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how far north do persimmon trees grow

by Prof. Lela Yundt DVM Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

The American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) tree has grown for thousands of years in the wild from as far north as Connecticut and south down into Florida. They grow naturally as far west as Nebraska. The tree is very adaptable and can be grown in the US Department of Agriculture Hardiness Zones 5 to 11.

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What zone do persimmon trees grow in?

Persimmon trees can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. The American persimmon can tolerate temperatures down to -25 degrees F. (32 C.) while the Asian persimmon can tolerate winter temperatures down to 0 F. (18 C.).

How do you grow persimmons?

You can grow persimmons from seeds, cuttings, suckers, or grafts. Young seedlings that are one to two years in age can be transplanted to an orchard. The best quality, however, comes from grafted or budded trees. An important factor for those wanting to know how to grow persimmon trees includes the type and number of trees to plant.

How tall do Asian persimmons grow?

Asian persimmons are fairly short, maxing out around 10 feet tall, and are appropriate for smaller yards. American persimmons, however, may grow to 50 feet and would overwhelm a smaller space. Read the description of your chosen cultivar carefully.

Are persimmons Hardy in North America?

Hardy Persimmons. The native American persimmon family has two main branches; tetraploids, containing 60 chromosomes and hexaploids, containing 90. Although the hardiness ranges of the two groups intersect in the South, hexaploids’ grow in cold climate areas further north where teraploids could not survive.

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Can you grow persimmons in cold climates?

Adaptation: Persimmons do best in areas that have moderate winters and relatively mild summers–suitable for growing in USDA Hardiness Zones 7 to 10. It can tolerate temperatures of 0° F when fully dormant.

What zones do persimmons grow in?

Persimmon trees are hardy to USDA zones 4-9, unless otherwise noted . This rating tells you the minimum winter temperature the plants typically survive when properly hardened off.

How cold can persimmon trees tolerate?

Oriental persimmons tolerate cold to 10°F (-12°C). American persimmons tolerate much colder conditions, often surviving to -25F (-32C).

Will persimmon trees grow in Michigan?

Well it turns out as a tree the persimmon is an easy tree to grow in Michigan, but the ripening of the fruit on the tree was another matter.

Do you need 2 persimmon trees to produce fruit?

American persimmons are not usually self-pollinating, but some named varieties are. If you choose a native seedling however, you will need a second tree to get a good harvest. Also, Japanese and American persimmons will not cross pollinate.

Can persimmon survive winter?

Persimmon trees can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 through 9. The American persimmon can tolerate temperatures down to -25 degrees F. (32 C.) while the Asian persimmon can tolerate winter temperatures down to 0 F.

Do deer eat persimmons?

Deer love this fruit when it ripens and falls to the ground in the autumn. It is usually available under the tree for a month or more, as only a few persimmons fall at a time. The mature female common persimmon tree in full sunlight can produce a lot of food for deer.

How do you winterize a persimmon tree?

Prune dead branches in the later part of fall. Foliage and branches that are in contact with soil invite undesirable pests. Therefore it is best to keep the winterized potted dormant tree clean of debris. Set it in an unheated garage or basement and allow it to go dormant for the winter months.

Do persimmon trees require a lot of water?

To achieve optimal growth and quality fruit, regular watering is required. Water your persimmon tree for 10 minutes once or twice a week in the spring and summer. Persimmon trees will withstand short periods of drought.

Can persimmon grow in Ohio?

Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) is native to the southern two-thirds of the eastern United States, with an east-west line across central Ohio representing the northernmost limit of its native range. It can be planted much farther north in terms of cold hardiness.

What states grow the most persimmons?

They are now widely grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10 in California, Florida, and the southern tier of states. The trees are native to Japan, China, Burma and northern India, where Oriental persimmons have been grown for centuries. Fall fruits are dried for winter food.

Do persimmon trees grow in Wisconsin?

The Nikita's Gift persimmon tree is cold hardy in WI and produces a tasty, medium size, orange, persimmon that ripens in the fall.

Where in the United States can persimmon grow?

American persimmons are a native tree that can be found growing wild in all 100 counties in North Carolina. It's native to the East Coast, from Florida to New York, and westward to Kansas and Texas.

Where do persimmons grow best?

Persimmon trees grow best in loamy, organically-rich soils. Light, sandy soils are not suitable, but they will grow on many other soil types and are tolerant of heavy clay soils if drainage is good. In soil with low fertility or compact clay it'll be worth your time to mix in some organic compost to the native soil.

