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how do you say happy july 14 in french

by Hubert Schoen Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How do you wish a Happy Bastille Day in French?

Bastille Day Greetings Bonne fête nationale! — Happy national holiday! Joyeux quatorze juillet! — Happy July 14th!

How do you say 14 July in French?

How do you Say Bastille Day in French?la fête nationale (national day)or le quatorze juillet (July 14th).

What is Bonne Fete Nationale?

Wednesday, July 14, 2021. Happy Bastille Day! Or as the French say: bonne Fête Nationale! July 14 is the French national holiday, marking the date in 1789 when a Parisian mob stormed the Bastille, officially kickstarting the French Revolution—the first of many, but certainly the most notable.

Why is 14 July celebrated in France?

The taking of the Bastille signaled the beginning of the French Revolution, and it thus became a symbol of the end of the ancien régime. July 14, often called la fête nationale in France, became an official holiday in 1880.

How do you pronounce Bonne Fête Nationale?

0:163:14Learn French Holidays - Fete nationale francaise - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSurtout une fête nationale.MoreSurtout une fête nationale.

What holiday is July 14th?

Today is National Mac and Cheese Day and Bastille Day.

What is Vacances de la Toussaint?

French. Learn this word. All Saints' vacation {nf} holiday All Saints.

What is celebrated July 15?


How do you write the date in French?

The formal way of writing the date is day, then date, then month. For example, you would write mardi, 18 avril (Tuesday, 18 April). Note that the French don't use “th” or “st” with the numbers like we do.

What does the number Soixante Douze mean in English *?

Sentence Translation soixante soixante sixty douze douze dozentwelve.

How do you pronounce Juillet?

0:140:39How to Say July in French? | Pronounce Juillet | Native SpeakerYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipHow do you go by pronouncing. This word with the typical French pronunciation va va va the months ofMoreHow do you go by pronouncing. This word with the typical French pronunciation va va va the months of July l'amour. Va va here are the other months of the year in French.

What is Juillet in English?

noun. Jul [written abbreviation] short for July. July [noun] the seventh month of the year, the month following June.

What Was La Bastille?

La Bastille was a medieval fort and the former main jail of Paris. During the French revolution, on July 14th 1789, it was taken by the revolutionary troops and became the symbol of the French revolution. It remains the day we celebrate as the symbol of the people’s revolution.

Comment se passe la fête des rois?

Le 14 juillet, les Français regardent souvent la parade à la télévision le matin, et puis après se retrouvent pour un déjeuner entre amis ou en famille, peut être un barbecue ou un pique-nique au bord de l’eau ou dans un parc de la ville. Si vous allez au restaurant, il vaut mieux réserver ce jour-là ! Certaines villes organisent des repas communautaires.

Où se déroule le défilé militaire?

Un grand défilé militaire est organisé à Paris sur les Champs Elysées. Le défilé militaire à Paris a eu lieu chaque année depuis 1880, sauf pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. C’est un grand spectacle auquel assistent des milliers de gens.

How many days away is July 14th?

Here en France le 14 juillet (Bastille Day, literally: July 14th) is still 10 days away, but people are already getting excited for all les feux ...

What is the French name for National Day?

Notice how both days can be called fête nationale (National Day) in French. Beyond les feux d’artifices and all the fun with family and friends, the similar names led mon collègue (my coworker) to make a simple mistake in English:

Do they say "National Day" in English?

Yes, they really did say National Day in English while everything else was in French. It’s not uncommon for les Français (French people) to add English words to French sentences, especially for idea deeply connected to an English speaking culture like the 4th of July.

What is the French national holiday on July 14?

A century later, July 14 became the French national holiday that’s celebrated today as Bastille Day.

When does the French President give a speech?

Usually, the French President gives a speech during the July 14th celebrations.

What Is Bastille Day and Why Is It Important?

Bastille Day is in part a reminder of the Fête de la Federation (Festival of the Federation) on July 14, 1790, which took place exactly one year after the Bastille prison in Paris was stormed by unhappy citizens.

How to practice reading on Bastille Day?

For starters, you can practice your reading skills by checking out some French-language articles about the history of Bastille Day. Out the Box, a French site specializing in cultural news, has a great shorter article for lower-level learners.

How many prisoners did the Bastille hold?

Some critical details about this point in French history aren’t often discussed, such as the fact that the Bastille only held seven prisoners on the day it was stormed. Rather than merely setting citizens free, the act was symbolic of ending the power of the monarchy—since the prison was often used to hold those who opposed the royals. Perhaps even more importantly, the rebels needed to seize the large amount of gunpowder and cannons housed inside.

How do people celebrate Bastille Day?

For starters, Bastille Day is a French national holiday, so most people have the day off work. Many people attend parades, the biggest being the famous annual military parade in Paris. Others spend the day with family, having ...

What is the national anthem of France?

You’ve probably heard these famous words from “La Marseillaise,” France’s national anthem, sung for Bastille Day celebrations. In fact, Bastille Day is talked about, televised and celebrated all over the world each July 14th.


1.How to say ‘Happy Bastille Day’ in French: Celebrate


30 hours ago  · According to French writer Sidonie Sawyer, July 14 marks the start of the Federation of France in 1790. A French prison, named the Bastille, was also stormed on this …

2.Le 14 juillet, la Fête Nationale Française - Bastille Day


10 hours ago French people refer to the day as “Quatorze Juillet” (14 July), or “La Fête Nationale” – it’s called Bastille Day outside of the country but never in France itself. What do you say on 14th July? …

3.How to say 'Happy Bastille Day' in French - and why you …


7 hours ago  · How do you say Happy July 14 in French? Joyeux quatorze juillet! — Happy July 14th! Note that when talking about holidays or birthdays such as in these instances, bonne …

4.How to say Happy Bastille Day in French - Metro


16 hours ago  · To wish someone a ‘Happy Bastille Day’ don’t mention Bastille at all. Yup, the French don’t call the day Bastille Day, instead referring to the date as ‘la Fête Nationale …

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35 hours ago  · Bonjour! Today (July 14) is Bastille Day – a day of great importance in French history. Bastille Day is a celebration of French freedoms and the beginning of the French republic.

6.All the French Bastille Day Language You Need for a Fun …


8 hours ago  · While today is the big national holiday for les États-Unis (the United States), nearly every country has an important fête (holiday) centered around their national identity in some …

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