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how do you take care of persian violets

by Adeline Maggio Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Persian Violet Care

  • Light. These plants prefer bright, indirect light to grow and flower at their best. ...
  • Soil. The plants grow naturally in rocky soil. ...
  • Water. Persian violets like soil that is consistently moist but not soggy. ...
  • Temperature and Humidity. These flowers like mild temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. ...
  • Fertilizer. ...

Persian violets like soil that is consistently moist but not soggy. And they prefer watering with room-temperature water, as cold water can shock them. They are very vulnerable to root rot due to overwatering. But on the other end of the spectrum, they will readily wilt if they are thirsty.Jun 24, 2021

Full Answer

What do you do with Persian violets after they bloom?

Persian Violet Plant Care After Blooming. Once your Persian violet has lost all its blooms and the foliage turns yellow, it is moving into the dormant stage. Stop watering the plant and place it in a cool room with moderate light. The leaves will eventually dry out. Complete drying takes approximately two months.

How do you care for African violets in the winter?

Indirect sunlight refers to placing your African Violet in a bright windowsill or somewhere else where the sun won’t be beaming down on it directly. At night, let your African Violet relax in the dark. Darkness acts as a bloom cue for these plants, so it’s important that they get an ample amount of time without bright lights.

Are Persian violets prone to pests?

Persian violets generally don’t have any serious issues with pests or diseases. But keep an eye out for common plant pests, including aphids and spider mites. Check for leaf damage and webbing along the plant, and treat any issues as soon as they arise. These plants prefer bright, indirect light to grow and flower at their best.

How far apart do you Plant Persian violets?

When transplanting them from pots to outdoor flowerbeds, place their tubers 6 to 10 inches apart and 1/2 inch deep in rich soil; the top part of each tuber must be above ground. Persian violets prefer well-draining soil that is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 6.5 to 7.


How often do you water Persian violets?

Watering Instructions Check the soil moisture with your finger. If the top 2-4” (5-10cm) of soil is dry, or plants are wilted, it is time to water. Apply water at the soil level if possible to avoid wetting the foliage. Water the entire soil area until water runs out the base of the pot.

How long do Persian violets last?

The Persian violet loves bright light, but not direct light, so it would be best to keep the plant near a window. They enjoy cooler rooms and higher humidity. Doing this will keep the flowers blooming for three to four months.

How do you care for potted violets?

1:143:486 Tips For Caring for African Violets - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo to water them from underneath all you need to do is put enough water in their saucer. So thatMoreSo to water them from underneath all you need to do is put enough water in their saucer. So that they can sit in it for about an hour soak. Up what they need and then you can pour out any excess.

Do violets prefer sun or shade?

Although violets tolerate of a variety of light conditions, most will grow best in full sun to partial shade. Some woodland species tolerate more shade; in fact they can be planted in areas considered to be full shade.

Why is my Persian violet drooping?

They are very vulnerable to root rot due to overwatering. But on the other end of the spectrum, they will readily wilt if they are thirsty. This is tricky because root rot also can cause wilting. So if your violet is wilting and the soil is moist, you're likely watering too much.

How do you take care of a Persian?

1:287:03How To Care For Persian Cats | Things to Know About Persian CatsYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipIf you brush in the direction that the fur grows. The proper combing process involves. Step 4 brushMoreIf you brush in the direction that the fur grows. The proper combing process involves. Step 4 brush or cat's fur every day so that she stays healthy.

Are violets indoor or outdoor plants?

indoorWhere to Grow African Violets. African violets are strictly indoor plants in North America, largely because their leaves need to stay dry. Grow plants in bright, indirect light for the best color and blooms.

How long do violets last?

Individual blooms can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Varieties producing thicker petals and those with green in the bloom tend to last longer. Blooms will last longer under moderate to high humidity with cooler temperatures (say 60-75f degrees).

Is coffee grounds good for African violets?

Are coffee grounds good for African violets? Coffee grounds are slightly acidic and contain nitrogen, which helps plants grow healthy foliage. Occasionally sprinkling used coffee grounds on top of your African violet potting soil can be good for the plant. Don't go overboard, though.

Where is the best place to grow violets?

