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how do you use haber in the subjunctive

by Dr. Sincere Donnelly III Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Haber for 'There Is" or 'There Are'

  • Hay una silla en la cocina. ( There is one chair in the kitchen.)
  • Hay dos sillas en la cocina. ( There are two chairs in the kitchen.)

Auxiliary: It is used as an auxiliary in compound tenses ( present perfect, pluperfect, etc.), meaning to have done something. With this use, it is always followed by a past participle.
Present Subjunctive.
haber to have
yo hayanostros/as hayamos
tú hayas
él/ella/usted hayaellos/as/ustedes hayan
existential form: haya

Full Answer

How to know when to use the subjunctive in Spanish?

You will use the Spanish subjunctive when information can fit in any of these categories:

  • Emotional statement/comment
  • Desire
  • Ignorance
  • Impersonal opinion
  • Uncompleted action
  • “Maybe” and “perhaps”
  • “Even if”

Why is the Spanish subjunctive so hard?

The subjunctive is hard fro two reasons. The first reason is because we are not used to using it or at least not used to paying attention to it in English. The second reason is because the teaching of Spanish has almost universally decided to teach it backwards.

What is the subjunctive form of Haber?

To conjugate haber in the present subjunctive, we need the irregular stem hay-, to which we will add the following endings: VERB: haber (ah-BAYHR) - to be, exist / to have Subject Pronouns

How to conjugate Haber in the present tense?

Present Tense Conjugation of haber – Presente (de indicativo) de haber. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo he, tú has, él / Ud.…

What Does Haber Mean?

What are the three tenses of Haber?

What is subjunctive mood?

What does "Ojalá lo hayáis pasado bien en la fiesta" mean?

How to make regular participles in Spanish?

When to use conditional tense?

Is the imperative used in Spanish?

See 4 more

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How do you use Haber in a sentence?

Impersonal use of haberHay mucho polvo en la casa. There is a lot of dust in the house.Había muchas personas en el concierto. There were many people at the concert.Hay que dar un regalo a tu madre. You must give a gift to your mom.Hay que pensar las cosas antes de hacerlas.

How do you use Haber in Spanish?

Haber is used to form what is known as the perfect tenses because they refer to actions that have been or will be completed. ("Completed" used to be a common meaning of "perfect.") As in English, the perfect tenses are formed by following a form of haber with a past participle. He comprado un coche.

How do you conjugate Haber?

haberhe.tú has.él/ella/Ud. ha, hay.nosotros. hemos.vosotros. habéis.ellos/ellas/Uds. han.

How do you conjugate the subjunctive?

To conjugate regular verbs into the present subjunctive form, we use the 3rd person plural form (ils) of the present indicative tense. We then remove the -ent ending and add -e, -es, -e, -ions, -iez, and -ent. Here are some irregular subjunctive verb forms, although there are a few more!

What is the difference between ser and haber?

The verb to be can be expressed in Spanish by three words ser, estar, and haber. Learners of Spanish frequently confuse the three. The main difference between them is that ser refers to inherent a-temporal characteristics, estar describes states and locations, and haber is used to express existence.

What's the difference between Haber and tener?

When you are talking about something in the sense of possessing it, tener is the verb form to be used. Haber is mostly used in the form of an auxiliary verb for things that you have done. Thus, if you want to make clear that you physically have something, make use of tener.

What does Haber que mean?

obligationHaber de and haber que are common ways to express obligation or the need to do something. They have clear similarities since they're based on the same verb, but they also have important, nuanced differences.

What are some examples of subjunctive?

In the subjunctive mood, the verb remains in its bare form, rather than changing to reflect the tense. Here are two examples: Our teacher suggested that we finish our work early. If the shop were like other shops in town, it would take credit cards.

What are the four tenses of the subjunctive?

The subjunctive exists in four tenses: the present, imperfect, perfect and pluperfect. It occurs in both the active and passive voice. In addition to this, the endings of subjunctive verbs can alter across the conjugations.

What is an example of subjunctive?

Example Sentences Adjective In “I wish it were Friday,” the verb “were” is in the subjunctive mood. Noun “I wish it were not so” is in the subjunctive. Subjunctives can be used to express doubt.

What does Haber que mean?

obligationHaber de and haber que are common ways to express obligation or the need to do something. They have clear similarities since they're based on the same verb, but they also have important, nuanced differences.

Is Haber singular or plural?

Key Takeaways: Spanish Verb Haber In the singular third-person form, haber can be used to mean "there is" or "there are." In the indicative present tense, haber used in this way is conjugated as hay.

What is the infinitive of Haber?

In Spanish, the perfect infinitive (infinitivo compuesto) is simply the word haber followed by the past participle of a verb. It is the equivalent of the English infinitive "to have" followed by a past participle and is used in basically the same way.

Does hay come from Haber?

Hay is the present tense impersonal form of the verb haber. It's always hay (invariable) regardless of whether the noun that follows is singular or plural.

