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how do you use the word disposition

by Tatum Kemmer Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Disposition can be used to describe something being at the disposal of someone. For example, if the school's administration was at my disposition, I would declare a holiday every day. 1) Judge her disposition and then pitch the campaign to her. If she is happy, she will immediately approve it. Click to see full answer.

Disposition in a Sentence 🔉
  1. Even though the old man appeared grumpy, he really had a pleasant disposition.
  2. His gloomy disposition aside, Jeremy is a very nice person.
  3. Whenever my uncle was feeling ill, his friendly disposition disappeared. ...
  4. Janice has a bright smile and a warm disposition.

Full Answer

What does the word disposition mean?

natural or prevailing spirit, or temperament of mind, especially as shown in intercourse with one's fellow-men; temper of mind A disposition is a habit, a preparation, a state of readiness, or a tendency to act in a specified way.

What is a good sentence for the word disposition?

What does a persons disposition mean?

  • What does a persons disposition mean?
  • What is the purpose of a disposition?
  • How do you use the word disposition?
  • What happens in a court disposition?
  • What is a good sentence for the word disposition?
  • How do you use a disposition?
  • What is disposition conviction?
  • What is the synonym of disposition?
  • What is the difference between disposition and Behaviour?

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How to pronounce disposition?

Pronunciation Dictionary - Telugu Pronunciation of "disposition". Learn how to pronounce and speak "disposition" easily. Listen to the spoken audio pronunciation of "disposition", record your own pronunciation using microphone and then compare with the recorded pronunciation.

What does disposition description mean?

The disposition on a criminal record is the current status or final outcome of an arrest or prosecution. Common dispositions are: Convicted: means you have plead or been found guilty by a court of law. Acquitted: means you have been found not guilty by a court of law in a criminal trial. Dismissed: means the court or prosecutor has decided the charge against you should not go forward, terminating the case.


What is a example for disposition?

An animal with an excellent disposition is friendly towards people. If you are cheerful, you're often said to have a sunny disposition. Disposition can also mean "getting rid of something," so cleaning your room might involve the disposition of empty pizza boxes and soda cans.

How would you use disposition in a sentence?

Disposition sentence example. He was a man of strong mind, honourable spirit and affectionate disposition , energetic both in speech and in writing. All this, like the other parts of the disposition , was not and could not be executed. A sleepless night and a busy day at work did little for her disposition .

What does it mean when someone says disposition?

Definition of disposition 1a : prevailing tendency, mood, or inclination. b : temperamental makeup. c : the tendency of something to act in a certain manner under given circumstances.

Is a disposition the same as a sentence?

Disposition is the outcome of a misdemeanor that leads to a person's arrest or prosecution. In contrast, sentencing is the punishment for a person who is found guilty or pleads guilty.

Does disposition mean disposal?

What Is a Disposition? A disposition is the act of selling or otherwise "disposing" of an asset or security.

Can you use disposition as a verb?

verb (used with object), dis·posed, dis·pos·ing. to give a tendency or inclination to; incline: His temperament disposed him to argue readily with people. to put in a particular or the proper order or arrangement; adjust by arranging the parts.

What is the synonym of disposition?

temperament, nature, character, constitution, make-up, grain, humour, temper, mentality, turn of mind. informal kidney. 2'he admired the Chief Justice because of his disposition to clemency' inclination, tendency, proneness, propensity, proclivity, leaning, orientation, bias, bent, predilection.

What does lovely disposition mean?

2 highly pleasing or enjoyable.

What is the difference between 'disposition' and 'predisposition'?

Sometimes disposition and predisposition mean the same thing, and sometimes they do not. When refering to a person's usual mood or attitude you wou...

What does 'disposition' mean in court?

In legal use the word disposition may have several possible meanings. It may refer to the sentence given to a convicted juvenile defendant, or to t...

What does 'disposition' mean in business?

In business, disposition may refer either to "the transfer of property from one to another by any of various means including gift, barter, sale, or...

What is the double disposition of Cloaca?

This double disposition of the cloaca is accomplished by gradual changes in the entoderm and mesoderm. This disposition of the generative parts is still further modified in a few animals, such as the Rat and the kinkajou. That she was of a cheerful disposition is evidenced by many passages of Pepys's Diary.

What is a mixed blessing for a husband who added a roving disposition to a settled income?

Vanessa began to arrive at the conclusion that a husband who added a roving disposition to a settled income was a mixed blessing. It is in those of delicate health, neurotic disposition, and psychoneurotic tendencies, that reassurances are needed.

What would happen if these princes had shown a tyrannic disposition?

If these princes had shown a tyrannic disposition, it would be much to be lamented. Two impressions cannot fail to be made upon our minds, both as to French and British armor plate disposition. What she had to say will be best told in the clear, formal language of the official disposition.

What does disposition mean in law?

Filed Under: Criminal Law. Related Terms: The court outcome of a charge.

How do you use the word disposition?

He was a man of strong mind, honourable spirit and affectionate disposition, energetic both in speech and in writing. …

What does disposition mean in business terms?

A Disposition refers to the act of selling or otherwise ‘disposing’ of an asset or security. … The bottom line is that the investor has given up possession (disposed of) certain assets.

What is another word for disposition?

Some common synonyms of disposition are character, personality, temperament, and temper.

What is an example of disposition?

noun. Disposition is defined as an arrangement of people or things or putting something in order. An example of disposition is a row of plants. The definition of disposition is a tendency. An example of disposition is someone who leans toward being happy.

What is a good disposition?

Someone’s disposition is their mood or general attitude about life. An animal with an excellent disposition is friendly towards people. … If you are cheerful, you’re often said to have a sunny disposition.

What does a cheerful disposition mean?

adj. 1 having a happy disposition; in good spirits. 2 pleasantly bright; gladdening. a cheerful room.


1.Disposition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster


14 hours ago By a King of like suit, Resemblance to the querist in physique or mind or disposition. Emma had no guile in her disposition and was utterly lacking in self-assertion. This disposition of the employer can be combatted only by the resistance of the laborer. It is not carnivorous, and, generally, its disposition is harmless and playful.

2.How to use "disposition" in a sentence - WordHippo


10 hours ago It is a clever, agile and powerful dog, extremely pugnacious in disposition. 1. 1. When he had attained the age of eighteen or nineteen years, Cosimo received him into his household, and determined to make use of his rare disposition for scholarship in the development of a long-cherished project.

3.How is the word 'disposition' used in a sentence? - Quora


4 hours ago Disposition can be used to describe something being at the disposal of someone. For example, if the school's administration was at my disposition, I would declare a holiday every day. 1) Judge her disposition and then pitch the campaign to her. If she is happy, she will immediately approve it. Click to see full answer.

4.vocabulary - the use of the word "disposition" - English …


3 hours ago Someone's disposition is their mood or general attitude about life. If your friend woke up on the wrong side of the bed, tell her that she might need a dispositionmakeover. Disposition means the positive or negative way a person views the world. In contrast, your character is determined by your inner moral values, and your personality reflects what you're like as an individual.

5.What does disposition mean in law terms - Law info


14 hours ago  · Natural tendency or bent of the mind, esp. in relation to moral or social qualities; mental constitution or temperament; turn of mind. Possibly of astrological origin: cf. the description of dispositions as saturnine, jovial, martial, venereal, mercurial. a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron.

6.Videos of How Do You Use the Word Disposition


19 hours ago  · Best Answer. Copy. You just used it in a sentence but here is one; I have a strong disposition towards the man with the bad attitude. Wiki User. ∙ 2009-02-24 03:41:03. This answer is: Study guides.

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