Violets do best in full sun or partial shade, in soil that's fertile with plenty of organic matter, and which drains well. Grow violets in a woodland garden, on rockeries and banks, at the front of borders or under shrubs with an open canopy that only cast a light shade.

What is the season for violets?

springThey need winter and spring sunshine but summer shade, so the ideal spots are under deciduous trees and shrubs. They used to be grown commercially in orchards, providing fruit growers with a spring crop of blooms to sell before the autumn harvest of apples and pears.

Can violets be planted outside?

They would never survive outdoors in most U.S. climates as a normal violet would. You can buy these plants almost anywhere, including grocery stores and garden centers.

What kind of soil do Persian violets like?

The plants grow naturally in rocky soil. They can tolerate a variety of soil types as long as they have good drainage. They also like a slightly acidic soil pH. For potted Persian violets, an African violet potting mix is suitable.

Why are my Persian violets wilting?

But on the other end of the spectrum, they will readily wilt if they are thirsty. This is tricky because root rot also can cause wilting. So if your violet is wilting and the soil is moist, you’re likely watering too much. Most Persian violets won’t recover from root rot, so it’s best to start with a new plant.

How big do Persian violets get?

Botanical Name. Exacum affine. Common Names. Persian violet. Plant Type. Annual, biennial, herbaceous. Mature Size. 6–18 in. tall, 6–12 in. wide.

How to raise humidity in a potted plant?

To raise humidity around a potted plant, place it on a tray filled with pebbles and water. But make sure the bottom of the pot isn’t touching the water, which can cause root rot. A humidifier in the room with your violet also can benefit it, as can regularly misting the plant.

What is the best light for a house plant?

Light. These plants prefer bright, indirect light to grow and flower at their best. But growing in full sun, especially strong afternoon sun, is too much for them and can scorch their foliage. When grown as a houseplant, a bright south- or west-facing window is ideal.

Do Persian violets need to be replanted?

Most Persian violets won't live long enough to require repotting. However, many people find that the plants they buy in garden centers are already root-bound. Plants in this condition will grow more slowly and bloom less vigorously than others with sufficient space.

Do Persian violets have pests?

Persian violets generally don’t have any serious issues with pests or diseases. But keep an eye out for common plant pests, including aphids and spider mites. Check for leaf damage and webbing along the plant, and treat any issues as soon as they arise. The Spruce / K. Dave.

How to get Persian violets to bloom?

Persian violets usually bloom from fall to spring. They enter dormancy after their flowers fade and foliage turns yellow. Encourage more blooms on dormant indoor plants by stopping watering them and by setting them in a cool, light-filtered location. When their leaves are dry, after about two months, repot their tubers in a dry, peat moss media. Water that media to encourage new growth when leaves emerge in fall. The plants should bloom again, but the flowers may be fewer, smaller and slightly faded in color.

How do I water a Persian violet plant?

Watering Persian violets as needed allows their tubers to stay moist, but their roots must not sit in puddles. Root rot and leaf yellowing occur when the plants are overly saturated. Test the soil surface to determine how much water to add. If the soil is dry, give it about 1 inch of water, and then let it drain. Check the ground moisture and, if necessary, water the soil again, but don’t flood the plants' roots. Do not pour water on top of flower heads; instead, place the watering hose's nozzle at the ground. If your Persian violets grow indoors, remove excess water from their potting dishes. Feeding the plants with a water-soluble fertilizer encourages blooming, but too much food produces more leaves than flowers.

How deep should I plant Persian violets?

Persian violets need room to spread. When transplanting them from pots to outdoor flowerbeds, place their tubers 6 to 10 inches apart and 1/2 inch deep in rich soil; the top part of each tuber must be above ground. Persian violets prefer well-draining soil that is slightly alkaline, with a pH of 6.5 to 7. Various cultivars grow well in open beds and rock gardens, but wooded areas help to keep their moist tubers from becoming oversaturated. The best time to plant Persian violets is during their summer dormancy, but some varieties are suitable for fall planting. Certain varieties bloom from November to March.

What causes yellow leaves on Persian violets?