Can you grow persimmon in Zone 7?

Asian persimmons can be grown in mild winter regions, Zones 7 to 10. American persimmons can be grown in both cold and mild winter regions, Zones 5 to 9. Hybrids can be grown in the same regions as American persimmons. Consider winter temperatures where you live when choosing a persimmon for your garden.

What states grow the most persimmons?

They are now widely grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10 in California, Florida, and the southern tier of states. The trees are native to Japan, China, Burma and northern India, where Oriental persimmons have been grown for centuries. Fall fruits are dried for winter food.

What is the difference between Asian and American persimmons?

American persimmon tree facts tell you that the fruit from the native tree is smaller than Asian persimmons, only 2 inches (5 cm.) in diameter. The fruit, also called persimmon, has a bitter, astringent flavor before it ripens.

How tall do persimmon trees get?

American persimmon trees, also called common persimmon trees, are easy to grow, moderate sized trees that reach about 20 feet (6 m.) tall in the wild. They can be grown in many regions and are hardy to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 5. One of the uses for American persimmons is as ornamental trees, ...

What are the uses of persimmons?

One of the uses for American persimmons is as ornamental trees, given their colorful fruit and intensely green, leathery leaves that purple in the fall. However, most American persimmon cultivation is for the fruit. The persimmons you see in grocery stores are usually Asian persimmons. American persimmon tree facts tell you ...

Is a persimmon a native tree?

Image by olgaman. The American persimmon ( Diospyros virginiana) is an attractive native tree that requires very little maintenance when planted in appropriate sites. It’s not grown commercially as much as the Asian persimmon, but this native tree produces fruit with a richer taste.

Can a persimmon tree produce fruit?

However, several cultivars of American persimmon trees are self-fruitful. That means that one lone tree can produce fruit, and the fruits are seedless. One self-fruitful cultivar to try is ‘Meader.’. To succeed in growing American persimmon trees for fruit, you’ll do best to select a site with well-draining soil.

Can you eat persimmons off the tree?

You can find a hundred uses for the persimmon fruit, including eating them right off the trees. The pulp makes good persimmon baked products, or it can be dried.

How tall do persimmons grow?

American persimmons can grow very tall (up to 50 feet!), so make sure they have plenty of room to spread. These trees have a strong taproot that can go quite deep, so this needs to be taken into consideration—this is why persimmons won't grow well in containers.

What is the flavor of persimmon?

Harvesting. Pruning. Common Pests and Diseases. Back to Top. Persimmons are small, bright orange fruit with an unusually vibrant flavor when ripe—when unripe they are usually very sour and almost inedible. The most common cultivated variety is the Japanese or Asian persimmon (Diospyros kaki ), and China produces about 80 percent ...

What is the color of the leaves on a persimmon tree?

This deciduous tree has blue-green leaves that turn yellow and orange in autumn. Botanical Name. Diospyros virginiana. Common Name. American persimmon. Plant Type. Deciduous tree.

What is the best zone for persimmons?

American Persimmons are hardy to USDA zone 4, and thus can withstand harsh winter conditions and temperatures to -25F. They like some air circulation, but take care not to plant them where they will be too vulnerable to winter winds. They can also handle warm temperatures, up to Zone 9.

Where do persimmons come from?

American persimmons ( Diospyros virginiana) are native to Eastern North America, and while they are not nearly as widely cultivated and not yet considered a commercial crop, they are much more cold-hardy than the larger Asian persimmons.

Can you prune persimmons?

Persimmons respond well to pruning and may be pruned into hedges or even espalier forms.

Can you eat persimmon crisp?

An astringent cultivar must be soft before it can be eaten, but a non-astringent cultivar may be eaten crisp like an apple. However, all American persimmon cultivars, unlike the Asian persimmon, are classified as astringent.

How tall do American persimmons get?

American persimmons ( Diospyros virginiana) are bitter when unripe. The trees grow larger than Asian varieties, reaching 35-50 feet tall. They’re more cold hardy than Japanese types and grow in zones 4-11.

How long can you soak a persimmon tree?

Avoid waterlogging the soil around your tree, as well, which can also be deadly. Give trees 10 minutes of soaking once a week during warmer months.

What is the best persimmon to eat?

