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how do you use relative pronouns in a sentence

by Mercedes Grant Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Use Relative Pronouns

  • The driver who ran the stop sign was careless.
  • The children, whom we love dearly, need better educational systems.
  • Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died.
  • I have a friend whose cat is annoying.
  • The book, which is now out of print, has all the information you need.
  • This is the book that everyone is talking about.

Relative Pronouns Examples
The cyclist who won the race trained hard. The pants that I bought yesterday are already stained. The four team leaders, whoever the committee selects, will be at tomorrow's meeting. Spaghetti, which we eat at least twice a week, is one of my family's favorite meals.

Full Answer

How will you use pronouns in sentences?


  • Case. The man chased the cat. He chased the cat. The cat chased him. The cat is hiding from the man. ...
  • Problem areas. My mother and I went to the store. I went to the store. She asked my brother and me to be quiet. ...
  • Pronouns with Collective Nouns. Collective nouns are words that describe a group of several people or things but are treated as a singular noun.

What are some sentences using prepositions?

Use of Prepositions with Examples ( 101 Sentences ) | Prepositions List with Examples –

  1. Important pairs of prepositions –. I’ve explained below all the most confusing pairs of prepositions that are very essential to know. ...
  2. Useful prepositions –. Both my sons started going to music classes. ...
  3. Phrase prepositions –. According to the Principal, the exams will be conducted next month. ...
  4. Fixed prepositions –. ...

How to use pronouns to combine sentences?

Joining two sentences using a relative pronoun

  1. He is a cheerful boy ............................................. everybody loves. ...
  2. This is the house .............................................. Jack built. ...
  3. He is the person ................................................... ...
  4. He is the offender ................................................ ...

More items...

What are some examples of relative pronouns?

Relative Pronouns Examples

  • The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
  • The pants that I bought yesterday are already stained.
  • The four team leaders, whoever the committee selects, will be at tomorrow’s meeting.
  • Spaghetti, which we eat at least twice a week, is one of my family’s favorite meals.
  • Where did you buy the dress that you wore last week?

More items...


What are examples of relative pronouns in a sentence?

Here are some examples of how relative pronouns can be used in sentences.Sheela, who is a teacher, also works as a social worker.The car that was stolen last month was found in a river.Susan is the girl whom I was talking about.The park, where we had first met, is being renovated.More items...

Where do relative pronouns go in a sentence?

Relative pronouns are placed directly after the noun or pronoun they modify (which are underlined in the examples below). The subject of the sentence is described by a relative clause (italicized).

What is relative pronoun and give examples?

A relative pronoun is a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. It is called a "relative" pronoun because it "relates" to the word that its relative clause modifies. Here is an example: The person who phoned me last night is my teacher.

How do you know which relative pronoun to use?

The relative pronoun who may cause confusion because it has both a subject form (who) and an object form (whom). The key to choosing between these forms is to see what the pronoun is doing in its own clause. Use who if the pronoun is the subject of the verb in the dependent clause.

How can I use Whose in a sentence?

We use whose to ask a question about possession:Whose birthday is it today?Whose house was used in the film 'Gosford Park'?Whose are these gloves?Juliet wondered whose the sports car was.

What are the 5 relative clauses?

We attach relative clauses to independent clauses using relative pronouns or relative adverbs. There are five relative pronouns—that, which, who, whom, and whose—and three relative adverbs—where, when, and why. Deciding when to use “that” and “which” can be puzzling. “That” refers to things and never refers to people.

What are pronouns 5 examples?

Some examples of pronouns are I, he, him, you, we, him, her, yours, theirs, someone, where, when, yourselves, themselves, oneself, is, hers, when, whom, whose, each other, one another, everyone, nobody, none, each, anywhere, anyone, nothing, etc.

What is relative pronoun in simple words?

A relative pronoun is a word that introduces a dependent (or relative) clause and connects it to an independent clause. A clause beginning with a relative pronoun is poised to answer questions such as Which one? How many? or What kind? Who, whom, what, which, and that are all relative pronouns.

How important are relative pronouns in constructing sentences?

A relative pronoun is a word used to connect a noun with an adjective clause. Relative pronouns are able to stand alone as either the subject or object of a sentence, or introduce a relative clause in a sentence. The subject of a sentence is what the sentence is about. Subjects will always be a noun or pronoun.

Can you point out the book ___ belongs to you?

This is Expert Verified Answer Can you point out the book that belongs to you? Here we are using the word "that" as a pronoun. Pronouns are words that replace nouns. In the given sentence, the pronoun "that" is representing the noun "book".

What is relative clause examples with answers?