Bacterial and fungal diseases can damage Persian violets. Gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) appears as spots on leaf tissue. Removing old flowers and keeping foliage dry helps to keep mold from developing and spreading. Chemical treatments include iprodione or fenhexamid. Soft rot (Erwinia chrysanthemia) affects tubers, and root rot Phytophthora spp.) causes roots and lower leaves to turn yellow and sag. Heat treatments and removing infected plants are effective controls, according to University of California Integrated Pest Management Online. Some chemical treatments with mefenoxam may help. Fusarium wilts (F. oxysporum f. sp. cyclaminis), which cause wilting leaves to turn yellow and brown, often can be treated with fungicide.

Do Persian violets attract mites?

Persian violets do not usually attract many pests, but they draw mites, especially if many plants grow together. Cyclamen mites and broad mites are tiny, greenish or seemingly clear bugs that damage leaves and flowers. Mites reproduce quickly and are hard to control. So some experts recommend disposing of damaged, infested plants. Fully exposing damaged plants to a steady stream of 110 F water for 30 minutes, however, may kill the mites. Miticidal or insecticidal soap, horticultural oil and chemical sprays with dicofol are also available to control mites.

How to Care for Violets?

Violet Care At Home: Despite its simplicity, it shows itself immediately with its eye-catching beauty. Due to its small size and the conditions it needs, the violet flower is one of the most frequently looked at homes.

Types and Varieties of Violet Plant

Violet keeps its vitality for a long time when looked right and needs are met, and its colorful flowers do not fall out for a long time. As a potted flower, violet varieties with nearly 500 species worldwide can be grown almost anywhere in the world.

How To Grow And Care For A Violet?

Violet Soil: A light and moisture-retaining soil is required for the flower’s roots to absorb oxygen it needs. Violet soil can be obtained by mixing a scale peat, a scale perlite or pumice, and a scale vermiculite.

Why are African violets dying?

The reason African Violets decline is usually due to grower error, not because of the plant itself . To ensure that your African Violet lives a long and healthy life, it is important to learn the necessary care information for these wonderful plants.

How big do African violets get?

Generally, African Violets will grow anywhere from 2” to 6” tall and 2” to 12” wide. However, there are some giant African Violets out there, with diameters well over a foot. African Violet leaves have tiny hairs and a lush green appearance.

Why are my African violet leaves turning yellow?

If you’re seeing yellow leaves at the top of your African Violet, chances are it’s just because the leaf is about to die off to create space for new foliage to grow. If the leaves lower on your African Violet are turning yellow, often the plant either isn’t being watered correctly or hasn’t been getting enough fertilizer.

Can African violets survive in direct sunlight?

We want a lot of indirect sunlight for our African Violets to thrive. Often when placed outdoors, it’s incredibly hard to moderate how much light your African Violet receives. We want to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible , and this can become a daunting task outdoors.

Can you repot an African violet?

Yes! You absolutely should repot your African Violet to ensure it lives a long, happy life. It's not healthy to keep your plant in the same mix it has been in for years. Mold, decay, and bugs can start to destroy the once healthy living environment your African Violet thrived in.

Can African violets grow outdoors?

We wouldn't recommend growing African Violets outdoors for a few reasons . First, most climates don’t support outdoor growing for African Violets year round. Either the environment is too cold or not humid enough for their liking. Also, lighting can be an issue.

How to keep violets blooming?

Letting the soil around the roots completely dry out before re-watering will encourage blooms. You can also find special containers and water saucers designed for violet care. If you leaves start to yellow, you are probably over or under watering the plant. Source.

How to propagate African violets?

African Violets are easy to propagate from cuttings. If your pot is too big for your violet, it will grow daughter plants. It will look like the center of the existing plant growing from the base. Simply remove the plant from the pot and gently separate the new crown from the existing plant. You can also cut a healthy green leaf and start its roots.

What kind of light do African violets need?

African Violets need a medium to bright filtered indirect light. South or west facing windowsills are ideal. Plants with dark green foliage usually need somewhat higher light levels than those with pale or medium green foliage. Turn pots regularly to keep flowers from reaching for the light.

What temperature do African violets like?

African violets like living like us. Their ideal living temperature is from about 65-78 degrees. Don’t let the temp drop below 60 or go about 80 and they should do just fine. Make sure they are kept away from air vents as this will affect their air temp and humidity levels.

Why are my African violet leaves pale?

