Knowledge Builders

how do you write acceptance criteria for bdd

by Bria Howell Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

One of the industry-recognised best practices in writing acceptance criteria is the Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) format.
That is:
  1. 'Given' is the precondition(s), state, parameters relevant to this particular scenario. ...
  2. 'When' is a trigger, or a state change, the thing we're testing.
Jun 17, 2019

Full Answer

How to write acceptance criteria?

writing the acceptance criteria is the BDD format that facilitates you to think like a user. E.g. If you write acceptance criteria in a basic sentence The next button on the page should open the summary page once all the questions are answered.

How do you define acceptance criteria?

Acceptance criteria should provide user perspective. Acceptance criteria is a means of looking at the problem at hand from a customer’s standpoint. It should be written in the context of a real user’s experience. Why Do You Need User Story Acceptance Criteria? Acceptance criteria serves several purposes for cross-functional teams.

What is the difference between DOD and acceptance criteria?

Sample Definition of Ready (DoR)

  • User Story is clear
  • User Story is testable
  • User Story is feasible
  • User Story defined
  • User Story Acceptance Criteria defined
  • User Story dependencies identified
  • User Story sized by Development Team
  • Scrum Team accepts User Experience artefacts
  • Performance criteria identified, where appropriate
  • Scalability criteria identified, where appropriate

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What is Agile Testing Acceptance criteria?

What are the characteristics of good Acceptance Criteria?

  • First, your acceptance criteria must be testable. ...
  • The criteria should be written in a clear and concise manner. ...
  • Everyone on the team should understand the acceptance criteria. ...
  • Always write the acceptance criteria from the point of view of the user and in the context of a real user’s experience while using the product.


What is the best way to write acceptance criteria?

7 tips on writing good acceptance criteriaDocument criteria before the development process starts. ... Don't make acceptance criteria too narrow. ... Keep your criteria achievable. ... Avoid too broad of acceptance criteria. ... Avoid technical details. ... Reach consensus. ... Write testable acceptance criteria.

What should Acceptance criteria include?

Acceptance Criteria must be expressed clearly, in simple language the customer would use, just like the User Story, without ambiguity as to what the expected outcome is: what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. They must be testable: easily translated into one or more manual/automated test cases.

What should acceptance criteria look like?

Acceptance criteria must have a clear Pass / Fail result. Write complex and long sentences at your own risk. It focuses on the end result – What. Not the solution approach – How.

How do you write Gherkin acceptance criteria?

Gherkin is a Domain Specific Language for writing acceptance criteria that has five main statements:Scenario — a label for the behavior you're going to describe.Given — the beginning state of the scenario.When — a specific action that the user takes.Then — a testable outcome, usually caused by the action in When.More items...•

How do you write an acceptance test?

Acceptance tests should be written at a scenario level mentioning what has to be done (not in detail to include how to do). These should be written only for the identified areas of scope for business requirements, and each and every test has to be mapped to its referencing requirement.

How do you write a good PBI?

Each PBI must have these qualities:Description: What the goal of the PBI is.Value: the Business Value of the PBI as determined by the Product Owner.Estimate: the Team needs to estimate the relative effort it will take to move the PBI to Done.Order: The Product Owner needs to prioritize PBIs by their relative value.

How do you write a criteria?

How to write key selection criteriaStep 1: brainstorm key words and ideas. Copy and paste the criteria from the position description into a new document. ... Step 2: write a statement using the SAO approach. Write a statement under each criterion of 60 to 120 words using the SAO approach: ... Step 3: proofread your statements.

Which of the following are types of acceptance criteria?

There are 3 main types of acceptance criteria that we outline below.Scenario-Oriented Acceptance Criteria. The scenario-oriented approach is laid out like this: ... Rule-Oriented Acceptance Criteria. ... Custom Formats. ... Defined Pass/Fail Results. ... Concise Criteria. ... Shared Understanding.

What is acceptance criteria in user story with example?

Acceptance criteria define the boundaries of a user story, and are used to confirm when a story is completed and working as intended. So for the above example, the acceptance criteria could include: A user cannot submit a form without completing all the mandatory fields.

How do you write BDD scenarios?

Using BDD with gherkin syntaxStart with your user stories. As a team, go through your user stories and write BDD scenarios using the keywords GIVEN, WHEN, and THEN (AND, BUT can be used as well) ... Automate your BDD scenarios. ... Implement the features.Run the automated BDD scenarios to show the feature is completed.Repeat.

How do you write in Gherkin format?

More videos on YouTubeStep 1: Activate the BDD mode. ... Step 2: Create a feature. ... Step 3: Write a scenario with the Given/When/Then syntax. ... Step 4: Add examples and use scenario outline.

What is BDD example?

BDD Testing Example: Ubiquitous Language and AT Scenarios To borrow from Vincent's post, “The idea with acceptance testing is to write tests (or behavioral specifications) that describe the behavior of your software in a language which is not code but is more precise than standard English."

What is behaviour driven development

In software engineering, behaviour-driven development (BDD) is an Agile software development process that encourages collaboration among developers, QA and non-technical or business participants in a software project.

Using BDD to write acceptance criteria for User Stories

Acceptance criteria is an integral part of Agile development; it helps:

How to write User Acceptance criteria

As a product owner (PO), business analyst (BA) or product analyst (PA), you are required to write acceptance criteria for the user stories on the backlog. This will have an impact on the development and QA of the feature.


Here is an example of how to write acceptance criteria for a user story.

What is Dan North's BDD?

