poultice residue with a damp cloth, and then wipe the marble dry.

How to clean marble?

Next, apply a manufacturer-approved commercial marble cleaner or, alternatively, add a couple of drops of mild, nonabrasive dishwashing liquid to your damp rag to use as a cleaner.

How long does it take to seal marble?

Spread the sealer across the entire marble countertop with a clean, dry cloth and let the sealer soak into the marble for the length of time specified on the product’s container (typically less than five minutes).

How to remove discoloration from marble counter?

While there are commercial marble stain removers—often called poultices—you can also make your own by slowly mixing one tablespoon of ammonia into a half-cup of hydrogen peroxide and slowly adding just enough baking soda to make a thick, creamy texture.

What is marble in the modern home?

By Michelle Ullman. Photo: Marble—a white or uniquely variegated type of limestone that has been exposed to extreme heat and pressure—has a long history of being favored by artisans and builders, from Michelangelo’s David and Moses sculptures to The Taj Mahal. So it’s no wonder that marble in the modern home is both prized ...

How to repair etching on marble?

Serious damage from etching can be repaired by sanding the area, applying an epoxy material designed for repairing Marble and sealing. It is not recommended to try and DIY with the process since it may result in more harm and damage than restoration.

What happens if you etch a marble countertop?

This can leave permanent damage to the surface causing discoloration, uneven texture, and loss of its polished finish. Etching does not only happen to Marble countertop surfaces but also other natural stones such as travertine, limestone, and onyx.

Can damaged Marble be repaired?

The simple answer is yes, damaged Marble can be repaired. However, depending on how damaged or etched the surface is will determine the method of repair you should take. It is important to note that removing etching from Marble and removing scratches are two separate processes.

Is Etched Marble and Engraved Marble the same?

No, although typically the term “etch” means to engrave; in respect to natural stone the word takes on a new meaning. This is a common misconception of the phrase etched granite. If you are looking for information on how to engrave natural stone surfaces such as Marble that can be achieved with a dremel by a professional.

What causes etching on marble?

The etching is caused when an acidic substance comes in contact with a Marble surface. If acid is exposed to Marble for too long it will begin to dissolve and break down the stone’s sealant and minerals. This can leave permanent damage to the surface causing discoloration, uneven texture, and loss of its polished finish. Etching does not only happen to Marble countertop surfaces but also other natural stones such as travertine, limestone, and onyx.

How to keep countertops clean?

Keep your countertops clean by wiping up any spills or splatters especially from acidic fruit and juice, tomato-based foods, soda, coffee, and wine.

Why is marble prone to etching?

Like many other natural stone surfaces Marble is prone to etching if it comes in contact is acidic or abrasive substances. If your Marble has been “etched” or damaged do not worry here is everything you need to know.

Why does my marble sink crack?

Cultured marble sinks often develop cracks around the drain. Called thermal shock, it is caused by fast, repetitive changes in temperature from hot to cold. Fortunately, any damage you have to your cultured marble sink or vanity can be easily repaired prior to refinishing.

Can you remove a mirror from a vanity?

You may require a glass company to remove and re-hang the mirror that sets on top of your vanity during removal and replacement.

Can you refinish marble with Miracle Method?

For the finest in cultured marble refinishing, click on Find a Location and get a free estimate from your local Miracle Method franchise. Only Miracle Method can provide a factory finish that will provide years of trouble-free service.

Should I replace my marble countertops?

Cultured Marble Countertops - Should I replace or refinish my countertops?#N#Cultured marble countertops are excellent candidates for refinishing instead of replacement. Cultured marble is a blend of marble dust and polyester resin and is often used for bathroom vanities, sinks and shower pans and walls. Over time cultured marble can become scratched, chipped, stained, or simply out-dated.


1.How To Repair Etched Marble - Countertop Specialty


6 hours ago  · if the etch marks are minor (do not cover a large area of the stone) MB-11 Marble Polishing Powder works as an abrasive that actually polishes the marble’s surface. It removes …

2.Remove Marble Etching With The Marble Refinishing Kit


11 hours ago a previously polished marble countertop or tile that has dull spots from etching can be repaired rather easily using a nifty DIY marble polish made specifically for this purpose. Repairing Etch …

3.Marble Polishing - How to refinish and polish marble


18 hours ago  · Step 1: Clean the damaged surface before the restoration process using mild dish soap. Wipe away soap and was ensure the surface is both clean and dry. Step 2: Put about an …

4.How To Remove etch marks from marble? MB Stone Care


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5.How to resurface and polish marble | East Chem …


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6.Marble Polishing: Repair Dull Spots & Marble Etching


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7.How to Polish Marble - Bob Vila


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8.Marble Etching: Everything you Need to Know |


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9.Cultured Marble Countertop Refinishing - Miracle Method


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10.Videos of How Do You Refinish Etched Marble


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