Knowledge Builders

how does a snow rake work

by Prof. Angelita Pfeffer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

With a simple motion, the blade slices through the snow that slides off the roof thanks to the snow slide canvas. Snow flows down the slide and off the roof -- gravity does the work.

But typical snow such as this we can do you know to two feet at a time. And you're just gonna do aMoreBut typical snow such as this we can do you know to two feet at a time. And you're just gonna do a two-foot pass all the way across the roof.

Full Answer

What is a roof snow rake?

A roof snow rake is like a 20-ft-long aluminum hoe that homeowners us to lighten the structural load on their roof and to reduce the formation of an ice dam (the only true solution to ice dams, though, is to carefully air seal, ventilate and insulate the attic). Using these tools can be physically demanding and hazardous.

How does a tuffiom snow rake work?

Like most snow rakes, this one from TUFFIOM has a rubber grip at the base of the pole to make gripping it easier. However, its grip has a unique feature that other snow rakes don’t—a rim. The rim catches any snow or water that runs down the pole before it touches your hand.

What is a snow Peeler rake?

This SNOWPEELER rake has a plastic sheet called a slide that hangs from the blade, forcing the raked snow to move down this sheet and providing you with more control of where the snow lands. Additionally, this rake is designed with protective glide pads to prevent you from damaging your roof.

Will a snow rake damage shingles?

The angled blade on this snow rake has small rollers on its sides, preventing the edges from touching the roof and making it less likely for you to damage shingles. Additionally, the rake is made of lightweight aluminum, which is easy to maneuver and corrosion-resistant.

How long is a roof snow rake?

How much does a cubic foot of ice weigh?

Is a roof rake dangerous?

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Are snow roof rakes worth it?

Never, never use a roof rake or try to shovel snow off a slanted roof. It will do no good, will not cure ice dams, is extremely hazardous, and can harm asphalt shingles, and in your case, slate shingles.

Do snow rakes prevent ice dams?

Depending on snow density, your slanted roof may be able to safely support up to 2-4 feet of snow accumulation. The most common reason homeowners rake their roof is to prevent the creation (or reduce the impact) of ice dams.

When should you rake snow off your roof?

about 6 inchesIf your roof is flat or has a low slope, roof raking is definitely a must once the snow gets to be about 6 inches or more. If your roof has a higher pitch, it's still something to consider, especially if the snow is wet and heavy and it is building up.

What is the best way to remove snow from your roof?

3:4411:34So a snow rake is the best safest. Way for you to snow off your roof.MoreSo a snow rake is the best safest. Way for you to snow off your roof.

What is the fastest way to shovel snow from a driveway?

Rather than just clearing the driveway to one side or walkingfrom side to side going back-and-forth as many do, it's much more efficient to shovel a line straight down the middle bisecting it in two. Take the shovel and push the snow away from the middle, traveling down the new path you just made.

How do I keep my snow from accumulating on my driveway?

The best way to prevent snow from sticking to your driveway and other paved surfaces is by applying a specialized deicer product to the concrete before the snow arrives. Use a concrete-safe deicer such as Magnesium Chloride or Calcium Chloride.

What happens if you dont rake before snow?

Excessive leaf matter on your lawn going into winter is bad for several reasons. First, it will smother the grass and if not removed very soon in the spring it will inhibit growth. Second, it can promote the snow mold diseases. And finally, turf damage from critters (voles, mice) can be more extensive in the spring.

Is it better to shovel snow or leave it?

Slide 1: Don't Wait to Shovel Snow Instead, shovel snow as it lands on the driveway, as often as once every hour during heavy snowfall, for faster and safer removal.

Do roof rakes cause ice dams?

THE CURE BECOMES THE CAUSE! best results when all of the snow can be removed from the roof. Only removing a portion of the snow can create problems further up - beyond any ice water barrier underlayments.

Should you push snow off your roof?