Dan North’s BDD encourages writing ‘scenarios’ using the words “Given, When, and Then” but otherwise uses plain English. Scenarios are perfect acceptance criteria. Writing them in the story definition in the story tracker (Jira, Rally, etc.) is expedient.

Is the Gherkin style good for BDD?

With projects ranging across many years and multiple industries, we have found the above gherkin style to be a very good way for introducing BDD to teams. While some story writers find this to be a bit repetitive, this is an easy technique for getting started and clearly communicating system needs (up to its limits).

What is Dan North's BDD?

Dan North’s BDD encourages writing ‘scenarios’ using the words “Given, When, and Then” but otherwise uses plain English. Scenarios are perfect acceptance criteria. Writing them in the story definition in the story tracker (Jira, Rally, etc.) is expedient.

Can defects happen in test code?

Classically, the defects we focus on are those in production code that reach production. Defects can also happen in test code too. Sure, test code doesn’t reach production as such, but work being marked as “QA approved” when that wasn’t correct, is a real second-order defect.

Is the Gherkin style good for BDD?

With projects ranging across many years and multiple industries, we have found the above gherkin style to be a very good way for introducing BDD to teams. While some story writers find this to be a bit repetitive, this is an easy technique for getting started and clearly communicating system needs (up to its limits).


Not A Matter of If, But When

If we follow the incorrect example: Given the value entered in the Number text box is not numerical When the Form is submitted Then an error message “Please enter a numerical value” appear Given the User is logged in ← Condition And the value in the Number text box changes ← Trigger When the value in it is not numerical ← C…
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When When When

  • So, what exactly is the behavior we’re testing here? Is it the behavior of entering a First Name? Entering an Email? Entering a password? Or is this testing the behavior of submitting sign up details? What about the validity of these fields entered? Granted, these questions could be easily answered by a simple conversation with the team. After all, story cards act as a pointer for conv…
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Precondition vs Sequence of Events

  • Again, at first glance, this looks right, and frankly, it is not hard to write acceptance tests for this. Yet, there is a simpler, and better way of writing the same scenario: 1. The flow and order in which the user arrives at the Confirm Details Page 2. The actions and parameters (other than skipping seat selection) the user has done before this
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Rationale For Our Belief

  • Bottlenecks can appear in any software development production line at any time. And as you solve them, a new bottleneck will appear somewhere else in the production line. One common bottleneck is with stories written weeks or months before developers start implementing them. Such stories can be viewed as vague and underdeveloped (under-specified?) by the time develo…
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Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Acceptance Criteria

  • Dan North’s BDD encourages writing ‘scenarios’ using the words “Given, When, and Then” but otherwise uses plain English. Scenarios are perfect acceptance criteria. Writing them in the story definition in the story tracker (Jira, Rally, etc.) is expedient. For the initiate, “Given” focuses on the system’s existing condition; the state before the use...
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Worked Examples

  • The “candidate stories” article had the two stories from the Insurance domain. In that article they were referred by number. Both #11 and #12 and are worth expanding to have acceptance criteria in a gherkin style for this article. Note below that we’re using italics highlightingto hint at variance for lines we have used more than once.
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A Common BDD Acceptance Criteria Pitfall

  • Referring to “Login” in the Given lines is a mistake many teams new to this make. Much of the BDD community now agrees: please try as hard as you can to not begin gherkins with “Given I am logged in.” Unless your scenario is about logging into the system, you can safely assume this has already happened. When test engineers are automating the gherkin acceptance criteria, then tes…
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The Need For A Glossary and Style Guide

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Two Styles of Gherkin Acceptance Criteria

  • With projects ranging across many years and multiple industries, we have found the above gherkin style to be a very good way for introducing BDD to teams. While some story writers find this to be a bit repetitive, this is an easy technique for getting started and clearly communicating system needs (up to its limits). Let us go further. There is no better or faster way to get a new bu…
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1.Applying BDD acceptance criteria in user stories


18 hours ago How do you write acceptance criteria for BDD? All tests are written before the code. Write a test. Run all tests to check that the new test fails. Write the code. Re-run the tests. Refactor the code if necessary. Re-run the tests.

2.Use Behaviour Driven Development in Acceptance Criteria …


2 hours ago  · Acceptance criteria is an integral part of Agile development; it helps: Confirm when the application functions as desired. Synchronises the development team with the customer. Create a basis for testing as a positive or negative outcome. Planning and refinement as all possible scenarios are known.

3.BDD Acceptance Criteria Pay For Themselves Multiple …


12 hours ago  · The email field must contain a valid email address. The password field must contain at least one capital letter, lower case letter and number. Submitting the registration page form will create a new account. The agile team begins to create scenarios after writing acceptance criteria and produces the following: Given I am an unregistered user When I …

4.BDD Acceptance Criteria Pay For Themselves Multiple …


14 hours ago  · Behavior Driven Development (BDD) acceptance criteria. Dan North’s BDD encourages writing ‘scenarios’ using the words “Given, When, and Then” but otherwise uses plain English. Scenarios are perfect acceptance criteria. Writing them in the story definition in the story tracker (Jira, Rally, etc.) is expedient.

5.Acceptance criteria (and other things) for a BDD story


23 hours ago  · Don't use BDD frameworks to describe usability concerns (though they can step through them, thus giving you your regression tests). Instead, try it manually. BDD isn't a substitute for manual testing, it just helps out a bit. If you can create a vaguely realistic use of the workflow engine, it'll help you to think of scenarios which you might miss.

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