Knowledge Builders

how do you seal creosote treated railroad ties

by Mr. Waldo Mitchell Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Some common ways to seal creosote include applying a layer of asphalt sealant, painting the surface with a waterproof sealant, or installing a metal flashing to cover exposed areas. Do railroad ties leach chemicals into the soil? In most cases, railroad ties do not leach chemicals into the soil.

Full Answer

Can creosote treated wood be sealed?

Coal tar pitch and coal tar pitch emulsion are effective sealers for creosote treated wood block flooring. Urethane, epoxy, and shellac are acceptable sealers for all creosote treated wood.

Can you varnish creosote?

Barrettine Traditional Creosote absorbs into timber therefore coatings such as paint or varnish must be completely removed before application.

What can you put over creosote?

Cuprinol Garden Wood Preserver can be applied over well-weathered creosote for getting a superior long-last finish. Make sure you clean the surface with a mild detergent solution and get it rinsed well with clean fresh water. Allow the wet wood surface to dry naturally.

When did they stop using creosote on railroad ties?

EPA did push tougher legislation in 1986 to stop the use of creoste, BUT timbers are still out there that were used before this time period, and they still do treat timbers with this chemical.

How do you seal creosote?

Coal tar pitch and coal tar pitch emulsion are effective sealers for creosote-treated wood block flooring. Urethane, epoxy, and shellac are acceptable sealers for all creosote-treated wood. EPA Approved.

How do you seal creosote timbers?

Sealing creosote into timber is performed highly effectively by treatment with Smiths CPES. The epoxy resins in Smiths Clear Penetrating Epoxy Sealer react with the toxic phenolic compounds in the Creosote. CPES ties up and renders harmless the toxic phenols from the creosote.

How do you seal railroad ties?

When cracks or splits are in your railway ties, use a wood filler product to seal those openings. As with all projects that involve wood treated with creosote -- as railway ties generally are, take extra precautions to protect your health.

What neutralizes creosote?

For creosote odor removal and the dramatic reduction of the harmful vapors that emanate from creosote-treated wood, the best solution is CreoShield™, an easy-application coating that's available only from EnviroShield.

How many coats of creosote do I need?

You will need three coats for the best protection. Leave 24 hours between each coat. Avoid contact with bitumen, bitumen felt or mastics and plastics.

How toxic are old railroad ties?

The wood is preserved by soaking it in creosote, which is composed of over 300 chemicals, many of them toxic and persistent in soil. Exposure to creosote has been shown to cause cancer. Even topical contact with creosote can be dangerous.

How do you keep railroad ties from rotting?

Creosote. Creosote not only acts as a preservative against decay, but it also helps to protect against wear of the crosstie itself.

Will railroad ties rot in the ground?

Railroad ties have to routinely be replaced because of the decay that happens in the center of the ties. These ties often get re-sold as landscaping timbers where the decay and damage from wood destroying insects can continue until there is virtually nothing left except the exterior shell of the timbers.

Can you paint on creosote?

Painting over creosote is possible, but it takes a very special base paint and then many layers of a sealer-primer and even a couple coats of a finish paint to complete the job.

Can you put fence paint over creosote?

Over coating of traditional coal tar based treatments such as Creosote can result in bleeding. In order to successfully paint the surface the creosote should ideally be weathered.

Can you paint cuprinol over creosote?

Cuprinol Garden Wood Preserver (BP) may be applied to previously preservative treated surfaces or over well weathered creosote. Dirty surfaces may be cleaned down with a mild detergent solution and rinsed with clean water and allowed to dry. Remove stubborn dirt with a stiff brush, scraper or by sanding.

How do you seal railroad ties?

When cracks or splits are in your railway ties, use a wood filler product to seal those openings. As with all projects that involve wood treated with creosote -- as railway ties generally are, take extra precautions to protect your health.

How to remove creosote from railroad ties?

Another thing you could try to remove creosote from railroad ties is using solvents. For example, you might want to try using mineral spirits or paint thinners for this kind of job. Make sure to wear a respirator and chemical-resistant gloves when handling solvents. If you can, aerate the shop or work outdoor to prevent toxic fumes from building up.

How to seal wood ties?

If you are going to use the ties outdoor, make sure to use a waterproofer product like this Siloxane-Based Sealer. You might need to apply multiple layers of product to get decent results. Check the ties a few days after you treated them to make sure the sealing is effective. If not, consider applying additional layers of sealer.

What happens if you put railroad ties in the soil?

We already know that creosote is made up of toxic chemicals. If you put railroad ties to leach in the soil, you’ll end up poisoning it. On top of that, you might also risk poisoning the groundwater, if it’s not that deep. If you decide to follow this route, make sure you are not breaking any laws by doing that.

What to wear when working with treated wood?

That’s why you need to be extremely careful when working with treated wood. Wear glasses, gloves, and a face mask (a respirator would be even better). Make sure to protect your skin from contact also. Consider wearing a coverall.

