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how do you use greater than equal to in sql

by Maureen Bartell Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

>= (Greater Than or Equal To) (Transact-SQL)

  • Syntax syntaxsql expression >= expression Note ...
  • Arguments expression Is any valid expression. ...
  • Result Types Boolean
  • Remarks When you compare nonnull expressions, the result is TRUE if the left operand has a greater or equal value than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE. ...
  • Examples A. ...
  • Recommended content - (Subtraction) (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server ...

In SQL, you can use the >= operator to test for an expression greater than or equal to. Let's use the same customers table as the previous example. In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the customers table where the customer_id is greater than or equal to 6000.

Full Answer

How to use rounded value for join in SQL?

  • If the operation parameter is 0 (or not provided), the ROUND function will round the result to the number of decimal_places.
  • If the operation parameter is non-zero, the ROUND function will truncate the result to the number of decimal_places.
  • See also the CEILING and FLOOR functions.

How do you subtract in SQL?

How do I subtract time from time in SQL?

  • Add 30 days to a date SELECT DATEADD (DD,30,@Date)
  • Add 3 hours to a date SELECT DATEADD (HOUR,-3,@Date)
  • Subtract 90 minutes from date SELECT DATEADD (MINUTE,-90,@Date)
  • Check out the chart to get a list of all options.

How to use a basic join in SQL?

  • INNER JOIN: The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from both the tables as long as the condition satisfies. ...
  • LEFT JOIN: This join returns all the rows of the table on the left side of the join and matching rows for the table on the right side of join. ...
  • RIGHT JOIN: RIGHT JOIN is similar to LEFT JOIN. ...

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How to sort the data in SQL?


  • ORDER BY. The ORDER BY command is used to sort the result set in ascending or descending order. ...
  • ASC. The ASC command is used to sort the data returned in ascending order.
  • DESC. The DESC command is used to sort the data returned in descending order.


How do you write greater than equal conditions in SQL?

A comparison (or relational) operator is a mathematical symbol which is used to compare between two values....Description.OperatorDescription=Equal to.>Greater than.=Greater than equal to.2 more rows•Aug 19, 2022

Can you use <= in SQL?

While some databases like sql-server support not less than and not greater than, they do not support the analogous not-less-than-or-equal-to operator ! <=.

How do I use greater than symbol in SQL?

Example - Greater Than Operator You can use the > operator in SQL Server to test for an expression greater than. SELECT * FROM employees WHERE employee_id > 3000; In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the employees table where the employee_id is greater than 3000.

How do you add greater than or equal to in query?

The SQL Greater Than or Equal To comparison operator (>=) is used to compare two values. It returns TRUE if the first value is greater than or equal to the second. If the second is greater, it returns FALSE. You can also test for greater than or equal to by using >=.

What is == in SQL?

== (Equal) (SSIS Expression) - SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) | Microsoft Learn. Skip to main content.

How do you use less than or equal to in SQL?

SQL Less than or equal to ( <= ) operator The less than equal to operator is used to test whether an expression (or number) is either less than or equal to another one.

How do you write greater than or equal to?

The symbol ≥ means greater than or equal to.

How do I find the difference between two numbers in SQL?

The DIFFERENCE() function compares two SOUNDEX values, and returns an integer. The integer value indicates the match for the two SOUNDEX values, from 0 to 4. 0 indicates weak or no similarity between the SOUNDEX values.

How can I compare two tables in different columns in SQL?

Using joins to compare columns by priority among the table. For example, left join returns all values from the first table and null value for the not-matched records from the second table. Similarly, we can use right join, inner join, full join and self join as per our requirements.

How do I use greater than symbol in MySQL?

Example - Greater Than Operator You can use the > operator in MySQL to test for an expression greater than. SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE contact_id > 50; In this example, the SELECT statement would return all rows from the contacts table where the contact_id is greater than 50.

What is this operator *= in SQL?

*= (Multiply equals) The *= operator will multiple a value by the original value and store the result in the original value. The below example sets a value of 10, then multiplies it by 5 and prints the result (50).

What type of operator is greater than?

Comparison Operator SymbolNamegreater than<=less than or equal to>=greater than or equal to5 more rows

What is the use of symbol in SQL?

Wildcard Characters in SQL ServerSymbolDescription_Represents a single character[]Represents any single character within the brackets^Represents any character not in the brackets-Represents any single character within the specified range1 more row

Why * is used in SQL?

The second part of a SQL query is the name of the column you want to retrieve for each record you are getting. You can obviously retrieve multiple columns for each record, and (only if you want to retrieve all the columns) you can replace the list of them with * , which means "all columns".

What is use command in SQL?

The use command is used when there are multiple databases in the SQL and the user or programmer specifically wants to use a particular database. Thus, in simple terms, the use statement selects a specific database and then performs operations on it using the inbuilt commands of SQL.

What are primary keys SQL?

In SQL, a primary key is a single field or combination of fields that uniquely defines a record. None of the fields that are part of the primary key can contain a NULL value. A table can have only one primary key. You use either the CREATE TABLE statement or the ALTER TABLE statement to create a primary key in SQL.

What does greater than equal to mean in SQL?

In SQL, the greater than or equal to operator ( >=) compares two expressions and returns TRUE if the left operand has a value greater than or equal to the right operand; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

What is precedence in SQL?

Precedence. You can also use a combination of operators when filtering the results. Note that SQL has an order of precedence that it assigns to different operator types. For example, it evaluates any conditional operators before any logical operators, such as AND and OR. It also evaluates any AND operators before any OR operators.

Can you use multiple operators?

If you have multiple conditions, you can use multiple >= operators.