Fuyu – This Japanese persimmon variety looks a lot like a tomato and is the kind most often found at your local supermarket. It’s sweet and has firm, crisp flesh, which makes it great for eating right off the tree. Hachiyama – A small-sized persimmon that sweetens only when ripe and soft.

What is the Greek name for persimmons?

Its name ( Diospyros spp.) is Greek for “fruit of the gods,” and that’s fitting given the luscious flavor. Since then, I knew I needed to be growing persimmons in my backyard. Lucky for me, the pretty plants are much more trouble-free than other fruits.

What is the pest that eats the bottom of a tree?

Persimmon Trunk Borer. The persimmon trunk borer is a small insect that, as the name implies, bores into the trunks of trees. Usually, they target the bottom of the tree. You can control this pest naturally if you have the patience to dig out the insects with a sharp tool.

Why is my persimmon tree dormant?

If it’s too cold, your tree may have gone dormant for the winter. Too hot and your tree may be too stressed to produce fruit. Otherwise, your tree may be too young to bear fruit. Be patient. No blossoms: Blooming time varies depending on the variety of persimmon tree. It may also be too soon to expect flowers.

What is a small persimmon?

Hachiyama – A small-sized persimmon that sweetens only when ripe and soft. Jiro – This plant has a drooping, languid appearance that makes it a popular ornamental. You can make tea from the leaves, and the fruit is squarish and sweet.

What is the difference between astringent and non-astringent persimmon?

There are two varieties of persimmons. The astringent fruit is eaten when it has become jelly-soft. The non-astringent fruit, which is gaining in popularity, is eaten while still firm. According to Laivo, the American palette likes firm fruit, and so the Fuyu persimmon is a very common choice.

What is the difference between Japanese and American persimmons?

While American persimmon trees grow to be large shade trees, the Japanese persimmon is smaller and is often grown as a specimen tree . Persimmons, grown and produced throughout Asia, are one of the oldest fruits grown for market. D. kaki, known commonly as the Japanese or Asian persimmon, is not as hardy as American varieties and should be grown in Zones 7-11. Fuyu Asian persimmons are non-astringent, and the fruit keeps well for several weeks after picking. Fuyus and other Asian persimmons are self-pollinating. Ichi-Ki-Kei-Jiro persimmon is the hardiest of the Asian varieties. Non-astringent persimmons like the Fuyu can be eaten when first ripe like an apple, or let ripen further to the jelly stage to be eaten with a spoon.

What fruit can be used to make sweet cookies?

A delicious fall fruit, persimmons can be used to make sweet persimmon cookies.

How big do persimmon trees get?

Mature size can be anywhere from 35' to 50' tall depending upon growing conditions and pruning. American persimmons make great shade trees and have beautiful fall color.

Why are persimmon trees so expensive?

According to Laivo, persimmon trees are a little more expensive than your average fruit tree because the propagation is expensive. Not only is the tree hard to bud, but the buds don't always take, and sometimes less than 60% of the trees survive the digging.

When do persimmons ripen?

Skin will be slightly puckered, and fruit will be soft. Ripening occurs from September through October depending upon where trees are grown.

Why doesn't Laivo use mulch?

Laivo doesn't amend the soil because the roots need to adapt to the nutrients that will be available for the next 100-plus years. Instead, he uses other protective measures like mulch. Mulch helps to cut down on evaporation and also keeps the roots cooler in the summertime.

What is a persimmon pudding?

By Laura Reynolds. Midwesterners of a certain age may remember a rich, sweet concoction called persimmon pudding, slathered with real whipped cream. When persimmons began “coming in” during late fall, persimmon bread, cake and cookies began coming out of the oven. Thrifty cooks even used the golden, mushy fruit in fudge and ice cream.

What is the fruit of a persimmon?

Fruit from American persimmons is “astringent,” meaning that it is sour as it grows and mellows and sweetens as it ripens. Ripe cold climate persimmons may measure as little as 1/2 inch to 2 inches and become mushy as they ripen, making them difficult to ship. Trees bear unevenly, periodically producing a heavy crop or very few. Purdue professor emeritus Richard A. Hayden suggests pruning out excess fruit during heavy years to ensure consistent production.

How big do persimmons get when they ripen?

Ripe cold climate persimmons may measure as little as 1/2 inch to 2 inches and become mushy as they ripen, making them difficult to ship. Trees bear unevenly, periodically producing a heavy crop or very few.

How to grow persimmons in cold climate?