Pale leaves or no flowers could mean your plant if hungry for food. Fertilize African violet plants with special African violet food or a higher phosphorous food. Mix the fertilizer to one-quarter strength and use at every watering until the plant looks healthier.

What color is African violet?

There are many varieties to choose from but it’s often best to just start with a traditional purple-hued African Violet. Once you become more familiar with these flowers you can propagate and add more varieties to your collection if you wish.

Can African violets be grown indoors?

African Violets are beautiful flowers and make wonderful indoor plants. While they have a reputation for being fussy and difficult to grow, that really isn’t the case. They may need a little extra attention, but nothing overwhelming. They are easily grown in pots indoors, taking up little space. So, here are some tips on taking care ...

How Hard is African Violet to grow?

One of the first things to note is the type of potting mix or fertilizer you are using. The first option is to buy potting soil specifically for African Violets and then dilute it with perlite. Otherwise, you would want to use something like Miracle-Gro® Indoor Potting Mix.

Do African Violets Need Direct Sunlight?

Like any other plant, African Violet’s needs a certain amount of sunlight to grow. For African Violets specifically, you need to ensure that you use daylight and not grow lights as a replacement. Indirect light works the best for this plant.

How Much Should You Water an African Violet?

If you end up overwatering the plant, it can quickly die due to diseases like root rot. Some tools that help you efficiently water the plant include a self-watering African Violet pot, which gives the plant water every day and increases the humidity around the plant.

Can You Use Coffee Grounds on African Violets?

Yes, you can use used coffee grounds as a fertilizer for African Violets. However, you should ensure you don’t get the coffee grounds on the leaves if possible.

Common Bugs that the Plant Gets

One common bud problem that African Violets run into is with Mealybugs. Mealybugs are white bugs that can slowly kill your plant by sucking out the sap. If you discover these bugs on the plant, you can put rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and wipe them away.

How Do you Get African Violets to Rebloom?

African violets bloom due to various factors, such as genetics, watering levels, the amount of light, and more. If you want the plant to rebloom, you need to ensure that you do the same things as when it first bloomed. An excellent way to make sure you can have the plant rebloom is by removing blooming flowers so new ones can grow in their place.

Conclusion – How to Take Care of an African Violet Plant

African Violets are one of the very few houseplants that get their reputation for just having pretty flowers. If you want to grow this plant, you now have the information you need to grow it successfully.


1.Videos of How Do You Take Care of Persian Violets


9 hours ago Persian Violet Care Tips. Light: For the most blooms, give Persian violet bright filtered light from a south- or west-facing window. Some direct morning sun is fine, but keep out of hot, afternoon sunlight which can scorch the plant. Water: Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy.

2.Persian Violet Plant Care - Growing Persian Violet Indoors


10 hours ago What Is A Persian Violet: Care Of Persian Violet Houseplants. Growing Persian violet indoors can add a splash of color and interest to the home. These easy to care for plants will reward you with beautiful blooms. Read here for more about Persian violet plant care. Join Us - …

3.Persian Violet: Plant Care & Growing Guide - The Spruce


36 hours ago Decaying leaves and branches need to be cleaned frequently. When flower pot is changed, new leaves come out quickly and the violet grows. When the leaves and stems grow in time, violet may stop giving flowers when it feels cramped. It is recommended to clean the …

4.Persian Violet Plant Care | Home Guides | SF Gate


36 hours ago  · Make sure that the plant has shade as well not to bake the leaves. Indirect light is enough light for the plant. In summary, the plant should get eight hours of sunlight and eight hours in the dark every day. Finally, you should get in the habit of rotating the plants a quarter-turn for consistent growth.

5.11 Tips For Violet Care: How To Plant, Reproduce, Watering


4 hours ago To take care of an African Violet in winter, provide decent warmth and humidity. Keep the plant away from drafty windows or outside doors, maintaining temperatures between 60 and 85 degrees. Avoid fertilizing too much, and keep the air moist by clustering your plants or using a humidifier. As long as your home is reasonably comfortable for you ...

6.9 Simple Tips for African Violets Care – Perfect Violets


27 hours ago

7.10 Tips on How to Take Care of Your African Violets


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8.How to Take Care of an African Violet Plant - Plant Legend


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