How to Use ‘Haber’ in Spanish: Conjugations, Uses & Examples

¿Cómo es posible que haya habido tantas quejas? How is it possible that there have been so many complaints? ¿Por qué crees que haya habido tanta gente en el super? Why do you think there have been so many people in the supermarket?. Imperative. Imperative conjugation. Since this verb is used to talk about existence, necessities and as an auxiliary verb, it’s never conjugated in its ...

Haber – Conditional Tense Conjugation |

Conditional Tense Conjugation of haber – Condicional (potencial simple) de haber. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo habría, tú habrías, él / Ud.…

Haber – Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation ...

Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation of haber – Presente de subjuntivo de haber. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo haya, tú hayas, él / Ud.…

Conditional Tense Spanish | SpanishDict

The Spanish conditional tense is formed much like the Spanish simple future tense.Both regular and irregular verbs use the same set of endings, and any stems that are irregular in the simple future are also irregular in the conditional.. Regular Conditional Forms. To form the conditional tense with regular -ar verbs, regular -er verbs, and regular -ir verbs, simply add the conditional endings ...

Spanish Present Perfect Indicative | SpanishDict

The Spanish present perfect (el pretérito perfecto compuesto o el antepresente) is used to talk about things that started in the past and which continue or repeat in the present.It's also used to talk about things that have happened in the recent past.

Spanish Conjugation: participle, present, future, preterite - Reverso

Spanish conjugation: the best way to learn how to conjugate a Spanish verb. Write the infinitive or a conjugated form and the Spanish Conjugator will provide you a list of all the verb tenses and persons: future, participle, present, preterite, auxiliary verb.

What Does Haber Mean?

The Spanish verb haber (pronounced: ah-BAYHR) is a special verb, in the sense that it can be used in two different ways. Depending on how it is used, it will mean either 'to be/exist' or 'to have'.

What are the three tenses of Haber?

In this lesson, we go over the different meanings and uses of haber, while we analyze its conjugation in three different tenses - the imperative, the conditional and the subjunctive. Let's start!

What is subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive is a mood or way of expressing subjective information, such as wishes, possibilities or uncertainty.

What does "Ojalá lo hayáis pasado bien en la fiesta" mean?

Tania: ¡Ojalá lo hayáis pasado bien en la fiesta! (I hope you (all) have had a good time at the party!)

How to make regular participles in Spanish?

Note: In Spanish, regular participles are formed out by adding -ado or -ido to the verb stem ( -ado to AR verbs, and -ido to the rest).

When to use conditional tense?

We use the conditional to talk about hypotheses or possibilities. So use this tense to say what might (or not) have been.

Is the imperative used in Spanish?

The imperative, which is not used in the Spanish language anymore.

When to use Haber?

Haber is used with the preposition de followed by an infinitive to express what a specific person is obligated to do.

What does Haber mean in the present tense?

Haber translates as to be when expressing the existence of a noun. This is pretty simple in the present tense, but it can get a little trickier in the past when deciding between the preterite and imperfect. To state the existence of a noun in the present tense, we use hay, which translates as there is / there are.

How are perfect tenses formed in Spanish?

The Spanish perfect tenses are formed by combining a conjugated form of the auxiliary verb haber ( to have) with a past participle.

What does Haber mean?

Haber translates as to be or to have depending on whether it is used as an impersonal verb or auxiliary verb.

When stating the existence of a noun in the past tense, do we use the preterite?

When stating the existence of a noun in the past tense, we use the preterite or imperfect.

Is "haber" a verb?

Haber is most commonly used as an impersonal verb to state what exists and to express general obligations. When using haber as an impersonal verb, only the third person singular form is used. examples. Hay una flor en el florero. There's a flower in the vase.

Is Haber in the third person singular?

Haber conjugated in the third person singular is used in many weather expressions in Spanish. The expressions in the following table are in the present indicative, and describe what the weather is currently like. Using the same expressions, haber can be conjugated in other tenses to say what the weather was like, will be like, etc.

Forming the Present Perfect Subjunctive

The present perfect subjunctive is a combination of the present subjunctive of the verb haber and a past participle. It's very similar to the present perfect indicative, but is triggered by the same sorts of words and phrases as the present subjunctive.

Present Perfect Subjunctive Uses

The present perfect subjunctive is used to talk about past actions connected to the present, as well as actions that will have been completed in the future. Certain words and phrases, such as those expressing emotions and desires, trigger the use of the present perfect subjunctive.

1. Past Actions Connected to the Present

The present perfect subjunctive can be used to talk about actions that happened in the past but are relevant in the present. It's very common to see it used to talk about things that just happened.

What are the Haber Subjunctive Structures?

Basically, these are the ones that quite often catch us out. We’ve learnt the subjunctive triggers and are feeling pretty confident about how and when to use them and bam! Suddenly we are faced with the Haber subjunctive and we don’t know what to do.

The great news

The great news is that the Haber subjunctive is not really any different to any of the other subjunctive tenses (or moods as they say). Okay, the verb Haber may be a little irregular but that shouldn’t faze us very much given that more than 70% of Spanish verbs are irregular anyway.