Cold climate persimmons grow as small trees or shrubs -- trees should be regularly shorn of suckers. Give them well-drained, slightly acidic soil with plenty of sun. Garden or lawn fertilizer provides too much nitrogen that could cause “fruit drop” -- a condition in which fruit falls before it ripens. The National Gardening Association recommends a late winter dressing of 5 to 10 pounds of well-rotted compost to provide nutrients. Give young trees 20 to 25 square feet of space and keep them 12 feet away from a building to avoid cramping their roots. Trees begin producing fruit at three to five years of age.

How many chromosomes are in a persimmon?

Hardy Persimmons. The native American persimmon family has two main branches; tetraploids, containing 60 chromosomes and hexaploids, containing 90. Although the hardiness ranges of the two groups intersect in the South, hexaploids’ grow in cold climate areas further north where teraploids could not survive.

Where do persimmons grow?

Persimmons grow in temperate climates around the world but the hardiest trees grow in North America. American persimmon (Diospyros virginian a) are native in the southeast U.S. and grow as far north as USDA Hardiness Zone 5.

Who is Laura Reynolds?

An avid perennial gardener and old house owner , Laura Reynolds has had careers in teaching and juvenile justice. A retired municipal judgem Reynolds holds a degree in communications from Northern Illinois University. Her six children and stepchildren served as subjects of editorials during her tenure as a local newspaper editor.

How to cut persimmons off a tree?

Some varieties will remain hard, while others will become soft when they're ripe. If you have an Asian persimmon tree, use a pair of handheld pruning shears to cut the fruit off of the tree.

How to keep a tree from evaporating?

5. Cover the base of the tree with mulch to keep the roots cool. Scatter mulch around the base of the tree in a circle to cover the displaced soil. Make sure the mulch is about 1 inch (2.5 cm) thick or more to prevent water evaporation, as well. Opt for a thicker, organic mulch, such as shredded wood or bark nuggets.

Why is it important that the base of a tree sits above the surrounding soil?

It's important that the base of the tree sits above the surrounding soil since the tree will settle further into the soil when watered.

How long does it take for persimmons to ripen?

Tip: If the wildlife begins to eat your fruit, harvest the persimmons early, and place them in a bag with a banana for 7-10 days to ripen them. Store the bag in a warm room to speed up the ripening process.

What is the best mulch for a tree?

It's best to use an organic mulch, since it will break down as the tree grows, adding nutrients to the soil.

When do persimmons grow?

Usually if ordered online, bare root persimmon saplings are harvested in December or January and are shipped in the winter and early spring. Be careful when you transport the tree, as the roots will be bare. It's easiest to grow the tree from a sapling rather than a seed, since the seeds can be difficult to cultivate.

Which persimmons withstand the most shade?

American varieties of persimmons will withstand more shade and less ideal soil than Asian varieties.


1.Persimmon Tree Care: Learn How To Grow Persimmon …


7 hours ago The American persimmon tree can grow wild in eastern United States and typically thrives in USDA zones 5 through 9; however, it can be grown as far north as Canada depending on how …

2.American Persimmon Cultivation: Information About …


3 hours ago  · The American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) tree has grown for thousands of years in the wild from as far north as Connecticutand south down into Florida. They grow …

3.How to Grow Persimmon Trees - The Spruce


28 hours ago  · These trees are rather slow-growing and it can take seven to 10 years for them to be fruit-bearing. When ripe, the fruit has what can be described as a custard-like texture and …

4.Growing Persimmons: The Complete Guide to Plant, …


13 hours ago American Persimmons American persimmons ( Diospyros virginiana) are bitter when unripe. The trees grow larger than Asian varieties, reaching 35-50 feet tall. They’re more cold hardy than …

5.How to Plant and Grow a Persimmon Tree | HGTV


23 hours ago American persimmon trees are the largest of the species, so consider the size of your planting area before buying an American variety. Mature size can be anywhere from 35' to 50' tall …

6.Cold Climate Persimmon Trees | Home Guides | SF Gate


13 hours ago  · American persimmon (Diospyros virginian a) are native in the southeast U.S. and grow as far north as USDA Hardiness Zone 5. Midwestern horticulturists and researchers …

7.Easy Ways to Plant a Persimmon Tree: 9 Steps (with …


12 hours ago  · Asian persimmon trees prefer climates where the temperature doesn't fall below 0 °F (−18 °C) and must be planted in early spring. For American varieties, it's safe to plant in …

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