A relative clause is a phrase that adds information to a sentence. All relative clauses describe a noun, and they begin with one of these relative pronouns or relative adverbs. The woman who works in the bank is my neighbor. My cousins, one of whom is a doctor, live in England.

How do you write a relative clause?

A relative clause, which is also called an adjective or adjectival clause, will meet three requirements: It contains a subject and a verb; It begins with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, that, or which) or a relative adverb (when, where, or why);

When to use whom instead of who Examples?

“Who,” the subjective pronoun, is the doer of an action. For example, “That's the girl who scored the goal.” It is the subject of “scored” because the girl was doing the scoring. Then, “whom,” as the objective pronoun, receives the action. For instance, “Whom do you like best?” It is the object of “like”.

Are relative pronouns conjunctions?

Relative pronouns, like conjunctions, are words that join clauses—in this case, a relative clause to its main clause. The type of relative pronoun used depends on what kind of noun is being described.

What is a relative pronoun BBC Bitesize?

A relative pronoun is a word used to link two parts of a sentence together when referring back to something mentioned at the start. In French, relative pronouns are represented by the words qui, que or dont.

How do you use whom?

The Rule: Who functions as a subject, while whom functions as an object. Use who when the word is performing the action. Use whom when it is receiving the action. Kim is an athlete who enjoys distance running.

What is a relative pronoun?

Catherine Traffis. Grammar. A relative pronoun is a word that introduces a dependent (or relative) clause and connects it to an independent clause.

What are compound relative pronouns?

Compound Relative Pronouns. The term compound relative pronoun sounds complex, but it really isn’t. Simply put, compound relative pronouns apply universally to a number of people or things. They include whoever, whomever, whichever, and whatever. Please tell whoever may call that I am not available.

Why are relative clauses called adjective clauses?

Relative clauses are also sometimes referred to as adjective clauses, because they identify or give us additional information about the subject of the independent clause they relate to. Like adjectives, these clauses in some way describe that subject. Relative pronouns, like conjunctions, are words that join clauses—in this case, a relative clause to its main clause. The type of relative pronoun used depends on what kind of noun is being described.

What is an antecedent in a sentence?

An antecedent is the noun that a pronoun refers to. To ensure clarity, place an antecedent immediately before the relative pronoun referring to it. The park at the end of our street, which is pristine, is a favorite place of mine. An unnecessary ambiguity is created in this sentence.

What is a restrictive clause?

A restrictive clause is an essential part of its sentence; if it were taken out of the sentence, the sentence’s meaning would change. Nonrestrictive clauses are just the opposite. The wardrobe that has the fur coats in it leads to Narnia. If we were to excise the clause “that has the fur coats in it” from the sentence, ...

What does "who" mean in a sentence?

Who: Refers to a person (as the verb’s subject) Whom: Refers to a person (as the verb’s object) Which: Refers to an animal or thing. What: Refers to a nonliving thing. That: Refers to a person, animal, or thing.

Which two relative pronouns are easily confused?

Two relative pronouns whose functions are easily confused are that and which.

How many relative pronouns are there in English?

In the English language, there are five relative pronouns and three relative adverbs, which principally fulfil the same purpose. All of them serve primarily to introduce relative clauses. Compare the following possible occurrences of such pronouns and adverbs: “The flight attendant who helped me was very nice.”.

What are the particularities of using relative pronouns in English?

In fact, it is possible to choose between ‘ who ’ and ‘ that ’ for persons and between ‘ that ’ and ‘ which ’ for things and animals in defining relative clauses. However, ‘ that ’ is preferred when one of the following words appears in the context. Compare the particularities in these cases:

When to use relative pronoun?

When to use a relative pronoun is simple: whenever you would in English.

Why is the relative pronoun in the dative?

WHY is the relative pronoun in the dative? Because of the preposition mit (with) being combined with the verb sprechen.

Why do we use pronouns instead of nouns?

Pronouns in general replace other nouns / noun phrases so that we don’t have tediously (or at least obnoxiously) repeat ourselves.

What does "but" mean in a sentence?

BUT indicates the case of the relative pronoun has in its own clause (not the case of the noun that’s being referred to!)

Why do we use relative pronouns in German?

Using relative pronouns (and the relative clauses they introduce) is a nice way to add some sophistication to your German writing & speaking.

What are the basic pronouns?

Your basic relative pronouns are just who & that and many times they are interchangeable.

Is a relative clause a dependent clause?

This is because a relative clause is a type of dependent clause (i.e. it can’ t stand alone –unlike an independent clause — and still make sense) and dependent clauses in German (but NOT in English!) always ‘kick’ the conjugated verb to the end of the clause. Just cuz.


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