What tool to use to cut railroad ties?

What tool to use to cut a railroad tie? For clean, straight cuts you might want to use a bandsaw. The problem is that railroad ties are quite heavy and big to handle; if you don’t have a buddy that can help you, you can use a chainsaw for the cutting. Use a used chain for that, there might be old nails in the wood.

Can creosote be soluble in water?

Some creosote components are soluble in water. This means that by getting the railroad tie in contact with the right amount of moisture, some creosote should leach away from it. That’s the theory behind the practice of putting railroad ties in the dirt to let the creosote leach out.

Is creosote treated wood safe?

Before we start talking about the different methods, a few words about safety are due. As you already know, creosote is made up of all sorts of nasty chemicals. Exposure to creosote-treated wood without protection might cause skin burns, eye irritation, plus all kind of internal problems. Last but not least, some components are also carcinogenic.

How to remove creosote from railroad ties?

Another way of removing the creosote from the railroad ties would be by sealing the wood. Now I know that is not truly removing the creosote but sealing it might help lowering the chances of the substance getting into the soil.

How many faces can you cut out of a railroad tie?

You can cut out of the all 6 faces of the railroad tie up to a couple inches, or as much as is needed to remove the creosote impregnated wood. By doing so you will end up with a thinner, smaller railroad tie.

Can creosote be used on railroad tie?

An old, used creosote treated railroad tie will be deeply penetrated by the toxic substance, one method to try would be the sandblasting but the depth of the creosote penetration in the wood is the determinant.

When was creosote used as a wood preservative?

Creosote has been used as a wood preservative since the mid-1800s.

What is creosote used for?

Pesticide products containing creosote as the active ingredient are used to protect wood used outdoors (such as railroad ties and utility poles) against termites, fungi, mites and other pests.

How often is creosote registered?

Registration Review of Creosote. Creosote is currently undergoing registration review, a process EPA conducts for all pesticides every 15 years to ensure that products can carry out their intended function without creating unreasonable risks to human health and the environment.

Is creosote a cancer?

Creosote poses cancer and non-cancer health risks of concern to workers in wood treatment facilities. EPA did not find health risks of concern for the general public, nor for workers who handle creosote-treated wood after application.

Can you reuse creosote treated wood?

Although creosote pesticide products are not available to homeowners, individuals may encounter reused creosote-treated wood in a residential setting. For example, creosote-treated railroad ties are sometimes recycled as landscaping timbers. Reuse of creosote-treated wood is not subject to regulation by EPA under pesticide laws.

Can you burn creosote?

Do not burn creosote or other preservative-treated wood in a residential setting to avoid possible inhalation of toxic chemicals in the smoke and ash.

Is creosote treated wood safe for fish?

Creosote may pose risks to fish and invertebrates when creosote-treated wood is used in aquatic and railroad structures. Alternatives to creosote-treated wood include the following: Wood treated with other preservatives approved by EPA;

How to tell if railroad tie has creosote?

Now, how to tell if railroad ties have creosote? Creosote is made out of the distillation of tar from wood/coal and it has a dark color, so the simplest way to tell if the railroad tie has been previously treated with creosote is by the color of it.

What does a railroad tie look like?

A railroad tie not treated with creosote will look like a piece of regular wood with a natural wood color, with pores open and veins visible, not clogged and/or covered with what looks like oil/paint. In some instances you can also smell the creosote, especially on a hot summer day, a railroad tie treated with creosote, ...

Is creosote toxic to railroad ties?

Before we dig in I want to emphasize the fact that creosote is a toxic substance and if you are planning on using railroad ties treated with it, you should read more about it here and you are aware of the risks of using it.

Do you have to wear a mask when cutting a railroad tie?

If you have to cut a railroad tie, always wear a mask, since the creosote might be present in the fine sawdust. Note: Handling railroad ties treated with creosote or any other known toxic substance might irritate your skin or even worse, always wear protection. What does a train conductor do?

Can railroad ties be treated with creosote?

Note: Handling railroad ties treated with creosote or any other known toxic substance might irritate your skin or even worse, always wear protection.

Does creosote leach away into soil?

One thing you need to know is that, in time the creosote used for treating the wood will leach away into the soil, so if you got an old railroad tie, the blackness might be almost gone, that doesn’t mean that creosote is not present on it, it just might not be in the same quantity as before.

Why is it dangerous to grow vegetables in creosote?

Growing vegetables in a creosote planting bed is particularly dangerous because the chemicals could make their way into the food you eat. Advertisement. It's best to go the safe route and choose a wood that isn't treated with dangerous chemicals.

Can you throw away wood treated with creosote?

You should check on local and state regulations, though. Some areas may have restrictions on throwing away wood treated with creosote.

Can you burn railroad ties in a fireplace?