Although most roofs in northern climates are designed to withstand the heaviest of snowfalls, it's essential that you routinely remove snow from your roof to prevent ice dams, water infiltration, and even roof collapse.

Can a roof collapse from too much snow?

Winter roof collapse is more common than you may think. During a particularly bad storm in Boston back in 2015, 44 roofs caved in over a two-day period! ¹ Unchecked snow and ice buildup can also result in interior home damage, while also presenting a falling hazard for unsuspecting people on the ground.

Should you leave snow on your roof?

But a good rule to keep in mind is if more than a foot of heavy, wet snow and ice has accumulated on your roof, you should have it removed. Clearing the snow off your roof from the gutters or eaves upwards of three to four feet after each winter storm can help prevent ice dams from forming.

Do roof rakes cause ice dams?

THE CURE BECOMES THE CAUSE! best results when all of the snow can be removed from the roof. Only removing a portion of the snow can create problems further up - beyond any ice water barrier underlayments.

Does roof raking help ice dams?

0:002:06To help prevent ice dams and icicles. You can use a roof rake to remove a couple feet of snow fromMoreTo help prevent ice dams and icicles. You can use a roof rake to remove a couple feet of snow from the bottom of your roof ice dams can get heavy enough to damage your gutter and they can also block

What can I put on roof to prevent ice dams?

Install Helmet Heat in Your Gutters The best option for a worry-free winter is to install gutter heaters to prevent ice dams. Gutter guards, such as Gutter Helmet, can stop any debris from clogging up your gutter system but can't always stop ice from forming.

Is ice and water shield required on rakes?

Where Should Ice and Water Protector be Applied? Most commonly, roofing professionals install ice and water protector on eaves, rake edges, overhangs and valleys, as they are most vulnerable to ice dams and wind-driven rain. As well, this may be a building code requirement in some jurisdictions.

Why you should never rake on a pitched roof - The Boston Globe

In Hotton’s chat room. A. In periods of heavy, long-lasting snow, many houses will be plagued by ice dams. An ice dam occurs on a warm roof when snow builds up, then begins to melt and freezes ...

The Truth About Snow On Your Roof

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How long is a roof snow rake?

A roof snow rake is like a 20-ft-long aluminum hoe that homeowners us to lighten the structural load on their roof and to reduce the formation of an ice dam (the only true solution to ice dams, though, is to carefully air seal, ventilate and insulate the attic).

How much does a cubic foot of ice weigh?

A cubic foot of ice weighs about 62 pounds, and you can easily knock large icicles off the eave with one misplaced blow from a roof rake that you're struggling with. People have been injured, and even killed, from falling roof ice, so be extremely careful if you're raking a roof on which a large ice dam has formed.

Is a roof rake dangerous?

It's easy to loose sight of the fact that a large aluminum roof rake is every bit as dangerous as a ladder when it comes to making contact with an overhead power lines. Think twice and maybe even three times and be aware of how your power enters your house. Obviously, if it enters on a roof-mounted mast, don't get anywhere near it with a roof rake.

What material is used for snow rakes?

The pole should be lightweight and resistant to corrosion. Aluminum fulfills both of these requirements, making it the most common material used in snow rake poles, but some rakes come with fiberglass poles.

How long is a snow rake pole?

Pole Size. Snow rake poles are usually between 14 and 24 feet long. The longer the pole, the more roof you’ll be able to access and the less control you’ll have over the rake. To aid in storage and to ensure that you’re not handling an unwieldy pole, look for a snow rake that can be lengthened and shortened.

What is a snow rake made of?

Additionally, the rake is made of lightweight aluminum , which is easy to maneuver and corrosion-resistant.

Why do snow rakes have wheels?

Wheels —Some rakes like the Extreme Max Shingle-Saver 21-Foot Roof Snow Rake have wheels on their blade to prevent the blade from touching the roof , reducing the possibility of roof damage.

What is the best grip for a snow rake?