First things first

Probably, for you to understand how to use the Haber subjunctive structures you really need to get to grips with the normal, Present Subjunctive and what we here at LightSpeed Spanish call the Triggers.

When to use Haber in Spanish?

Haber can be used in this way in tenses other than the present , although not as commonly. In formal Spanish, as in the second example above, the singular form of the verb is used even when it refers to more than one person or thing.

What does Haber mean in idioms?

The one you'll run into most often as a beginner is haber que, which means "to be necessary" when followed by an infinitive. When used this way in the present tense, the hay form of haber is used.

What does "hay" mean in English?

One peculiarity of haber is that it has a unique conjugated form, hay (pronounced basically the same as the English "eye") that means "there is" or "there are."

What is the meaning of "haber"?

When used as an auxiliary verb, haber is the equivalent of the English auxiliary "to have" (which is much different than the English "to have" when it means "to possess"). Haber is used to form what is known as the perfect tenses because they refer to actions that have been or will be completed. ("Completed" used to be a common meaning ...

What does "hay que saltar" mean?

Hay que saltar. (It is necessary to jump. )

Is "he has always gone" an adverb?

Habría hablado. (I would have spoken.) In English, it is very common to insert an adverb or another word between the two parts of a compound verb, such as in the sentence "he has always gone.". But in Spanish (except perhaps in poetry), the two verb parts aren't separated.

When to use subjunctive?

Whenever a clause is introduced by “ maybe ” or “ perhaps ” you will use the subjunctive.

When to use subjunctive in subordinate clause?

Whenever the verbs in the main clause express ignorance or doubt, you will use the subjunctive in the subordinate clause

When does aunque introduce the subjunctive?

Whenever an action has not yet happened or is not known to happen, aunque introduces the subjunctive.

When is a subordinate clause in the subjunctive?

Whenever an action in the subordinate clause is indefinite or pending , the verb in the subordinate clause will be in the subjunctive. Take a look at this sentence.

Is the second part of a sentence in the subjunctive?

The second part (clause) of this sentence is in the subjunctive.

What Does Haber Mean?

The Spanish verb haber (pronounced: ah-BAYHR) is a special verb, in the sense that it can be used in two different ways. Depending on how it is used, it will mean either 'to be/exist' or 'to have'.

What are the three tenses of Haber?

In this lesson, we go over the different meanings and uses of haber, while we analyze its conjugation in three different tenses - the imperative, the conditional and the subjunctive. Let's start!

What is subjunctive mood?

The subjunctive is a mood or way of expressing subjective information, such as wishes, possibilities or uncertainty.

What does "Ojalá lo hayáis pasado bien en la fiesta" mean?

Tania: ¡Ojalá lo hayáis pasado bien en la fiesta! (I hope you (all) have had a good time at the party!)

How to make regular participles in Spanish?

Note: In Spanish, regular participles are formed out by adding -ado or -ido to the verb stem ( -ado to AR verbs, and -ido to the rest).

When to use conditional tense?

We use the conditional to talk about hypotheses or possibilities. So use this tense to say what might (or not) have been.

Is the imperative used in Spanish?

The imperative, which is not used in the Spanish language anymore.


1.Haber – Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation ...


34 hours ago Subjunctive (Present Subjunctive) Conjugation of haber – Presente de subjuntivo de haber. Spanish Verb Conjugation: yo haya, tú hayas, él / Ud.…

2.Videos of How Do You use HABER in the SUBJUNCTIVE


36 hours ago Haber Subjunctive Conjugations. Present subjunctive conjugation. To conjugate haber to the present subjunctive, we’ll simply add the subjunctive endings to the irregular ‘ hay ’.

3.How to Use ‘Haber’ in Spanish: Conjugations, Uses


11 hours ago Indicating Existence. Haber translates as to be when expressing the existence of a noun. This is pretty simple in the present tense, but it can get a little trickier in the past when deciding …

4.The Verb "Haber" | SpanishDict


16 hours ago The present perfect subjunctive is a combination of the present subjunctive of the verb haber and a past participle. It's very similar to the present perfect indicative, but is triggered by the same …

5.The Present Perfect Subjunctive in Spanish | SpanishDict


9 hours ago The present subjunctive form of haber is used when forming the present perfect tense in the subjunctive mood. The conjugation of haber in the present subjunctive is: yo haya; tú hayas; …

6.The Haber Subjunctive structures. Let us help you with …


26 hours ago  · quizá (s) maybe/perhaps. tal vez. maybe/perhaps. Whenever a clause is introduced by “ maybe ” or “ perhaps ” you will use the subjunctive. This is because these words introduce …

7.Using the Spanish Verb ‘Haber’ - ThoughtCo


3 hours ago  · The subjunctive mood is how you express hypothetical situations and outcomes. It’s the mood used to express wishes, hopes, desires, and any other imagined outcome you …

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