You should avoid inhaling creosote vapors, which can be released by heat. The vapors of creosote tars can build up, as in chimneys. Railroad ties should never be burned in fireplaces or outdoors. Advertisement.

Can you inhale sawdust from creosote treated wood?

You should also avoid inhaling sawdust from creosote treated wood. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among 300 chemicals in creosote. PAHs are the same carcinogens contained in cigarette smoke, a known carcinogen. You should avoid inhaling creosote vapors, which can be released by heat. The vapors of creosote tars can build up, as in ...

Can railroad ties be used to build raised beds?

Railroad ties seem like an inexpensive way to build raised beds or garden borders , but the dangers of treated railroad ties can outweigh the cost savings. The chemicals can seep into the ground and cause issues, especially if you see creosote leaking out of the wood. Contamination of the ground can cause the plants to die.

Can railroad ties cause water contamination?

Water Contamination Dangers. The dangers of treated railroad ties aren't limited to you and your family. Railroad ties can leach creosote into soil and water systems. Eating food or drinking water with high levels of creosote may cause burning in the mouth and throat, stomach pains, severe skin irritation, convulsions, ...

Can railroad ties be used in landscaping?

It's common to see old railroad ties used in landscaping as retaining walls, landscape ed ging or raised planter beds, but are there dangers of treated railroad ties you should consider? Railroad ties are treated with chemical preservatives, such as creosote and chromated copper arsenate. Both of these chemicals are banned for residential use, and they're potentially harmful to humans and plants. Make sure you understand the risks of using creosote railroad ties in your landscaping.

How often do you replace ties?

Tie replacement frequency probably depends a lot on how active the line is. Some parts of the country see a lot more activity that others.

What happened to a young man who collects antique tank rounds?

Young man who collects antique tank rounds dies in an explosion when taking apart same.

Can railroad ties cause blisters?

Many moons ago, I was employed for a time as a landscape laborer. I have carried and cut my share of used railroad ties. Creosote exposure from handling them will easily irritate your skin to itchy redness, even cause chemical blisters if you are sensitive. I hate to imagine what the creosote saturated dust might do to your lungs. I recommend leaving them alone, but at least use gloves, sleeve, and a respirator while cutting or handling.

Can you use creosote railroad ties for landscaping?

Landscaping only for creosote railroad ties. I've seen them used for garden retaining walls (including by a Master Gardener), and never found any evidence of creosote leaking into the ground, or affecting produce. Creosote plants are super nasty places, but the wood itself seems safe.

Do railroads use plastic ties?

Some railroads are using plastic ties now. They are molded using all sorts of recycled plastic, mostly the stuff no one wants. They looked heavy as hell. Maybe you could get one of those ?

Can you build a railroad in your back yard?

Yes, to build a back yard railroad. :-)

Can creosote vapors cause lungs to irritate?

From your friends at ATSDR : Health problems caused by creosote exposure. Longer exposure to creosote vapors can irritate the lungs. Exposure to small amounts of creosote over time by direct skin contact or by contact with creosote vapors, may cause: Blistering, peeling, or reddening of the skin. Damage to the eyes.

What happens to railroad crossties when they reach the end of their service?

But what happens to crossties when they reach the end of their service? The majority are recycled and reused.

What is a crosstie used for?

Crossties are also used for landscaping timbers. A reported titled “Management of Used Treated Wood Products” states that “a high percentage of material removed from initial use retains enough of its original structural and preservation characteristics to make it usable in other treated wood applications.” (p.

Is creosote treated wood renewable?

Creosote- treated wood crossties’ recyclability is an important feature given that wood is the only resource we have that is renewable. Before it reaches the recycling stage, the wisdom of using wood is clear. Consider a few points: Wood is the only engineered structural renewable material.

Do railroads recycle ties?

In other words, the survey at the time indicated that “Class 1 railroads have been transitioning to less recycling of ties for landscape type uses and more to recycling for energy recovery.” (p. 5)

Is creosote treated railroad ties hazardous?

US EPA stated in its 2018 ruling that creosote-treated railroad ties are a non-waste fuel and are classified as non-hazardous secondary materials for use. The rule covers railroad ties that are processed and then used combusted in units.


1.Sealing Creosote Treated Timber - Make Wood Good


1 hours ago  · Sealing Creosote Treated Wood. The treatment involves the following stages. Remove any paint from the surface of the timber. Methyl Ethyl Ketone is a superb paint …

2.How to Remove Creosote From Railroad Ties - Is It …


12 hours ago Use your favorite wood sealer. If you are going to use the ties outdoor, make sure to use a waterproofer product like this Siloxane-Based Sealer. You might need to apply multiple layers …

3.Creosote | US EPA


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4.Sealing Railroad Ties - Community …


19 hours ago  · For example, creosote-treated railroad ties are sometimes recycled as landscaping timbers. Reuse of creosote-treated wood is not subject to regulation by EPA under pesticide …

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