Best Grip: TUFFIOM Extendable Aluminum Snow Rake. Like most snow rakes, this one from TUFFIOM has a rubber grip at the base of the pole to make gripping it easier. However, its grip has a unique feature that other snow rakes don’t—a rim. The rim catches any snow or water that runs down the pole before it touches your hand.

How wide is a snow rake?

This snow rake has a U-shaped blade that’s 24 inches wide that can be used to quickly remove several feet of snow from your roof. Additionally, the rake has an anti-slip grip and a light aluminum handle for maximum comfort.

How many reviews does the Extreme Max rake have?

This rake has over 500 reviews on Amazon and an average rating of 4.3 stars. While the Extreme Max rake has a lower rating than some of the other snow rakes we reviewed, it has a higher percentage of 4- and 5-star reviews compared to the other products.

Will insurance help?

Most homeowner policies will cover the cost of repairing damage caused by water infiltration due to ice dams. But very few will pay for ice dam removal or the insulation work that is needed to prevent it from happening again. Be sure to check your policy to know what is covered.

What is neighborworks home partner?

NeighborWorks Home Partners is a full-service homeownership center that helps people become homeowners with first-time homebuyer counseling, homebuyer education , down payment assistance, foreclosure prevention help, and home improvement financing . We also rehabilitate vacant homes and develop vacant lots.

How much does it cost to remove ice dams?

And if you are having this problem, it is likely many other homeowners are too, so pricing tends to surge. The cost can be upwards of $500 per hour. Be sure to get multiple bids for any type of contracted work on your home. (Author’s note: I have had success using hot water and a garden hose to melt through dams on my own home. I turned up my home water heater to its highest setting, connected a long garden hose to my utility sink, and used the garden sprayer to target hot water on the worst areas of ice, melting them away. This took hours to accomplish and in the meantime nobody in the house was allowed to use the hot water, as it was at a dangerously high temperature.)

What happens when heat escapes through a snowy roof?

When heat escapes through a snowy roof, it melts the snow on top. The meltwater runs down the roof until it reaches the edge, or falls into the rain gutter. The cooler temperatures here allow the water to refreeze, forming icicles and often what is called an ice dam. An ice dam is a ridge of ice build-up along the roof edge or in the gutter. Eventually this becomes large enough that the melting water can’t escape over it and begins to back up on the roof surface. This is where things can get ugly.

How far can you remove snow from a roof?

Use a roof rake to remove snow at least six feet from the eaves, and in any deep valleys.

How does ice dam affect a house?

The standing water behind an ice dam can seep under the roof shingles, where it penetrates into the home. You may see the results indoors in the form of water marks on your ceiling, water filling a light fixture, drips in one of your windows, or sagging plaster or drywall. At this point you have a serious problem.

What is a heat tape?

Heat tapes are an option for trouble spots. These electric cables will melt channels in the ice and allow water to escape. They can be useful on the lower portion of the roof or in tricky roof valleys.

How long is a roof snow rake?

A roof snow rake is like a 20-ft-long aluminum hoe that homeowners us to lighten the structural load on their roof and to reduce the formation of an ice dam (the only true solution to ice dams, though, is to carefully air seal, ventilate and insulate the attic).

How much does a cubic foot of ice weigh?

A cubic foot of ice weighs about 62 pounds, and you can easily knock large icicles off the eave with one misplaced blow from a roof rake that you're struggling with. People have been injured, and even killed, from falling roof ice, so be extremely careful if you're raking a roof on which a large ice dam has formed.

Is a roof rake dangerous?

It's easy to loose sight of the fact that a large aluminum roof rake is every bit as dangerous as a ladder when it comes to making contact with an overhead power lines. Think twice and maybe even three times and be aware of how your power enters your house. Obviously, if it enters on a roof-mounted mast, don't get anywhere near it with a roof rake.


1.Videos of How Does a Snow Rake Work


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5.How to Rake A Roof & Prevent Ice Dams - NeighborWorks …


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