Is the AND operator evaluated before the OR operator?

In this query, I didn’t provide any parentheses, and so the AND operator was evaluated before the OR operator.

What does greater than mean in SQL?

In SQL, greater than operator is used to check whether the left-hand operator is higher than the right-hand operator or not. If left-hand operator higher than right-hand operator then condition will be true and it will return matched records.

What happens if you run a SQL statement for greater than or equal to the operator?

If we run following SQL statement for greater than or equal to the operator it will return records where empid higher than or equal to 2

What is the less than operator in SQL?

The sql Less Than operator is used to check whether the left-hand operator is lower than the right-hand operator or not. If left-hand operator lower than right-hand operator then condition will be true and it will return matched records.

What is the SQL equal operator?

The sql equal operator is used to check whether two expressions equal or not. If it’s equal then the condition will be true and it will return matched records. Not Equal (!=) Operator. The sql not equal operator is used to check whether two expressions equal or not.

What does an equal operator return?

If we run following SQL statement for the equal operator it will return records where empid equals to 1.

What is a comparison operator in SQL?

In SQL, the comparison operators are useful to compare one expression with another expression using mathematical operators like equal (=), greater than (>), less than (*), greater than or equal to (>=), less than or equal to (<=), not equal (<>), etc. on SQL statements. In SQL, we have a different type of comparison operators available those are

What does "not equal" mean in SQL?

In SQL, not equal operator is used to check whether two expressions equal or not. If it’s not equal then the condition will be true and it will return not matched records.

greater than or equal operator

MySQL greater than or equal operator checks whether one expression is either greater than or equal to another expression.

Example: MySQL greater than or equal operator

The following MySQL statement will fetch those publishers from the publisher table who have more than or equal to 10 branch offices.

SQL Greater Than or Equal To with Other Types

You can use the SQL greater than or equal to comparison with other data types, such as VARCHAR and DATETIME .

Additional Resources

To learn more about SQL greater than or equal to (>=), check out these useful resources:



  • Here’s an example to demonstrate. Result: This query returns all cities that have a population of greater than or equal to 9269265.
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  • The greater than or equal to operator includes the specified value in its evaluation. For example, the previous query included Karachi, which, according to this database, has a population of exactly 9269265. If we wanted to exclude cities with that population, we would either need to increase the specified value: Result: Or we could simply use the greater than (>) operator instea…
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  • Here’s an example to demonstrate using the greater than or equal to operator to compare date values. Result:
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  • You can also use the greater than or equal to operator to compare string values. When comparing with a string value, use quotes around the string. Result:
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  • You can also use a combination of operators when filtering the results. Note that SQL has an order of precedence that it assigns to different operator types. For example, it evaluates any conditional operators before any logical operators, such as AND and OR. It also evaluates any AND operators before any ORoperators. Parentheses have a higher precedence than all operator…
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Negating The Condition

  • You can use the NOT operator to negate the condition provided by the >=operator. Here’s an example: Result:
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SQL Equal (=) Operator

SQL Not Equal (!=) Operator

SQL Not Equal (<>) Operator

SQL Greater Than (>) Operator

SQL Less Than (<) Operator

SQL Greater Than Or Equal to (>=) Operator

  • In SQL, greater than or equal to the operator is used to check whether the left-hand operator is higher than or equal to the right-hand operator or not. If left-hand operator higher than or equal toright-hand operator then condition will be true and it will return matched records. Example: If we run following SQL statement for greater than or equal...
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SQL Less Than Or Equal to (<=) Operator

SQL Not Less Than (!<) Operator

SQL Not Greater Than (!>) Operator

1.Greater Than or Equal To) (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server


28 hours ago  · When you compare nonnull expressions, the result is TRUE if the left operand has a greater or equal value than the right operand; otherwise, the result is FALSE. Unlike the = …

2.SQL Greater Than or Equal To (>=) Operator for Beginners


33 hours ago  · Compares two expressions for greater than or equal (a comparison operator). When you compare nonnull expressions, the result is TRUE if the left operand has a greater or …

3.Greater Than or Equal To) (U-SQL) - U-SQL | Microsoft Learn


21 hours ago  · greater than or equal operator. MySQL greater than or equal operator checks whether one expression is either greater than or equal to another expression. Syntax: >= …

4.SQL Comparison Operators (Equal, Not Equal, Less than, …


26 hours ago  · SELECT * FROM dbo.Account AS a WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( @toDate IS NULL OR a.CreateDate <= @toDate ) AND ( @fromDate IS NULL OR a.CreateDate >= @fromDate ) …

5.MySQL greater than or equal operator - w3resource


4 hours ago  · Mar 7, 2012 at 23:12. If a person is either older than you (GREATER THAN), your age (EQUAL TO), or younger than you (LESS THAN), that person could be any living person on …

6.greater than and less than equals to in sql? - Stack Overflow


23 hours ago  · Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Managed Instance Azure Synapse Analytics Parallel Data Warehouse Compares two …

7.SQL Greater than, Equal to AND Less Than - Stack Overflow


25 hours ago  · Solution 3: SELECT * FROM dbo.Account AS a WHERE 1 = 1 AND ( @toDate IS NULL OR a.CreateDate <= @toDate ) AND ( @fromDate IS NULL OR a.CreateDate >= …

8.SQL Greater Than or Equal To Comparison Operator


36 hours ago  · The SQL Greater Than or Equal To comparison operator (>=) is used to compare two values. It returns TRUE if the first value is greater than or equal to the second. If the …

9.Videos of How Do You Use Greater than Equal to in SQL


30 hours ago

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